Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 450 Why Don't You Assign Her a Party (4000 words)

"Although the six styles have been explained, we haven't been in the camp for a long time. Now only a few people have barely mastered the iron block. For me, I only recently learned to use the shaving."

When Binz said that he had mastered shaving, he was a little proud: "Speaking of which, I heard that you are very strong. Are you here to learn the six styles?"

Zhang Da also said: "Well, I heard that when a person has fully mastered the six styles, he can be called a 'Superman', so I brought everyone here to learn."

Binz thought for a while and said: "There is indeed such a saying, but to be precise, one can become a 'Superman' when one's power reaches 500. Because everyone generally chooses the moves that suit them best and focuses on cultivation, few people can Completely master the six styles within a year."

The Navy is different from CP9. Although they will practice the Six Forms, the greatest significance for the Navy is not to allow people to master powerful moves, but to use the process of practicing the Six Forms as a set of standardized training methods. Mass production of 'Superman-level' Marines.

After all, given the number of people in the navy, it is impossible to equip everyone with a suitable master.

Sailors who can complete the six-style practice will gradually become officers at all levels, and talented officers will naturally develop their own moves based on the six-style practice, or after having a strong physique trained through the six-style practice, Find other ways to fight.

Many people think that Type 6 will be abolished in the later stage. In fact, its biggest mission has been completed-providing a large amount of mid-level combat power for the navy, which is also an important guarantee for the navy to be able to sit firmly on the sea.

Ding ding ding... Someone rang the bell, and Binz reminded: "It's time for class, let's go."

"Okay." Zhang Da also glanced at the others, only to see that everyone had made new friends.

Ai Yin naturally came together with Artoria and Rui Mengmeng. She is the only female soldier in this training camp. Ai Yin cherishes the two friends she just met.


"...This sea area is called the Mobe Jamlu Sea Area, also known as the Unhappy Sea Area. The climate here is extremely complicated, and mirages, heavy fog, thunderstorms, scorching heat, raindrops and hailstones with a diameter of more than 20 meters will appear within a short period of time.

When you are unlucky, the sea will split from the middle like being cut off. The harsh environment is rare even in the New World, so don’t enter it unless necessary..."

This class is about sea areas with disastrous weather, where nine out of ten ships cannot get out. As a future naval officer, this near-impossible location must be memorized.

Shark pepper in the amber tour group listened most seriously. He would think that if he went to explore the Mobejanmlu sea area by himself, he might not be able to swim out. In this dangerous sea, even a robot like him that can move freely underwater cannot guarantee that there will be no danger. You must be more careful in the future sailing journey.

Although the others were serious, they mostly listened to them as anecdotes. As Zefa said before, some boring knowledge and his own experience became a lot more interesting.

For example, forcing a certain big pirate into the dangerous sea area of ​​Mobeijanmru, and then arresting them while they were desperately escaping—I don’t know if it was influenced by Sengoku and Lieutenant General Crane. Some prefer to use the geographical advantages and rely on their brains to fight.

Looking at it this way, among the four old comrades-in-arms, only Karp's painting style is different, so Drago must not have been cultivated by Karp himself.

There will always be some problem students in a class, no matter how wonderful the teacher's lecture is, it has nothing to do with them, even in Zefa's training camp, this situation cannot be avoided.

Some students think that as long as they are strong enough, he doesn't plan to be a geographer or a navigator, so learning these things is completely useless.

Of course, there are also people in the amber tour group who are not interested in these things at all. For example, a beater named Ye, Zefa has been catching up on sleep not long after the lecture. As a scumbag, Ye Yan has a lot of knowledge sleeping experience in class.

Tom is similar to Ye Yan, but he is more blatant. Ye Yan still knows how to put his hands on his forehead to pretend to be thinking seriously. Tom just lay down on the table in front of Zhang Daye and hung a snot bubble.

In this respect, Perona is better than the two of them. Although she looks drowsy, she is at least trying to restrain herself from falling asleep.

‘Rule 2 for elementary school students, go to school on time, don’t miss classes casually, listen attentively to lectures, and complete homework carefully. hateful! ’ Little by little, Perona’s little head suddenly remembered the unbearable past.

