Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 613 Mysteries vs Mysteries

Using a move that has been used once will not be as effective again, which may be true for an opponent like Doflamingo.

It's a pity that Doflamingo dodged this railgun, but the aftermath broke his glasses.

How Misaka sister and Zhang Da also used the railgun to hit Jack, Doflamingo could see clearly through the image phone bug.

His attention was always on Zhang Daye, and he immediately dodged when he saw him raising his hand.

If there was anything that surprised him, it was the speed of the move and how shameless Zhang Tatsuya was.

A sneak attack in the middle of speaking. Is this something that a person who came here specifically to seek justice could do?

The normal style of painting should be to shout slogans such as "For xxx, I will definitely defeat you", come to fight head-on, and then be defeated by me using insidious means, right?

And you have to be careful with these two people next. This unknown move, except that it is slower and has a trace, is just like Kizaru's laser.

"Young Master, let me stop him!" Monet stood up and blew a large amount of snowflakes towards Zhang Daye, "Snowstorm!"

Buffalo in the sky made a small circle in the sky, his head pointed at Zhang Daye and spun quickly: "Damn you, how dare you lie to us! Sufeng Matasaburo!"

Baby-5 turned his arm into a cannon barrel and fired at Zhang Daye: "Don't even think about hindering the young master!"

"The Roar of the Heavenly Dragon!" Wendy opened her mouth, and a tornado blew back all the strong winds created by Buffalo and the shells fired by Baby-5, almost overturning the two of them.

Then she shouted: "Leave the air battle to us, Xia Lulu!"

"Here we come!" Xia Lulu dropped the weapon in her hand, spread her wings and grabbed Wendy.

Attacking enemies alone is just her side job. Working with Wendy as a wing and partner is her favorite thing.

The two immediately took off into the air and chased Baffaro.

Baby-5 fired, but Xia Lulu dodged flexibly.

Seeing that she was about to be overtaken, Baby-5 turned her upper body into a big knife. Buffalo grabbed her ankle and rotated her arm around her body. The big knife rotated and slashed towards Wendy and Xia Lulu.

"Power up, Arms!" Wendy first added power-boosting defensive magic to herself and Xia Lulu, then wrapped the wind around her ankles, "Celestial Dragon's Hook!"

Clang! The ankle and the blade were separated as soon as they touched each other. Wendy was unhurt, but Buffalo and Baby-5 were kicked backwards.

"Damn it, you're obviously a little girl, why are you so strong!" Baby-5 didn't know that Wendy was about the same age as her.

Buffalo was unconvinced and said: "No matter, use that trick, we will definitely defeat them!"

At this time, the battle below was also continuing. Zhang Da also used a move modified from T Penn's 'Flying Bird' to bypass the blizzard and pointed directly at Monet, and then used a 'Chop' move to fly towards Doflamingo.

Doflamingo wanted to rescue Sugar, but he had to stop him.

"Snow wall!" Monet turned into snowflakes to pass Zhang Tatsuya's 'flying bird', and then built a snow wall in front of the chopper.

This wall is said to be as hard as steel, but the hardness of steel is really not impressive in front of Zhang Daye now. 'Chop' penetrated the snow wall like tofu and chopped on Monet's body.

"Ah~" Monet was caught off guard by this move, and a huge wound appeared on his chest, which was shaking.

"If I have to stop you, I'll kill you first!" Zhang Da didn't have any sympathy for her. She was an enemy when she stood on the opposite side. Whether she wanted to listen to the story or sympathize with the opponent, she had to wait until the fight was over. If she could survive, if.

"Ghost Bamboo Thorn!" A pitch-black bamboo stood against Zhang Daye's sword, and Virgo came to the rescue injured. "We still have accounts to settle, Mr. Zhang Daye!"

At this time, Vergo's clothes were in tatters, his arms and chest were still stained with blood, and the blood at the corners of his mouth had not been wiped clean. The spoon stuck to his cheek seemed to have been knocked off by the attack just now, and was no longer hanging funny.

"Settling accounts? Are you asking for medical expenses?" Zhang Da also carried forward the style of chatting without delaying the fight, and shot a beam of lightning from his forehead, pointing directly at Vergo's face.

Vergo once again let his armored domineering energy cover his body, preparing to resist - he wasn't sure if Monet behind him could withstand this move.

At this time, another old man pounced from the side: "G~~~ Di Weng Fist, Back Pain Style, Eye Sudden Withering!"

"Murloc Karate·Five Thousand Wa Shoken!" Shark Chili has already put away the Shark Giant. He doesn't want to be a target anymore.

At present, no soldiers dare to approach the battlefield. They are all attacking the shark giant from a distance. Ordinary rifles in this world are of no use against the shark giant, but some special shells and rockets will still cause problems if they are hit too much.

The collision between the fishman karate and Rao G's original Diweng fist set off shock waves in the surroundings.

Hearing a click, Rao G took a few steps back, covering his waist with one hand, and his body trembled slightly: "My waist..."

He is already 60 years old, and his style is a bit like the Third Tsuchikage Onoki on the set next door. He suffers from back pain but has amazing fighting ability.

Shark Chili looked at him and felt a little embarrassed: "Old man, don't go to the battlefield, right? And even an old man shouldn't make a sneak attack!"

Rao G put his hands in the shape of a capital letter 'G' and denied: "No, the older you get, the more pain you feel, and the more painful it is, the harder your strikes will be! This is the G of Di Weng Fist!"

Rao G's body swelled up, much like Tom when he got the Bull Talisman. To be more precise, it looked like the transformation of Kame Sennin in Dragon Ball before he used Kame Style Qigong to hit the moon.

In just a few seconds, he transformed from a hunched and skinny old man into a tall, muscular man.

"This is a qigong technique that begins training and preserving strength from a young age so that you can fight even when you are sick, injured, or old. It is the ultimate secret technique of Diweng Fist: Fighting Protection Fist!"

Being able to create such a boxing technique from scratch, it should be said that this old man is also a physical genius. Judging from the contrast before and after he uses this move, this move has an exaggerated effect than the return of life. After all, he has practiced hard for decades. Stored power.

Shark Chili no longer regards him as an ordinary old man. He feels that since he came to this world, the old people he has met are more energetic than the last, which is eye-opening.

"There is such a move! There is no other way. I don't have much time. I will kill you with this next move!"

The time for Shark Pepper's transformation was coming soon. He seized the moment and formed a palm with his left hand in front of him, while his right hand was behind to accumulate strength. He used special techniques to gather the moisture in the air, forming a water ball that wrapped around his right hand.

"I now have power beyond my prime, as well as proficient skills that have been honed for decades. No one can defeat me!" Rao G formed a G shape with his two forearms and faced Shark Pepper.

"The secret of fish-man karate: Buraikan!"

"Di Weng Fist·G's Seal!"

Rao G has a catchphrase, G! xxx's G!

But his mantra is related to the pronunciation of some Japanese words. I really can’t restore it well, so I’ll just briefly explain it.

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