Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 599 The Midnight Bell

Doflamingo is very busy, he has been very busy for more than a month.

Being a king is not an easy thing, of course, Hunjun said otherwise.

Doflamingo can be regarded as a tyrant, but he is by no means a coward. He manages Dressrosa as his own territory.

He not only has to manage various production, trade, talks and other matters on the surface of this country, but also carefully handles the more important underground exchanges, secretly meeting and trading with important figures from major forces.

Now Doflamingo is no longer just a Shichibukai with thousands of troops from the Don Quixote family. He has joined Kaido's line and is becoming an important figure for many countries and forces to secretly purchase weapons. channel.

In his own words, the reins of these monsters in the New World are slowly being taken into his hands!

Everything seemed to be going well, but if there was anything unsatisfactory, it was that Hawkeye had been staying in neighboring Prudence after leaving Dressrosa, and he also brought the princess of the previous royal family with him.

This made Doflamingo a little afraid, so he always arranged for people to pay attention to Hawkeye's movements.

Hawkeye didn't notice because the person responsible for this matter was Violet, a user with the stare fruit ability, Shukaret's sister, and the second daughter of King Riku.

She can extend her vision to 4,000 kilometers and is truly a clairvoyant.

At such a long distance, even if the eagle's eyes were sharp enough to feel that someone was watching him, he would only think of it as a passerby or a bird.

It is because of this ability of great strategic value that Doflamingo agreed to let King Riku go in exchange for Violet serving for him.

Today's affairs were almost settled. Doflamingo called Violet, held a red wine glass, crossed his legs and asked, "How is that guy doing?"

"As before, he took Shukaret and Rebecca to live in the Kingdom of Prudence. However, today he met a group of special people."

Violet was not willing to talk about her job, but this mission allowed her to confirm that her sister was safe at all times and was doing well, which made her slightly relieved.

Violet didn't dare to hide what she saw, because Doflamingo also had people in the Kingdom of Prudence, and he could send people over to verify it at any time. If he lied, his father's life would not be saved.

"Don't show off, who are you special people?"

"It seems like...Amber Tour Group."

"Who?" The wine glass in his hand was almost crushed. Doflamingo would not forget the humiliation he suffered at the Navy Headquarters.

He asked: "Are you sure it's them?"

Violet didn't know why Doflamingo had such a big reaction, so she honestly described everyone's characteristics to him.

Blue cats, robots, little girls, girls with cat ears...it's them, you can't go wrong.

Doflamingo knew that it would be a matter of time for these guys to come to the New World, but he didn't expect that they would be so sudden, heading straight to the Kingdom of Prudence without making any movement? This doesn't fit their style.

So the only explanation is that their goal is here. Do they want to expose the Shichibukai, save Dressrosa, and become heroes here like they did in Alabasta?

"Fufufufu..." Doflamingo had to admit that these people were difficult to deal with, but this was his territory, and this was also an opportunity to make them disappear and avenge himself and his men.

He touched his right eye, that hateful cat!


"Young Master." The woman with long green hair who had been standing quietly by the side walked up and bowed slightly. She was Doflamingo's secretary and Sugar's sister.

Violet looked at her with a very unfriendly look. This woman once went undercover to the palace and found out everything about the situation inside. Although her actions may not have a great impact on the final outcome, they ultimately provide great convenience for Doflamingo's actions.

Doflamingo seemed not to notice Violet's eyes and said, "Find out the information about the Amber Tour Group, including the marked ones."

"Yes, young master." Monet opened the bookcase where important documents were placed and skillfully took out two documents.

Doflamingo took out two pieces of paper and said, "Publish these two things, especially to ensure that Big Mom knows about it."

"Find someone to pass this share to Germa 66."

"This one..." Doflamingo took back his hand, "Forget it, I'll handle it myself. Go ahead and send someone to see what Jack is doing."

"Yes." Monet took the document and exited the room.

Doflamingo picked up the phone bug and said to Violet, "You can leave now."

Violet bowed slightly, then turned and left. She was so surprised that she couldn't speak. Who are the Amber Tour Group, and why did Doflamingo contact so many people immediately after hearing about them?

Big Mom Pirates, Germa 66, and Jack from the Beast Pirates... Each of these forces alone can already intimidate one party, right?

Suddenly contacting these people, is the Amber Tour Group here for Doflamingo?


Violet immediately stopped and her body shook involuntarily.

Doflamingo said: "Continue to monitor the movements of Hawkeye and Amber's tour group, and report to me any situation at any time. Also, you... won't do anything unnecessary, right?"

"Yes, of course not." Violet was already desperate. Two Yonko pirates, a legendary evil army, and the person Doflamingo was about to contact personally...

Don't talk about the Kohaku Tour Group and the Shichibukai Hawkeye. In this case, no one can save Dressrosa, right?

Violet now hopes that no one will come over. She hopes that her sister and daughter will leave here with Hawkeye or Amber Tour Group, and at least they can save their lives.

Seeing Violet leave in despair, Doflamingo pulled a smile on his lips and dialed the number used to contact the Five Old Stars.

It's not that he is a coward, but he knows that the Kohaku Tour Group are all lunatics. They are a group of people who dare to attack the Shichibukai at the Navy Headquarters under the eyes of the former admiral.

God knows what Dressrosa will do when they come.

Instead of reacting passively, it is better to pull in all the help you can get and destroy them in one go!

At night, the weather was slightly cool, and layers of thick clouds blocked the moon.

However, according to Wendy's weather forecast, there will be no heavy rain tonight, so there is no need to worry about the Amber anchored in the port.

Everyone had booked a few rooms in the hotel where Hawkeye was temporarily staying, and had already fallen asleep. Zhang Daye and Tom were still in the same room, sleeping soundly with the same snot bubble hanging on each person and the cat.

Porlu porphyr por...

It was already late at night, but the phone rang at an inappropriate time.

Title: "The Ring at Midnight?" 》

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