Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 439 Who Bullied Uncle Long (4000 words)

There are many rumors about the amber tour group, and some people only pay attention to some of them. For example, they got the treasure of the golden pirate Wu Nan, for example, Zhang Da once beat people with a pure gold folding stool.

These all show the wealth of this small group of only a dozen or so people. Even if these rumors are false, it doesn’t matter. The thing about sweeping up the illegal area a few days ago is always true. The bounties in the entire illegal area add up The bounty is an astronomical figure no matter how you think about it.

In the eyes of some bounty hunters, illegal areas are their treasure troves, and those bounty hunters are their future property. Although those properties require a lot of risk to get them, it is very uncomfortable to watch others take them. Especially this 'other', they still can't beat it.

Since there is no way to take the amber tour group, then find another way out, or look for the fish that slipped through the net and wait for new bounty criminals, there is always a way to survive.

But some people are not so safe, they will think that the amber tour group has robbed them of the bounty that originally belonged to them, cut off their financial resources, and then try to get back what belongs to them.

The few people who are gathered now have this kind of idea. For this reason, they have also developed the habit of doing morning exercises at a fixed time every day. To outsiders, it looks like they are imitating the Amber Tour Group. But in fact, it is to meet the Amber Tour Group by chance in a reasonable way, so as to observe and understand them conveniently.

Zhang Da has met almost all of these people, and even chatted with them while running, and a young man among them once got angry because he talked to Zhang Da while running.

This kind of performance did not arouse suspicion at all. Whether it is fans or admirers, their behavior is nothing strange in everyone's eyes. Isn't it normal to imitate the exercise of the amber tour group to try to become stronger?

But today, the hard work paid off, and they finally let them wait for Jackie Chan's chance to place orders.

According to their research, apart from a few pets, the easiest thing for the amber tour group to deal with is the little girls.

Although the little girls are all capable, they are children after all. They can be cheated and abducted. They are much easier to deal with than others. Unfortunately, they never place orders. When they go out to buy ice cream, adults follow them. There is really no chance to do it. .

They had no choice but to focus on Jackie Chan and Ye Yan, who had relatively low strength.

Zhang Da has also made a great reputation in Chambord by relying on a folding stool and a street lamp. The weakest tavern in the past is gone forever, and only the ordinary-looking Jackie Chan and Ye Yan are left.

Seeing that Jackie Chan separated from the others and walked towards the street full of shops, the bounty hunters continued for a distance to make sure that everyone else had returned to the tavern and did not pay attention to them. Then they stopped and began to gather their hands.

The leader said seriously: "Listen well, there is only one chance, if we fail, we will be hated by the amber tour group, and the consequences will be serious!"

Everyone didn't take it seriously, and the consequences would be to be beaten up and thrown to the navy at most. At best, it was an attempted robbery, plus a street fight or something, and they were released after being locked up at the naval base for a few days. It's no big deal.

The leader frowned: "Don't be naive, the leader of the amber tour group is very vengeful. I heard that he went to sea because someone wanted to steal his cat, and then he led people to chase the cat from the great route all the way to the East China Sea. The cat thief will only give up if he rips up eight pieces!"

In fact, he also heard it from hearsay, and then made a little adaptation based on various rumors, lest his companions regard the Amber Tour Group as good people, and think that there is no serious consequence for provoking good people. 'Good people' like the Amber Tour Group will not be pointed at with guns casually.

"Is that so?!"

"Damn, I was almost deceived by what was written in the newspaper!"

"Anyway, cheer up, it's up to this time whether you can get rich!" The leader was very satisfied with the reaction of the companions, and he assigned the task in detail, "You guys go around to the other side to surround, you go to the other side to find Gao Be vigilant, and the others and I will go in directly from here to arrest people."

"Yes!" The bounty hunters dispersed.

A young man hesitated and asked, "Boss, is it not good for us to do this?"

"Huh? You want to betray?"

"No..." the young man hesitated, "I mean, it's their ability to catch the bounty hunter, and it's the same to find the treasure. Isn't our method of kidnapping hostages a bit despicable? I always feel uneasy... ..."

