Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 406 A mere ability user, Dark Water! (4000 words)

Enamel is a soft candy. A person with the ability to turn his whole body into soft candy can protect his body from attacks. This has always been her greatest advantage. But this kind of advantage is useless in front of Artoria, and Fa Zhi finds that no matter how much he hides, he will always be attacked.

The eldest sister may not have heard of domineering, but Fazhi has some understanding, but because the source of the news is hard to say, she has not explained it. Judging from Fa Zhi's point of view, this person named Artoria must have a strong sense of arrogance, and she should not be able to beat it.

So Fazhi didn't want to fight anymore, she squatted pitifully next to Annie, making fudge piece by piece as if resigned to her fate, hoping that things would change, and then she could escape with her eldest sister.

It's a pity that the current situation is very pessimistic. Wyer's life and death are unknown, and the other eldest sister and Prises are being chased away. I can only hope that the two of them will fight back, or people from the Midnight Pirates will come to rescue them. they?

"I...my physical strength is not enough..." Fa Zhi pretended to be exhausted, wanting to save a little more physical strength to escape, if there is a chance to escape later, but he exhausted his physical strength because of making fudge So stupid.

She glanced at Annie quietly, and secretly made up her mind, big sister, I will definitely take you away!

"Not enough physical strength? Then there is no other way." Artoria thought of asking Wendy to help replenish her physical strength, but she gave up.

"Just in case, let's lock her up?" Jackie Chan handed Perona the fudge Arturia gave him, and then took off the Hailoushi handcuffs around his waist.

Perona took the fudge with a look of disgust. It was the worst candy she had ever eaten.

Fazhi didn't take it seriously, and even stretched out his hand, who can be locked by mere handcuffs...

"Hailoushi!? Why do you have this kind of thing?" Fazhi lost all strength in an instant, and looked at them in horror.

Jackie Chan asked: "Is this strange?"

"..." Fazhi was silent, which is not very strange. Although Hailou Stone is very precious, some "big shots" will always find a way to get it. The amber tour group obviously belongs to the category of "big shots".

She looked helplessly at the handcuffs, Big Sister, I may not be able to save you.

Rui Mengmeng asked: "Then what are we going to do next? Are we going after the boss and Shark Pepper? Or are we going to find another group of pirates?"

Arturia shook her head: "No need, they came to us by themselves."


A group of dozens of people walked around Magic Valley Town towards the pier, led by three cadres, Midnight, Alifu, Aliphant, and Smooz, and Doug, the puppet who was good at tracking, was Sent to keep an eye on Shark Chili and Zhang Daye's situation in the town.

"Those guys are really unreliable." The "Great Advisor" Alifu saw Annie and Fa Zhi who fell to the ground. He was somewhat displeased with Anne and Mary for acting impulsively.

"Don't say that, at least Miss Mary helped to lure two people away, one of them is the most difficult robot murloc, that's enough." Smooz touched his cheek, since he ate the slippery fruit, he I fell in love with this action, the smooth skin feels so good.

At the beginning, his appearance was not to say that he was ugly and could not be compared with good-looking, but now not only his skin is smooth, but his appearance has become unparalleled, which made him think that he was eating the fruit of plastic surgery.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka... A little accident in the plan is inevitable, as long as the most critical point is achieved." Midnight laughed, and in his opinion, as long as Shark Pepper is not there, it will be fine.

Rui Mengmeng is irrelevant, and the extra little girl riding a duck is not in the way, the Amber tour group has already fallen into his prey!

"That guy over there laughs so stupidly, Uncle Long give him a spell?" Ye Yan urged.

Jackie Chan was taken aback: "Huh? It's hard to hit from such a distance."

Ye Yan said: "It doesn't matter, just say hello as a declaration of war. What about dozens of people over there, can't they hit big fish or small shrimps?"

Jackie Chan thought for a while, it seemed that there was no need to be polite to fight with these pirates, he raised his hand, and the dragon pattern on his palm lit up: "Okay then, Dragon Explosion!"



"Get out of the way!"

Midnight quickly jumped aside, Aliphant grabbed his brother by the collar and carried him to avoid the explosion, Smooz simply fell to the ground, using the slippery fruit to change the friction between himself and the ground Into zero, and slipped far away in an instant.

