Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 449 Tatsuya Wants to Abduct Zefa's People (4000 words)

Early the next morning, Zhang Da also changed into the newly received navy uniform with Tom.

"I feel quite refreshed." Zhang Da also looked at himself in the mirror. The clothes are quite comfortable to wear, as expected of military products.

Tom put on his hat, straightened his collar, pulled the blue scarf again, pushed Zhang Da away from the mirror, took a closer look at his outfit, and nodded to express his satisfaction, although he was only wearing a jacket Pants.

Zhang Da also looked at the way Tom adjusted his collar, and inexplicably remembered Chu Yunfei's sentence, "I just like the small lapel of this American military uniform. After all, it is a democratic country. Even this military uniform makes sense to you, let your neck enjoy it." Free, not bound. '

Putting aside the messy thoughts, Zhang Da also tried on the hat, and then frowned: "My hair seems to be a bit long, can Tom cut it for me?"

Tom nodded, quickly opened the stool to let Zhang Da sit down, took out a large piece of cloth to wrap around him, and finally took out the scissors, and worked hard.

Zhang Da also looked at the refreshing and neat hairstyle in the mirror, and nodded with satisfaction. Tom is indeed everyone's queen barber, and his haircutting skills surpass all Tony's teachers. Bailey.

"Morning." Zhang Da also walked out of the room just in time to meet Shark Pepper.

"Morning." Shark Pepper's dressing idea was similar to Tom's, only wearing a loose top, probably because he was worried that it would be inconvenient to wear long pants when changing his shape.

Uncle Long is already boxing in the yard. He gets up very early every day, and he pays special attention to the boxing in the morning. He is also wearing a navy uniform. It's not polite to say so, but he really looks like a very ordinary navy Soldier.

Behind Uncle Long are four lolita, who are punching and breathing in the rhythm of Uncle Long. The four of them are also dressed in the same way. Three of them are in high spirits, and only one is listless——Perona doesn't want to get up early, but also hates it. This plain uniform.

On the second point, Zhang Da also had to slightly agree with Perona's opinion. He also thought that little girls would look better in their own little skirts.

"Gah~" Kalu raised his wings to greet Zhang Da. He wore a special navy cap on his head, decorated with the same style of seagull in the Warring States Period, and looked a bit dull.

Ye Yan was dressed neatly and was carrying a rifle to stand guard on the roof. He was not in a hurry to go back to catch up on sleep today. For the sake of art, he decided to bear with it and go to morning exercises with everyone.

Passers-by on the road saw Ye Yan standing guard on the roof with eight flags behind him, with a strange expression on his face.

He seems to have accidentally affected the image of the navy in the minds of the people.

"Ready to eat!" Rui Mengmeng brought breakfast to the table and took off her apron. She was also wearing navy clothes. Nicely framed her perfect figure. Perona and Weiwei may be able to compete with her when they grow up, but judging from the current trend, no one in the tavern will be able to compete in ten years.

Arturia was summoned by Rui Mengmeng's meal notice. She was the only one who didn't change her clothes on purpose today, but she was wearing a white dress and a blue dress. The color of her clothes matched the navy uniform very well, and she didn't look awkward among the crowd at all.

"So cunning!" Perona noticed Artoria's clothes, but unfortunately her skirts were mostly red, pink and black, and there was no blue.

"Should I give you one?" Artoria said that she still had extra skirts. Although she was a little taller than Perona, there was only a little left.

Considering that Perona just turned fourteen last month, she is almost as tall as Artoria, which is really a sad story. Another sad story is that Wendy's height has not changed. When Vivi grows a little taller, she will be able to understand Artoria's feelings, and the relationship between the two of them will definitely become better by then.

Perona thought for a while, and rejected Arturia's kindness. She felt that the blue skirt didn't match her, so she just made do with wearing trousers for a while.

"Let's just make do with it for a while." Zhang Da also comforted, "In fact, the requirements for clothing in the navy are not so rigid. Generally, non-commissioned officers can wear the clothes they like. Although we are not promoted, we can participate casually. After a few battles, no one can say anything about wearing some of your own clothes."

