Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 480 Dorag: High-end operation (4000 words)

Zhang Da also knew about the Lulucia Kingdom last night, because the banner demons stayed to observe for a while after finishing their work, and they just floated back yesterday.

The king still didn't wake up. The doctors couldn't find the reason, so they could only treat him as a vegetative state, relying on infusion of nutrient solution every day to maintain his life.

The princess could do nothing but cry and lose her temper. After a few days of perfunctory treatment of the child, the Minister of State, Niharombai, finally couldn't bear it. As a talented minister like him, it is enough to assist the king, why should he endure a child's mischief?

Moreover, the voices of the people wanting him to be enthroned are so high that even the heavens have given instructions, and now is the best chance!

It's a pity that the result was far beyond his expectations. Lancer, the captain of the king's army, decisively identified him as a rebellion, and quickly defeated his guards under the banner of protecting the king and princess.

Although there were people in the king's army who favored Nihalombai, Lancer's prestige in the army was too high, and a few small soldiers could not affect the overall situation.

Seeing the majestic and handsome appearance of Lancer, who was dressed in silver armor and held a long gun, and led the team to surround the residence of Nehalombai, countless people were fascinated by him, and they couldn't help thinking that 'this man should be the king'.

The information Zhan Guo showed Zhang Daye was a little outdated. I don't know if he didn't get the latest information, or he didn't want to show Zhang Daye the latest information.

"What does this have to do with me? Why did you show me this?" Zhang Da also tried to pass the test, but succeeded but not completely.

Zhan Guo's serious expression eased a lot, and he said, "The day you left happened to be the day the king fell unconscious. Is it really a coincidence?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "It must be a coincidence. We didn't leave the dock area on the day we sailed, and we didn't see the king. Mr. Zefa can testify."

"Hmm..." Hearing Zhang Daye's immature justification, Zhan Guo nodded. Seeing how confident he is, there is a high probability that he did not do it that day, but the night before.

"Then you said that the king will be in danger of life, when will he wake up?"

"Then how do I know? According to the document, the symptoms are like a vegetative state, maybe it will wake up someday." Zhang Da also felt that there was something wrong with the Warring States Mind, and he felt that something happened—although It is true that he did it, but you can't just intuitively identify it without a little evidence, right?

Zhang Da also expressed grievance.

Seeing his exaggerated expression, Zhan Guo almost believed it.

Didn't the king just scold the navy and Tom a few words, and your revenge almost wiped out his throne?

Fortunately, there is a loyal and reliable captain of the king's army, otherwise the king would have changed. Although the change of the throne has nothing to do with the navy, this behavior is too bold.

I heard from Zefa that if he hadn't been there, Zhang Da might have beaten the king on the spot. Why is the young man so irritable? It seems that Ah He is right, this kid is too vengeful.

"Okay, okay, don't be so reckless in doing things in the future, although that king is really..." Zhan Guo wanted to say that the king is really not a thing, but it was inappropriate for him, a naval admiral, to swallow the words on his lips. "If there is a problem with the king, the common people will suffer. Whether it is an invasion from outside or a struggle from within, it will inevitably affect them. Next time you do something, you must consider the consequences... No, don't do this kind of thing next time! "

Zhan Guo was almost led astray, and after speaking what was necessary, he waved him to leave quickly.

By the way, he also picked up the cat that was addicted to feeding sheep and returned it to him.

"Oh, yes, Uncle Zhan Guo." Zhang Da also changed his name casually because he was a child now, and then opened his drawer when Zhan Guo was stupefied, and took the senbei inside.

He saw Garp dig out this drawer, and his hands were already itchy.

After leaving the office, Zhang Da also looked at Arturia who shared the senbei with him and Tom, and felt that he had lost a lot of integrity after becoming a child.


The shrunken life is very novel, but there are also some inconveniences, such as stepping on a small bench like Tom when washing in the morning.

Shark Chili even specially prepared children's toothpaste and toothbrush for him.

Zhang Da has gradually gotten used to the sudden desire to protect his companions.

