Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 437 I Want to Help (4200 words)

"Going to sea? Is there something important?" Zhang Da also asked curiously. Ordinary people don't mention going to sea when they have nothing to do. The danger is too high.

"It's nothing. It's just that an old friend may be in trouble recently. I'll go and see him." Gragas looked like a mafia boss who had retired for many years and wanted to come out to help his friend.

Zhang Da also looked at him with scrutiny: "I said, you are not a retired big pirate, are you?"

Gragas said unhappily: "Have you seen my reward order?"

"That's not true, otherwise I would have sent you in." Zhang Da also heard that he was a powerful person, but he didn't know the details, and he didn't find any information from Shark Pepper.

And since he has been able to operate so swaggeringly in the Chambord Islands for so many years, it means that there is no problem, or else he is like Rayleigh, who has both problems and no problems. This is not something that Zhang Da should take care of, and besides, everyone is quite familiar with him now, so it's fine to talk about it as a joke.

"You just went out to sea and became a lot stronger." Gragas curled his lips, "Otherwise, with your original physique, when I was young, I could hit nine with just my belly!"

"Hey, one hit nine, I didn't dare to be so arrogant when I was in Summoner's Canyon."

An old man and a young man chattered some irrelevant words at the door. Anyway, they are bragging.

Rui Mengmeng came over: "Boss, I've finished counting."

Zhang Da also nodded and asked, "How much?"

Gragas gestured: "This number."

"The price has increased?" Zhang Da also remembered the approximate price before, "We meet again after a long absence, and it's not appropriate to kill me as soon as we come here?"

"Even the price of newspapers has gone up now, why shouldn't anything go up a little?" Gragas said naturally, "You've already swept through the entire illegal area, so you still care about such a small amount of money?"

Zhang Da also said confidently: "How much money you make and whether you spend it meticulously are two different things. We all know each other so well, how about a little discount? Even a zero?"

"You are really... ah, yes." Gragas waved at the three little girls, and then gave them each a 500 Bailey coin, "Come here, I will give you the money to buy ice cream, Qian Don't be robbed by this unscrupulous boss!"

Seeing that Zhang Da didn't stop the three children, they accepted the coin and said crisply, "Thank you, uncle!"

Although they are not short of this little money, but others want to be polite.

Zhang Da also waited for them to collect the money before complaining: "You are too stingy."

"You said a little bit of a discount, isn't this a discount? If you don't want it, just pay me back." Gragas greeted his workers and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, give me another 500, I'm still a little girl!" Zhang Da also called out the transformed Xia Lulu, the money is free, don't be fooled.

"..." Gragas lost 2,000 Baileys on this trip.

Xia Lulu in human form tossed the coin in her hand helplessly: "Five hundred Baileys, what are you doing?"

"That uncle profiteer is rich, so he can cheat a little." Zhang Da also said, "He knows Tom, and Ye Yan is over the standard height, otherwise I will pretend to be a little girl and cheat a thousand Baileys." .”

Xia Lulu squinted her eyes: "Please put your mind on normal things."

"Okay, then before the opening, Teacher Xia Lulu will come and teach me flying magic again?"


Amid all the fuss, the tavern finally reopened, and the signboard with "Tatsuya's tavern" engraved on it was put back up again.

Although not everyone wants to work in the tavern, everyone sat together in the lobby on the first day of opening. only……

"It's so deserted..." Weiwei looked forward to the door with a large tray in her arms, but there were no guests at the door for a while.

Ye Yan, who was dressed as a waiter, asked suspiciously, "Was this place really popular before?"

"Sure, if it wasn't for the short business hours every day, it would be fine to say that it is the most popular tavern." Zhang Da also thought about it, and realized the problem, "Well...we seem to have forgotten to advertise, and everyone probably doesn't know yet It's about reopening."

"Then what should we do?" Jackie Chan asked, "How do we advertise here, hand out leaflets?"

"No, it's almost noon, and those government workers at No. 63 GR will come to eat and drink nearby." Zhang Da also said, "They are our regular customer group, and there will be people by then."

"Oh..." Everyone waited suspiciously.

Time passed by, Tom, who was lying on the bar, yawned, and spider webs almost formed on the others, but there was still no one in the store.

