Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 453 Isn’t This Bullying Honest People? (4000 words)

"Is it really gone?"


"Very good!"

The chefs were "playing their crowns to celebrate", God knows how they came here these days, if the chef hadn't had an idea and suggested to hire some temporary chefs, they might not even be able to stand up now.

The few smart people who wanted to ask for leave a few days ago, except for the one who really wanted to go home to see their parents, none of them succeeded.

And Major General Kadalu didn't even frown when he was approving the canteen bill. Anyway, the bill for the new barracks was paid in the end, and it had nothing to do with his Naval Base in Chambord, so don't feel bad.

T Penn, who was on patrol, looked at the time: "Should have left, right? It's really thanks to them for this period of time."

The adjutant nodded and said, "Yes, but the amber tour group has left, and the new barracks have also left, and we will get busy next."

"What nonsense, this is our responsibility!" T Penn said loudly to the patrol behind him, "Listen, it is the navy's responsibility to protect civilians. In the name of justice, criminals are absolutely not allowed to harm civilians. !"

The soldiers said in unison: "Yes! Lieutenant Colonel T Penn!"

"Then continue patrolling..." T Penn noticed the red mark on a soldier's hand, "Before that, what happened to your hand?"

"Ah, this one?" The soldier glanced at the back of his hand, "It was accidentally scratched while helping the residents move things in the morning."

"This is not acceptable! My subordinates are injured, and my heart hurts..." T Peng En tore off a piece of cloth from the cloak casually, "Please use this bag first!"

The residents who saw this scene all sighed: "It looks very reliable, that Lieutenant Colonel T Penn."

"Yeah, and he's so gentle with his subordinates."

"Seeing him on patrol every day makes me feel a lot more at ease."

"Lieutenant Colonel T Penn!" The soldier was moved to tears, "You actually gave such an important cloak to..."

"My dear subordinates are more important than a cloak." T Penn patted the soldier's shoulder, "The so-called justice, even if it's not on the cloak, is in my heart, that's all."

"Lieutenant Colonel T Penn!"


On the other hand, the students in the training camp defeated the second pirate group very generally, but compared to the last victory, the students were obviously not in high spirits - there is no way for this, after seeing high-end operations, there will always be I feel like my fighting style is poor.

Zefa had a headache, and it seemed that he needed some psychological counseling for the students recently. Now he began to doubt whether it was the right decision for him to invite the amber tour group to participate in the training.

But Sakaski and Polusalino were called monsters when they were in the new barracks, and they didn't see any problems with the mentality of the students in the same period.

Sure enough, the new generation of the Navy is not as good as one term.

This cruising mission lasted about half a day. After that battle, only one merchant ship was encountered. The navy stepped forward for a brief interrogation and let it go.

When it was almost noon, Zefa ordered to return and reminded Zhang Daye and the others to follow closely.

The naval headquarters is located in Marlin Vanduo in the first half of the great route, and the G1 branch fortress of the new world is located on both sides of the red earth continent, one west and one east guarding the place where the dragon people live on the red earth continent——Marie Gioia, known as the Holy Land .

If you go to the Navy Headquarters from Judiciary Island and the Deep Sea Prison, you can take the special "triangle current" and pass through the huge Justice Gate to shorten the sailing time.

However, Zefa and Zhang Daye themselves are not far from Marin Fando, so there is no need for that.

"Marinfando is a fairly prosperous town. Most of the people living in the town are family members of our navy. There are all the necessary shops and facilities. Due to its proximity to the headquarters, Marinfando is probably the safest town in the world."

Ai Yin introduced the naval headquarters and the surrounding environment to Zhang Daye and the others. His mission on the Amber was to lead the way, and he was worried that Zhang Daye and the others would fall behind.

But Ain thought of Artoria's steering skills, and felt that Teacher Zefa was worrying too much, and there might be no one who could get rid of them, unless the other party could fly or dive.

Zhang Da also wanted to laugh when she said that the safest town was the safest town. The child probably hadn't heard of the golden lion attacking the navy headquarters thirteen years ago.

It is estimated that Kaido has not seen the scene where Kaido ran all the way to the Navy headquarters to be beaten and then escaped.

