Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 445 Supreme Fast Needle (4000 words)

The itinerary to the Navy Headquarters is basically set. Before officially entering the training camp, everyone regards Marin Fando more as a scenic spot. Not everyone has the opportunity to visit the headquarters of the world's largest violent institution, let alone eat and live there. The opportunity is rare and cherished.

However, before Zefa arrived, they just opened the tavern normally, and slowly told the regular customers that they were about to leave, which was regarded as a greeting in advance.

"What? Why are you leaving so soon?"

"That's right, wouldn't it be better to open it for a while and raise more funds?"

"Wouldn't it be possible to see Weiwei sauce and Perona sauce from now on?"

"Wendy sauce and Xia Lulu sauce are also cute, don't go!"

The guests expressed their reluctance. Some simply liked the atmosphere here. After all, sometimes they can learn new things, and sometimes they have fun watching.

Some people hope that the Amber Tour Group will be permanently stationed in the Chambord Islands, because as long as they have them, the security on the island will rise several levels, and the sense of security will soar.

There are also some people... Zhang Da also thinks that they should call the police.

"I only planned to stay in Chambord Islands for a short period of time. It has been more than a month now, and we still have to travel." Zhang Da also said, "Anyway, we will come back often in the future."

Travel is the main business, bounty hunter is a part-time job, and opening a tavern is out of interest. The guests can't change Zhang Daye's decision, so they have to give up struggling and hope that there will be more troublemakers in the past few days before closing. So that they can watch the excitement.

Zhang Da would not have imagined that these people had all kinds of sadness and reluctance on their faces, and they were actually looking forward to such a thing in their hearts. He was telling everyone's request about the bizarre adventure of the modified version of Tom.

Life is the same as before, except that the swimming training route is changed to the direction of the Navy headquarters, and when I go fishing to catch sea beasts, I will drive the Amber to a place a little further away.

Although temporarily ruled out the possibility that Zefa would be attacked here, Zhang Da also decided to be on the safe side, in case some big pirate with a high bounty could be squatted, besides, it is strange that the Amber has been idle in the dock for so long Poor thing, I go out for a stroll now and then.

But it's a pity that I have seen a few naval patrol ships, but I have never encountered a single pirate ship. There are really not many people who dare to sway on this route.

In the middle of the night, there was a waning moon in the sky, and the last light in the tavern disappeared, which meant that Zhang Da, who had finished his exercise for the last time, also fell asleep with Tom.

The weather tonight is not very good, the waning moon and starlight are quickly covered by clouds, and the night wind rustles the leaves of the Yarchman mangrove, bringing a touch of coolness.

This coolness didn't affect Ye Yan who was sitting on the roof, because he was dressed like a tree in thick clothes. According to him, it was performance art - a small tree under a big tree.

"Wendy's weather forecast, cloudy to cloudy tonight." Ye Yan said to himself as if in a daze, "If there is a little rain, the mood will be better."

But some people don't think so, it is inconvenient to move if it rains.

At this time, a nimble figure was carefully approaching the tavern from a distance through the night.

This person was wearing a gray-black hooded robe, soft-soled leather boots that did not make a sound under his feet, and a long sword and two throwing knives hanging from his waist.

His name is Altaïr, and he is an unknown killer, and his obscurity is what he is most proud of. As a killer, Altaïr believed that when he became famous was when he retired or... died.

In previous missions, no one except the 'leader' knew that he had killed the target, and even the assassinated person did not know who had his head removed.

The task of assassinating the members of the amber tour group was too difficult, and it was too easy to become famous. Altaïr didn't want to take it, but the other party gave too much.

Except for the princess of Alabasta, as long as he can kill any member of the amber tour group, he can get a bounty of at least 100 million Bailey. Note that any member, that is to say, even a cat is worth 100 million!

If Arturia, the famous swordsman, can be eliminated, an extra 500 million will be added!

Others make strength assessments based on various information scattered outside, and the bounty ranges from 100 million to 200 million. Zhang Daye, the nominal leader, has a bounty of 300 million.

After careful consideration, Altaïr decided to choose Zhang Daye, who was the most cost-effective... and his cat, if he is famous, he will be famous, and at worst, he will retire after finishing this order. 400 million Baileys plus his previous savings are enough for him to find a cat. Spend your old age in a secluded place.

It happened that he passed by a small island with a great environment on the way to perform a mission. He wanted to build a house there and marry a virtuous wife...

