Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 446 Naval Cadet (3200 words)

"Really, just as reckless as Tom." Xia Lulu flew up and pulled Altaïr's foot down forcefully, because she maintained the cat form, so she seemed a little struggling.

With a slight crisp sound, Altaïr was successfully pulled out, and a small amount of fine sawdust fell down together. From the hole upwards, one could see an overturned cat's nest—the location of the crash seemed to be Tom's. Below the cat litter, although he doesn't live in that litter much, he always takes it with him every time he moves.

In this way, Zhang Da didn't have much psychological burden. Anyway, it was his own room that was damaged.

Xia Lulu gently put Altaïr on the ground to prevent the poor killer from being harmed again: "Why is he silent, and his face is so bad, did you strike too hard?"

"No, it's just a light prick. It's not yet the stage of torture to extract a confession." Zhang Da also felt wronged, so he stepped forward to check, "It's poisoned, Wendy!"

Not only Wendy was here, except for Ye Yan who went to catch up on sleep, and Artoria quietly waiting for Rui Mengmeng and Tom to make breakfast, everyone else was watching. After all, he is a rare killer, and this person is different from those unprofessional guys in Baroque in terms of dress and style, which is quite new to everyone.

"Yes!" Wendy stretched out her hand, and the palm of her hand released a green light, which is the magic of removing toxins.

Zhang Da also reached out his hand to cooperate with Wendy. This person was decisive enough. He committed suicide by taking poison as soon as he regained consciousness. He was too professional. It's just that the operation of hiding the poison in the mouth is a bit of a show, and the flag monsters beat the face so hard that they couldn't break the poison sac and the like, the technique of hiding the poison is also a bit powerful.

But with him and Wendy present at the same time, if you want to die, you have to ask them if they agree!

Altaïr's consciousness has been blurred, and he realized his situation the moment he woke up. There is a rumor in their circle that the Amber Tour Group has a very powerful interrogation method, and no one wants to go through that kind of trial.

So Altaïr chose to commit suicide by taking poison without hesitation, this was his determination when he took over the mission, but he was kicked all the time, neither his teeth nor his tongue could control him, there was no way he wanted to commit suicide— —The banner monsters' bad habit of slapping their faces unintentionally made some contributions.

"Is this the feeling of death?" Altaïr felt that his whole body was gradually being wrapped in warmth, "I didn't expect it to be not bad, but people like me will definitely go to hell, right?"

"Yes, this is hell." A rough voice sounded, "Tell me about your sins in life, why did you die?"

The others looked at Zhang Daye in astonishment, this person entered the scene a little too quickly.

"I'm a killer..." Altaïr's slightly confused expression quickly became sober, and his voice stopped abruptly. He turned his neck with difficulty to look at the group of people surrounding him, and said in disbelief, "I didn't die?"

"You are dead, this is hell, and there are countless resentful souls floating here." Zhang Da also continued to speak in a rough voice, and quietly gestured to Perona.

Perona coordinated and released a bunch of negative ghosts floating around, but unfortunately, he still knew Perona, the princess of the Mononoke, and the painting style of the negative ghosts was too cute to scare the killer who was gradually regaining consciousness.

Altaïr tried to move, and after confirming that he couldn't break free from the rope on his body, he simply closed his mouth without saying a word.

Zhang Da was also a little disappointed. If Brooke was here, the probability of bluffing him might be higher. But the people who came this time seemed to have a different style of painting, and their IQs were much higher than those foolish ones.

"I'm already awake, what should I say?" Zhang Da also followed the temptation, "You see, you have been poisoned and survived, so just pretend that your former self is dead, and tell me everything about the past. Then start a new life..."

Altaïr glanced at Zhang Daye, but still didn't speak. Falling into your hands, is it really lucky to survive?

"Don't show that kind of look, we are not devils. As long as you tell who wants to deal with us, we will do nothing. At most, we will hand you over to the navy." Zhang Da also guessed that he would let it go He certainly wouldn't believe it, it might as well be handed over to the navy.

Altaïr said indifferently: "Don't waste your energy, I'm only responsible for killing people, and I don't know the identity of my employer at all."

"Then where did you pick up the mission? There must be an organization, right?"

Altaïr stopped talking again, this really can’t be said, it’s not a question of death, but how miserable the death was.

"Trouble." Zhang Da also said, "Perona."

"It should have been handed over to me a long time ago, hehehehehehe~" Perona waved, and the negative ghosts who originally served as the atmosphere group lined up and flew towards Altaïr.

Altaïr's eyes widened, and a dejected expression was forced out of Gao Leng's face. As the negative ghosts passed through his body one after another, his expression gradually collapsed, one frustrated sentence after another From his mouth came:

"I don't deserve to be a killer at all..."

"It's a disgrace to an assassin if you're not good at swimming even though you're not capable..."

"It's simply disrespect for a person like me to live in the world..."

After a long meal, Altaïr uncontrollably confided a lot of messy things, but it was of no value.

"This... what kind of ability is this!" According to the information Altaïr has, Princess Mononoke's ability will make people fall into negative emotions, but he always feels that something is wrong, whether it is a negative state or a state of talkativeness, it is also weird Bar!

