Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 440 Who to save first

Zhang Da also said: "At least one must be found first, and the identities of the others must be found out, and then all of them must be found. In the end...the enemy must of course be eliminated."

"Will it be eradicated..." Jackie Chan hesitated a little, but soon realized that his thinking was too conservative, and this was not the original world. Although those people are catching themselves, they are targeting everyone. Today, I escaped back like this, and I seemed a little irresponsible to everyone.

When I used to fight pirates with everyone, I only thought that it was a life-and-death battle, and I didn’t feel much about it. Today, I can’t deal with those who don’t pose much threat to me.

Zhang Da also asked Ye Yan to release the banner demons, and he came back to enlighten Jackie Chan: "I also had this entanglement when I first arrived here. I used to be soft-hearted after catching a few villains, thinking that the law could punish them, but As a result, a rear admiral was punished."

"If they are the kind of pirates who carry a bounty on their backs and can't get out once they enter the prison, it's okay, and it will be over if they hand it over to the navy. But they are not. It is estimated that the attempted kidnapping like today will not take a few days. It will be released, and if they hold a grudge, what if they hide in the dark and shoot coldly?"

"It's okay to say that a bullet like me hits the forehead, but you, Ye Yan, Perona, Xia Lulu, what about you people who don't have such a strong defense?"

"Uncle Long, you taught us that martial arts practitioners shouldn't bully the weak. These villains shouldn't be classified as the weak, right?"

When he first arrived here, Zhang Da, as an ordinary person living in modern society, had the same troubles as Uncle Long, so he could understand Uncle Long's feelings, and hoped that he could figure it out as soon as possible.

It's a pity that this is not something that can be reversed with a few words. Jackie Chan is also constantly building himself psychologically, especially when he thinks that it may threaten the safety of the children, he makes him pay special attention.

"I know, I will be mentally prepared." Jackie Chan can only say this, he still needs to go through some more things to really change.

Zhang Da also sighed. It seems that he needs to take Uncle Long out to play jungle more. It is best to check to see if there are any hidden slave trading shops here, and take him to see the tragic experience of the slaves and deal with a few people. The dealer should be fine.

Everyone waited patiently for a while, and Perona made a discovery: "Find two suspicious people!"

She described the characteristics of the two people, Jackie Chan nodded, and one of them happened to have the same characteristics as the leader.

"Hahahahahaha~, don't even think about running away if you are discovered!" Perona showed a smug expression, and seeing her dancing, she should be directing the negative ghost to toss the two unlucky ones.

Zhang Da also said: "Don't just play around, where is the location? I'll bring him back for a trial."

"I'll take you there." Perhaps because it involved Uncle Long, Perona was rarely positive.

Zhang Da also went out with Perona, which was rare, and it took a long time for Perona to realize this, and she was a little unaccustomed to it.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Da also noticed that Perona's footsteps had slowed down, "Is it because I'm tired after walking for such a short distance?"

"That's not it!" Perona didn't want to tell the truth, as if she was afraid of him, "I just forgot to bring Kumasi."

"Kumasi?" Zhang Da also thought for a while before he remembered the name of Perona's favorite bear puppet. Perona usually likes to hold it no matter what she does.

"Anyway, I just went out for a short while, and I'll go back as soon as I find someone." Zhang Da also asked, "Why don't I buy you another one when I pass by the toy store next time? It's your reward for being the first to discover the enemy." .”

Perona has a lot of puppet bears. Her room on the Amber is full of all kinds of puppet bears, big and small. Even so, she still can’t help it every time she meets cute bear puppet. Her pocket money A large part of the reason for not enough is to buy these things.

But this time, although Perona was very moved, she reluctantly rejected Zhang Daye's proposal: "No, I didn't help out for rewards."

"Oh?" Zhang Da also asked, "What is that for?"

"For..." Perona twitched and said fiercely, "I want you to take care of it!"

"For Uncle Long, for Uncle Long, what's the embarrassment?" Zhang Da could guess a little bit of her thoughts, "You said if Uncle Long and I fell into the sea at the same time, who would you save first? "

"Huh?" Perona was still embarrassed that Zhang Da also exposed her thoughts one second, and was stumped by his question the next second. She thought about it seriously, "Who knows! Why do you ask such a question?" Weird question!"

"Pfft, you really thought about it." Zhang Da also smiled, "Remember, you are a capable person, even if we fall into the sea, don't just follow us."

Perona's face turned red instantly. She still remembered that once she jumped into the sea with two capable people, Brook, to rescue Tom who fell into the water, but it ended up causing trouble for everyone.

"It's coming soon! Those two guys look so stupid!" Perona awkwardly changed the subject.


"Let's go, let's go..." Zhang Da also struggled to separate from the crowd and saw the purpose of his trip.

In the middle of the crowd, a middle-aged man and a young man knelt on the ground with snot and tears talking about their various shortcomings and stupid things they had done, belittling themselves to nothing in dejected tones.

Such a strange scene naturally attracted a lot of people to watch. At first, everyone just watched the excitement, but after a long time, many people began to sympathize with them——How much shock does a person have to endure to be so depressed? ah!

So the kind-hearted people began to send out 'Fight! Fight! ’, ‘Don’t give up! ’, ‘There are still many beautiful things in life! ’ and other encouraging voices, I hope these two frustrated people can cheer up.

And the two people who were encouraged were ashamed and angry, especially the leader of this incident, who tried to kill these guys who saw his dark history many times during the interval when the negative ghost was working.

It's a pity that after discovering them, Perona urgently dispatched a few negative ghosts to provide services for the two people without interruption, so that their emotions kept switching, resulting in a very exhausted spirit, and now they have no energy to do unnecessary things.

Someone who knew Zhang Daye asked, "Isn't this Mr. Daye? Do you know these two people?"

"That's right, these two are criminals, and they tried to attack us today." Zhang Da also briefly explained, and then said, "In short, they are very dangerous people. I'm here to take them away."

"Hey? Are they criminals?" The onlookers had no doubts about Zhang Daye's words, "But they seem to be seriously introspecting..."

It’s two thousand words short, I’ll post it first, and I’d like to finish it in three or four o’clock at my speed, so let’s talk about it tomorrow, don’t wait

Write it down, the dog popsicle owes another 2000 words o(╥﹏╥)o

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