People like me actually have the opportunity to retire early and enjoy a stable life.

Altaïr stopped and adjusted his breathing. The premise of all this was that he could complete this task. He leaned his body on a thick tree root protruding from the ground, and watched Ye Yan on the roof sideways.

According to his investigation, the amber tour group has a very regular schedule, which provides great convenience for people like him.

The only difficulty is that they have a vigilant night watchman who is on the roof every day, rain or shine. And no matter how dark the night was, he couldn't stop him from spotting the intruder.

As far as Altaïr knew, there were several thieves with high stealing skills who bravely sneaked in from the front because they were wearing night clothes and there were no lights near the tavern, but they were inexplicably knocked out, and then they were thrown to the security as petty thieves. Officer, after a month, all the security officers in charge of this area have been promoted.

To deal with this person, of course, it is best to sneak in from his blind spot, or simply kill him.

Altaïr decisively chose the latter, killed one more person, and earned an extra 130 million with tears in his eyes.

In order to improve the success rate of the assassination, Altaïr tried his best to distinguish Ye Yan's silhouette from a long distance, and after confirming his body orientation, he walked around to his back and approached slowly - intelligence showed that this person was a transvestite , often wearing strange costumes and standing motionless on the roof in a daze, so don't be impatient when approaching, and concealment comes first.

Cautiously touching the wall of the backyard of the tavern, Altaïr took out a throwing knife, aimed at the back of Ye Yan's head and threw it viciously.

Shooting Ye Yan in the back of the head with a flying knife is definitely a technical job, because his clothes are almost different every day, and he always covers his head. Not only is it difficult to confirm the thickness of the clothes, but even where his head is. estimate.

But Altaïr had this self-confidence. Before coming here, he not only carefully sharpened the knife, but also increased the throwing force. According to his eyesight, as long as the clothes were not made of iron, they would definitely be able to penetrate.

The flying knife stabbed into Ye Yan's clothes smoothly, and just as Altaïr estimated, the position was exactly at the position of the back of Ye Yan's head.

Hearing a very indistinct muffled sound, Ye Yan fell down in response, and fell on the roof.

Altaïr twitched the corners of his mouth, then recovered quickly, he had to control his emotions during the mission. He drew out his long knife and planned to climb to the roof to repair the knife. Only when he was sure that the night watchman was dead could he continue his mission with peace of mind.

However, the fall of Ye Yan's knife was only what he thought, and Ye Yan was not so negligent that people could touch the courtyard all the way and not notice it.

The dark night is the world of stalkers. These words are not just words. Even if Ye Yan has not fully mastered the dark night dominance mode, his perception ability in the dark night will not be inferior to Zhang Daye's knowledge, and knowledge needs Concentrate, he is more like passive, or instinctive.

When the flying knife came out, the person in the big tree costume was no longer Ye Yan, but Ma Lao Wu, who was similar in size to him, and he was playing him when he fell to the ground with the knife.

As soon as Altaïr jumped on the roof, he saw a soul hammer flying towards him, but fortunately he reacted quickly enough, and knocked the soul hammer away.

Ye Yan was a little surprised: "Yo, the reaction is fast enough."

Because there was only one enemy, he planned to solve it with one move without disturbing everyone as usual, and noticing that this guy's lurking skills were good, he also specially played a golden cicada to escape the shell, but he didn't expect this guy to react so quickly.

But it's not a big problem. He still has a backup plan. If it doesn't work, he can still hit the gong. Even if he can't be stopped, everyone will definitely wake up.

This is what Altaïr was most afraid of. The moment Ye Yan spoke, he knew that his operation had failed. As we all know, alarming the night watchman is equivalent to alarming everyone. Although he has confidence in his assassination technique, I never think how strong I am in a frontal battle.

Single-handedly picking up the entire amber tour group is something only a lunatic would do, so he raised his hand and shot another throwing knife without hesitation, thinking of disturbing Ye Yan, then stepped on the eaves and fell backwards, ready to Come in for a nice roll and land, then immediately retreat.

The self-cultivation of a qualified killer can travel thousands of miles without a single hit.

However, before turning over, he was hit hard on the back, and the casserole-sized fist sent him flying higher into the air.

"Cough..." Altaïr suspected that his spine had been shattered, he was full of shock, where did he come from? I obviously just jumped up from here!

Lu Dashan's rough voice sounded: "Catch the ball!"

