Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 598 Zhang Da also wants to have one more person to support him

"So that's it." Zhang Da also nodded. In the final analysis, this incident was because Artoria had a fight with Hawkeye, which made Hawkeye think that he was not yet at the top of the swordsman, so Run to new worlds to find more worthy opponents.

It is precisely because of this that Hawkeye came here to trouble Doflamingo. When he thought that he had some 'credit' here, Zhang Da was so beautiful that his nose was filled with snot. The flamingo deserved it!

Speaking of which, Hawkeye is really good at picking his opponents, broken arms, broken legs, blind people... How about introducing Rayleigh to him some other time?

Everyone chatted for a long time, but the waiter had already pushed the dining cart over to serve the food, and all kinds of delicacies quickly covered the table.

At this time, the restaurant owner was grieving - will Shichibukai pay for the meal? Or if Shichibukai gives money later, will he accept it?

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat. You're welcome to eat whatever you want!" Zhang Da also greeted Rebecca and Shukarite, a bit like being a guest.

Shukaret probably hadn't seen such a sumptuous dinner for a long time, so he hesitated and said, "Isn't this too extravagant?"

Hawkeye glanced at her but said nothing. Based on his understanding of the amber mass, he should be worried about whether this little thing is enough.

Sure enough, as soon as the word "dinner" came out, it was like a signal that a battle had begun. The food on the plate disappeared quickly, and sometimes the plate disappeared too.

Little Rebecca was shocked. Who are these people? So...so awesome!

Perona and Weiwei pushed their favorite food in front of Rebecca, holding their sister's position: "Eat more to grow taller~"

"Yeah! Thank you!" Rebecca began to eat hard.

Wendy next to her was about to hand over something she liked, but when she heard them talking, she stuffed it into her mouth and quickly grabbed various foods and wolfed them down.

Xia Lulu said helplessly: "Hey..."

Food and drinks were served one after another. Not only had most of the people at the table stopped eating, but they were the only ones left in the entire restaurant.

Rebecca's belly had swelled under the feeding of her 'sisters'. She leaned on the chair and looked at Arturia and Tom who were still eating with admiring eyes.

‘I wish I could eat so much, everything here is delicious. ’ Rebecca thought with envy.

Shukaret has been restless since the two sides talked about old times. She looked at Weiwei, then at Zhang Tatsuya, and finally made up her mind and said: "Excuse me, the former Shichibukai Crocodile is trying to seize the throne in Alabasta. Was it really you who stopped him?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "That's right."

"I...I..." Shukaret tightened his grip on his long skirt and bowed, "Please...no, please help us! There must be a conspiracy about Dressrosa. Father, father, he It must have been framed by Doflamingo!"

In fact, Shukaret didn't know what the truth was. She only knew that her father was very good to the people and believed that he would not be able to do such a thing.

But it doesn't matter. Zhang Da knew the truth anyway and said, "Well, sit down first. In fact, we happened to have a friend who was caught by him and we were about to cause trouble for him."

Shukarite showed an expression of surprise, and Hawkeye stopped holding his wine glass for a moment.

Zhang Da also signaled Hawkeye with his eyes: "But I'm a little curious, why don't you ask him for help?"

"Mr. Mihawk?" Shukarite glanced at him cautiously and said, "Although he is also a Shichibukai, he is only one person, and the Don Quixote family is already large in number, and now it is possible to accept He took part of the kingdom’s army..."

Rui Mengmeng, who had been listening carefully, whispered: "Eagle Eye is only one person, but there are only a dozen of us..."

Shukarite seemed to know that this was a bit too much, and he blushed and said: "Because you have a precedent of successfully defeating the Shichibukai, and I heard that there was also a story of defeating a large pirate group with one against a hundred, so...so... "

You also need experience to conquer the Shichibukai, right? This sister really doesn't know how strong Hawkeye is.

Zhang Da also thought about it and said to Hawkeye with a smile: "Are you angry that you were underestimated? Do you want to follow us to kill Doflamingo and prove yourself?"

"Boring." The eagle eye can see through Zhang Daye's little calculation at a glance. He is not interested in being a knife for others unless there is someone he really wants to kill on the other side.

"Then what if I tell you that the sword fighter you are looking for is in Dressrosa, but he was plotted by Doflamingo and cannot fight you for the time being. All he needs to do is defeat Doflamingo? "

Hawkeye said: "If this is the case, it means that he is not worth me looking for."

Tsk~ This person is so difficult to deal with. Zhang Da also asked: "Then why are you still here?"

"Just to find out why I came to find a swordsman who may only exist in legends."

Although Hawkeye didn't know that there was something wrong with his memory, he could detect the irrationality in his behavior. He didn't think it was just a sudden thought.

"What a coincidence, I happen to know the reason." Zhang Da also found a breakthrough. Now he really wants to pull Hawkeye onto the pirate ship.

As a habitual offender who fought against the Shichibukai, he was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the pressure just by relying on the little fish and shrimp turned into toys by sugar, as well as King Riku's family.

I feel sorry for Ai Yin when I say this, but she is also in the category of small fish and shrimp.

Although she is a disciple of Zefa, her class is not the last batch of disciples of Zefa. Even outstanding students may not be so important to Zefa. As long as they can go back safely, Zefa may not do what he wants. What.

So as long as there is a chance, there is still one more person to take the blame, and it is very suitable for Zhang Da to look at Hawkeye.

Ye Yan leaned lazily on the chair, eating the fruit after the meal one bite at a time. He felt that he always wanted to trick people. It was not good for him to just sit back and watch here, so - he could always help in any way he could. Woolen cloth?

Hawkeye looked at Zhang Daye: "You know?"

"Well, there is a person with abilities who uses his abilities to make that person 'disappear'. Everyone has no memory of him, so you can't remember who you were looking for in the first place, and neither does anyone else." Zhang Daye Don't tell him the reason directly.

"And because that person has an undefeated record of 3,000 games in the arena, he is regarded as a figure in legends, so we can still get a little bit of information."

Zhang Da also glanced at Shukarite. Although you didn't see Cyrus, you did see his wife and children.

"Don't look at me with that look." Zhang Da also looked at Hawkeye's eyes and said unhappily, "I'm not going to deliberately make up such an ability. If you lie to you, I will be captured by your baboon to grow vegetables. .”

Eagle Eye nodded slightly, seeming to believe what Zhang Daye said: "Then the last question, how do you know that there are baboons in my house that can grow vegetables?"

Zhang Daye: "..."

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