Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 447 The Undertaker with Big Hands (3000 words)


"Saw." Crunch...

"Hammer." Dududu...

"Okay, call it a day!" Zhang Da also sat on a ladder and looked up at the ceiling he had repaired, very satisfied.

Tom, who had been handing tools to Zhang Daye's assistant, heard the word call it a day, and immediately moved the ladder away.

When Zefa walked into the tavern, he happened to see Zhang Daye floating in the air, and he asked doubtfully, "Piao Piao Guo?"

"Huh, Mr. Zefa? What fluttering fruit?" Zhang Da was also taken aback, and reached out to touch his buttocks, feeling something was wrong, and then fell headlong, "Tom!"

Tom, who was carrying the ladder, looked back and ran faster.

Zhang Da also pulled himself out of the hole in the floor, and pulled out a chair beside a wine table: "Sorry, there was a little accident, please sit down."

Zefa asked, "Who are you?"

"I repaired the ceiling, and now I need to repair the floor." Zhang Da also looked at the hole he made, feeling a little depressed.

Wendy and Xia Lulu sensibly brought over some tea and snacks, and then sat quietly aside.

"Thank you." Zefa gave Wendy a loving look. What a cute child, why did he faint on the warship? He looked at Xia Lulu, wondering, "This is... a new member?"

Zhang Da also said: "This is Xia Lulu, you have met before."

"Long time no see, Mr. Zefa." Xia Lulu suddenly changed back to cat form, stood on the table, and said in a tone like Wendy's parents, "Thank you for your guidance to Wendy when I was at Whiskey Mountain."

"It turned out to be the little white cat that can only fly." Only then did Zefa remember who Xia Lulu was. "Are you the cat that ate the Renren fruit, or the person who ate the Maomao fruit?"

"You can understand it any way you want, anyway, I am me." Knowing that Zhang Da also likes to make outsiders think that everyone is capable, Xia Lulu intentionally made his words ambiguous.

"Haha, you really are..." Zefa didn't ask further, thinking that they might still not trust the navy enough.

Zhang Da didn't want to talk too much about it, so he asked, "When did you arrive?"

Zefa picked up his teacup and took a sip, and said, "It's only in the morning, come and sit while the students go out to perform tasks. Isn't everyone else here?"

"Some are catching up on sleep, some are going out to play, and some are exercising in the yard."

"Boss! That man..." Rui Mengmeng ran in from the backyard, was stunned when she saw Zefa, and stopped talking, "Ah, Mr. Zefa, hello."

"Hello." Zefa greeted with a smile, "What happened?"

Rui Mengmeng looked at Zhang Daye with some hesitation, not knowing whether to say this or not.

Zhang Da also thought about it, and guessed that Altaïr could not bear the mental torture and confessed, and there was nothing to hide: "It's okay, let's just say it, it should have been handled by the navy."

Zefa became interested, what is so mysterious.

"Oh." Rui Mengmeng said hastily after getting permission, "That person committed suicide, you and Wendy go and see it!"


Altaïr was tossed by Perona with the negative ghost all morning, but still did not ask any useful information.

Later, Zhang Da asked Tom to scratch the soles of his feet with a feather for ten minutes. Altaïr almost died laughing and persisted, not even revealing his own name.

There was no other way, so I had to put it in the yard for Rui Mengmeng to watch while she was exercising, and wanted to wait for Ye Yan, who had no morals, to wake up, and then study if there was any other way. Unexpectedly, Rui Mengmeng found a chance to kill himself if he didn't pay attention.

When Zhang Daye and Wendy checked Altaïr, he was completely out of breath, and now they were helpless.

"This is the killer we caught last night." Zhang Da also briefly explained the situation to Zefa, "The sheriff came in the morning, and he didn't dare to take it after hearing that it was the killer. Let us hand it over to the navy. I didn’t expect that before I had time to send it…”

It is common sense to be a sheriff in 59GR, that is to go to Tatsuya’s tavern every morning for a walk, and you can get something from time to time, but today the sheriff is terrified, it’s okay to collect thieves and robbers, but killers It was too scary. He was afraid that he would lose his credit if he didn't get someone, so he should push it to the navy.

Zefa touched the sparse stubble on his chin, and guessed: "This style, and this outfit... It's a bit like the style of the 'big-handed undertaker'."

"Big-handed undertaker?" Zhang Da has also heard of this person. It sounds like he is engaged in the funeral business, but that is just a cover. In fact, the killer business, the organ trafficking business, and even the slave trade business are the only ones that can't be seen. It is the main business.

Maybe after his own killer kills someone, their branch will take over the funeral business. In the process, he may even take the opportunity to take away one or two usable organs, playing a truly one-stop service.