"Here we are." Ain pointed to a small island in front of him and said, "That's Marin Fando, and the tallest building on the island is the headquarters."

Zhang Da also looked around, and saw a tall gray building standing on the small island in front, the lower part looked like a fortress surrounded by city walls, the upper part looked like a Japanese-style attic, with a watchtower at each corner, On the front wall, there are two characters of "Navy" and a seagull logo in the middle.

"It's amazing!" Wei Wei looked at the Navy Headquarters in front of her, feeling that it seemed to be bigger than their castle.

"It's really magnificent." Jackie Chan stared at it for a while and said, "It just feels a little familiar, and the architectural style is a bit weird."

Familiarity is normal, because the prototype of the Navy Headquarters is Himeji Castle, which is known as the most famous neon city. It is normal to look strange, because there must be some differences from the prototype, and the architectural style may not match the surrounding houses.

The Amber followed Zefa's warship to the Crescent Bay in front of the Navy Headquarters, and stopped at the entrance. This is the world-famous scenic spot of One Piece, where the top war took place. It's just that Zhang Da is not sure whether there will be such a war in the future after such a disturbance.

The entry and exit management of the Navy Headquarters is quite strict. Even Zefa has to verify his identity when driving a warship, not to mention the Amber and two pirate ships behind him.

In order to save time, Zefa directly dialed the number of Zhan Guo, and the guard at the entrance of the bay quickly let him go.

Under the guidance of Ai Yin, Zhang Daye and the others followed the warship to a pier inside the bay, and the two pirate ships were driven to the designated place by the training camp students. Zhang Da didn't mention the money exchange on this ship either. He thought that although Zefa agreed to provide board and lodging, he had to express it anyway and just use it as food expenses.

At this time, the members of the amber tour group were docked with dozens of warships, large and small, in the bay. Of course, the strength of the navy headquarters is more than that, but most of them should be performing tasks outside.

"Assemble!" The warship stopped, Zefa gave an order, and the students disembarked and assembled.

Zhang Da also stood in the first row skillfully.

"Escort the pirates to the temporary prison, free activities at noon, and gather at the third training ground at 2 pm!"

"Yes!" The students answered loudly, and then acted immediately.

Zhang Daye was stopped by Zefa when they were at a loss: "Warring States has said that if you come, you must find time to meet you... I think he is free now, let's go directly?"

When he was on the phone just now, Zefa heard the sound of clicking, and also heard Sengoku reprimanding Karp to be quiet when he asked him to eat.

Judging from Sengoku's anger value, Zefa should have time now, otherwise he would have punched Garp flying.

"Okay." Zhang Da also agreed. If he wanted to make a living in the navy's territory, he had to go to the pier anyway and meet his boss.

Zhang Da also reminded the problem children: "Remember to be polite when you meet the Marshal of the Warring States Period. He is the same as Mr. Zefa, and he interacts with a series of big pirates such as Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, BIG MOM, etc. A passing legend."

Perona was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Da's approach of only targeting her, and whispered: "Speaking so loudly, he hasn't caught any of those people."

The corners of Zefa's mouth twitched, this little girl really can talk, this is why even he scolded her together, he thought for a while and decided to pretend he didn't hear it.

Did this girl borrow Rui Mengmeng's mouth? In front of Zefa, Zhang Da also taught: "Don't talk nonsense, there are still many great pirates of the same generation, but they were all thrown into prison, so the names of those people are gradually forgotten today."

Zefa's heart is a little lenient, and there are still people who understand the truth. He didn't know that Zhang Da only said that. If he was really asked to give an example, he would definitely not be able to say it.

"Isn't this too high?" Zhang Da also counted. They have climbed the stairs for 13 minutes, but they haven't reached the top yet. "Is it really not afraid of delaying things if we put the headquarters at such a high place?"

"There is no way around this." Zefa was a little embarrassed. Whether it was to show authority or limit the occupied area, they had to build the headquarters so high for various reasons at the time.

Anyway, if there is an urgent matter upstairs or downstairs, you can use the phone bug to contact, even if you can't get in touch, there is still Yuebu. As a communications soldier in the Navy headquarters, if you can't learn how to walk, you can't be promoted.

"Okay, here it is."

For Perona and Tom, who were tired of climbing stairs, Zefa's words sounded like heavenly sounds, although Tom didn't take a few steps by himself.

