They chose Xia Lulu and Jackie Chan because they seemed a little easier to bully - they couldn't hit the shark giant with more powerful firepower, and it was useless for them to hit the two natural types who played with guns.

The experience of snipers tells them that they should consider moving if they miss a hit, but their speed cannot match Thunder.

When Misaka realized that the people hiding on the high ground were snipers, she rewarded each of them with a thunderbolt.

After the two thunders, the snipers were a little afraid to move. It was too scary to be struck by lightning as soon as they fired a shot.

A few seconds later, an unbeliever took aim with his gun, and then another bolt of lightning fell on his head.

This is not over yet. Misaka may have disliked the low cost performance, so she directly carried a 'bazooka'. Others thought it was a rocket launcher, but in fact what was fired was a Stinger anti-aircraft missile, which Emiya Kiritsugu used to masturbate when he was young. That type.

Zhang Da also didn't pay attention to how Misaka operated. Anyway, the missile landed on the high ground impartially, a burst of fire flashed, and several snipers were blown away.

The pirates were caught off guard by the counterattack of the Amber Tour Group. They always used their numerical advantage and weapon advantage to bully others. Even if the battle situation was slightly unfavorable, there would be cadres who would take action to defeat the many with less and destroy the enemy.

When was it their turn to be beaten so badly by others!

Are all the members of this amber tour group monsters? Why do we have to fight such a monster!

Violet, who had great expectations for the Amber Tour Group, was almost dumbfounded. With her "clairvoyance" ability, she could fully observe the changes in the battlefield from an aerial perspective.

She was surprised to find that the offensive and defensive formation of more than 4,000 pirates was being broken through by just a dozen people at an incredible speed.

The dark crowd was falling one by one, and this was even when there were two people in the Amber tour group and one duck never made a move!

Although the cadres of the Don Quixote family have not taken action yet, Violet has some understanding of their abilities, and few of them can fight together with ordinary soldiers.

Once you take action, it means giving up the advantage of numbers. Many of the cadres are close combat types. Even if the soldiers want to shoot, they can't also shoot their own cadres, right?

If this continues, maybe we can actually win!

But the biggest problem is-

"The Navy's warships are coming soon. There are three large warships in total, the one at the front." Violet's voice was a little low. "According to their speed, it is expected to take twenty to thirty minutes to dock. The leading Lieutenant General... Mo He has a Western haircut, a handlebar mustache, a striped suit, and a samurai sword on his waist.”

The expression on Doflamingo's face remained unchanged, but he felt a little relieved that he finally had good news. According to her description, it was the flying squirrel from the G-1 branch, right?

"If we wait another half hour, we can't let them continue fighting like this." Doflamingo said, "Pica, Senior, get rid of those two guys. Monet, Buffalo and Baby-5 You guys take action too.”

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

Pika sank into the ground, and then the high ground not far away began to deform, turning into a hundred-meter-tall stone giant that looked the same as Pika.

The stone giant waved his fist and hit the shark giant, which was only one-tenth of his height.

And Senior plunged into the ground like a dive, and then swam in the ground until he swam towards the battlefield.

He is a user with the ability of the Superman Yuyou Fruit. He can treat the ground or walls as water and swim in them at will, which is a bit like practicing magic on the ground. (Some versions translate it into water fruit)

Senior once had a relatively happy family, but then his child died and his wife became a vegetative state. In order to make his wife smile, he put on his child's clothes and never changed them again.

Over the years, he has been wearing a pink baby hat, biting a pacifier, and wearing a baby diaper, and he doesn't care even if he is considered a pervert.

And because of his "hard-core style" that ordinary people can't understand, such as wiping his mouth with the skirt or hood of the lady next to him after eating, calling the girls who screamed at him "little girls who don't understand anything"... But like this Instead, his style attracted a large number of fans.

Probably only Frankie can understand him.

Senior swam all the way until the "water surface" emerged behind Jackie Chan. He stretched out his arms and hugged Jackie Chan's waist, wanting to throw him over the bridge.

Baby-5 jumped on Baffaro's back, and the two of them flew into the sky with the sound of the propellers. Baby-5 sometimes turned its hands into machine guns, sometimes into cannon barrels, and tilted its fire downwards from the air.

Monet did not join the battlefield immediately, but opened his arms, causing snow to fall on the heads of the Amber Tour Group. Then he inhaled to accumulate power and sprayed out a snow tornado.

"It's the cadres who took action!"

"Lord Pika! Lord Senior! And Lord Monet!"

The morale of the pirates is high. If the cadres take action, they will be saved!

But some people looked at the shadows above their heads with horrified expressions: "Hey, if Master Pika also takes action, our position will not be good, right?"

"Yes, that's what you said. As for Master Pika..."

"Idiot, run quickly, spread out!"

Huge fists came down like a blanket, and even the pirates who were not directly below were so frightened that they even rolled away and crawled away. They didn't dare to stop to pick up their lost shoes.

The pressure on Shark Pepper was also great. One of the stone giant's fists was almost bigger than the shark giant. He raised the shark mouth cannon and blasted it several times, causing gravel to fly.

One fist was badly damaged, but Pika continued to attack regardless, not even trying to repair it.

Arturia jogged two steps, jumped onto the shoulder of the shark giant, and split the stone giant's entire arm vertically in the middle with a sword. Shark Pepper waved the shark fin ship-cutting knife and knocked the stone arm hard towards Don Quixote. The position of the German family.

"Split...split it!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Run away!"

The pirates on both sides of the battlefield exploded, screaming and running away.

"No need to panic, I'm here." Diamanti jumped up and reached out to touch half of the stone arm. The arm immediately fluttered like a flag, and under his control, the other half of the stone arm flew away.

The out-of-control stone fell to the open space, causing a tremor on the ground.

"Lord Diamanti!"

"Keep fighting." Diamanti enjoyed the cheers of his subordinates, but unfortunately now was not the time for him to enjoy it in peace.

On the other side, Jackie Chan was hugged by Senior and fell backwards, but he reacted quickly, supported the ground with both hands, did a back handspring flexibly, got out of Senior's arms, and made a quick move after landing. Sweep your legs.

While Senior was kicked down, Uncle Long flew up and raised his arm to hit him with his elbow.

Although I don’t know where this person came from to attack, I want to deal with him first.

Then, Uncle Long became tragic.

Because Senor fell to the ground and directly used his fruit ability to sink, Uncle Long was shocked, but this elbow hit the ground hard.

Jackie Chan held his arms and rolled on the ground in pain: "Oh... Oh, bad luck! Can this guy know how to escape from the earth?"

After Senior sank, Monet's snowspout happened to blow, and Uncle Long jumped up like a carp and ran away.

Just when he was about to blow it up with the Dragon Talisman, Wendy was already in front: "Tianryu's Namikaze!"

The tornado created by Wendy was entangled with Monet's snow tornado, and quickly subsided, and the snowflakes inside were torn into fine ice crystals.

Buffalo, who was flying in the sky, circled behind the shark giant and made a silly voice: "There is a flaw, Baby-5!"

"Okay!" Baby-5's arm turned into a machine gun and fired rows of bullets, beating Ye Yan and Perona who were hiding behind the shark giant into sieves.

Senior, whose full name is Senior Pico. It should be more normal for Doflamingo and the others to call him by his name, but I feel that Pico and Pica are easy to confuse and misspell, so I just write Senior. Okay, it’s a little more recognizable.

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