Zhang Da also thought for a while and said: "I don't remember that I offended him...there was his stronghold in the lawless area before?"

"Probably there is, but the killer is not necessarily because you offended him." Zefa said, "It may be that other people hired their killer. The situation in the illegal area...is difficult to understand."

This is troublesome. Zhang Da also knows how much he is hated by others. There are definitely not one or two offending forces in sweeping up the illegal area. If these guys are determined to kill him, maybe they can scrape together a lot of money Come.

"Then, do you know where the lair of that big-handed undertaker is?" Zhang Da was also thinking that since he couldn't find those who paid him to kill him, he should just get rid of the killer organization.

Judging from Ye Yan's description of this killer, this guy may have two skills in stealth and stealth, but his combat strength is mediocre, and he doesn't know what level he is in that organization.

However, Zefa's answer disappointed him: "People like the undertaker with big hands won't stay in one place for a long time. Maybe their headquarters can be moved at any time like Morgans."

Morgans' headquarters is a spaceship that can be moved by a flock of birds and many balloons. Every time news that is unfavorable to those big forces is reported, he must move. He relies on his unparalleled intelligence and maneuverability to keep doing this. Jump has not been killed.

Zhang Da also frowned: "So we still have to find a way to catch people alive?"

"There is another way. As long as you join the navy, you don't have to worry about this kind of trouble. No matter what, they dare not come to assassinate the admiral." Zefa knew that if the navy and the world government were willing, not to mention the suppression of those so-called For the underground forces, it is no problem to clean up at least one leader of the killer organization.

No matter how secretive the underground forces are, it is inevitable that some CP people will get mixed in, but these undercover agents will not be easily used.

"Let me think about it again." Zhang Da would not sell himself just for this matter, he pointed to the corpse on the ground, there are other ways to find that big-handed undertaker.

For example... to attend the tea party of the aunt.

"Then this person..."

"Leave it to me. If I can find information about him, I will tell you." Zefa said, "Remember to take everyone to the base later, I will introduce the students to you and arrange for you It's about camp training."

"Okay." Zhang Da also agreed. Zefa hoped that they would deepen their relationship with the navy, and he wanted to take everyone to the navy for a lesson. This wave is a two-way rush.

"Puru puru puru..." Zefa's phone rang.

"I'm Zefa."

"Teacher Zefa, I'm Ain." A pleasant female voice came, "A pirate ship was found in the northwest of 27GR. Everyone is gathering to prepare for battle."

"I see, I'll go back right away."

Zefa didn't want to do it himself when he went back. If he wanted to help the recruits hold the line, Major General Kadalu or T Penn would do. He was mainly doing naval battle guidance.

How to maximize the firepower advantage of warships through command in naval battles is a very important lesson. Only by learning how to command naval battles can one be qualified to become an admiral.

After Zefa hung up the phone, Zhang Da also rubbed his hands and asked, "Can you help me?"

"Forgive them, it's rare to have an actual combat opportunity, and I happen to have something to teach them." Zefa shook his head lightly, indicating that you should not come to fight monsters, "If you want to listen to me, I welcome it. It would be better to bring Wendy to help later."

"It's fine to listen in. If there are wounded soldiers who are not easy to treat, you can contact us." Zhang Da also has no interest in naval battles. What he wants to learn is personal combat, such as how to make the armed domineering 'flow'.

Zefa left with Altaïr's body, and Zhang Da also picked up the hammer to repair the big hole in the floor.

Rui Mengmeng, Wendy and Xia Lulu directly stayed in the yard to exercise.

Tom poked his head out of the utility room, watching carefully to see if the master had calmed down. After careful consideration, Tom decided to wait until the owner had finished repairing the floor and forgot about it. He tiptoed and sneaked into the kitchen.

tuk tuk tuk...

Zhang Da also hit a few hammers casually, and looked up to see the magic light on Wendy's body: "It's broken, Zefa shouldn't have taken the body away!"

He suddenly remembered Wendy's magic, Long Slayer Profound Art Galaxy, he should have summoned that killer's soul back for interrogation just now! People are dead, so they should be able to tell the truth, right?

Zhang Da didn't give up and asked: "Wendy, can you use Galaxy now?"

"Galaxy?" Wendy said, "I don't know, I can give it a try."

As she spoke, Wendy drew a magic circle in the yard, then knelt down on the ground and closed her eyes to recite the spell.

After a while, Wendy opened her eyes and shook her head slightly: "No, I can't feel his soul at all."

Zhang Da also thought for a moment, and gave up the idea of ​​chasing Zefa to get back the corpse. Yinhe's ability to talk to dead souls, it's better not to let the people in the government know.

Anyway, isn't it just a hidden killer organization, and sooner or later they will be cleaned up.

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