Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 600 Warring States: I am the marshal!

Tom heard the sound first. Half asleep, he stretched out his hand across Zhang Tatsuya and slapped the alarm clock on the bedside table.

Of course it was useless, the phone continued to ring.

Tom opened one eye to see what was going on.

At this time, Zhang Daye had also woken up. He dug out the phone bug on the chair where he had thrown his clothes a little irritably. After answering the call, he said angrily:

"Who are you? Why are you up so late at night?"

"I am Sengoku."

"Hey, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Zhang Daye's sleepiness dissipated a lot. He glanced at the time and said with a bit of schadenfreude, "Are you still working overtime? Do you get overtime pay?"

Zhang Da also watched helplessly as the word " # " appeared on the forehead of the phone bug in front of him, and his eyes became evil: "Thank you!"

Zhang Da also said: "Why are you getting involved with me again? I haven't caused any trouble recently?"

You haven't caused trouble 'yet', and you admit that you are going to cause trouble, right? Warring States gritted his teeth: "What are you going to do again?"

"A friend of mine was caught and I need to rescue him."

Warring States breathed a sigh of relief: "If you just want someone, I can come forward to negotiate. Don't act rashly!"

He also thought that Zhang Da was seeking revenge from Doflamingo for the conflict at the Navy Headquarters, or that he wanted to overturn King Riku's case or something.

Zhang Da also had a weird expression: "What a coincidence, that friend of mine happens to be from the Navy, and I met him in the training camp."

Zhang Da was not worried about whether the Warring States Period would bring him back or not.

Doflamingo would never let anyone turn into a toy, because letting one of them go would be equivalent to revealing Sugar's ability.

As long as a navy is returned, Sengoku has to think about whether he still has a navy in his hands, but I forgot.

Doflamingo couldn't afford the risk.

Zeng Guo was silent for a few seconds. He was a little embarrassed. As a navy marshal, he called the navy in the middle of the night to ask questions. It turned out that he was trying to save your navy.

"who is it?"

"Ai Yin, at the same time as Binz, was the student with the best performance in that training camp."

Warring States frowned. If he was the best student, then he should remember it, but now he has no impression at all.

Thinking about it rationally, Zhang Da would not lie to him about this kind of thing, but the best student in his memory was Binzi. Was he too busy with work and under a lot of pressure recently, so he remembered it wrong?

"Since it's the navy, it's more up to us to handle it. I'll ask him personally for the person he wants!" Warring States planned to check it out later, but for now, it's better to stabilize Zhang Daye first.

"How about this? I'll make a bet with you. If you can get him to release the people before dawn, we won't go to Dressrosa. If not, you can help us bear some pressure afterwards."

Zhang Da is also a generous person. If Doflamingo can ask someone to find connections to wake him up in the middle of the night, then he will also make it difficult for Doflamingo to sleep tonight.

Marshal of the Warring States Period also said just now that he would handle this matter personally, which is fair.


"Good night, Marshal Warring States, I feel like I can sleep until dawn."

Zhang Da also hung up the phone and lay down again. After thinking about it, he picked up the phone again and said, "Tom, put this quietly in Ye Yan's room."

Tom nodded, slipped out the door quietly, reached his hand through the crack in the door, and placed the phone bug on Ye Yan's bedside table.

Ye Yan, who was suffering from insomnia in the middle of the night, looked at the cat's paw that stretched in and then retracted: "..."

What is this for? Also, Tom wants to harm me again?

Zhang Da also took Tom to sleep soundly, but Zhan Guo couldn't sleep anymore.

Wulaoxing had just bypassed him as the marshal and directly assigned Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel of the G-1 branch to lead the team to Dressrosa overnight. The G-5 branch was also making preparations.

In name, they were going to hunt down pirates nearby. In fact, Sengoku knew that there were only two noteworthy pirates there, and they were both from the Shichibukai. Who were they going after?

On the one hand, Warring States sent people to get the student information from the previous training camp, and on the other hand, he called the five old stars. He wanted to ask what these old guys were going to do.

In the past two years, the Five Old Stars have almost become tired of hearing the name Amber Tour Group. Although a lot of things have happened, there is nothing to say on the surface, and the Navy has always listed them as a target to win over, so it doesn't matter. action.

But this time, the document Doflamingo sent them (with a phone bug similar to a fax machine) listed the good deeds Zhang Daye had done one by one.

Such as destroying job security in the Shampoo Islands, rescuing workers in the Bridge Kingdom, attacking CP5 in the City of Seven Waters, murdering Moria and Crocodile, and inciting uprisings in the Lucia Kingdom and the Drum Kingdom...

Doflamingo was sure that they did some things, but he was not sure about others, but as long as they had a little suspicion, he would just put it in place. Anyway, as long as the Five Old Stars knew that these people were rebellious, it would not be conducive to the World Government's maintenance of peace on the sea. Stability is enough.

As for whether it is true or not, regardless of whether it is true or not, these people were either present when the incident occurred, or they had just left recently.

Good news: Doflamingo is setting him up.

Bad news: The things he framed are basically true.

The Five Old Stars discussed for a while, and although they could not be sure whether Doflamingo's information was true or false, they did have to do something to protect him, and they could not let the Amber Tour Group act recklessly again.

As for how to reply to the Warring States period:

"This is our decision, and the Navy just needs to cooperate."

Warring States said angrily: "I am the marshal of the navy!"

"So?" Wulaoxing didn't care, "Have you forgotten why the navy exists?"

Warring States: "..."

Not only was the Gorohoshi not Danzo, he was also Sengoku's superior.

Warring States was very angry, but speechless. There were some things he already knew on the first day he became marshal of the navy.

Even if he wants to uphold justice, sometimes he has to get the nod from the people above him.

Why does justice require consent?

Warring States dropped the microphone, feeling that having been a naval marshal for more than a year was more tiring than being a general for ten years.

The headache was gone, and he couldn't ignore the matter. Seng Guo picked up the phone again and started dialing.

Zhang Da also slept quietly all night. It seemed that the Warring States Period was not able to settle things.

Early the next morning, Ye Yan threw the phone bug to him: "I'm looking for you, Marshal of the Warring States Period."

Zhang Da also greeted with a smile: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, are you up so early?"

Zhan Guo didn't bother to get angry with him. Among the people he talked to that night, this boy was already considered polite:

"Have you really made your decision?" Warring States still couldn't remember who Ai Yin was, but that wasn't the point now.

Zhang Da also said: "Well, we can't just leave our friends alone."

Sengoku said: "Have you ever considered that the consequences might be serious? Even if you did save a marine."

"Can't you handle this? I'm still thinking of recruiting more people to share the responsibility and get through it."

Zhang Da also thought about it and decided that he must still do it. This was something that had been decided a long time ago, otherwise he would be unhappy.

The consequence is nothing more than the possibility of facing the world government sending troops to besiege us, but we can make a quick decision and we might not wait until we finish work for the day before we have a meal, and they haven't arrived yet.

As for being wanted... I told everyone the consequences beforehand, but as long as I was doing the right thing, no one cared.

"We have thought about it. If you are wanted by then and you are forced to send someone to hunt him down, remember to send someone smarter."

I am the marshal!

You will regret this!

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