Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 451 Is there something wrong (4000 words)

Ai Yin was defeated in the end. She had just entered the training camp for two months, and she was far from being the opponent of the Eight Banner Demons in terms of physical skills. Although she was defeated by the siege, she had nothing to complain about. Everyone was capable, and there was no reason not to be unconvinced by the opponent's ability.

In fact, Ye Yan can win by fighting with her directly. After all, he has already learned martial arts, and he has been in this world for almost nine months. He exercises every day, and he can always fight against his companions. His strength has improved considerably. quick.

It's just that Ye Yan is a scheming boy. On the one hand, he habitually wants to hide his hand, and on the other hand, he doesn't want to take the risk of turning back into a child. Although this is a friendly unit and there is no need to worry about danger, he believes that Zhang Da will not let him go This opportunity to laugh at him.

So Ye Yan has already made a decision. If there is a battle arrangement in the future, he will pretend to be bad at physical skills, and when there is someone who can defeat the banner demon, he will surprise the other party.

The battle between Ai Yin and Ye Yan was relatively procrastinated in comparison, and most of the others were the same as Zhang Da, solving the battle with one or two moves.

For example, Rui Mengmeng, against the most outstanding students except Ain and Binz, broke the iron block of the opponent with only one punch, without even pulling out the sword.

Perona even caused great damage to the opponent's mind as soon as she made a move, so that the soldiers who watched her fight immediately turned her into an object that must not be provoked.

Weiwei spent a little more effort. She was worried that the ability of the rustling fruit would hurt people, so she played conservatively. Instead of using more lethal moves such as absorbing water, she focused on restraint and stumbling. Make your opponent look ashamed.

It was easy for Jackie Chan to win. The hard work in the past few months has greatly improved his physical fitness, at least it will not become a shortcoming. And his opponent had never seen an opponent as flexible and changeable as Jackie Chan, and his weapon was taken away in two rounds.

In the third round, Jackie Chan put the weapon back into his hand and punched him in the nose when he was in a daze.

Zefa covered his face while watching. He felt that the loser had a problem, but the winner might have a bigger problem—who would steal the enemy's weapon just to play it twice and then stuff it back?

The sensation caused by Wendy's battle was very powerful. Her opponent, out of the mentality of not wanting to hurt the little angel, very gentlemanly asked Wendy to do it first, saying that he could attack with all his strength.

Wendy thought about it carefully, and instead of using offensive magic, she added a state of enhanced strength to herself, and punched the person flying seven or eight meters away.

The onlookers were stunned. Is this still the little angel in their memory? It wasn't until this time that they realized that this seemingly soft and cowardly girl in front of them actually had the title of "Miko of the Sky". Her people will suffer greatly.

In contrast, Xia Lulu's battle can barely be called a hard fight. Xia Lulu in human form has agility that is difficult for ordinary people to match, but in comparison, her attack power is not that outstanding.

Fortunately, she knows the basics of using magic power to enhance the power of ordinary punches, so it's not a big problem to deal with a few recruits.

The most tangled thing at this time is Tom's opponent. In all fairness, he has a good impression of the Amber Tour Group. If he is asked to bully the cats of the Amber Tour Group during the battle training, he is really a little bit reluctant.

Although this cat is provocatively wearing fists, people can't help but want to beat him at a glance.

"That... Tom, right? My name is Kane, and I have mastered the iron block in the sixth style not long ago." Kane said to Tom who was eager to try, "Do you really want to fight me?"

Tom thought for a second, what was the iron block? Oh, the master can also use that skill for being beaten, and it seems that he always dislikes it.

Then there is no problem, Tom nodded as if confirming, what you learned is the skill of being beaten, and I want to hit you, this is not a conflict at all!

"Okay." Kane looked at the serious Tom with a headache, not knowing where to start, "Why don't you attack?"

Tom walked lightly with a boxer's gait, swinging his fists back and forth with his body, occasionally doing a few feints, looking very professional.

I don't know when he saw the timing, Tom rushed forward and punched left! Right uppercut! Straight punch! Fist! The action is chic and handsome, and it is done in one go.