I don't know if it was because Zhang Daye and the others were there today, but Zefa was in exceptionally good condition. A class lasted almost two hours, during which Tom woke up twice, so he announced a ten-minute break.

The trainees left the conference room one after another to go to the training ground. According to the usual practice, there will be a gymnastics class next, and there may be a battle event. Many people are looking forward to fighting against the members of the Amber Tour Group, but if they encounter weaker people, They decided to look at Wendy's face... show mercy.

Zhang Da also stretched, and when he was about to stand up, he looked up and saw Perona walking by: "Pei..."

Perona panicked like a conditioned reflex: "I was listening to the class well, and I definitely didn't sleep!"

"..." Why are you so proficient? Oh, it seems to be my fault, Zhang Da also suddenly felt a little pitiful for Perona, "I want to ask you how you feel, if you are very uncomfortable, I will seriously consider whether to modify the itinerary to the Navy headquarters this time. "

Perona's eyes lit up, and she opened her mouth to say that she was very uncomfortable, but she looked at Weiwei and Wendy, who were happily chatting about the interesting sea area in class, Perona hesitated, He changed his words: "It's...it's not that bad... If you seriously ask me, it's okay to go with you."

The inconsistency is too obvious, hasn't Tsundere retreated yet? Zhang Da also perfunctorily asked: "Oh, please, Lord Perona, please go to the Navy headquarters with us."

"What kind of attitude is this!" Perona was so angry that her soul was out of her body, her forehead was pressed against Zhang Daye's forehead, "Show me more sincerity!"

Obviously there was no touch when the forehead was pressed against it, but Zhang Da also successfully pushed her back when he stretched out his hand: "Don't pop up suddenly, it will scare people."

Zhang Da also pointed to several stunned naval students.

"Who cares about them!" Perona frowned, "You hurt me so much!"

Wendy, Xia Lulu and Weiwei walked over together: "Perona, do you want to go to the bathroom together?"

"Go!" Perona left Zhang Da behind in a blink of an eye, and left the classroom with the little sister.

"Let's go together." Rui Mengmeng followed them, "Ai Yin takes us there."

Ain smiled and waved to the little girls, and joined the team.

Zhang Da also picked up Tom who had woken up for the third time, and called the lonely Kalu. Uncle Long and Shark Pepper also woke up Ye Yan.

Arturia followed everyone silently.

Zhang Da also looked at her curiously: "Aren't you with Mengmeng and the others?"

Arturia tilted her head and looked at Zhang Daye suspiciously: "Why are you together?"

"Because..." Zhang Da also got stuck. Aren't girls always ganging up on toilets? He didn't know why, and now it seemed that Artoria didn't know either.

Zhang Da also guessed: "Maybe this means a good relationship?"

"Is that so?" Arturia expressed her incomprehension.

I can't talk today.


Ten minutes later, the trainees of the training camp stood in a neat queue on the playground, including the amber tour group.

Originally, as latecomers, they consciously stood in the last row, but Zefa called them to the first row-the reason was that their height was too inconspicuous standing in the back.

Zhang Da couldn't refute it either. He, the tallest member of the team, was only a little taller than Ain in the training camp. Whether it was Artoria or Lolita, they were all lagging behind, not to mention Tom and Karu. explain.

This game was lost by the Amber Tour Group.

"In view of the fact that there are new students entering the camp today, a temporary battle course is added, so that everyone can understand the level of people who dare to travel around with great fanfare in this era."

Zefa felt that it was necessary to pour cold water on the students who had just won the battle, so as to let them know how vast the world is.

"The grouping will be announced next, Binz vs. Zhang Daye, Ai Yin vs. Ye Yan..." Zefa asked Zhang Daye about the grouping in advance, especially the students with relatively excellent grades received special attention.

After the announcement, someone shouted: "Report!"

Zefa glanced at him: "Say."

"Teacher Zefa, why didn't Miss Artoria assign an opponent?" This person asked many people's doubts.

"Altoria's opponent?" Zefa smiled and said, "If you insist on assigning, I can only play in person, and changing venues is also very troublesome..."

Zefa said in his heart that I might not be able to win even if I make a move, and calling that old bastard Garp over is almost the same.