Zefa was different from Garp, he knocked on the door politely before entering Sengoku's office, and he took Zhang Daye and the others in when the word "please come in" came from inside.

More than a dozen people rushed in, and the originally spacious office suddenly seemed a little crowded.

"Puff ha ha ha..." Before anyone else could speak, Garp's hearty laughter sounded first, "You're back, Zefa, do you want some senbei? I just dug it out from Sengoku."

"There is no need for this." Zefa declined his kindness, expressing that he did not want to be with him.

Zhang Da didn't pay much attention to Garp, but looked at the burly man behind the desk, wearing a pair of round-frame glasses, with a long beard braided on his chin, and a seagull decoration on his hat.

"Quack~" Karu couldn't help but raised a wing, indicating that his hat was the same as mine.

"Pfft hahaha, Sengoku! Your hat is exactly the same as that duck, haha!" Garp slapped the armrest of the sofa, laughing so hard that tears almost came out, it was not easy to find a chance to make fun of Sengoku.

Zhan Guo reprimanded with a stern face: "Karp, there are guests here today, please pay attention to me!"

He didn't take Garp's words, if he was pulled into his logic by Garp, he would lose.

"It's okay, it's okay, brother Tatsuya and the others are not strangers." Garp still had a playful smile on his face, "I heard that you guys have made a lot of noise, are you finally planning to join the navy now?"

Obviously he was talking to Zhang Da, but Garp's eyes drifted towards Wendy.

"No, I don't have that plan yet." Zhang Da also noticed Karp's eyes and decided to stab him. "Instead of inviting us here, let's get your grandson done first."

Garp's expression froze, he grabbed a senbei and threw it into his mouth, chewing hard: "Just wait and see, my grandson will definitely become the strongest sailor! Hey, Sengoku, another pack!"

"The task is hard." Warring States didn't want to talk to Karp, and simply greeted Zefa.

Zefa also nodded casually. There is no need for too much politeness between their old comrades-in-arms: "Would you like me to introduce you?"

"No need." He almost rummaged through the materials of the Amber Tour Group, after all, it was the culprit that caused him to work overtime many times.

Zhan Guo looked at the people in the Amber tour group, matched them with the photos on the information one by one, and finally looked at Zhang Daye: "I'm sorry, I have always wanted to see you, and today I finally got what I wanted."

"We are the ones who are rude. I have caused you a lot of trouble before. I am very sorry." Zhang Da also said politely, "I have always hoped to meet the legendary wise general and the Warring States of Buddha, but I have never had the chance. But I grew up listening to your battle deeds."

"I can't say it's troublesome, but I should thank you for doing a lot of things that the navy couldn't do or it was inconvenient to do." Warring States routinely expressed his thanks, and then asked as if thinking of something, "You tell me What deeds did you grow up with my deeds?"

"Uh..." Zhang Da was also stuck. He felt that this scene seemed a little familiar. In order to show his sincerity, he tentatively said, "You arrested Roger, the Pirate King?"

"That's Karp's credit." Sengoku was expressionless. Although Roger surrendered himself, he claimed that Karp caught him. That's all he could say.

"Then, you participated in the battle to defeat the Lockes Pirates?"

Warring States showed an expression of looking at fake fans: "That's also Karp's credit."

Zhang Da didn't feel ashamed to mention the matter of Warring States and Garp's joint defeat of the Golden Lion. After all, most of the naval headquarters was demolished in that battle, which should be considered a shameful thing for them.

To stop the embarrassment, Zhang Da also decisively apologized: "I'm sorry, because I was so excited to see the real person, I can't remember the specific incident at once."

"Hahaha." Zhan Guo laughed instead, "Your character is exactly the same as Ah He said."

It turned out that Lieutenant General He betrayed me! Zhang Da also finally remembered that when he saw Lieutenant General He in the tavern, he said the same kind words, but the old lady exposed him on the spot. She even has to report this matter, how boring the Navy is!

Karp smiled happily. This kid actually dared to be so perfunctory in the Warring States Period. It was really a good job.

Zefa's expression was a little unnatural. Did this kid play tricks on me when we were downstairs?

Am I the only honest person among the old comrades-in-arms?

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