However, he didn't hit a single punch.

Kane bent down and held down Tom's head, taking advantage of his height and wingspan so that Tom could only hit the air in vain.

After more than twenty punches, Tom gradually realized that something was wrong, and the three pairs of beards twisted. Tom felt that he was underestimating himself and was a little angry.

Kane didn't notice Tom's emotions. He thought Tom was tired, put his arms around Tom's armpit and lifted him up, and said with a smile: "How about giving up when you're tired? I don't want to be teased and bullied you , and don’t want to be punished for doing push-ups.”

Tom didn't want to admit defeat, because Zefa had secretly promised Tom that every time he won a battle, he would give him a pack of Navy special fish fillet snacks.

For some reason, there are many types of snacks specially provided by the Navy, such as the rice cake slices that Sengoku likes, the senbei and donuts that Karp likes, and the fish fillets promised by Zefa this time. Each snack tastes very good , the quality is far superior to ordinary similar products.

This is the first person. If he loses, wouldn't he not even be able to taste the special fish fillets?

"Activate the super transformation form!" At this time, Shark Pepper's voice caught Tom's attention.

"Shark Pepper Overshoulder!"

Boom! A sailor fell to the ground.

Originally, it would not take such a big battle to fight a student, but Shark Pepper felt that the opponent should be given enough attention in the first battle in the camp, so he deliberately transformed and defeated the opponent with an ordinary over-the-shoulder throw .

He acted with discretion, reckoning that with such force, the opponent would just pass out normally, and he didn't need Wendy's treatment.

Tom's eyes lit up, it turned out that there is still this trick!

I saw him holding Kane's hand and twisting his body unscientifically by 180 degrees, putting Kane's arm on his shoulder, and Tom fell over his shoulder!

Kane didn't react at all. He watched Tom twist his body into a twist, wondering about the cat's body structure. The next moment, the world spun and fell into the ground.

Isn't it right? Why do cats fall over their shoulders? No, that's not the point. The point is that he was held up in mid-air just now. Where's the point of focus?

Whose over-the-shoulder fall can exert force in the air?

Kane lay quietly in the human-shaped pit, his brain stopped thinking.

Tom floated down from the sky, slapped the ground next to Kane, counted ten, and raised a fist to declare himself victorious.

Zefa shook his head, this is the worst class of students he has ever led.

If you dislike it, you still have to say what should be said. Zefa organized the language:

"Binz, you learned how to shave in two months, which is commendable, but don't think that you are some great genius. Brother Tatsuya, who was fighting against you, mastered the six styles in only half a year. Three styles, and by the way, he also learned the arrogance of the armed and the arrogance of the knowledge, a person like him is qualified to be called a genius!"

"Ai Yin, so far you have relied too much on your own abilities. I don't deny that well-developed abilities are very helpful in combat, but your abilities rely on physical contact, so you should pay more attention to physical skills. I hope you can understand One thing, some people can not be affected by your ability, some people... Even if you go back ten or twenty years, you are still no match!"

Zefa made an evaluation of each student's battle, whether they were hit by a second or persisted for a while, he pointed out their shortcomings one by one, and gave some opinions to the members of the amber tour group, but There were a few fights that ended too quickly, and Zefa needed to watch a few more.

"Kane..." Zefa hesitated for a while when he was evaluating the last game, then he said, "Don't forget a thousand push-ups."

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, Kane seemed to be moved by Zefa's words, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Teacher Zefa, at least tell me how I lost!

This can't be blamed on Zefa, he really doesn't know how to comment on Tom's battle, whether it's moves or anything, it's completely unreasonable! In front of Tom, underestimating the enemy does not seem to be that important, so Zefa decided to observe more.

So a few more matches were arranged, but the difference is that each match is two-on-one, three-on-one, even five-on-one, ten-on-one, and strives to let everyone have a personal experience of the amber tour group. Chances of strength (being beaten).

Naturally, the students had no objections. They had just experienced the strength of their opponents, and none of them could be easily defeated. If it was a one-on-one match, they might not even have confidence in themselves.