"Hehehehehe~" Perona put her hips on her hips and wanted to explain. She has bad habits that many people in this world have.

But Zhang Da also interrupted her in time: "We are interrogating you now, the feeling just now was quite sour, right? Do you want to continue to experience or take the initiative to explain?"

Altaïr snorted coldly and refused to cooperate, he felt that he had adapted to this ability, as long as he gritted his teeth, he would definitely be able to hold on.

However, the next second: "Actually, my stealth skills are very bad..."

While everyone in the tavern was tossing about Altaïr, an ordinary-looking warship sailed into the port of the 66GR naval station.

Zefa and his students were naturally on board the warship. The distance between the headquarters and the Chambord Islands is very close. The sailors came directly after morning exercises this morning.

Although Zhang Da also said that he would invite Zefa to visit him, and Zefa also agreed wholeheartedly, but he had to arrange the training tasks first.

Zefa, who was in charge of receiving Zefa at the naval base, was of course Major General Kadalu, who was the head of the base. He looked at Zefa disembarking respectfully, and stood at attention to salute: "Teacher Zefa!"

He was also a student of Zefa. It has been 21 years since Zefa's training camp was opened. Now most of the generals in the navy who can be counted are either his old comrades-in-arms and subordinates, or his students.

There are only a few exceptions. For example, T Penn was originally a knight of a certain kingdom. Although he had heard of Zefa's reputation, he didn't have much contact with this former general. Maybe this is one of the reasons why his promotion was slow. .

"Thank you." Zefa earnestly replied, "Next, I need you to explain the situation of the Chambord Islands and assign patrol tasks to them."

"Yes!" Kadalu watched the students get off the warship neatly, and quickly formed a neat queue behind Zefa.

Even after only two months of training, you can clearly feel that the energy of these people is different from that of ordinary sailors.

Two of them caught Kadalu's attention. One was a relatively tall man with peach-colored hair shaped like a flame, a narrow nose, and a thick sausage mouth. The other is a female soldier with a good figure, long sea blue hair, and a delicate face, which looks heroic. Both of them wore the uniform of ordinary sailors, but they felt different from others.

"That's Binz and Ain. For the time being, they can be regarded as the two best recruits." Seeing Kadalu staring at the two, Zefa specially introduced them, "But you don't need to treat them preferentially. You should know my style."

"Yes." Kadalu was a little puzzled by Zefa's wording of "for the time being", but he didn't ask too much. Instead, he and Zefa took the students to the largest combat conference room in the base.

On the podium in the conference room is a video phone bug, projecting a detailed map of Shambord on the big screen ahead.

"I am Kadalu, the head of the Chambords naval base, and now I will explain the topography of the Chambords Islands." Kadalu introduced himself in the shortest words, and then left to start the lecture, "The Chambords Islands have 79 islands, large and small. Not all, GRs 1 to 30 used to be called illegal areas, but recently due to..."

Speaking of this, Kadaru paused for a moment, his face was a little unnatural, but he could only bite the bullet and say: "Due to the activity of the Amber Tour Group, the criminals here have almost been wiped out, and we are taking over this area again. area."

Good news, the illegal area has been recovered;

The bad news is not due to our navy.

Although Kadalu admired the actions of the Amber Tour Group in his heart, saying such words in the eyes of Zefa and all the students really made him blush a little.

The students were a little agitated. They were no strangers to the name Amber Tour Group. Some admired it, but others naturally criticized it. However, as Zefa's eyes swept over, everyone quickly returned to calm.

Kadalu pointed at several locations on the map with a long stick: "Hey, since the 30 islands in the original illegal zone have just been retaken, and they are not stable enough, there are often some lucky people waiting for the opportunity to commit crimes. The pressure to maintain law and order is relatively high. Your next task is to patrol these places."

Kadalu is also a bit of a headache about maintaining law and order. There will always be people who are not willing to behave and make money, and some will be difficult to deal with, such as the kidnappers led by Lieutenant Colonel T Penn who have been searching for a long time without any clues.

"In addition, the Chambord Islands are the only way to the new world. Pirates often land here to prepare for coating. These people are usually very strong, so everyone should be prepared."

Hearing this sentence, the students showed excitement on their faces. Of course, what they look forward to most when they come here is to fight the pirates. It doesn't matter if they are stronger. It just happens to show the results of training. What's the point of patrolling all day long.

Seeing their excitement, Kadalu couldn't bear to say something stuck in his throat. Compared with the strength of the pirates, you should be more worried about someone stealing monsters.

Those people moved too fast, not to mention you recruits, our most dedicated Lieutenant Colonel T Penn often fails to catch pirates!

It's going to be two o'clock again, let's start with 3,000 words

py: "Kill the Longevity"

Brief introduction: Chang'an Heavy Industry, Luoyang Iron Armor, Zhenguo Machine God, Kyushu Saint Soldiers! Steam and machinery, monks are evil! The white bones cast the road to the sky, and the immortals are afraid of death?

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