The coup d'état in the Kingdom of Lulucia soon became known to the whole world, and many kings laughed at the king of the Kingdom of Lulucia as unlucky and stupid.

If it weren't for the strange disease due to bad luck, neither the minister of state affairs nor the commander of the army would have the intention of rebellion. If it weren't for his stupid mishandling when he woke up, his loyal army commander would definitely do his best to help him stabilize the situation.

The kings have different minds, some people have put more emphasis on military power since then, some people have realized the importance of the people's hearts, and some people laugh at the stupidity of others, and are proud of their own wit—such as magnetic drums King Wapol of the Kingdom.

In order to maintain his rule, he promulgated one harsh law after another, and recently made the decision to expel doctors. Except for the 20 doctors in his castle, it is illegal for anyone to practice medicine.

Wapole believes that anyone will bow to the pain, as long as someone is sick, he can only go to the castle to beg, so that he can control the whole country by controlling the doctors.

Wapole is always proud of himself for coming up with such a solution, but he doesn't know that the newspaper has planted a seed in the hearts of many people. They are looking forward to a "Captain Lancer" who belongs to the Drum Kingdom. '.


Zhang Da also looked at Wei Wei, who is now "same age" as him: "Why do you ask this?"

"It feels very useful." Weiwei knew what Zhang Daye and Ye Yan did to the king that day, but she didn't understand why things turned out like that, so she had to ask Zhang Daye.

Zhang Da also thought about it, and said: "Then I'll tell you the history of a big country, starting from... the battle between Yanhuang and Chiyou. Forget it, let's talk about Daze Township first, and I will tell you tomorrow that the sky is dead, Huang Tian stand now."

Weiwei is ignorant, and it sounds like something she has never heard of before, but it seems very interesting.

Before Zhang Da could say a few words, Perona came over and looked at Zhang Da with her hands on her cheeks like Weiwei.

"Why are you here, don't you like studying?" Zhang Da also asked, "Do you like history?"

"It's not." Perona said, "History is too boring and I don't like it, but I like to listen to stories."

"History is sometimes better than stories." Zhang Da also said, "Next time I will tell you a story about the great magician Liu Xiu summoning a meteorite."

Perona said disdainfully: "What's the big deal, didn't you just say that uncle can summon meteorites with a smile, that Liu Xiu must also be a capable person."

Zhang Daye: ...

What she said makes sense!

In this damn world, calling a meteorite can make people feel immediately reasonable, can it be better?

After not staying in the Navy headquarters for too long, I have to go out for an internship again.

After all, the navy is a highly manipulative profession, which has high requirements for hands-on ability, so the internship arrangements for training camp students are relatively frequent.

The night before the departure, Zhang Da was also restored to his original state by Ai Yin, and then he went to fight Ye Yan.

That bitch Ye Yan picked up trouble more than once while Zhang Daye was getting smaller, and Zhang Daye has been accumulating anger these days.

The next morning when all the staff assembled, Zefa glanced at him and said nothing, and began to explain the internship plan.

Binz quietly asked, "Ye Yan, what's wrong?"

Zhang Da also thought about it, and said nonsense: "He, yesterday studied the unique body technique, but something went wrong. The hand Yangming's large intestine meridian was blocked, and his face was swollen."

"What kind of hands and scriptures?" Binz didn't understand a sentence, and he asked, "What kind of physical technique can make the eye sockets look like that?"

"Anyway, it's a unique physical skill that ordinary people can't practice." Zhang Da also comforted, "It's okay, it won't take long to recover."

"Is...really?" Binz was puzzled at first, and then showed an envious expression, "That's great, it must be a very powerful move, right?"

"Of course, it's so powerful that I can't help being happy for him when I think about it." Zhang Daye's expression gradually became uncontrollable.

The little girls of the Amber Tour Group covered their mouths to hold back their laughter, while the others looked up at the sky.

Ye Yan didn't say a word, thinking that he would wait for you to get smaller next time.

"The location of this internship is the Kingdom of Brugia, which is far away from the headquarters. Everyone, be prepared for a long-distance trip." The location of this internship was specially selected by Sengoku and Zefa, so that the Amber Tour Group can live in peace. Yes, complete the internship normally.

The distance from the headquarters means that it is also far from the holy land, and the probability of Tianlong people appearing in front of their eyes is relatively small. At the same time, the situation in this country is much better than that of the Kingdom of Lulucia. At least the king is more reliable and not a troublemaker.

Zefa continued: "Of course, because of the long distance, the time for this internship may be a little longer than before. Then, at the end, I will give everyone a little preparation time and start on time in half an hour."

The team was disbanded for the time being, and the sailors checked their luggage for the last time before leaving. Zhang Daye and the others did the same thing, but focused on checking the food reserves, and if there was not enough, they went to the logistics department to get it urgently.

After staying in the headquarters for such a long time, Zhang Da felt more and more that the Navy's logistics department was very powerful. Not only could it feed so many people in the headquarters, but it was also impressive in terms of material reserves and delivery efficiency.


Zefa originally thought that after carefully selecting the destination and route, he would be able to end the internship normally, but unexpectedly, he encountered a surprise on the second day of the sea route.

It was a sunny morning with gentle sea breeze. A group of dolphins jumped out of the water, splashing waves and blooming flowers. Occasionally, seagulls flew by in the sky, making a...not very pleasant cry.

The warship and the Amber sailed slowly one after the other, and those who were free on both ships all seized the time to do physical training.

For several months in a row, the sailors have seen with their own eyes how hard the members of the Amber Tour Group exercise and how fast they are improving, especially the one who is obsessed with being a child recently. The last time the Mozambian mid-term future training camp, He once bluntly said that he did not have much confidence in defeating Mr. Tatsuya.

Therefore, the sailors add to their own training tasks. If everyone has done the same exercise and is not as good as others in the end, it can be said that their talents are not good, but if it is because of the amount of training that they are not as good as others, in the end If he is not as strong as him, he will be ashamed to see others.

However, such a lively atmosphere was broken by a sentence from the watchman on the top of the mast: "I found the pirate ship!"

The sailors immediately stopped their actions and quickly picked up their weapons to prepare for battle. Some ran to the ammunition depot, preparing for the shelling battle, and some ran to the deck, preparing for the boarding battle...

But then they didn't know if it was an illusion. They seemed to hear the voice of the watchman swallowing his saliva: "Yes... it's the Perfume Snake!"

The lookout said the name of the opponent's ship in a rare way.

Because that's the ship of the Kuja Pirates, in other words, it's the ship of the Pirate Empress Boa Hancock!

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