Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 438 Finding an Alone (4000 words)

Perona finally managed to sneak into the team of waiters in the tavern. Although she faltered a little when she asked for help, the kind Weiwei and Xia Lulu didn't ask much.

However, after half an hour, Perona regretted a bit: "I'm so exhausted, it's not the same thing as noon!"

"Because there are suddenly more guests at night." Weiwei wiped the sweat from her forehead, and fixed the tray with two bottles of wine on Karoo's back, "Go Karoo, the guest in the hat."

"Quack~" Karu trotted over to deliver the wine.

The guests who receive the wine are not surprised, cats can play the piano, why is it so strange that the ducks come to give you two bottles of wine?

"Hey~ Karu is quite capable." Perona saw that Karu had already run around many times, and the payment only needed a big drink, which was definitely the favorite type of employee of the black-hearted boss.

"Two glasses of ouzo here!" Xia Lulu waved to Perona near the door.

"Come right away!" Perona responded, and went to the counter to find Rui Mengmeng to get wine. She didn't participate in the pre-opening training, and she didn't even know what Uzo was.

Rui Mengmeng is an old employee, and she also shoulders the heavy responsibility of a warehouse keeper. She knows exactly where everything is kept in the tavern, and she also knows how to deal with anything. If there is any disadvantage, it is that it cannot guard against a certain cat who likes to go to the food warehouse to steal food.

But there is no way to do it, unless Zhang Da stares at Tom intently and restrains him with the help of the 'master's majesty', otherwise no one can stop Tom from stealing food - as the chief chef of the amber tour group, Tom can obviously be aboveboard I eat all the time, but I like to sneak around. Maybe the food I get in this way is more delicious?

Now Zhang Daye and the others are not in front of each other, the things in the tavern are arranged in an orderly manner by Rui Mengmeng, and the guests who don't pay for drinking are also handled clearly by her.

Seeing Perona's tired and impatient look, Rui Mengmeng said, "If you don't want to do it, you don't have to force yourself. I just need to take care of it a little more."

"It's okay, I have to do it myself." Perona waved her hand, "Now that it's started, work hard until you get off work, and you can't do things halfway."

Can Perona actually tell the truth about not giving up halfway? Rui Mengmeng looked at her in surprise, as if looking at an alien.

"What kind of look is that, Uncle Long said so, it's so annoying!" Perona stomped her feet, turned and ran to deliver the wine.

Rui Mengmeng shouted from behind: "Be careful."

"I know... ah!" Perona didn't take a steady step, and fell to the ground with her left foot and right foot. The tray and the wine glass filled with wine were thrown out, "Ah... that's bad!"

There will always be a hero falling from the sky in critical moments, and the hero at this time is Tom.

Tom, who played the piano, received not only applause and praise, but also a lot of small snacks from the guests. Just now he was counting his harvest in the corner of the counter, thinking about which ones he likes the most, and which ones can be distributed to Artoria and other people.

Hearing Perona's exclamation, Tom subconsciously turned his head and looked over, and immediately noticed the trays, wine glasses and wine flying in the air.

Tom was taken aback, dropped the snacks and rushed over, hurriedly ran left and right under the wine glasses that were about to fall, adjusted his position, and then accurately grasped an empty glass with both hands, and Lifted one foot to catch the tray.

At last Tom hopped a few times on one foot, waved his hands, and the two glasses each caught a portion of the wine, and not a drop was wasted.


"That's great Tom!"

Tom's acrobatic and difficult moves attracted a burst of cheers and whistles, and the guests felt that today was not in vain.

Facing everyone's applause, Tom instinctively wanted to salute, almost forgetting that he was still holding something in his hand. Perona finally got up, and after a flurry of hands and feet, she and Tom caught things again, and delivered the wine to the guests smoothly.

"Xin... Thank you for your hard work." The two guests suddenly felt that the wine was hard-won, looked at the two glasses of survivors on the table, wondering whether they should drink it or not.

When it was almost closing time, Zhang Da also strolled to the front again to show his face, intending to take a rest by the way.

"It's so lively." He was so obsessed with exercising that he didn't pay attention to the movement ahead.

Rui Mengmeng said: "All of a sudden there are a lot of guests at night, listening to their chats seems to be attracted by Tom, and some people are curious about Weiwei."

