Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 452 Thanks to the Amber Tour Group for the wrong demonstration (4000 words)

After dinner is lunch break, Zefa generally does not make arrangements, but students who are a little bit motivated will take the initiative to practice. Not to mention that everyone has suffered a huge blow this morning, even a few little girls can't compare, so what face is there to take a nap!

"It's really hard work, they." Zhang Da, who didn't know why, also praised him.

Who do you think it's because of... Zefa didn't point it out, but said: "Everyone will continue to perform patrol tasks in the afternoon, so you don't have to participate for now. You can arrange an internship after you return to the headquarters and then formally participate."

According to Major General Kadalu's report, this place in Chambord has almost been turned over by the amber tour group many times, and it doesn't make sense to let them participate. It's better to let them move freely, so as not to scare away a few people with boring tasks. .

"Okay, then let's go back first." Zhang Da also didn't think there was any point in patrolling Chambord, and the purpose of coming today has also been achieved. Recognizing people, getting acquainted with the atmosphere, and consummating the merits .

But Tom grabbed Zhang Daye and stretched out his hand towards Zefa, but the special fish fillet that he had promised hadn't been given yet.

Zefa was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Aren't you full yet?"

Tom nodded and shook his head again, indicating that although he was full, he had to eat snacks.

Zefa had no choice but to go to the warehouse to pick up a cardboard box and hand it to Tom, with the words "Navy Special Supply" written on it.

Tom accepted the things with satisfaction, picked up the bigger box, and walked away with Zhang Da.

At this time, several chefs were slumped on the chairs in the cafeteria and chatting.

"have they gone?"


"Great, my shoulders can't take it anymore."

"Don't be too happy, I heard that they have joined the training camp and will continue to come here for the next five days."

Several people were silent for a while, and one of them said: "Actually, I haven't been home to visit my parents for a long time. Five days' leave should be enough."

"In this way, my cousin's neighbor's sister's friend will get married the day after tomorrow, so the head chef will approve if he asks for leave?"

"How cunning! Then... I feel that I will have a fever and headache tomorrow, how about asking for a sick leave in advance?"


"Hey, this fish fillet tastes good, it is indeed a special snack."

After returning to the tavern, Tom took out his booty to share with everyone, and Zhang Da also tasted it, but only one bite, his appetite is limited.

The others curiously followed and tasted it, but they basically tasted it lightly. Only Tom and Arturia ate happily. The two of them really can enjoy the joy of eating at any time, which is enviable.

The tavern was officially closed today. Occasionally, someone would come to ask about the situation. Zhang Da also explained truthfully. If he met someone with a better relationship, he would invite him to drink a glass of wine as an early farewell.

After knowing the news that they were leaving, Byer Jr. often ran to the tavern to play, and he also carried the small wooden hammer that Goodman gave him and the "Tom's Handsaw" that Zhang Daye gave him before.

When Tom was bored, he would take Bayer and Karoo to do carpentry work together. The superb skills made Bayer admire him so much that little stars appeared in his eyes.

Bayer's talent is also very good. A six-year-old child who has been an apprentice in the dock for less than a year can actually build a small wooden boat that can be launched.

For a long time in the past, Bayer's small boat was the capital that Goodman bragged to his friends.

In the next few days, everyone went to the naval base for training and classes in the morning, had a meal at noon, rested in the tavern or exercised by themselves in the afternoon, until the last day of the trainees' internship.

"I'm really leaving again, it feels like time flies..." Mrs. Molly said with some reluctance.

Zhang Da also came to Goodman's house to bid farewell: "Thanks to your care during this time, we will go to the Navy headquarters with the sailors tomorrow morning."

"Don't show that kind of expression, brother Tatsuya and the others are not people who can be trapped by this small island." Goodman cleared his throat and said pretendingly coldly, "Nothing can stop a man from running to the sea !"

Mrs. Molly put her hips on her hips and said angrily, "Then Mr. Goodman will also run to the sea one day?"

"No, no, of course not..." Goodman hugged her lightly and smiled, "I mean, apart from family and sense of responsibility..."

Zhang Da also felt that he had been stuffed with dog food.

However, after Goodman made such a fuss, the atmosphere improved a lot. After all, it was not the first time for Zhang Daye and the others to leave, so there was no need to be too sad, they would always come back anyway.