After seven or eight days like this, an important figure suddenly appeared in the underground world, code-named Joker, which means the trump card in the playing card, or the clown.

It is said that as long as you pass through it, you can easily conduct some shady transactions, including slaves and arms.

Some people say that this Joker is Doflamingo from Shichibukai, but he won't admit it himself. What do you have to do with Joker and my Tenyasha Doflamingo?

At most, give me a contact method to help you connect.

Some people think that there are too many benefits that can be gained from that position, and they are not convinced that they can sit there, so they go to trouble, and then they are educated.

It’s like killing each other suddenly, a giant fist as big as a town, a man in a black and invulnerable cloak, and a very disgusting slime monster. After a few battles, everyone realized the terrifying strength of Joker and his men. , there are fewer and fewer people looking for trouble, on the contrary, there are still many people who want to join them.

Zhang Da also has no access to the underground world for the time being. He still knows where those killers came from in the past, and through what channels they issued rewards and received tasks.

He had just found Ain to remove his ability, and wanted to see how the exercise effect these days would be.

The shrinking training plan of other naval students has been stopped, because their physical strength has dropped so badly after being reduced, that they can't even complete the basic training every day, and they are extremely easy to get injured. Using this method will delay the progress.

Unless Wendy can accompany him to provide treatment and physical recovery when needed, but Zefa gave up. Wendy came here to exercise and become stronger. Occasionally helping with treatment is out of kindness. He can't really treat others as Tools for human use.

Otherwise, Zhang Da might drag Wendy to run away, which would hurt his feelings.

So in the end, Zhang Daye was the only one who insisted on training with the posture of a child. Although his physical strength was also limited, he was much stronger than those sailors. Moreover, he could exercise desperately regardless of injuries and physical conditions. Anyway, no matter how tired he was that day, the first The next day it will still be like nothing.

It was a little uncomfortable when he returned to his normal body shape. He forgot to change his clothes. Fortunately, the one he was wearing was washed and shrunk by Tom, and it changed back after a long stretch. Excuse me, just find some oversized clothes and wash them for Tom.

"It's really an enviable physique." Seeing Zhang Da also testing his strength and speed changes on the training ground, even Zefa couldn't help being a little envious.

"It works." Zhang Da also became more and more happy as he tried more and more. This feeling of obvious improvement is so refreshing, and it feels like seven days can at least last a month or two.

"Sister Ai Yin, I will entrust you to take care of it in the future!" Zhang Da also looked at Ai Yin, as if he was looking at a ten times experience card.

"Hmm...Okay." Zhang Da also suddenly spoke in Ye Yan's tone, and Ai Yin felt a little uncomfortable, and even wanted to punch him twice. However, Ai Yin held back and chose to give Wendy and Artoria face. One of them is her savior and the other is her idol.

Zhang Da also thought about it, and said, "It's not good to bother you like this all the time, how about I give you a little gift?"

As he spoke, he began to rummage through the inventory.

Ain declined and said, "You don't need to be so polite, just activate the ability every few days, it's not a burden for me at all."

Zefa also quickly stopped: "Don't take those weird things anymore, anyway, it's just a matter of effort for Ain."

But Zhang Da has already found the right thing, and said with a smile: "You guys will definitely not refuse this thing, Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dao Huazhou!"

"This is... Huazhou, one of the famous knives of Liang Kuai Knife?" Although Zefa doesn't use knives, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use them. He has been an instructor for 20 years, and he has a good understanding of all kinds of weapons.

For a swordsman, a good sword is very important. Even after mastering domineering, the feeling of using a famous sword is different from that of an ordinary sword. Only a pretender like Virgo would use an ordinary bamboo as a weapon.

Ai Yin took Huazhou involuntarily, drew the knife out of the body, and carefully looked at the flame-like lines on the blade. She is still learning ordinary swordsmanship, and she is far from forming her own fighting style.

Although I once thought about using two light short swords as weapons, but if I can get a famous sword now, this goal is not impossible...

"It's too expensive, I can't accept it!" Ai Yin sheathed the knife with great perseverance, and handed it back to Zhang Daye with both hands. She felt that her efforts were not worthy of such a generous return.

