Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 442 Karoo Duck Karoo Rat (4000 words)

Lieutenant Colonel T Peng En was leading people to investigate the scene, and the shop owner was crying about what happened to him.

The store was open in good condition, but a bunch of vicious people suddenly came on the street. They thought they would be fine after closing the door, but they kicked down the door and smashed the back door, and the things in the store were also messed up. What a disaster.

"Don't worry, we won't let the criminal get away with it, and your losses will be compensated!"

T Penn was heartbroken to see the broken gate and the crying townspeople.

After investigating the two eye-catching explosion craters on the street, T Penn's hand was already on the hilt of the sword: "It's unforgivable for them to use such a dangerous weapon in a densely populated place!"

"Lieutenant Colonel T Penn!" At this time Zhang Da also rushed over with Tom. To be honest, he felt a little guilty after hearing T Penn's words. The two big holes seemed to be blown out by a dragon spell.

T Penn asked: "Mr. Tatsuya, what are you?"

"Oh, I'm here to report the crime." Zhang Da also organized his words, "Actually, the members of our amber tour group were surrounded by criminals on this street just now. The situation at that time was very dangerous. He spent nine It took the strength of two tigers to escape, and I still have lingering fears until now."

"Is it so dangerous?" T Peng En felt that something was wrong, and he asked doubtfully, "You said your members were surrounded by people?"

Zhang Da also nodded as a matter of course: "Of course, we have arrested so many criminals and villains every day in order to maintain justice, and we will inevitably be retaliated against, and not all of us are very good at fighting, and it is very difficult for those with weak combat capabilities to be left alone." dangerous."

The words 'in order to uphold justice' hit T Penn's tears hard. He thought of the little girls in the Amber Tour Group. If such cute and weak children suffered revenge from villains, he would be very sad of: "This... this is our negligence! I am very sorry that such a thing happened!"

Zhang Da also said: "Well, there is no need to apologize so solemnly, anyway, people are fine. But I hope you will arrest the criminals quickly, so that they cannot continue to do evil."

"Please rest assured and leave it to us!" T Peng En waved his hand, "Go and search for the prisoner immediately!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Da also called out to the sailors who were about to run away, "I know the facial features of the prisoners recorded by my companions, and I can help you find them."

"That's really great!" T Penn asked his subordinates to take out their notebooks and write down everything Zhang Daye described.

"First is the leader, he..." Zhang Da also described the characteristics of each person in detail, interspersed with some condemnation of those people. will get the punishment they deserve.

T. Peng En listened carefully to every point that Zhang Daye said. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that Mr. Daye's speech speed seemed a little slow today? Glancing at his subordinates who were recording at high speed, T Penn nodded, it must have been deliberately slowed down for him to remember more accurately.

Zhang Da also tried his best to babble for more than ten minutes. In addition to telling the characteristics of the prisoner, he also talked about how dangerous Jackie Chan's escape process was, how close it was, maybe even Jackie Chan himself didn't know that he was able to jump over the wall. Been through so many things.

The soldier in charge of recording rubbed his wrists. After eliminating a lot of nonsense, he also wrote several pages of information on more than 30 prisoners. It's a good thing that Mr. Tatsuya can remember it so clearly, but this person seems to be a little wordy.

He gave Lieutenant Colonel T. Penn a wink, indicating that the search was almost ready to begin.

T Peng En nodded, finally found an opening between Zhang Daye's speech, and said, "Thank you Mr. Daye for providing the information, which is of great help to us in arresting people, then..."

Zhang Da also immediately replied: "You're welcome, it is the duty of every law-abiding citizen to cooperate with the navy in handling the case, not to mention that this matter is caused by us, we will definitely..."

T Peng En lifted his hat and wiped his sweat vaguely. He should be happy that the citizens have such an idea, but this person in front of him seems to be too enthusiastic.

He tried to find a way to breathe again: "Then Mr. Tatsuya, we will start to search for the culprit, everyone set off!"

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Da also hurriedly called a stop. Thanks to the good relationship with the navy, many soldiers regard them as allies, so his emergency stop is very effective.

"There is one more important thing I didn't say, and that is the weapons and equipment of these people!" Zhang Da also said sternly, "If you don't understand the enemy's weapons, you will be injured if you act rashly. I don't want the righteous sailors to bear this A senseless harm!"

