Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 441 Make him unable to get out of bed

"That's not introspection, it's just being hit by ability."

Zhang Da also explained briefly, but some people didn't believe it. Perona reluctantly let a warrior experience it. After that, the man covered his face and ran away, vowing not to go out for at least a month.

The onlookers saw the effect of the negative ghost with their own eyes, so they believed in such a unique ability, and then they all said that their families had taken a step ahead, for fear that they would die like that warrior if they were too late.

The crowd dispersed, and Perona also took back the negative ghost. The middle-aged and young people kneeling on the ground finally got rid of the negative emotions, but the young people still doubted life.

The middle-aged man got up violently and prepared to hurt others: "Anyway, I'm going to die, so it's better to fight!"

"Fuck it!" Zhang Da also slapped him on the back of the head with a big fist, smashing his whole body into the ground, and to avoid trouble, he also gave the young man next to him a slap.

"No." Zhang Da also took out the soul hammer and aimed at the back of the heads of the two people, "One-point hammer! One-point hammer! One-point hammer..."

The smallest unit of the timing hammer for beating more people is a one-point hammer. Each knock can make people dizzy for an extra minute. The force is precisely controlled.

However, when Zhang Da used the one-point hammer, there was a little accident. After the beating, a bunch of big bumps grew on the heads of both of them, and the height of the two of them increased by more than ten centimeters out of thin air.

Zhang Da also moved skillfully like knocking on a wooden fish, which made Perona a little frightened: "You...what are you doing?"

"Be safe, so as not to wake up on the way." Zhang Da didn't want to say that he was trying to relieve his anger, and it's not a good habit to abuse prisoners, but if it was to control the time when they passed out, then there would be no problem.

Perona touched her head: "Seeing you beat them like this, the top of my head hurts."

"Naturally, that's how Ye Yan beat you before." Zhang Da also said, "It's just that you were still in a coma at that time, so you don't know."

"What?!!" Perona exclaimed, this was the first time she had heard of this.

Zhang Da also picked up the two captives and walked back silently, as if he had sold Ye Yan by accident, um...it's all over, it should be all right.

"What's going on?" Perona caught up with Zhang Daye, and asked while stepping back in front of him, "What did you do while I was fainting at that time?"

"I didn't do anything. At that time, I hesitated for a while before deciding to keep you." Zhang Da also recalled that he wanted to send Perona to Lieutenant General He or Princess Otohime, but now he must be reluctant.

"It's a shame to think about it carefully. If I knew it earlier, I would have taken you while you were fainting..." Zhang Da also showed an evil expression.

"How?" Perona showed a disgusted expression. She knew that Zhang Da would probably say something to scare her next, but she was still curious.

"Draw your face all over with little turtles."

"whispering sound!"

Such a big person is still so naive, but this is indeed a good idea, Perona decided to draw a turtle on Ye Yan's face while she was taking a nap, to avenge her head-knocking.

As for Zhang Daye... Find a chance to hide his shoes so that he can't get out of bed!

At the same time, the Navy received a report from the shop owner whose house had been demolished, and was on his way to 59GR.

"Quick! In the name of justice, the evil party cannot continue to hurt the citizens!"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel T Penn!"


In the courtyard of the tavern, Jin Erpeng descended from the sky and threw a humanoid creature on the ground: "Boss, I'm back too, and I'll bring one back by the way."

"It's quite efficient, but... what is this thing?" Zhang Da also took a lot of effort to recognize that it was a person. This group of banner demons were so vicious that their heads were beaten into pigs' heads.

"This man violently resisted the law, so we accidentally acted a little harder." Jin Erpeng had already thought up his rhetoric, "It's also fortunate that this kid has recruited information about several accomplices."

"Okay." Zhang Da didn't bother to dwell on these details, anyway, as long as his own people didn't suffer.

Zhang Da also carried the two people back to the end of the interrogation. The middle-aged man in the lead wanted to negotiate terms and confessed to his accomplices to protect himself. The young man showed remorse and simply told everyone he knew. out.

"Damn it, you've been with me for so long, and I just found out how despicable you are today!" The leader thought that the young man had robbed him of the opportunity to confess and be lenient.

"It's not like this, the bounty hunter I yearn for is not like this..." The young man seemed to have fallen into a state of autism after he finished what he should say, muttering some words that others could not understand.

"I'll explain it too! He can't recognize those people at all! I can still guess their approximate direction of escape!" The leader hastily revealed a lot of information to show his value.

"These, can you change your life?" He looked at Zhang Daye expectantly.

Zhang Da also gave him a sword: "Okay, we have the information, arrest him!"

Seeing that everyone was going to take action, Jin Erpeng said: "Everyone, on the way back, I saw a navy coming to this island. If they come running, it won't affect our actions, right?"

Zhang Da also asked, "Where did you come from?"

Jin Erpeng pointed: "It looks like I'm going to the street where Jackie Chan was blocked, and the leader is the one who looks scary."

"Lieutenant Colonel T Peng En." Zhang Da also thought about it, "I'll go in that direction, try to delay him for a while, everyone move faster."

Lieutenant Colonel T Penn is undoubtedly a competent navy, but he is too rigid, and he will definitely not let Zhang Daye and the others deal with those bounty hunters privately. .

Be sure to tell him what happened in detail, in detail, and in detail, repeat, repeat, and repeat the information to him, so that Lieutenant Colonel T Penn can understand. It's best to wait until the end of his report, the criminals are gone.

"It would be great if Major Clow was here at this time, and he could close the team just by being perfunctory." Zhang Da also felt a little regretful.

Zhang Da also took Tom to set off. Arturia, Rui Mengmeng and Shark Pepper were in charge of one direction each, and Ye Yan and Uncle Long were in charge of one direction together—Zhang Da also hoped that Uncle Long’s conscience would be slightly polluted by Ye Yan little bit.

Except for Perona who came out of her body to help, the lolis stayed in the tavern to watch the house, mainly because Weiwei's identity was not suitable for this job, especially when the navy might get involved.

You must know that although many places in this world are horribly distorted, for a good person, killing people is still a very heavy thing. For example, Cyrus of Dressrosa, who killed a man for a friend at the age of 15, fought 3,000 unbeaten games in the arena according to the king's order and still believed that he could not atone for his sin.

Even after he became the captain of the army, he still believed that a murderer could not marry the princess. In the end, the princess would rather feign death and abandon her identity in order to be with him. When the princess gave birth to Rebecca, Cyrus thought that his dirty hands were not worthy of holding a pure child, so he had to wear gloves every time he held Rebecca...

Zhang Da wasn't sure if Weiwei could pass his test. After all, she was only eight years old, so he simply didn't let her participate.

And Wei Wei is not the kind of character who will be completely honest and obedient. In order to prevent her from sneaking out, I left Wendy to accompany her, and by the way, I gave them a task of taking care of Perona's body, so that there should be no mess. .

In order to take care of the child, Zhang Da really broke his heart.

I have something to do today, this chapter is only 2300 words, tomorrow I must write 8,000 words, if I can’t write, I will hang myself up and type

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