"Just take it as a thank you for taking care of Artoria and Rui Mengmeng during this time." They live in the same dormitory, so there must be mutual care. Zhang Da also said, "This was seized from Baroque Works, and it's useless to keep it in my hands."

Zhang Da also thought that Huazhou would have such a big reaction. If she took out the golden lion's Muku, Yingshi, or Qiushui, she would not be so excited that she would cry.

"But..." The hand tightly clutching the scabbard indicated that Ai Yin was very moved, she bit her lip with a troubled expression.

"If you're sorry, use this knife to catch more pirates, and then get more rewards to treat us to dinner." Zhang Da also casually made a vicious condition.

"Okay!" Ai Yin agreed, "I still have this year's bonus, so I invite you tonight!"

Having been together for so long, Ai Yin certainly knows how heavy it is to invite the Amber tour group to dinner, but the more she does it, the easier it is for her to accept it. Exchange a year's bonus for a famous knife, which many people can't ask for Chance.

For example, Binz is very envious now. I also use a knife. Mr. Tatsuya, look at me, can my ability help you train?

Immersed in the sudden joy, Ai Yin seemed to see a future where she couldn't afford clothes, snacks, or jewelry for a long time, but she hugged Huazhou and smiled happily.

So Zhang Da became a child again. Although he worked hard at dinner, he still ate not as much as usual, and suffered a blood loss.


Zhang Da, who became a child again, was also immersed in the joy of making progress through hard work, and more than half a month passed before he knew it.

The biggest news in more than half a month is that the king of Lulucia Kingdom woke up. He immediately regained power, but was soon overthrown.

Because only one day after the return of the king, the commoners who were used to Lancer's power realized how bad their king was.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. During the days when Lancer was in power, the civilians lived very easily. There were no messy taxes, no messy king's honor guards, and the losses caused by the army's ineffective resistance to pirates would be subsidized by the kingdom...

As soon as the king comes back, he will announce his return to the whole country. Even if he is weak, he will go out for a parade in a car with water hanging on it, and the civilians who see the king's convoy must stop what they are doing to greet them.

The most unbearable thing is that Lancer was taken into custody by the king on charges of treason because he lowered the tax without authorization. Lancer thought that the king had just woken up and hadn't figured out the situation, so he didn't resist.

He thought that the king would soon understand what was happening in this country, and that he would then know that he had no intention of rebellion at all.

For a while, the country was furious, and the soldiers of the king's army could not accept that their beloved army commander was accused of being a traitor.

So the palace fell on the second day Lancer was taken into custody. As soon as Lancer stepped out of the prison gate, someone put on a crown and helped him onto the throne of the king.

Until everyone saluted him, Lancer still didn't understand how things turned out like this.

In short, under the "wrong circumstances", the Kingdom of Lulucia has completely changed.

After seeing the newspaper, Zhang Da also took the initiative to run to the marshal's office.

The little Zhang Da also raised the newspaper above his head and waved it: "Uncle Warring States, this is none of my business. I haven't left the Navy headquarters these days, you know it!"

Warring States: ...

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the king of Lulucia Kingdom committed suicide, and this kind of coup belongs to the internal affairs of the kingdom, and it is inconvenient for the navy to intervene.

But strictly speaking, this incident was caused by Zhang Daye and the others who used some method to put the king into a coma for nearly a month, and it was not entirely an internal matter. But there is no evidence to say this, and even if the matter is made clear, the people of the family may still thank Zhang Daye.

What the hell is this called!


At the same time, Bardigo, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

In front of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Drago, was a newspaper and some relevant information, which recorded in detail the whole story of the coup in the Kingdom of Lulucia.

From the training camp and the battle between the amber tour group and the pirates, to the sleeping king and rumors spreading, to the struggle between Lancer and Nihalombai, until Lancer ascended the throne...

Drago watched it carefully several times. To describe his feelings, he could only say that he was astonished. This was a high-end operation he had never seen before.

It turns out that revolution can still be done like this? Or it should be said that this is how revolutions are made!

"Convene cadres, summarize, and learn."

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