"Weapon equipment..." T Penn thought for a while. The enemy's weapon equipment seems to be very important. Judging from the two big pits on the street, the enemy may have very dangerous heavy firepower. Insufficient and injured, so I had to listen patiently to Zhang Daye.

"The first is swords. There are a total of..." Zhang Da also provided the navy with detailed information about the enemy's weaponry. By the way, he analyzed what he should pay attention to when encountering any kind of weapon based on his own combat experience.

The sailors said that they benefited a lot. Although the instructors would talk about these things during normal training, they were very grateful to Zhang Daye for his kindness. He was good at everything except being a little verbose.

Tom was almost falling asleep on his shoulders, his body swayed and almost fell, and he also felt that the master was really wordy today.

Zhang Da also babbled and talked dryly, and didn't stop until he couldn't make up any words. He was a little distressed, and now he admired those leaders who could speak for hours without script.

If only I had that ability, it would be great, I could drag it until dark, it’s not as hard as it is now, and I can’t win it for an hour, it’s really hard to hate the book when it’s time to use it.

Seeing that Zhang Da also finally stopped talking, the sailors were ready to go again.

Zhang Da also stretched out his hand, but he couldn't say anything. He really couldn't think of any reason to stop them again. Should he temporarily explain the Sixth Form of the Navy to them in order to complete the task smoothly?

However, what he didn't expect was that when the sailors saw him raising his hand, they stopped reflexively and looked at him in unison. Even T Penn looked like he wanted to hear what other important information he had. .

"Uh..." Zhang Da also felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by them, and asked in a daze, "Is there anything else?"

The sailors complained loudly: "We should ask!"

"Ha, haha..." Zhang Da also smiled awkwardly, "Actually, I just wanted to say something else, how about I just say a few more words?"

He does have some information about the general whereabouts of those bounty hunters, but he really can't reveal this.

"Attention everyone! Groups of five, start a search centering on this street!" T Penn, an honest man, was impolite once in a while, and hastily issued an order, "When there is a huge disparity in the number of people, don't act without authorization. Call for support in time, now, start to act!"

"Yes!" The sailors shouted their orders, and a group of five started to move, without giving Zhang Da any chance to talk.

Seeing his subordinates leave smoothly, T Peng En breathed a sigh of relief: "Then, Mr. Tatsuya, I'm sorry, I have to act now."

"Well, ah, okay, thank you for your hard work." Zhang Da had no choice but to let them leave.

He pinched his fingers and calculated: "It's almost an hour. According to everyone's efficiency, there should be no problem, right?"

Zhang Da was also a little unaccustomed to not getting Tom's response: "Tom?"

Tom: Zzz...

"Tom!" Zhang Da also popped his snot bubble.

Snapped! Tom woke up startled, and quickly nodded to Zhang Da, indicating that you are right.

"You know what I said and you just nodded indiscriminately to perfuse me?" Zhang Da also sighed, "So how many times have you perfunctory me before?"

Tom shook his head and said that he had never been perfunctory, but the smile on his face seemed very guilty.

"Forget it, let's go to work too."

Zhang Da also bypassed the navy to block people based on the information he knew. In the end, only two were caught. Fortunately, after talking with everyone, he knew that they were the last two.

Zhang Da also took out a shovel in a happy mood, and while singing an out-of-key version of the boxwood pole, he dug a hole to bury the person.

Although the Chambord Islands are trees, even if they can dig holes with a shovel, all they dig out are fresh soil.

It's just that his digging speed was despised by Tom. Tom was faster than him digging pits with bare hands, especially when digging himself or burying Jerry. Compared with Zhang Daye, a novice, Tom has long been a repeat offender.

"Go home and go home, the tombstone will be removed, they don't deserve it." Zhang Da also threw the tombstone carved by Tom into the sea, splashing a splash.

Tom held a finger in his mouth, feeling a little pity.

But at this moment, the surface of the sea suddenly bubbled and bubbled, and a small sea beast surfaced belly up, motionless.

If you dive into the water, you will find that there is a big red envelope on the head of the sea beast.

Tom looked at Zhang Daye in admiration, he could hit such a big prey with such a small stone, the master became more powerful.

Zhang Da also scratched his cheek embarrassingly: "Well... dinner is settled."


Tatsuya's tavern was closed after putting up a sign at noon today, and it resumed normal business in the evening.

It closed just one day after it opened, and the owner would feel bad for changing another tavern. Looking at the people doing business in the whole island, only Zhang Da could be so capricious.