Whether it's fighting power or spirit, Zefa is no longer himself when he was young.

"is that a lie?"

"You have to deal with Teacher Zefa himself?"

"Could she really be a match for Hawkeye?"

The soldiers talked a lot, and one student said with mixed feelings: "Mr. Zefa, do you really want me to fight this cat?"

"Why, do you look down on your opponent? I should have said that underestimating the enemy is a taboo right before the battle?"

"Yes! But..."

"No but, give me seriousness in every fight." Zepha said, "If you can't beat Tom, how about doing a thousand push-ups?"


Zhang Da also shook his head, poor baby, he didn't know what he was going through. He kindly put on boxing gloves for Tom. Tom's fighting power in this state is relatively low. I hope that unlucky child will not cry.

Tom jumped up and down, punching and closing, eager to try.

Karoo cheered on Tom with a "quack" voice. He has no combat power for the time being. If he runs or swims in the future, he can participate in it. Now he can only watch.

"Okay, let's start!" Zefa gave an order, and the queue quickly spread out, and each team occupied a field - in order to save time, multiple teams played at the same time.

"Mr. Tatsuya, please give me your advice!" Binz greeted Zhang Daye politely.

"I'm ready, I can start at any time." Zhang Da also felt that he was a bit of a bully. For him, there was no one in the entire training camp who could fight except Zefa. Unless he was touched by Ain and turned back to the state of seven or eight years old.

"So impolite!" Binz's figure disappeared from the spot, "Shave!"

Boom! Binz was about to attack from behind, but Zhang Da also turned around and punched him in the face.

Binz flew out to the side, rolled a few times on the ground, lay flat on the ground and looked up at the sky: What happened just now?

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm used to slapping in the face." Zhang Da really didn't do it on purpose. He used to deal with those hateful people very easily.

"It can keep up with the speed of shaving!"

"That Binz can actually..."

The onlookers were shocked. Binz was one of the strongest among them, and he couldn't last a round in front of Zhang Daye!

"Hey, over there, Ain is also in a hard fight!"


Since it was just an ordinary battle, Ye Yan didn't take out the soul gong to bully people, but just set up four bright demon banners, shot them out like darts, and attacked with sharp points, which seemed a bit like imperial art.

This trick looks pretty cool, and Zhang Da wants to learn it too, but unfortunately there is no Huangyao Banner for him to play with, so he can only look forward to drawing one or two sides someday, it would be even better if it comes with a banner demon.

Ai Yin dodged the attack flexibly, and if she couldn't dodge, she drew her knife and knocked away, waiting for an opportunity to rush forward. In her opinion, Ye Yan's attack method must be not good at melee combat.

"Opportunity!" A pink flame burst out from the palm of Ai Yin's left hand, and she slapped Ye Yan, "Back!"

"Lu Dashan is in battle!" Dark green smoke rose from one of the four bright monster banners left by Ye Yan for self-defense, and quickly condensed into a solid body in front of Ye Yan.

puff! Ai Yin pressed her palm on Lu Dashan's belly, a flash of light flashed, nothing happened.

"What? Even if it's something created by the ability..." Ain activated the ability again in disbelief, "Back!"

Lu Dashan raised his hand and scratched his head: "Sister, what are you doing? It's so comfortable!"

After Ain activated his ability again to no avail, he took a few steps back and asked, "Why isn't he affected? My ability should have already worked. His body should return to the state it was 36 years ago. It's your ability." The words of creation should have disappeared!"

"I'm sorry, but you can think of him as a monster or a ghost. He is at least a few hundred years old. Even if he went back 36 years, he still has such an unbeatable virtue." Ye Yan poked his head out from behind Lu Dashan with a smile, "like this Old monster, I have seven more."

Ye Yan snapped his fingers, and the other seven banner demons emerged from the banner, either smiling strangely or saying something out of tune: "Sister, don't just touch Lu Dashan's belly, you can also touch Lu Dashan's belly. Give us a loose bone?"

Seeing Ain's bewildered look, Zefa nodded in satisfaction. This is one of the principles he wants to teach Ain. Too much reliance on one's own abilities will lead to disadvantages.

It's just that the behavior of these big guys is too beating.

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