Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 448 Just Like Going Home (4000 words)

Not long after Zefa left, there was rumbling gunfire on the sea, and a pirate ship and two warships poured firepower into each other.

The cooperation between the two warships seemed a little jerky, but they still firmly suppressed the pirate ship. On one of the ships, Zefa pointed out through the phone bug that the students were not doing well enough.

Zhang Da also repaired the floor in the tavern steadily. After repairing, he went to exercise with Rui Mengmeng and the others. After Ye Yan woke up, he asked him to release the banner demon to watch from a distance and make a live broadcast.

When the few people who went shopping came back, the battle between the students in the training camp and the pirates had come to an end. This group of pirates was obviously not strong, and they were defeated steadily. Seeing that the pirate ship was about to sink, with nearly half of the casualties, the pirates managed to rush to a warship, ready to fight desperately.

The sailors won the first battle, their morale was high, and they were superior in numbers, so they were naturally not afraid of a boarding battle. Two warships approached and surrounded the pirates from two directions.

However, the recruits suffered a great loss when they met the pirates face to face. More than a dozen recruits were cut down as soon as they stepped on the deck of the enemy ship. If they were not well-trained, they would have died by now.

Cass, the captain of the Cass Pirates, offered a bounty of 38 million Baileys, and his weapon was a mace. On the contrary, it was even more vicious.

Zefa frowned and didn't make a move. Bleeding and injury are also things that students must experience. If you underestimate the enemy, you have to bear the consequences, as long as you don't die.

Fortunately, the sailors reacted fairly quickly. Two or three formed a group and cooperated with each other to attack the pirates, making full use of the number advantage.

Ain and Binz rushed towards the pirate captain Cass who kept shouting to encourage his men.

Cass, as a pirate who can get a bounty of 38 million without relying on fruit ability, is pretty good, at least comparable to the current Ain and Binz, and even faintly able to suppress them.

However, he was carelessly slapped on the body by Ai Yin. From a young man of twenty-four or five years old to a child of twelve or thirteen years old, he couldn't hold the mace in his hand for a while, almost smashing his head foot.

"What kind of ability is this?"

"I am a regressive person who has eaten the fruit of regress. My ability is that no matter what, I can make it go back 12 years." Ain introduced his ability naturally, "Your current state is about 13 years old. If I run into you two more times, you won't exist at all, so just grab it!"

"Damn it, how could it be possible to have such an ability!" Cass would not give up resistance just because of her few words. Just do it yourself, go die!"

Ain nimbly turned over and jumped up, pink flames appeared in the palm of his hand, he slapped Cass on the head with his palm, and then landed gracefully like a gymnast.

And Cass' body shrank rapidly, his clothes fell loosely, and the black captain's cap crookedly covered the one-year-old Cass's head, covering even his eyes, and a huge mace flew out. A gap was smashed in the edge and fell into the sea.

"Wow..." Little Cass sat on the deck and wanted to say something, but all he could do was cry.

"It seems that the current age is less than one year old." Binz lifted Cass up with one hand, and said, "Ain, I almost overdid it."

"Anything is fine." Ain shouted to the other pirates, "Your captain has been defeated, give up resistance!"

Some pirates saw the battle here, and immediately lost their fighting spirit. The opponent's ability was too weird, and they didn't want to become like the captain.

There were also people who did not give up so easily, but quickly lost their fighting power under the siege of the sea soldiers.


"This eldest sister's ability is a bit scary." Ye Yan learned about the battle process through the banner demon, and was a little afraid of Ai Yin's ability.

"Just don't be touched by her. You should be able to untie her if you knock her out after being hit. You are good at this." Zhang Da also said, "If there is a battle project at the naval base later, I will send you to deal with her .”

Ye Yan's banner demons are at least hundreds of years old, and they can stand there and let Ai Yin retreat. In addition, there is also the Chaos Beast known as the ancient god beast, the ancient...how old is it?

Ye Yan squinted his eyes: "I think you want to trick me."

Zhang Da also denied it flatly: "That's impossible, when did I cheat my own people?"

Tom, who was stealing food in the kitchen, sneezed. He rubbed his nose and felt that he must have eaten too many cold drinks and got cold, so he picked up another ice cream and prepared to continue to improve his cold resistance.