"If you talk about your conscience, you're finished!" The leader glanced at him and said sadly, "What do you do for work?"

The young man was taken aback by his question: "Reward... a bounty hunter."

"That's right, you also know that you are a bounty hunter. Bounty hunters take money to do things, and do things for money. It's what the navy should do. Our goal is to make money, make money, and make money by any means! The leader tried his best to correct the professional ethics of the young people, "Okay, don't think so much for now, you will understand everything after you finish this job and see a good reward."

Many bounty hunters don't just rely on catching pirates for a living, and more or less take some shady deals, and in the Chambord Islands, this situation is even more serious.

Especially before the population auction house was attacked by Nightmare and Yixiao successively, one of the important tasks of many bounty hunters in Chambord Islands was to collect money to help arrest people. They could turn into pirates or human traffickers at any time. Among the prisoners Zhang Da sent to the navy before, they were not bounty hunters without corruption.

Now, in the face of huge interests, kidnapping an unruly 'colleague' is nothing.

"Oh..." The young man followed the boss' footsteps half-understood. He started out as a bounty hunter because the boss brought him into the industry. What the boss said must be right, right?


Uncle Long didn't realize that someone was trying to trick him at this time. He was in a good mood after buying two bottles of shampoo at the grocery store, because the boss said that he had tried this shampoo himself and added some medicinal materials in it to prevent hair loss. Hair loss, the hair will be very black and shiny after washing.

"Next... let's go buy salt first. It should be in this direction. The coffee cup Perona wants can also be bought here." This is not the first time Uncle Long has come to this street. The necessities for the next day are very familiar with the terrain in this area.

Although everyone felt more and more troublesome when they asked him to help bring things, but after shopping around, they still bought all the things everyone wanted.

All kinds of goods were packed in bubble bags by category, as if holding a lot of hydrogen balloons, Uncle Long once again felt the convenience of the bubble culture of the Chambord Islands.

But when he was about to return to the tavern, he gradually realized that something was wrong—there were fewer pedestrians on the street, or there was no one near him.

Jackie Chan observed vigilantly, and sure enough, there were a dozen people walking towards him in front, each of them had a weapon in their hands, and it seemed that the comers were not friendly.

Out of the last bit of luck, Jackie Chan pretended not to see them, and turned around naturally to go in another direction, but someone came from the other direction with a weapon in hand.

Jackie Chan planned to return to the store just now and run through the back door, but the boss had already closed the doors and windows vigilantly. As a resident of the Chambord Islands, he had good vigilance and a strong sense of self-protection.

"Ah, it's really not friendly at all." Jackie Chan observed the houses on both sides, turning over was not a big problem, but just as he was about to move, a bullet hit the ground in front of him.

A bounty hunter blew on the gunpowder, then refocused his gun on Jackie Chan.

Jackie Chan reluctantly saluted the French military salute, the bubble bag in his hand was about to fly away, but Jackie Chan hurriedly grabbed it back, and then showed an embarrassed smile to the bounty hunters: "Is there any misunderstanding? "

The leader also pointed his gun at him and said: "There is no misunderstanding, I just want to invite Mr. Jackie Chan to sit with us and have a cup of coffee."

Jackie Chan looked back and forth, quickly observing the number of people and the equipment of the other party, and said in a very polite tone: "Thank you for your kindness, but I personally prefer to drink tea."

The leader himself didn't think that Jackie Chan would cooperate honestly, and waved his hands to signal his companions to arrest people.

However, Jackie Chan moved a little faster than him. While answering him, he used the dragon charm in his right hand to send a dragon blast in the direction of the leader.

There was a rumbling explosion, and the flames and gunpowder smoke obscured the leader's sight, and also startled the people on the other side, thinking that the boss was killed just like that.

But in fact, Uncle Long was soft-hearted and aimed at the ground instead of people. This dragon blast only created a big hole in the clean street, except for a few unlucky ones who were blown out by the blast. Besides, the others are safe and sound, but they cannot see clearly the situation on the other side of the explosion for the time being.