Perona stretched her waist and doubted: "Are you bragging? In fact, the tavern had no business at all before. Sister Artoria caught pirates and raised you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the money earned by the tavern used to be enough for us to eat and wear." Zhang Da also wondered, "What's going on today, it's crazy."

Weiwei, who was full of expectations, also became listless. Is this a business failure? Is the wine I bought today a loss?

"Ha, I see." Ye Yan's expression became more exciting, "The world government workers who always talk about it probably won't come anytime soon."

Everyone's eyes focused on him, and Zhang Da also asked, "What's going on?"

Ye Yan said: "I asked Banner Demon to go out and check. Thanks to us, those officials are very busy these days, and they don't have time to come out for a drink."

"It has something to do with us, because of those prisoners?" Zhang Da also said, "Isn't it all handed over to the navy, what does it have to do with them?"

Ye Yan explained: "It didn't matter at the beginning, but we caught more and more, and released words that were almost equivalent to covering the island in the future, making the illegal area almost become a normal area."

"Although this is not what some people want to see, but things have developed into this way, they can only admit it with their noses, and they have to find a way to manage it, send a magistrate or something, so they are very busy .”

"That is to say, we did a great deed?" Weiwei became happy, and she was also responsible for this. She used her ability to help catch many people.

Jackie Chan said: "For ordinary people, it should be a good thing to restore an orderly life. At least they don't have to worry about a shell flying in from the window."

Two gangs of pirates fought on the street, and the shells hit the houses, which is commonplace in illegal areas. Even when Zhang Da arrested Fuzifu, if Fuzifu didn't want to run at first, but Zhang Da caught up with him when he ran near the junction of the two islands, the battle between the two might have ended. How many houses were demolished.

Zhang Da also sighed: "I just didn't expect that this would trick me. Other than that, everything is pretty good."

"That's great." Weiwei is not sad. Knowing that her previous actions have had a positive impact on ordinary people, Weiwei's whole body becomes radiant, and she clumsily comforts Zhang Da not to be discouraged. get better.

Zhang Da also patted her head dumbfoundedly, he wouldn’t be so stingy just because of such a trivial matter, the nature of opening a tavern now is basically to play tickets, find something for everyone to do, if you really want to earn food expenses, it’s better to go to the sea Hunt sea beasts.

"Okay, what should everyone do, just leave a few people here to watch, and the others don't have to wait."

Everyone dispersed, Shark Pepper and Jackie Chan ran to practice in the yard, Artoria took a bamboo sword and went to the yard, Ye Yanshun took two bananas back to take a nap.

Wendy and Zhang Da also went to practice magic together, Perona turned out flying chess to play with Tom, and called Kalu to make up the numbers, Weiwei took Xia Lulu and waited for the guests to come to the door, Rui Mengmeng volunteered to stay and take care of her they.

The business hours at noon passed quickly, and only a few customers came here here and there, all of whom were old customers from the tavern. When they saw the familiar tavern opened, they decided to come in and have a seat.

It wasn't until they saw Tom lying on the counter playing flying chess with Perona, and secretly cheating when throwing the dice, that they were sure that Tom was that Tom, and that interesting tavern was back.

And...the princess of Alabasta and a beautiful girl with cat ears are entertaining!

The princess of Alabasta brought us wine! Even the phrase 'Welcome' when entering the door is particularly sweet. They felt that they could brag about it for a lifetime, but they were a little worried that they would be assassinated by the king of Alabasta when they walked out the door.

But now I can't control so much, let's go bragging first!

Weiwei was a little dazed holding the banknotes in her hand: "Obviously I paid for the wine, why did you give us extra money?"

Xia Lulu also had a copy in her hand, she explained: "It's a tip, probably to show that they appreciate our work."

After the business hours were over, Zhang Da also knew about his income at noon today. The money he earned from selling wine was not as much as the tips Xia Lulu and Weiwei got.

Regarding Weiwei's desire to hand over the money, Zhang Da also said: "Keep it for yourself. In the future, all the money you earn from opening the tavern will be used as pocket money for you. Whoever works will get the money. If you don't work have no share."

