Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 612 Tatsuya has become stronger, but still has no martial ethics

The bullet passed through the bodies of Ye Yan and Perona, and landed on the heel of the shark giant, making a clanging sound.

Baby-5 said in surprise: "It hit, it hit!"

"Idiot, idiot! Hey~hey~" Buffalo also shouted, "Go to hell! You deserve it!"

The five of them attacked together, and no one was hurt by Pica, Senior and Monet. Only they killed two of them as soon as they came up. It was indeed their most powerful combination!

Buffalo and Baby-5, one is 20 years old and the other is 14 years old, both are as happy as children.

But others are not so optimistic. How could the people in the Amber Tour group die so casually?

Looking carefully, the wounds on Ye Yan and Perona who were hit by bullets have recovered quickly.

Doflamingo and the cadres who knew how to see and hear Haki suddenly discovered that those two were not human at all.

"Violet! Where are Madonna and Princess Mononoke?" Doflamingo had a bad premonition.

"Huh?" Violet was startled and said doubtfully, "Is it right behind the steel giant?"

"Those two are fake! I ask you where are you really?"

"Fake? How is it possible?" Violet looked around and could not see where the two men were fake.

Doflamingo pointed at the snowflakes on the battlefield, and when Violet looked again, she realized that the snowflakes had all passed through when they fell on them.

"Find those two people for me!"

"Yes..." Violet closed her eyes and activated her ability to cast her sights across the country.

At this time, almost every house in Dressrosa closed its doors and closed its windows, waiting for the war to end, but some people were still active.

For example, some people in black suits are quietly moving towards the battlefield with weapons; a man wearing a cloak, helmet and visor, and holding a long sword is heading towards the palace; there is also a mushroom toy and a bear toy rushing towards the toy. s home……

Why mushroom toys?

Wait a moment!

Violet focused her eyes on the man in the blue cloak. Isn't this... this figure her father?

"Ah..." Violet covered her mouth in surprise.

Doflamingo thought she had made a discovery: "Where?"

Violet naturally did not dare to talk about her father's affairs, and quickly said: "Yes... there are many people moving towards here. I don't know if they are enemies or friends. There are also two strange toys that are about to enter the toy house." !”

Doflamingo probably knew who the person who had quietly touched him was, but those two strange toys...

"Sure enough, we are going for Sugar!" Considering that the abilities of both Madman and Princess Mononoke were weird, Doflamingo was worried that Torrebol and Jorah would not be able to protect Sugar, so he hurriedly jumped into the air.

"The secret is revealed, no need to pretend, stop him!" Zhang Daye shouted, and kicked away several soldiers who were rushing towards him with his Lan kick. He held swords in both hands and aimed at Doflamingo, "Light Pollution Version· Overlord" !”

Haki, magic, dark energy, true energy, dragon-slaying magic, qi, electric shock, all the energy that can be skillfully controlled were mixed into this sword technique and thrown out.

That colorful attack ensured that the two giants in the small garden would not recognize that this was a swordsmanship adapted from their own moves.

'Ye Yan' and 'Perona' stopped pretending, and each decomposed into three negative ghosts. They rushed towards Doflamingo in the sky and surrounded him from all directions.

This is the ghost clone that Perona developed in order to be lazy in front of Zhang Tatsuya. When she was in the naval training camp, she wanted the clone to go to class for her.

Now this trick came in handy - Zhang Da originally wanted Tom to make two wooden signboards, but he still had to carry them around, which was too conspicuous.

The ghost clone can at least float close to the ground and pretend to walk, and can even make more precise movements under Perona's control, making it more realistic.

As for the real bodies of Ye Yan and Perona, they had already separated from everyone halfway to attack Sugar. Ye Yan said that although the flag demons were a bit tricked, they were still his demons after all, and it was impossible not to worry.

Ye Yan was not sure whether the flag demon would die if he was beaten after being turned into a toy.

Fortunately, these guys didn't forget to tell Ye Yan the location of Sugar before taking action. Just in case, Zhang Da also asked him to bring Perona with him, who could not only help with reconnaissance, but also have unreasonable control capabilities.

Pika's stone giant raised its huge arm to block Doflamingo's attack, but was stopped by Artoria, who cut her arm and body in half with her sword.

Arturia seemed to have noticed where Pika's true form was, and then she forced Pika out with a horizontal and vertical sword.

Doflamingo in the air actually relies on his own threads to connect to the surrounding things, even the white clouds in the sky, to pull him to move, and is not that flexible in the air.

He judged that Zhang Daye's sword was difficult to catch, so he freed his hand to release countless thin threads: "Cobweb wall!"

Thin threads are densely woven into the shape of a spider web. Doflamingo often uses this move to resist attacks. It is very effective in dealing with blunt blows such as fists, feet, and sticks. It is also difficult for ordinary swords to break through the defense.

But Zhang Daye's sword was naturally not an ordinary sword. This colorful attack fell on the thread and broke the thin thread in an instant, and the light went straight into Doflamingo's left eye.

——Tom grabbed Doflamingo's right eye, and today Zhang Da also came to hit his left eye.

Doflamingo didn't know if he remembered this past incident, his face darkened, but fortunately Vergo appeared in time, knocked Doflamingo away, and crossed his hands in front of him to welcome this attack.

It's not that Vergo is faster than Doflamingo, but that he keeps staring at Zhang Tatsuya and wants to kill the guy who ruined his undercover plan.

Although he knew that Zhang Daye had made rapid progress, after all, he had beaten Zhang Daye before. Vergo never thought that he would be worse than him. He had made progress, couldn't I?

Vergo believed that the last time he was beaten at the Navy Headquarters, it was just because he was in poor condition and was dedicated to protecting his master.

This time, as soon as he noticed that Zhang Da was also trying to take action, Vergo had already jumped up and used the moon step to rush forward. Now that the iron block and armed color were fully domineering, Vergo believed that his defense must be...


"Pfft..." Vergo spit out a mouthful of old blood. What kind of messy move is this?

It felt like a slash, but also like an impact, and it also came with an electric shock. After this move, there was already an extra wound on his arm, and he was almost fractured by the impact. The terrible thing was that it was not completely broken. After blocking it, it felt like someone had hit my chest with a sledgehammer.

Vergo was thrown away and hit the stone with his head, shattering it into pieces.

"Corazon!" Doflamingo said subconsciously. After seeing and hearing that Vergo's aura was still there, he glared at Zhang Daye angrily, "You guys, you really dare to do this..."

"What do you think I'm here for, to appreciate your stinky face?" Zhang Daye held a sword in one hand and put his other hand in his pocket. On the surface, he looked cool, but in fact he was touching small steel balls in his pocket:

"And I should be the one who said this, right? Do you really dare to let him use the code name Corazon?"

"Furafuran...what will happen if you use it?" Doflamingo said, "What interests me is that you seem to know a lot of things."

"I know too many things, so you are not afraid of the Warring States Marshal..." In the middle of his words, Zhang Daye, as always unruly in martial arts, suddenly raised his hand.

Bilibili~zizi...a burst of electric light flashed, and the electromagnetic gun shot out of the sky!

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