Most of the luggage has been packed and sent to the Amber. In the afternoon, Shark Pepper took advantage of the break to buy some souvenirs.

When Zhang Da also came back, he saw Perona walking out with a big package on her back. When she reached the door, she was still stuck. She changed various positions and pulled her out several times before she managed to get out. Perona almost fell over.

A little bear doll fell out of the pocket and rolled to Zhang Daye's feet.

Zhang Da also picked up the little bear and patted the dirt. The little bear made a creaking sound, but it still could bark: "How many dolls do you have, why haven't you finished moving them yet?"

Perona took the bear that Zhang Da also handed to her, and said with a guilty conscience: "It's...not much..."

However, behind her, Wendy, Xia Lulu, Weiwei, and Kalu each came out with a smaller package on their backs. Judging from the protruding shape of the bags, they were all bear dolls.

Is this because Perona is too busy to ask everyone to do it together?

Perona noticed Zhang Da's unbelievable eyes, and blushed and said, "There must not be as many toothbrushes as Shark Pepper!"

She just exchanged most of the money she earned working in the tavern for a month into dolls, and she felt that she definitely didn't have as many toothbrushes as Shark Pepper's collection.

That's not something to be proud of... Zhang Da also said helplessly: "Go and come back quickly, there are bubble cars in the yard."

"No need!" Perona ran away with a big bag on her back, which was nothing to Perona now.

Zhang Da also wondered: "Why does it feel like she is running away?"

Xia Lulu suppressed a smile and said: "Because Perona accidentally fell out of the bubble car last time and hit a tree, she vowed never to ride the bubble car again."

Zhang Da also recalled it, and suddenly realized: "No wonder when I came back that day, I was dirty and my clothes were torn. When I asked him, he said that he didn't conflict with anyone."

"Xia Lulu..." Wendy reminded her that Perona asked them to keep it a secret.

Xia Lulu had a 'terrible' expression on her face.

Zhang Da also comforted: "It's okay, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, anyway, you will know sooner or later, just take it as telling me in advance, and I will help you keep it a secret."

"You really know how to comfort people." Xia Lulu sighed and left with everyone.


Early the next morning, Zhang Daye and the others went to the 59GR dock, where the Amber had been docked all along.

It is inevitable to have a chat with the boatmen before leaving, and make an appointment to tell them more exciting stories when I come back next time.

The Goodman family still came to see him off, and after Baier said a few words to Tom, everyone patted his head. Wendy and Vivi seem to especially like the feeling of touching a child's head like an adult.

"Raise the sails, let's set sail!" Zhang Da also shouted, everyone performed their duties, the sails of the Amber bulged, slowly drove out of the dock, and then went out and turned right.

They will first go to the vicinity of the naval port, meet Zefa's warship, and then head to the Navy headquarters together.

There were not many people who saw Zefa and the others off, only Major General Kadalu and some chefs.

Lieutenant Colonel T Penn stubbornly believed that once the training camp and the amber tour group left, the Navy's patrol pressure would increase, so he insisted on going to work and advised Kadalu not to leave his post without authorization.

Kadalu thinks that T Penn is a bit of a dead-headed person, and Zefa admires him, but it's a pity that this is not under his control, and he will not meddle in trouble.

Zefa reminded: "What we are going to take today is not the usual route, but a cruise in an incident-prone sea area by the way, so don't fall behind."

In fact, Zefa wanted them to go on the warship together, but Wendy's seasickness was so distressing that he decided to go back and ask those scientists if there was any cure for seasickness.

"Don't worry, there's no problem!" Zhang Da also had a little understanding of the speed of the warship, and said bluntly that if Artoria was to take the helm or start the outer ship, the warship would only be able to eat the exhaust of the Hupo.

The Amber sailed steadily next to the warship. Compared with the large warship, the Amber looked like a small fishing boat. Adding Tom and Artoria who are currently fishing on the right side of the deck, it is even more similar. Seeing that their state is completely free from the tension of coming out to perform cruise missions.

The so-called incident-prone sea areas are actually those places that the seven routes need to pass through when they move forward along the record pointer. It often happens that two pirate groups meet and fight, or that a pirate ship and a merchant ship meet to rob and so on.

Coincidentally, what I encountered today were two pirate ships.

The two sides seem to have just exchanged fire and are gradually approaching, but after noticing Zefa's large warship, the two sides began to flee separately without any hesitation, and did not forget to fire shells at each other before leaving the opponent's range.