"Here we come!" Golden Tongue Lang condensed from an atomized state into a solid body in the air, and punched Altaïr in the face, "Destroy Hibiscus with hot hands!"

"Woo..." Altaïr was sent flying horizontally by the punch, almost unconscious on the spot, but he was unwilling to give up easily, hurriedly looking for the next person who might attack him, and slashed at him.

Jin Erpeng in the air flapped his wings to avoid his attack, turned over and kicked Altaïr in the chest, and also yelled a nice name: "Whip legs to sweep Yufeng!"

Lu Dashan on the ground scratched his head, feeling that he didn't fit in. Did these two guys bully him for being uneducated?

Banner monsters can fly by relying on their atomized state, but Altaïr is inconvenient to move, kicking Altaïr in the air like passing a ball.

Only Sui Fenger is the most capable person. He rushed to pick up the hammer and returned it, and handed it to Ye Yan with a flattering face. When he looked at the brothers, he was full of contempt. Know how to make a fool of yourself.

"Okay, let's stop, don't kill me." Ye Yan stopped the banner monsters' passing game, "This guy is so decisive, maybe he has a background, and I will hand it over to Mr. Ye and the others for a good trial tomorrow. "

In a certain room downstairs, Artoria, who was wearing lion pajamas, closed her eyes again.

Another peaceful night.


Early the next morning, Ye Yan yawned and handed him over to Zhang Daye.

"What the hell is this?" Zhang Da also looked at the human-shaped object in front of him, and said with disgust: "Can you let them slap the face less next time? I have beaten the bounty offenders so much that even the shark chili can't recognize it, I have to give it back." Wendy and Wendy healed them before they can be exchanged for rewards."

"Definitely next time." Ye Yan casually said, "Isn't this going to help you improve your skill proficiency?"

"You're playing games. Besides, my healing magic is almost at full level. How can I improve my proficiency?" Zhang Da also knew that it would take time for him to improve the effect of healing magic.

"This guy is different from the little thief he caught before. He seems to be a professional killer. You should interrogate him." After Ye Yan briefly explained the situation, he went to the kitchen to find Tom and Ruimengmeng. He wanted to find something to cushion and sleep on. After a while, I was too lazy to wait for breakfast.

"Assassin? That's quite unusual." Zhang Da also became a little interested. His impression of assassins still stays with those in Baroque Works.

Some of those agents also claimed to be killers, but Zhang Da felt that he was a reckless man no matter what he looked at, and the third brother was better, he was a man who knew how to use a little trick... a reckless man, in the final analysis, is still a reckless man.

Zhang Da also looked at Altaïr's attire in a hooded robe, and felt that this man was much more professional than those reckless Baroques.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Da also helped him reduce the swelling on his face, and then asked Shark Chili to identify him.

Shark Pepper stared at him for a while, but unfortunately he could only scan out a bunch of question marks: "I didn't find any relevant information about him, maybe he wasn't offered a reward, and he probably hasn't been published in the newspapers for the past two years."

"Then we can only wake him up and ask." Zhang Da could tell at a glance that Ye Yan had put a time hammer on this man, but it didn't matter, he had a special way to wake him up.

He pulled out a long needle and poked Altaïr in the ass.

"Aw, ow, ow~~~~" Altaïr opened his eyes instantly, let out a loud scream, even though he was bound firmly, he still jumped up unscientifically, bumping his head into the ceiling, his body Hanging below and wobbling.

"Quack~" Karu stretched out a wing and pointed at Zhang Daye, indicating that this person destroyed the tavern.

"Ha, I'm sorry, I didn't expect the effect to be so good. I will use it in the yard next time." Zhang Da also said, "I'll fix that, let him down first."

[The long needle that stabbed Tom: Jumping three meters high, whoever hurts will know, and Tom will agree to use it. 】

This thing works so well that even the supreme fast needle would not be changed, and Zhang Da also kept the needle as if he had found a treasure.

py: "Arceus' Journey of Pirates"

Introduction: The person who got the power of Arceus came to the Pirate World as a newborn Arceus, and got in touch with the Lunaria tribe.

Based on the principle that everything can be a phantom beast, he can also be called a phantom beast at this time. One Piece has nothing to do with him. What he has to do is to retrieve the lost stone slab. First of all, he will reach a cooperation with the famous educational institution in the New World - Beast Pirates to create a dream army of Phantom Beasts for Mr. Kaido.

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