Zhang Da also said with a smile: "I hope Icarem and the others know that I let Weiwei be a waiter and won't kill me."

"Long time no see, Brother Tatsuya." A familiar guest came over to talk.

Zhang Da also said: "Ah, long time no see, thank you for coming."

The man breathed a sigh of relief: "Ha, I didn't expect that, you suddenly became big shots, I almost didn't dare to come over to say hello!"

Zhang Da also said with a smile: "What a big shot, I didn't become an admiral or a high-ranking government official, and I'm just a tavern owner."

Seeing that Zhang Da was as talkative as before, more people gathered and asked all kinds of questions, such as the truth about the competition between Artoria and Hawkeye, such as what interesting islands they encountered, For example, which country has more beautiful women and so on.

Zhang Da also asked: "After sitting here for so long, didn't Mengmeng and the others tell you?"

"They are also very busy. The little brother named Ye Yan has talked about it, but it always feels too exaggerated, and it is hard to believe."

"Okay." Zhang Da also selectively answered some questions, talking about the competition between Arturia and Hawkeye, he told the truth, but no one believed it.

That was the battle of the world's number one swordsman, it must be thrilling and dangerous, how could it be possible to sit down and eat together while fighting? You also said that you survived being slashed by Hawkeye, that's a lie, you don't even have a scar on your body! I haven't seen you for half a year, the little boss has learned to brag.

Maybe this is growing up.

Zhang Da also had nothing to do about it, so he had to let them brainstorm about the great battle, and then picked out some interesting stories from the journey.

Everyone was quickly attracted by various interesting things, such as the Upside Down Mountain where the sea water flows backwards, the small garden full of prehistoric creatures, the Crown Island full of rare and exotic animals...

They are fascinated by many unheard-of sights, and they can't wait to go to the sea to see it in person. The charm of this sea lies in its mystery, vastness, and countless unknown things waiting for people to explore.

It's just that no matter how fascinated everyone here is, they are just fascinated. Going to sea is to risk their lives, and they will not make hasty decisions just because of that little curiosity. It is enough to listen to these overseas events as anecdotes and anecdotes.

"...Later, when the animals on Zhenshou Island saw that Tom could saw off a big tree casually, they begged for nothing to invite Tom to be their king." Zhang Da also counted the time with his fingers. "If you want to know what's going on, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down. Well, the time is up, the door is closed, come back tomorrow!"

"It's still early!"

"At least finish the story of Zhenshou Island!"

"Did Tom stay as king?"

"Let's go, it's very late, didn't you see that our little princess started yawning?" Zhang Da also started to rush people out, and felt a bit of disjointed happiness amidst the complaints of the guests.

Xia Lulu had already recovered her cat form, and looked at those guests speechlessly. Are these people stupid? If Tom stays as king, who is lying on the counter now?

After all the guests had left, Zhang Da also summoned the hard-working employees: "How do you feel? Are you still interested in continuing to drive?"

"Fortunately, I've been used to it for a long time. This kind of work is not tiring and earns a lot of money." Rui Mengmeng counted the advantages of opening a tavern, and finally added, "And I'm not afraid of salty hands now."

Of course not, the last time Rui Mengmeng met Xianzhushou was when he opened a tavern. The trouble also cost the floor money.

Now Rui Mengmeng is confident that she dares to embed people into the floor without the boss's hands. She has also grown up.

Ye Yan spread his hands: "Don't look at me, I used to work a lot, like you, the business hours are so short, and all the profits are distributed to the employees, not to mention a conscientious business, it's just..."

Looking into Zhang Daye's eyes, Ye Yan thought about his words: "It's simply doing charity, I have no problem at all, and I even want you to step up efforts."

Xia Lulu said: "As I said earlier, this kind of work is not new, but it's the first time to do it in human form. It's very interesting to be able to practice magic by the way."

These few are relatively mature, and there will be no major problems. Zhang Da still pays more attention to Weiwei: "What does Weiwei think?"

Weiwei thought about it seriously, and put a smile on her face: "Although I am a little tired, I am very happy. Those guests are also very interesting, but the smell of alcohol and cigarettes is a bit unpleasant."