He still thought it was routine for Zefa to distribute clothes to them, and he didn't think of the old man's 'sinister' intentions at all.


When they arrived at the naval base, the sailors seemed to have just finished their breakfast and came out of the cafeteria one after another.

Zhang Da was also heartbroken. He knew that he should come for a meal, under the banner of familiarizing himself with the situation in advance.


"over there!"

"Go quickly!"

A group of sailors surrounded the crowd with a whimper, and Tom was taken aback. The rifle shook in his hand a few times before he took it again. While shaking his arms, he pointed the gun at the sailors. On the contrary, he turned around in a hurry.

The sailors didn't realize how dangerous their situation was, Qiqi bowed to Wendy: "Miss Wendy, thank you very much for your help!"

Zhang Da also took a closer look at these sea soldiers, and found that they were all unfamiliar faces. Judging from their appearance, they should be the people Wendy treated yesterday.

Wendy waved her hands in a panic: "No...you're welcome, brother Tatsuya and Mr. Zefa asked me to help."

"In any case, I would like to thank you for your help, and I also thank Mr. Tatsuya!" The students looked very solemn.

According to the military doctor, it will take at least half a month for these seriously injured to recover, and it may take a month or two to rejoin the training. However, for them, the time in the training camp is very precious, rest for two months Enough to make them fall behind their peers by a large margin.

And Wendy's appearance directly shortened this time to two or three days. Even if they didn't recover directly, it was already very rare. This kindness is too heavy for them!

After the other students heard about them, their minds became active immediately. Even those who had disliked the amber tour group were silently thinking about whether they should use their allowance to buy some lollipops and chocolates every day. Get on good terms with this little healer.

After all, there will be many internships like this in the future, and injuries are inevitable, and as long as Wendy helps, there won't be too much delay in training.

As a result, Wendy became the most popular person in the entire training camp overnight, something that even Artoria with outstanding temperament couldn't compare to.

"What are you all doing there?" Zefa said, "Those who can participate in the training come to exercise, and those who cannot participate go back to rest!"

"Yes!" The sailors left reluctantly, and they found that Wendy herself was cute despite her ability.

Seeing Zhang Daye and the others walking towards him in navy uniforms, Zefa suddenly felt very comfortable. These people looked so pleasing to the eye in military uniforms. He showed an extremely kind smile and said, "You came on time. .Also, this suit suits you very well!"

Zhang Da also always felt that he seemed to have seen Zefa's eyes somewhere... Thinking about it, it was Ace who fell for Perona's ability and said that he was not worthy of being a pirate, Garp seemed to have this kind of eyes at that time.

Can't it? We didn't go astray... Zhang Da couldn't stand Zefa's eyes, and asked, "What's the training content today?"

"Is the training content?" Zefa organized the language and said, "First of all, morning exercises, a simple run for a few kilometers, which is similar to a warm-up. It should not be difficult for you."

"Then we have morning classes, mainly explaining the types of important islands, the climate and currents of the major oceans and other common sense, and sometimes some information about pirates, the cooperative combat relationship between the navy and various departments of the world government, etc... "

When they heard that culture class was coming, Ye Yan and Perona had visibly bored expressions on their faces, both of them were scumbags.

In order to prevent them from being scared away, Zefa tried to make amends: "Ah, it may seem boring to say this, but I will tell it based on what I have seen and heard over the years, thinking that just sitting in the room can hear the music from all over the world." Interestingly, such an opportunity is rare.”

Others are very interested. They have been traveling for nearly a year, and they have visited only a dozen islands. Compared with Zefa’s half-life experience, it can be said that they are insignificant. Maybe they can find some interesting islands by listening to the lectures. You can go and play.

Zefa glanced at his watch: "It's almost time, let's go for a run first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"Okay." Zhang Da also agreed, and led everyone to join the queue of the sailors for running exercises.

Zefa watched with satisfaction as the Amber tour group joined the queue and ran around the training ground with the other trainees.

As time passed, Zefa became more satisfied. Sure enough, the physical strength of everyone in this team, from adults to children, was far beyond ordinary people. Even Weiwei, who he was least optimistic about, ran for several kilometers without watching How hard it is to get out.