The guests who listened to Zhang Daye’s storytelling yesterday were the most dissatisfied, because the story about Tom being the king of animals had just finished halfway through, and it was agreed to continue today, but at noon, the pigeons were just pigeons, and they didn’t bring such fun.

Fortunately, Zhang Da also had a legitimate reason - he had just experienced the kidnapping incident, was busy reporting the case and assisting the navy, and had no time to open a tavern.

The guests couldn't say anything, but they were curious about what kind of brave man dared to kidnap the members of the amber tour group. After hearing this story, there was a new story, which made them wonder whether they should be happy.

"...It is said that there are thirty-three kidnappers in total. They are fierce and fierce. The biggest feature is that each of them has an animal tattoo on their body, such as leopard, wolf, fox, mink, bear, elephant, ape, etc. Wait, there are thirty-three different weapons in his hands. The situation was very critical at that time. Uncle Long was surrounded by them and fought with the Vajra Basic Fist. He was defeated, and in desperation he used a move of the Burning Flame Saber..."

Everyone in the amber tour group sat at the counter and listened to Zhang Daye's serious nonsense, Tom and Karoo Duck were also fascinated, and the lolis even exclaimed "wow~" together with the guests.

Only Uncle Long was embarrassed to death. It turned out that I used some basic vajra boxing technique to roll over the wall. It turned out that Dragon Explosion was a flame knife. I didn't even know that I was so powerful.

Zhang Da also spoke dryly, and Artoria filled her teacup and handed it to him. She was also very curious about what strange things Da Ye could make up.

The guests kept urging: "What about later, what about later?"

"How strong is that Burning Flame Knife? How many people did it hit?"

"Has Jackie Chan been beaten to death?"

The corner of Jackie Chan's mouth twitched. Do you think I looked like I was beaten to death? The person who asked this stupid question seemed familiar. He was the one who asked yesterday if Tom stayed as king, right?

Jackie Chan sighed, and quietly left the hall. If he listened any longer, his goosebumps would fall to the ground.

Zhang Da also drank the tea, moistened his throat, continued to fight for a while, and finally said:

"Uncle Long is a kind person. He couldn't bear to hurt people casually, and he didn't want to damage the streets too much, so he quickly got rid of them, and reported the case to the navy, and handed it over to the navy to solve."

"Hey~~~" The guests were a little disappointed, they wanted to hear more exciting and interesting stories.

Tom was as disappointed as the guests, and Zhang Da also knocked him on the head, why are you disappointed? It's not that you don't know the truth. The same goes for the little girls, why do you listen to the story of the obvious magic reform so enthusiastically?

The story of Jackie Chan fighting the Thirty-Three Villains was over, and the guests began to urge Zhang Tat to continue talking about Tom's Bizarre Adventure.

Zhang Da also noticed the navy queue passing by the entrance of the tavern, and said quickly: "Let's not talk, let Ye Yan and Shark Pepper tell you the rest, I have to go and condolences to the sailors, now Lieutenant Colonel T Penn is still there Lead the subordinates to search for those prisoners everywhere."

"why is it like this!"

Zhang Da also left the tavern amidst the voices of dissatisfaction from the guests, and was going to buy some food and drink to express his condolences.

To be honest, Zhang Daye's conscience ached a bit for T Penn and the others to do so in vain, but it was impossible for him to tell the truth, so he had to do something to make up for it.

Tom did not go with Zhang Da this time. He and Karoo made an appointment to play a game of cat and mouse. Tom will be the cat and Karoo will be the mouse.

Zhang Da also refused at first, and asked Tom to catch mice. This tavern might not be available anymore. He quite liked the tavern that had just been remodeled, and he didn't want to rebuild it so soon.

But when it was said that Karoo was a mouse, Zhang Da reluctantly agreed. A duck and a mouse are not the same thing. Karoo is a duck, not Jerry, and not a real mouse. There should be no problem, probably.


Give yourself a little pressure to write faster, but the time is a bit tight, and you are not sure if you can finish writing, so don’t stay up late and wait

The following is the py link: "From That Korean City" is a novel about a male and female protagonist who wears love and loves dog food and soft rice.

Introduction: Yoona: I told you, I will support you.

Taozi: Oppa, when are you going to do something bad, take me with you.

The male protagonist smiled, he was almost full of this soft meal.

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