Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 482 Artoria, Hit Me

The warship was quiet for a moment, and then it became very noisy. The sailors all thought of what the Perfume Snake represented.

"Perfume Snake! Pirate Empress!"

"The legendary number one beauty in the world!"

"Get out of the way, out of the way! Let me see!"

Many soldiers on the deck huddled together, competing for binoculars and the best observation position.

Zefa frowned: "How did you meet them?"

And these brats are really outrageous, actually arguing over this matter.

On the Amber, everyone also found the target, and Zhang Da also saw the big ship from a distance, with red sails and nine snake heads surrounding the black skull.

The Perfume Snake looks a bit like an ancient Chinese building boat, with an outer wheel at the rear and two giant snakes about the same length as Neptunus in front.

It is said that the poison of these two swimming snakes is so strong that even sea kings dare not provoke them, so the Nine Snake Pirates can enter and leave the windless zone at will by relying on this boat.

Shark Pepper has already judged from the flag that it is the ship of the Empress. When talking about the most beautiful woman in the world, Shark Pepper has no waves in his heart. He likes the B-series No. 10 robot Tiandelina. Human women don’t look like anything. none of his business.

Tom and Carew were like him in that they had no interest in beautiful women of different races.

Except for Arturia, the others were more or less curious.

The girls are curious about how beautiful the empress is.

The boys are very curious about how beautiful the Empress is.

Zhang Da also picked up the binoculars and quickly put them down, reminding: "It's okay to take a look curiously, but the Empress' fruit ability is outrageous. After a little bit of affection for her, as long as she activates the ability, she can easily turn us into stones. Be careful." a little."

The Queen's ability is very strong, so strong that she can instantly kill the two cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates. Even Blackbeard's ability to face her is a little frightened, and Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan was not able to withstand it.

Although the current empress is only twenty years old and her strength may not have reached its peak, Zhang Da doesn't think his willpower is so strong, so he wants to insure himself and everyone else.

"Arturia, if you find someone's condition is not right, wake us up immediately." Zhang Da also said cruelly, "Hit it harder, it needs to hurt enough."

Ye Yan asked, "Is this necessary?"

Zhang Da also affirmed: "Yes, her ability is very strange. I don't want to wait for you to turn into stones and ask her to release the ability. Besides, she has a very troublesome personality. It is useless to ask her in the past. It is not good to coerce and lure her." make."

Zhang Da also thought that if that kind of situation really happened, then he could only find a way to tie up one or two Tianlong people to kill in front of the empress, and then intercede.

Jackie Chan hesitated for a moment and said, "If it's really so dangerous, then I'd better not watch it, or everyone should stop watching it too, let's go around it."

Uncle Long's personality has always been reliable, and he usually focuses on safety when making decisions, so when he makes mistakes, it's usually not because he made a wrong decision, but because he accidentally made a small mistake or something.

Since Zhang Da also said it so seriously, he simply decided not to watch it. One more look at the beauty might kill him, but one less look would not kill him.

"If you don't look at it, let's look at it!" The banner demons got out of the bright demon banners. They have aesthetics similar to human beings, and they are very interested in beautiful women.

Every time Zhang Da gave them paid leave, they spent the whole day in some taverns with dancing girls, or went to squat in front of a clothing store in a commercial street for a whole day.

The Banner Demons even made a set of photo clippings of the Empress. Every time a photo of the Empress appeared in the newspaper, they would cut it out and paste it carefully in a notebook.

Now that the most beautiful woman in the world is right in front of you, why not look at it? Isn't it just being petrified? If they think about it, the boss dares to watch it. There must be a way to avoid it, or a way to untie it. Then it's okay. If you don't watch it, you will be sorry for yourself!

"You guys...forget it." Zhang Da also said, "Anyway, I'll leave it to you, Arturia, if you find something wrong with us, do it."

"Okay." Artoria nodded, and then asked again, "But what do you mean by wrong?"

"Hmm..." Zhang Da also thought for a while and said, "It seems that the heart beats faster, the breath becomes short of breath, and the expression changes...worse. In serious cases, the eyes may turn into hearts or something."

"I see."


"Turn the rudder and avoid the Nine Snake Pirates!" Zefa quickly made a decision.

"Hey???" The sailors were taken aback, some were surprised why Teacher Zefa avoided Qi Wuhai, and some were simply reluctant.

There are also some sailors who have already seen the appearance of the empress clearly with binoculars, but just looking at it from a distance makes their hearts beat endlessly, and their eyes really turned into heart shapes as Zhang Da said. They didn't even respond much to Zefa's orders.

Zefa sighed: "Ain!"

"Yes, Teacher Zefa!" Ai Yin slapped those who were affected by the empress' charm once or twice.

The sailors turned into babies one after another, and there was a burst of crying on the deck.

"Punish them to stay in this state until dark, and change the route immediately." Zefa asked the children to be taken away, and continued, "Also, remind the amber tour group to follow us."

"Yes!" The sea soldiers felt that Teacher Zefa was angry, and immediately followed his orders.

Ai Yin couldn't help asking: "Teacher Zefa, even if the other party is Qi Wuhai, we don't need to go around on purpose, right?"

Zefa shook his head and said helplessly, "That woman is dangerous."

Zefa made a pun. On the one hand, he said that the empress is very willful and may attack the navy at any time. When the students are petrified, he has nothing to do, so it is very dangerous. On the other hand, she felt that if the empress couldn't think of doing something against the amber tour group, then she would be very dangerous.

Zefa now always feels that Zhang Da wants to fight when he sees Qi Wuhai, and it's not the first time they fight Qi Wuhai, they are very proficient.

In order to avoid trouble, let's simply bypass it, which is good for all three parties.

However, Zhang Da was also hanging on the mast at this time.

He had just seen the empress's appearance clearly, she was wearing a white cloak, and the red long-sleeved short shirt had a wide open neckline, and it could be seen that it was empty inside. The lower body is a long skirt with high slits, revealing a pair of slender legs, giving the impression that the clothes are very perfunctory.

In all fairness, the Empress's figure is very domineering, but she may not be better than Artoria in terms of delicate face, but the Empress exudes a strange charm, which makes most people can't help but feel excited at a glance.

As an ordinary person, Zhang Da was obviously no exception. After seeing the Empress clearly, his heart started beating desperately, just like Tom's heart, which was visible to the naked eye.

Then he flew, and the pain in his body told him that he should have been kicked by Artoria.

The other few were not much better, the lolis were crouching with their heads in their arms, the banner monsters fell on the deck, Ye Yan threw himself on top of the banner monsters, Rui Mengmeng also rubbed her forehead.

Zhang Da also took himself off the top of the mast, and the severe pain in his chest did not relieve for a long time: "Isn't it a broken bone?"

He lifted his clothes, saw the footprint-like bruises on his chest, and complained with a mournful face, "Artoria, why did you hit me so hard?"

Artoria thought for a while and said, "The last time you were chopped off by Weibull, I said that your head was very hard. I was worried that it would not hurt you."

"But you didn't hit the head!"

"...Then, because your state has changed the most."

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