And Uncle Long took advantage of this gap and rolled on the ground, dodging a few subconscious bullets, and then raised his hand to shoot a dragon blast from the other side.

Taking advantage of the obscured vision on both sides, Uncle Long trotted for two steps, kicked twice on the wall and jumped onto the roof, then rolled and landed on the other side of the house, and then ran away, the whole process was as smooth as It was walking in my own yard, and I didn't even let go of a large string of bubble bags in my left hand during the whole process.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared, the people on both sides rushed forward in a mess, pointing at each other with their weapons in a daze for a while: What happened just now?

Those who were ordered to occupy a high place for security are also confused, what are you doing? How did he escape? Can this guy walk through walls?

"Chasing!" The leader gritted his teeth, kicked open the door of the nearby shop, and rushed out with a group of companions from the back door under the horrified gaze of the boss.

There was a young man who was one step behind and sincerely apologized to the boss, but his pockets were very clean, and he had to follow the boss to eat. Naturally, he had no money to compensate the boss for the loss, so he could only keep up with the team with guilt.

The boss generously said that it was okay, and then immediately dialed the number of the naval base after they ran away.

Apologize? What would the Navy do if an apology would work? Besides, how can anyone apologize with a knife? Dare I say no forgiveness?

The bounty hunters who were chasing Jackie Chan were disappointed, because Jackie Chan deftly climbed over several walls, so that they couldn't even see their backs.

So the leader gave an order, and everyone scolded and fled for their lives. They originally cooperated only temporarily, but now the plan failed, and life and death depended entirely on themselves.

On the other side, Jackie Chan was running with a bunch of bubble bags, and the people on the street gave way one after another. They recognized him as the companion of Tatsuya who was running wildly. It is not surprising that he likes to run wildly.

"Huh... have you thrown it off?" Jackie Chan gasped for a few breaths while supporting his knees, "Smooth than expected."

"Speaking of which, who are those people?" Jackie Chan took the time to check the contents of the bubble bag. The salt bag was not leaking, the big toothbrush would be fine, and the coffee cup Perona asked for... was very good, no knocks Crushed, cat food or something is fine.

"It's a good thing they didn't shoot at these things, or they would have to buy them all over again."

Jackie Chan heaved a sigh of relief, walked leisurely for a while, and then suddenly felt that something was wrong with his thinking today. Normal people should be more urgent when encountering such a thing, right? Why am I still in the mood to care about whether things are broken or not?

"I'm back." Jackie Chan couldn't figure out the reason all the way, and in the end it could only be attributed to his big heart.

"What a cute cup!" Perona immediately saw what she wanted, "Thank you, Uncle Long!"

"This toothbrush looks good too..." Shark Pepper noticed that Jackie Chan was covered with dust and his clothes were a little messy, "How did this happen, did you fall?"

"It's a little more serious than falling. In fact, after I finished shopping, I encountered a group of people who wanted to arrest me. It happened when I was running away." Jackie Chan recounted the incident.

Everyone became serious, and they were attacked when they bought something, which probably meant that they wanted to take hostages and blackmail them.

Wendy and Weiwei asked nervously, "Is Uncle Long injured?"

Jackie Chan said: "I'm fine, I can escape faster."

"I'm going to catch them all!" Before anyone could speak, countless little ghosts flew out of Perona's body, and complained at the same time: "Really, why are you running? Don't you have very powerful weapons?"

These bastards dare to attack Uncle Long. Although Uncle Long likes to preach, he also taught her a lot... Perona gritted her teeth, she must not let these guys go anyway!

"Ye Yan! Let me use the banner demon!" Zhang Da also turned around and walked towards Ye Yan's room. He probably knew what Uncle Long was thinking. Taking into account human life, taking into account the shops on the street and the like. Although it is understandable, but this time he is standing on Perona, with Dragon Blast in hand, he should blow up these bastards first.

Xia Lulu spread her wings and asked, "Do they have any characteristics? I'll go to the sky to have a look."

Jackie Chan tried his best to recall the clothing and facial features of those people, not very detailed, but there are some clues: "That... what are you going to do?"

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