Weiwei has been out with the Amber Tour Group for three months, and Uncle Long has been here for five months. During this period, they have not slackened in their training. It is hard to say how much their combat effectiveness has improved, but their physical fitness has definitely improved tremendously.

Except...the cat named Tom, who rode on Karoo after a lap, is now lolling his tongue, looking exhausted.

Zefa has never figured out what kind of breed Tom is until now. According to his observation and the information he inquired from Zhang Daye and the others, Tom seems to be able to do many incredible things, but he seems to be unable to do anything well.

From the point of view of being able to swim, it is not a Devil Fruit user... Zhang Da also said that Tom is an ordinary house cat, and Zefa is 10,000 unbelievers. If house cats were like this, there would be no humans in the world. It's okay, let's take a look at it slowly.

The intensity of the morning exercises in the training camp is different from that of the ordinary navy, and the total mileage of running is about to catch up with Zhang Da's morning exercises. The students should have been used to this kind of exercise intensity long ago, but they were a little surprised that all members of the Amber Tour Group could persist.

What they didn't know was that Zhang Daye, Rui Mengmeng, and Ye Yan all carried heavy burdens on their bodies, and Uncle Long was also considering strengthening himself recently.

"Ten minutes break." Zefa said, "Gather in yesterday's conference room in ten minutes."

Some of the sailors ran to drink water, some went to the toilet, some went directly to the conference room, and some came up to talk to Zhang Daye and the others.

Ye Yan and Shark Pepper, the two social cows, were not afraid of this kind of scene, and soon became friends with the sea soldiers. Although Uncle Long was not as good as them, his social skills were not bad, and he met many people after a while.

Wendy is still the key caretaker of the sea soldiers, but this time she has three little sisters to help her share the firepower, which makes her a little easier.

Ain originally wanted to chat with Wendy, but seeing her surrounded by crowds, she decided to get acquainted with her in the future, and turned to Artoria: "Well... may I ask you about your victory over the Eagles?" Are the rumors about the eye true?"

Ain was also considered a swordsman, and he was somewhat concerned about this matter, and probably influenced by Artoria's temperament, he unconsciously used honorifics when speaking.

"It's not as exaggerated as the newspapers said, and there was no real winner in the end." Artoria has answered this question more than once, "He is a very strong swordsman."

In other words, does this petite girl in front of her really have the same strength as Hawkeye? Ain was a little excited: "Then, if I have a chance, can I ask you for advice?"

Arturia nodded: "Okay, Tatsuya said we're going to stay here for a long time."

Why does a person like Artoria listen to that person's arrangement, is he stronger? Ai Yin looked at Zhang Daye suspiciously.

At this time, Zhang Da was also pulling Binz to ask: "How long is Mr. Zefa's training camp? Did you graduate early or something?"

"It will take about a year." Binz replied, "Even monster rookies like the three generals haven't graduated early."

Binz's tone of voice is a bit strange, a bit like the Noh tone of CP9's lion cuddling.

"The three generals...are they students at the same time?" Zhang Da only remembered that those three were all Zefa's students.

"No, Generals Sakaski and Polusalino are first-year students, and General Kuzan is third-year students." Binz said with some hope, "I only hope to be half as good as them in the future and I will be satisfied."

"Then you have to work hard." Zhang Da also felt that he was not good enough, and the ability to prosper fruit was not strong enough. Using dancing to manipulate the growth of nearby plants was not bad for developing agriculture.

If you go out to fight, you have to carry a lot of seeds with you like Usopp, which is probably equivalent to the beggar's version of the green bull?

Well, thinking about it, if Binz develops it well, he might be able to become the father of the green bull and restrain him to death.

Zhang Da also took a look at Weiwei, or let Cobra find a way to dig people to Alabasta for greening. The method... Invite the navy to set up a base in the port city of Alabasta, and name Binz Responsible, the reason is that during the training camp, the Amber Tour Group observed that he was competent enough...

Zhang Da also thought secretly, Zefa was thinking about my abductor all day long, why don't I strike first.

"By the way, where is the progress of your gymnastics teaching? Have you learned the six styles?"

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