Perona, who played all afternoon, was a little moved. She lost two packs of chocolate beans to Tom in chess. She wanted to buy more and had to wait until tomorrow for pocket money. If she could earn it by herself... Look at how relaxed Vivi and Xia Lulu are at noon today , How about going to help?

But it has been rejected before! How embarrassing to talk about going now!

If you don't go, Wendy and Weiwei will have to treat you when you go out to play in the future. She is obviously the biggest one, so it would be embarrassing!

Perona was caught in a dilemma.

"Oh ho ha ha ha ha~~" Tom was flipping through a joke book, laughing and throwing chocolate beans into his mouth.

The sound of laughter and chewing chocolate beans hit Perona's heart like a hammer.

Damn, if you lose face, you can lose face. At worst, you will be laughed at by the black-hearted boss. Earning some pocket money is more important. But it's best to wait until Weiwei and the others are too busy to ask her for help, so that she can join without embarrassment, well, this is a good way.

It was evening soon, and the tavern reopened after everyone had dinner.

Zhang Da also suddenly remembered something, rummaged through the inventory for a while, and took out the piano: "Tom, I haven't played it for a while, how about a part?"

Interested, Tom quickly put on his tuxedo and sat down on the piano bench.

Tom, who put on a tuxedo, was completely different from usual cats, with an elegant temperament in every gesture.

After a simple audition, Tom straightened his bow tie and officially started playing.

The soft and soft sound of the piano sounded, and the tune was relaxed and high-spirited. When everyone listened to the playing, it seemed as if they saw a girl singing softly, pouring out their beautiful thoughts like flowing water.

Few people present understood that Tom was playing Chopin's "Nocturne in E-flat Major", but almost everyone could understand the emotion in the piece. This is a superb player who can use the piano to talk to people.

Tom himself was immersed in it, and the expression on his face was very devoted.

At the end of the song, Tom got up and bowed, and everyone applauded belatedly, sending praises without hesitation.

Xia Lulu couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect Tom to play the piano seriously, so handsome."

The piano master Tom broke his skills in an instant and stuck out his tongue out of joy. He swished up to Xia Lulu and kissed the back of Xia Lulu's hand, then swished back to the piano bench, and began to show off his skills.

What playing with hands, feet, tail, or even dancing with both feet on the keys...

From a full-bodied piano master to a funny man who keeps playing tricks in order to attract girls' attention.

Xia Lulu covered her face: "Pretend I never said that."

Zhang Da also couldn't help laughing. In fact, Tom has a lot of talents. He can show off any one of them seriously. Being messed up all the time is often thankless.

"Brother Tatsuya's tavern has really opened!"

"I hear the piano! Is Tom back?"

"Go in and have a look!"

There was a noisy sound outside the door, apparently several guests at noon made tap water.

Weiwei and Xia Lulu hurried to the door, leaned forward slightly, and said in unison: "Welcome!"

"Ah, you, are you the rumored princess of Alabasta?" The guests who entered the door were startled.

"Yes, but now I'm just a waiter." Weiwei is almost used to being asked like this, "What do you want?"

"Oh, that, a pint of beer, thanks!" The guest was a little flattered.

Weiwei and Xia Lulu got busy, and Rui Mengmeng also helped.

Ye Yan's waiter attire finally came in handy, he was very skillful at ordering or serving food.

It's just that the eyes of the customers he served showed a little disgust, and he was so angry that he wanted to give the customers a hammer.

Perona rested her chin in front of the counter, watching Weiwei and the others busy, expecting them to call her for help.

Tom may have been praised by Xia Lulu, and he has been playing the piano fancy.

The attention of the guests began to be attracted by Tom, who clapped loudly and asked for more food and wine. And more and more people came in to see Tom even if there was no seat.

Xia Lulu wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said to Weiwei: "There are so many people, it's too busy..."

Perona looked at her expectantly, ready to reluctantly agree.

Xia Lulu continued to say, "Why don't I ask Wendy to help?"

With a bang, Perona fell down on the counter, with red marks on her forehead.

"Hey, are you here, Perona? Can you call Wendy for me? I can't get away here."

Perona: "..."

I want to help!

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