In response to that sentence, I don't need a warship to run slower than me, I just need my colleagues to run slower than me.

"Mr. Zefa, we found two pirate ships, do you want to train your troops?" Zhang Da also greeted Zefa. He doesn't need to worry about food expenses recently, anyone can fight this pirate.

"Pirate?" Zefa looked up at the top of the mast. The navy's watchman hadn't found the target for a long time. He looked in the direction Zhang Daye reported. Then he saw the pirate ship and hurriedly reported.

Today's lookout is Rui Mengmeng, whose eyesight is much better than that of ordinary people.

Zefa sighed, is there such a big gap between the lookouts? He thought for a while and said, "Let's take charge of one, I want the students to see how you fight naval battles."

"Okay." Zhang Da didn't have any secrets about it. It was just a naval battle, and most people couldn't learn it anyway. "Artoria, drive...start working!"

"Here we come." Arturia put the fishing rod into Tom's hand, and went forward to steer the helm.

At this time, there was a fish biting the hook, and Tom was caught off guard. Only the tail was tightly wrapped around the railing and stretched for a long time, and then bounced back and forth like a fish.

Karoo croaked twice in anxiety, grabbed Tom's tail with his mouth, and pulled him back with all his strength.

However, before Tom could stand still, the Amber suddenly accelerated, and Tom was thrown to the stern all of a sudden, taking Karoo along with him.

Poor Karoo bumped his head against the railing, rolling his eyes in circles.

Boom! Boom! As the Amber moved forward, the pirate ship began to fire at them. The shells flew over one after another, causing splashes on the sea surface. Even this could not make Tom give up the fish that had bitten the hook. Holding the fishing rod tightly, his body was stretched into a bow shape, and the fishing rod was also bent into an exaggerated arc.

The Amber changed direction flexibly under Artoria's control, so that the pirate ship could not find the best shooting angle. Tom also led Karoo to roll around at the stern due to inertia, bumping here and there.

Finally, the Amber caught up with the pirate ship, and the driving became stable. Zhang Daye, Rui Mengmeng, Shark Pepper, and Wendy jumped into the pirate ship, and the battle was resolved within a few minutes.

And Tom also caught a palm-length 'big fish' after a series of wonderful fish walking operations.

Disappointed, Tom threw the fish on deck and sat down sulking.

The students in the training camp on the other side were still in the stage of pursuit and suppression of firepower. Many students who had spare time watched the whole process of the naval battle of the amber tour group with Zefa with a telescope.

High-end naval battles often only require the simplest fighting method——

The first step is to avoid all artillery fire and catch up.

The second step is to defeat all enemies.

The third step is to come back with the pirates and the intact pirate ship.

In Zefa's view, this combat method cannot be said to be exactly the same as the navy's common naval warfare thinking, but it can only be said to be completely opposite.

He just wanted to ask, are the cannons on your ship a decoration? ! Or is it that the shells are reluctant to use! ? I asked you to do a naval battle demonstration, so you just show me this?

But the trainees didn't think so. They saw with their own eyes that the Amber drew beautiful arcs on the sea, making the enemy's cannons almost useless.

Rushing to the enemy through the hail of bullets, jumping on the boat to solve the battle lightly, is simply too cool!

Ain watched helplessly as Artoria stood at the bow and turned the steering wheel, her golden hair was blown by the wind, it was so dazzling in the sun. She's tried steering, so she knows how difficult it is to steer a ship like that... Arturia is—so handsome!

The students looked at Zefa eagerly, waiting for the teacher to say something, hoping to understand the essence of this battle.

Zefa was silent for a while, and said: "Thanks to the amber tour group for the wrong demonstration. You should never learn this kind of fighting style."


The students opened their mouths wide, how could such a clean and neat battle be a wrong demonstration!

Zefa said in his heart that it is not that he is not allowed to learn, but that you cannot learn. If you have their fighting power, you can just step on the moon and rush up, and you don't even need to drive the boat.

"Of course, it's not completely worthless. At least their helmsman is very good, the best one I've seen over the years."

Roger's helmsman might be able to compete with her back then, and Murloc Jinping might also be able to do it, but there are too few such talents.

After I got into the drama, I was actually thinking about how Ye Yan's lack of sleep today would affect his health. After thinking about it for a while, I finally realized...

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