As for the dozens of ordinary pirates, some reacted quickly and escaped in embarrassment, while some unlucky screamed and were engulfed by the flames, or were blown away by the aftermath of the explosion.

"What an impolite man." Smooz straightened his clothes. Since he became handsome, he has paid more and more attention to his appearance.

Alifante said naively: "It's the ability to create explosions according to the intelligence. My brother's investigation is correct!"

Ai Lifu said helplessly: "You put me down first and then we can talk."

"Oh!" Ariphant let go of his hand and stroked the back of his head, "Because I'm too worried about my brother."

The cadres didn't care too much about the life and death of ordinary pirates. The guy who couldn't avoid this kind of attack would die if he died.

The pirates walked forward angrily, and when they passed by the scorched Wyle, Smooz kicked him away: "This guy also has today, he deserves it."

What he hates the most is this fire-breathing guy, because the attacks of swords and guns will be slipped away by his skin, but he can't do anything about the flames.

Standing still tens of meters away from the amber tour group, Midnight was billowing with black air: "I planned to talk to you, but now it seems unnecessary. Our conversation can be simpler, you surrender, or die!"

Rui Mengmeng clenched the big sword tightly, and looked at him with some doubts. This person doesn't look strong. How could he have the courage to say that? Did he drink too much?

Artoria stopped eating, persuading her to surrender was tantamount to provocation, and she waved a golden slash as an answer.

Ye Yan saw Artoria's actions, and reacted accordingly: "The banner demon is out!"

Ye Yan felt that it had been a long time since he yelled this sentence in such a handsome pose, and he felt a little nostalgic.

The eight-faced demon banners flew up in the sky, and the banner demons stood behind Ye Yan in a domineering posture. Generally speaking, the master called them out so formally, either to set up a fork, or to show off before a fight—— However, in their cognition, the final analysis is to pretend to be a fork.

As dedicated and good banner demons, they are always ready to stand up for their master. The banner demons tried their best to say loudly: "Are they the enemy? They are willing to die for the master!"

The uniform voice and majestic and domineering appearance make the banner monsters look very imposing.

However, one sentence from Ye Yan made them lose their work: "Fuck you, hurry up and help Miss Artoria move all these candies back, and then come back to be a cheerleader."

"Yes!" The Banner Demons lost all momentum, almost obsequiously moved the uneaten fudge back to the Amber, and also moved Annie and Fazhi away so as not to get in the way.

Fighting is fun, but these people on the other side don't seem to be easy to mess with. If you can't fight and get beaten, it will hurt a lot. It's better to be a cheerleader.

Perona, Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Weiwei wisely put their share of fudge into the candy pile, pretending nothing happened.

"It seems that this is your answer." Facing Artoria's slash, Midnight didn't panic because he had a reliable companion.

Smooz, who is a user with slippery fruit ability, stood in front of the captain with a wink, and raised his arms: "It's useless to slash, as a swordsman, your greatest sorrow is to meet... ah !"

Smuzzle let out a scream, and a bloodstain appeared on his smooth arm.

"How? Why didn't it slide away? My ability...why didn't the ability work?"

Smooz's face was full of disbelief. He and Annie had also fought, and the opponent's double knives had never hurt him, so every time it was the guy with the flamethrower. But what happened to the female swordsman in front of him?

"You were able to injure Smooz with a slash...so that's the case, because you are a special ability user?" Midnight suddenly realized that this must be a special slash issued through an ability, so he was able to Ignore Slippery Fruit's ability!

Artoria tilted her head, what was this person talking about: "In short, get rid of them quickly, then go to see Tatsuya and Shark Pepper, and then go buy clothes for Perona later."

"Hmph, it's still talking about getting rid of us!" Smooz stepped aside and silently bandaged the wound, "You don't understand the captain's strength at all."

"That's right, it's just that you have a special ability. You are too proud. People with abilities are just prey to be slaughtered in front of me!" Midnight decided to give Artoria a little color, and he Raising his right hand, black smoke rose from his palm, "Dark water!"


A light wind blew by, and a leaf swirled a few times between the two sides and fell to the ground.