However, the increase in the number of people at this level is not too stressful for Zhang Da, and every extra person will take an extra effort.

The situation of Rui Mengmeng and Shark Pepper is also similar to that of Zhang Da. Zefa thinks that these people are a bit too much to put in the boot camp. If they want to arrange battles in the future, they must at least start with major generals, and ordinary major generals will fight against each other. They may only be beaten or escaped.

Perona, a small field control expert, is even easier to deal with group battles. Just put a few more ghosts. Before these students mastered shaving, Perona didn't even need to move to deal with them.

Zefa silently customized a training plan for Perona that does not use abilities but only relies on physical skills to fight against the enemy.

Jackie Chan looked a bit embarrassed in the face of multiplayer battles, and occasionally got punched and kicked, but when he tried to escape from the battle group and started to escape, something magical happened—many-to-one naturally turned into a mobile game. One-to-one in .

All the people chasing him will be knocked down by him one by one, it seems even more relaxed and smoother than one-on-one, Jackie Chan's attacks will always come at unexpected times and in unexpected ways, making people lose Caught off guard.

"Is there still such a tactic?" Zefa was amazed, Jackie Chan's talent made him feel very strange, and he couldn't think of how to help develop it for a while.

The most outrageous thing is Tom. It seems that the more people besieging him, the more difficult it is to win.

If Tom has to face ten enemies, then these ten people are all Tom's good helpers, and each of them has a great probability of accidentally injuring teammates when making moves.

What cut Tom with a knife and cut off his companion's belt with a knife, hit Tom with a stick and hit his companion's foot, these are all small scenes.

What's outrageous is that Tom slapped one person on the back of the head, then pointed to another person and said he did it, and the person who was beaten actually believed it! Moreover, the two actually grabbed each other's collar on the spot, as if they were about to fight at any moment.

If Tom couldn't help laughing, the two of them would probably fight like this inexplicably!

Zefa rubbed his forehead, obviously they were the ones with the best results in cooperative combat, and they also cooperated best in the battle with the pirates yesterday, why did they put their minds aside when they met Tom?

What is the reason for this cat?

The battle course ended happily, at least for Zhang Daye. Occasionally abuse food is good for physical and mental health. The people here speak very nicely. After beating them, they have to say thank you for your advice.

And Zefa seems to be more pleasing to his eyes the more he looks at him. Although he is far from exerting his full strength, Zefa has already praised his progress during this period of time. It feels like as long as Zhang Da speaks, Zefa will rush to regard him as a disciple, and he is an extraordinary disciple like Kebi is to Karp.

It's a pity that Zhang Da didn't mean it at all. Whether it's the Navy headquarters or the training camp, it's just a check-in point for him. What it means for him is to acquire some knowledge of navigation, and by the way, improve the strength of his companions who are not so powerful. .

At this time, the morning class was almost over, Zefa made a summary and announced that it was lunch time.

Next, is the home field of Artoria.

The sailors didn't see Artoria make a move all morning this morning, but they saw her strength in the cafeteria.

"Okay...so amazing."

"What set is this?"

"I don't know, but the plates are almost running out, and the chef has no time to wash them. It seems that he is asking someone who is free to help wash the plates. They are going to compete with the amber tour group."

There will always be some boring people who stay in the cafeteria to watch the excitement after eating their meals, and then voluntarily enlist to wash dishes in order to see Artoria's true strength.

"Hey, not only Miss Artoria, that Miss Rui Mengmeng is also amazing."

"Brother Tatsuya is not bad either!"

"I must be crazy. I saw Tom eat food for at least thirty people. Is it okay to have a bloated stomach like that?"

"Even in this department, only the giant lieutenant generals can compete with them, right?"

Ain was sitting opposite Arturia at this time, with a look of collapsed faith. She watched Arturia move her chopsticks, and a plate of noodles disappeared; when she picked up the knife and fork, a piece of steak turned into pieces and disappeared; with a wave of the spoon, a bowl of hot soup bottomed out...

She thought that Arturia should be an elegant knight, but now...the movements and postures are indeed very elegant, but...is there something wrong!

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