"Why don't I come to help tomorrow? Let's see if I can blow away the smell of smoke." Because Wendy was too involved in practicing magic with Zhang Daye, she didn't pay attention to the things here, and felt a little sorry for Weiwei and Xia Lulu .

Perona was a little embarrassed, and she was a little embarrassed to say that she didn't want to work and then changed her mind. She didn't feel relieved until she was sure that everyone didn't care about it, and she made a simple and rude suggestion: "There is nothing to do with the smell of alcohol, but if you hate the smell of cigarettes, just stop smoking."

Anyway, none of them smoked.

"No, right? How can a tavern restrict customers like this?" Weiwei recalled and said, "It seems that most of the customers smoke, so everyone will be unhappy, right?"

"It's okay, we're opening a tavern, as long as we're happy." Zhang Da also felt that it didn't matter, they were not ordinary taverns, and they didn't have the pressure to survive. It can be said that the opening was entirely driven by interest, and it was fine to come as happy as possible.

Everyone chatted briefly, and by the way, calculated today's profit, and distributed it to everyone. It's not too much, but it's definitely a lot of pocket money.

"Oh, by the way, Perona also worked hard all night...well done." Before the dissolution, Zhang Da also praised. All the teasing words came to his lips, but he swallowed them back when he saw her dodging eyes.

There should be more encouragement to the growing child, especially when she takes the initiative to change herself. Joking about her embarrassing things at this time may make her character more and more awkward.

Zhang Da also suddenly felt that his mentality seemed to be getting old, and he began to reflect on why he had accumulated a lot of parenting experience inexplicably when he was eighteen or nineteen years old.

Perona's face turned red. According to her expectation, she was lucky if she didn't get teased. She didn't expect not only to earn pocket money, but also to be praised. She trotted all the way back to her room, rolled around on the bed with a puppet bear in her arms, trying her best not to make a 'hehehehe' laugh.

Early the next morning, everyone got up to wash up and went out for morning exercises. Tatsuya, who had run wildly, returned for a long time, and the team was even stronger than before, which once again became a strange scenery of 59GR.

Everyone is almost used to it, and recently there are even people who do morning exercises with them.

On the way back, when he encountered a grocery store, Uncle Long stopped suddenly: "You guys go first, I'm almost running out of shampoo, go buy a bottle."

Rui Mengmeng said: "Uncle Long, the salt is almost used up, let's buy some by the way."

"Okay." Jackie Chan agreed.

Shark Pepper said: "By the way, see if there is a toothbrush that fits my size, and bring me some."

"No problem." Jackie Chan was very straightforward, anyway, things went smoothly.

Ye Yan joined in the fun: "Help me see if there are any creative clothes over there, and if there are any, bring them back directly."

"...Okay." Jackie Chan began to feel that something was wrong.

Weiwei raised her hand: "Uncle Long, I want a deck of cards, and Karu needs a water glass that can be hung around the neck to drink water."

"I want a new set of coffee mugs for hot cocoa," Perona said.

Wendy tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I don't want anything, where is Xia Lulu?"

Xia Lulu said, "Well, I want a bow, but it's better to choose this kind yourself."

Arturia was about to speak, and Tom was also eager to try, but was interrupted mercilessly by Zhang Da:

"Hey, that's enough for you guys. Uncle Long just stopped by to buy a bottle of shampoo, how did it become a big purchase? How can he take so many things by himself?"

"..." Everyone was a little embarrassed. At first, they brought some small items along with them, but they got off topic before they knew it.

Jackie Chan finally realized that something was wrong here, but he still said: "It's okay, anyway, there are bubble bags here, so it's very convenient to take things."

"Oh." Zhang Da also nodded exaggeratedly, and said with a smirk, "Then see if there is any canned cat food that looks delicious, and other delicious ones too."

Jackie Chan: ...

Tom tugged at Jackie Chan's clothes and pointed at Zhang Daye, expressing that Meow wanted the same things as his master.

Zhang Da also rubbed Tom's head and sighed, I just wanted this stupid cat for you.


Uncle Long embarked on the shopping journey, dumbfounded. Things that could have been resolved in a few minutes now took a little longer.

A few people who were doing morning exercises nearby like Zhang Daye and the others noticed Jackie Chan who was alone, and looked at each other: the opportunity has come!

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