Then—nothing happened.

Rui Mengmeng asked curiously: "Did he...do something? Should we fight back?"

After finishing their work, the Banner Demons who were watching the excitement behind Ye Yan began to chatter:

"It seems to be a move?"

"Well, judging from his appearance, he should have made a move, but it didn't work."

"What a fool."

"Will he be embarrassed when we say that about him?"

"I will."

"Then let's embarrass him a little more."



"Don't...don't be joking, captain." The chief officer, Ai Lifu, realized that something was wrong. How could the captain's ability fail? He frowned, did I overlook something?

Midnight blushed, embarrassment was only one aspect, what made him most uncomfortable was when he used dark water, he felt that Arturia was not a capable person at all! There is no such feeling that can be sucked casually!

Could it be that she can change into armor anytime and anywhere just because she changes quickly?

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, even if there is one more person who is not capable, it doesn't matter, just besiege her after dealing with the others.

Midnight aimed at Ye Yan. He saw Ye Yan summoning the Banner Demon with his own eyes.

Still nothing happened.

Banner demons said sarcastic remarks:

"Master, he aimed at you again, but it didn't work."

"How about you pretend to be tricked to relieve the awkward atmosphere?"

"But I don't know how to fake the effect of this trick?"

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Midnight's eyes were tearing open, the eight green monsters were standing there, and the eight flags were flying there. Are you telling me that these are not capable people?

"Dark water! Dark water! Dark water!" Midnight seemed to have received a huge blow, his whole body was shrouded in black smoke, and he used his ability like crazy.

"Ah!" Wei Wei screamed and flew up from Kalu's body, hitting Jackie Chan's back with her head.

When Midnight first emphasized ability users, Jackie Chan subconsciously protected Vivi and Perona behind him.

"Hey~" At this time, Uncle Long, who was preparing for a rainy day, was bumped into a stagger by Wei Wei, and he caught Wei Wei with his arms and tried hard to brake.

"Sure enough, my ability is fine!" Midnight let out a chuckle, "Come here!"

However, the cadres couldn't be happier. After trying for a long time, it turned out that the only capable person was this little girl, so what if she was sucked over?

"Unlucky, unlucky! Who wants to go there!" Jackie Chan raised his hand and fired a dragon blast.

The others were not idle either, Wendy and Xia Lulu stepped forward and grabbed Weiwei's two feet, and Kalu croaked and grabbed Uncle Long's lapel.

Artoria and Rui Mengmeng rewarded Midnight with her dominance, but Perona wanted to help but was stopped by Ye Yan to prevent her from being tricked too.

Two shots from Tyrant and one from Dragon Explosion were stuck on Midnight, and the scene was once very brutal.

The chief staff officer, Alifu, gave his brother a wink when he found out that something was wrong, but Aliphant thought that his brother meant to let him help the ship resist the attack, and instantly turned into an elephant.

Fortunately, Ai Lifu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed his younger brother's elephant trunk, preventing him from seeking death.

Smooz was more straightforward, threw off his two shoes and took two steps forward, then reduced the friction on the soles of his feet to zero, and slid out at the fastest speed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Midnight's body was getting thicker and thicker. .

Just as Blackbeard couldn't absorb all the damage Whitebeard dealt with the dark fruit, Midnight couldn't completely absorb Artoria's attack.

Although he saved his life by virtue of his ability, Midnight was also sent flying tens of meters, with horrific burns and sword wounds on his body. He was lying on the ground panting rapidly, the severe pain in his body made him faint and wake up again, temporarily losing his mobility.

"Are you okay, Weiwei?" Wendy asked concerned.

"Well, I'm fine, thank you, Uncle Long, and everyone."

The swords of Arturia and Rui Mengmeng were already on the necks of Aliphant and Alifu, and Alifu looked at his silly brother with some resentment.

Aliphant seemed to understand Alifu's eyes again, and said decisively: "Don't kill my brother! If you want to kill me, kill me! My bounty is higher than my brother!"

Airif sighed, this is the reason why his younger brother is so stupid and he is still willing to protect his younger brother. He said: "Don't hurt my brother, we still have chips in our hands, I think it's enough to talk to you."

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