When the shoppers came back, Zhang Da also told them about going to the naval base, and they packed up their things and set off together.

Shark Pepper glanced at Tom who was wrapped in a blanket, and asked, "What's wrong with Tom?"

Zhang Da also said helplessly: "When I was stealing ice cream, I accidentally fell into the freezer of the refrigerator. When I found him, the whole cat turned into ice cubes. It had just thawed not long ago."

Everyone gave Tom sympathetic looks, except for Artoria, whose eyes clearly said, "You didn't call me for stealing food".

"A~Ah~" Tom sneezed again, with a guilty expression on his face.

Zefa seemed to have greeted the soldiers at the gate in advance, and everyone entered the naval base smoothly. The soldiers also enthusiastically pointed them in the direction of the training ground. It seemed that they were newcomers. I don’t know how familiar Zhang Da is with this place. .

On the training ground, the students stood in a neat line, and many of them had bandages wrapped around their bodies. It seemed that they were minor injuries that did not affect their actions.

"The biggest problem for you today is to underestimate the enemy!" Zefa said loudly about the shortcomings of the students, "Some people say that the scars on your body are the medals of soldiers, but like today, you rush forward rashly because you think you have an advantage in numbers. Your injury is not glory, but disgrace!"

Then he said a lot of warnings about being vigilant at all times on the battlefield, and the students listened obediently.

"Are you here?" Seeing Zhang Daye and the others, Zefa temporarily stopped speaking.

Zhang Da also said: "Excuse me, I heard that this battle was a complete victory, congratulations."

In fact, Zhang Da also wanted to say that these students are too prodigal, what a pirate ship, if they were to deal with it, it would sell for tens of millions of Baileys, and these prodigals actually beat the ship like that.

The students looked curiously at the group of people who came suddenly, and Zefa introduced them to the students one by one:

Zhang Daye, Tom, Artoria, Rui Mengmeng, Shark Pepper, Ye Yan, Wendy, Xia Lulu, Jackie Chan, Perona, Wei Wei, Karu, a total of nine people, plus two cats and a run duck. Shark Pepper was classified as a human being by Zefa. Because Shark Pepper's intelligence and emotions are so human-like, it is really difficult for Zefa to regard him as a robot.

"From now on, members of the Amber Tour Group will also train with you and return to the headquarters with us. They will also participate in future internship tasks, which means that they will spend a long time with you and cherish the opportunity. Ask them more!"

Zhang Da also said modestly: "Don't say that, we are here to learn from you, I hope you don't dislike it."

The expressions of the students were different, some were amazed by the beauty of Artoria and Rui Mengmeng, some were attracted by the clanging sound of Shark Chili walking, and some thought that the legendary amber tour group... just like that .

They just went through a battle and easily defeated a pirate group led by a big pirate with a bounty of 38 million Baileys without the help of Mr. Zefa. This is their first battle. For recruits, such a result is brilliant!

So some people will inevitably feel proud, and even feel that the legendary amber tour group may not be as powerful as imagined, after all, they haven't caught many decent big pirates.

"The Golden Lion was due to General Polusalino."

"Crocodile was also there because there was a lieutenant general in Huoshaoshan."

"It's just their luck that they encountered more little pirates."

A few students had this idea in their minds, if they were so strong, why did they come to the training camp?

Thinking about it, the students observed the discipline very well, and no one opened their mouths to provoke. Anyway, since they joined, they will have a chance to compete sooner or later, and they will naturally know the truth at that time. And in the future, everyone may become comrades-in-arms, and there is no need to come up and make the relationship stalemate.

Zefa keenly noticed the expressions of the students. What he was most worried about was that the students lost confidence because of the difficult battle, and secondly, they were proud of the victory. Now it seems that we need to hit these ignorant children like we hit Smoker back then, but now is not the time.

"Wendy, can I ask you to go to the medical office? Some students have suffered serious injuries, and I'm worried that some of them will...be unable to hold on." Zefa kindly made a request to Wendy.

Wendy looked at Zhang Daye.

"Go ahead and ask Xia Lulu to accompany you." Zhang Da also winked quietly at Xia Lulu, signaling her not to let Wendy act too exaggeratedly.

Xia Lulu nodded to express her understanding.

"Hmm!" Wendy wondered why Zhang Da also didn't go to help, but obediently didn't say much, "Where is the medical office?"

"Ain, you take them there."

"Yes, Teacher Zefa." Ain smiled at Wendy, "Please come with me."

Ain doesn't know much about Wendy, and like most people, she thinks that Wendy is a person with the ability to manipulate the wind, but according to Teacher Zefa, is this child still a doctor? The age is too young.

Watching Wendy leave, Zhang Da didn't follow along to join in the fun. He had already made up his mind not to show the dragon-slaying magic in front of the navy, as well as special abilities such as the soul gong, so that people would know that he could obtain other people's abilities. It will be troublesome.

"Okay, as a punishment for making a major mistake in the first battle, run a hundred laps around the playground, start now!"

The trainees acted quickly. Running a hundred laps is usually just an ordinary training, but after a big battle, it is really a punishment.

"Should we run along?" Zhang Da also asked a stupid question, mainly because other people watch him run. This is the first time he has watched others run.

Zefa said: "Go to a place with me first."

Everyone followed Zefa. Zefa planned to introduce the various facilities in the base along the way, but Zhang Da would meet acquaintances from time to time on the road. From colonels to sergeants, and even ordinary soldiers, Zhang Da also smiled. Talk to people casually.

On the contrary, Zefa not only couldn't get in the way, but also needed Zhang Da to tell the sea soldiers that Mr. Zefa was a nice person, so don't be restrained.

A question mark slowly popped up on Zefa's forehead, is this a naval base or Zhang Daye's tavern? Why does he seem to be home, more familiar than me?

"Oh, I have been coming here to exchange bounties since before I went to sea. Some enthusiastic school officials will occasionally show us some not-so-secret places, so I am quite familiar with this place." Zhang Da also saw Zefa's puzzled expression. The expression explained, "Those sailors often go to my tavern when they are on vacation, and sometimes they are forced to work overtime because of trouble, or listen to the piano and drink, and we suddenly give them a bounty or something , I met a lot of people after coming and going.”

"This is really..." Zefa didn't know what to say for a while.

However, people like Jackie Chan and Ye Yan, who come here less frequently, are still quite curious about this place, and occasionally ask some questions, but the embarrassing thing is that Zhang Daye is often the one who answers the questions first, he is really more familiar with this base than Zefa .

"Here we are." Zefa heaved a sigh of relief, he almost thought that Zhang Da was also the navy and he himself was the guest.

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Da also remembered that there was a warehouse area nearby, and they were generally not allowed to come close.

"I'll give you a few sets of training uniforms and standard weapons." Zefa said, "Although you are only participating in the training temporarily, it's better for everyone to keep the same clothing."

There are more than 20 sets of clothes on the table outside the warehouse, all of which are worn by ordinary navy soldiers. Each set has a white jacket with the seagull logo printed on the back, a blue scarf, and a military cap. A pair of dark blue trousers and a pair of brown military boots.

The size seems to be similar to everyone's real size. The loli's clothes are probably made temporarily, and even Tom and Xia Lulu's clothes are specially made.

As for Karoo, he only had one hat with a seagull decoration on it, which looked the same as the Warring States hat, and Zhang Da almost laughed out loud.

Everyone got their clothes, Ye Yan was the most active, wishing he could change on the spot.

Perona was a little disgusted, but she obediently kept it, and by the way, she also took Wendy and Xia Lulu's share.

Seeing them put away their clothes, Zefa was very relieved to see Ye Yan's appearance. He is a little bit careful-to cultivate a sense of belonging to the navy, we must start with a uniform dress.

"Weapons include rifles and ordinary sabers. You can choose one if you need one. Remember to come to morning exercises tomorrow morning."


py: "Worship the Electronic Moon, Talk about Cyber ​​Love"

Introduction: "Real love, even dogs don't talk about it!" Wouldn't it be more interesting to pay homage to the electronic Yuelao, talk about cyber love, and use the rewards for customs clearance to become a talented handsome guy?

Wait, it's just a game?

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