Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 405 Artoria: Jelly Candy? (4200 words)

"Woo..." Wendy covered her mouth, her face turning blue.

Xia Lulu quickly took her to fly: "Really, don't you know that you are seasick?"

Wendy's limbs drooped naturally, like a jellyfish that had lost its dream: "Because...because I'm also worried about Tom..."

Xia Lulu said helplessly: "Yes, anyway, Tom is fine, you go back to the Amber with me first."

Weiwei was surprised and said, "Did Tom defeat all these enemies?"

"No, that person probably knocked down all of these people." Zhang Da also looked at the knife edge on the fallen pirate and the machete beside Kateai, and felt that the scene was very familiar.

This is probably another round in which Tom had zero damage and relied on the opponent's denial.

Unconvinced, Tom pointed at Katebi, whose body was scorched black, and pointed at himself, obviously one of them was knocked down by himself! It should be considered...

"Yes, yes, thank you for your hard work." Zhang Da also rubbed Tom's cat's head, "Let's deal with the rest as soon as possible."

The ship that Brother Abby is on looks ordinary, but in fact it should be regarded as the flagship of the entire fleet. Now the flagship is silent, the command system has collapsed, and the other ships have fallen into a state of fighting on their own, and even began to collapse.

This time, there were no prestigious cadres in the lineup, and the pirates were quickly and completely defeated.

The amber tour group killed two pirates per person on average, but Vivi's physical strength was a little bit overwhelmed by the long-term use of abilities to fight.

"It's a bit strange. With so many pirate ships dispatched together, it must be the entire wealth of those pirates, right?" Zhang Da also said, "Betting on all the wealth, but not even a decent fighting force, what do they want?"

"I found out about this. They are just cannon fodder. They want to consume our strength by relying on fire coverage and crowd tactics. The captain and cadres are waiting to ambush us on the island." Ye Yan has returned to the Amber, packing up The escaping pirates on the two ships just knocked a gong, and then released the banner monsters to beat them up.

Rui Mengmeng worried: "Are their cadres strong?"

"If you are very strong, you don't need to play these tricks." Ye Yan said, "The two biggest pirates on the island have formed an alliance. Except for Midnight's ability which has always been mysterious, the general abilities of the others I know I heard everything clearly."

"First of all, there is the AM Pirates, one who uses double knives, one who uses double guns, one who likes to use flamethrowers, one who has the ability of jelly candy, and a weird sniper."

"Then there is the Midnight Pirates, an elephant fruit, a dog dog fruit, a slippery fruit, and a supposedly sinister chief advisor."

Ye Yan introduced the abilities and appearance characteristics of the two important members of the pirate group one by one, and the others were dumbfounded.

Jackie Chan sighed: "This is too detailed! How did you find out?"

Ye Yan shook his head lightly, his tone full of complacency: "It's nothing special, the Banner Demon is in charge of fighting, and I'm in charge of listening, it's pretty easy."

On the pirate ship not far away, the Banner Demons threw the bruised-nosed and swollen-faced pirate into the sea, pretending nothing happened.

"Professional." Zhang Da also praised with a thumbs up. He was a little surprised to meet the slippery fruit here, but there was nothing to worry about. He had beaten all the torn fruits, so what was so great about the slippery fruit.

He patted Perona on the head: "Interrogation expert, Ye Yan robbed you of your job, you are in danger of losing your job."

"What, I helped fight!" Perona stomped her feet, "I can ask for more information!"

Perona randomly chose a lucky spectator who was awake, and a negative ghost appeared with a wave of her hand.

"I said it, I said it all!" The lucky pirate said that he didn't want to be tortured any more, and told the situation on Gaya Island in detail, and he only had to draw a map.

Perona is in a delicate mood. Although the progress is going well, she always feels that she has no sense of accomplishment.

"Pirates and civilians live together in Mogu Town. The situation seems a little complicated." Zhang Da also thought about it, and said, "Tie up these guys first, and go to the town to have a look."


On the other end, Anne was talking to Kateby, but suddenly she heard Kateby call 'cat', followed by a mess of voices, and finally the phone was disconnected with an explosion, and she couldn't call back no matter how much she tried. connected.

"Damn it!" The situation was obvious, and the cadres of the AM Pirates knew that the Abby brothers and those companions might not be able to come back.

Annie dropped the phone bug: "Fuck his shit plan, I'm going to fight them!"

"Big Sister!" Spade Wyle subconsciously shouted, the rest of the companions had already ambushed, and acting without authorization would bring them danger, and there was also a nasty dog ​​staring at the situation nearby. If you abide by the agreement, you might get stabbed in the back.

"I know! In short, we just need to kill the black-haired female swordsman and the robot murloc!" Annie said impatiently, "I'll take someone to try it first, Mary, you and Prises will support from a distance!"

"Okay, be careful." Mary didn't say anything else. She was a gun player, and Prises had a mid-range shooter and a long-range sniper. She never made a mistake in supporting Anne.

Seeing that the two elder sisters had reached an agreement, Spade Wyle did not persuade her anymore, and followed Annie with Fa Zhi.

Seeing Wyle's gesture, twenty or so ordinary pirates jumped out from hidden places like roofs and alleys to join the team.

Not far away, Buudog moved his nose and looked at Annie and the others: "What is this stupid woman doing? Report to the captain first."

The group was aggressive, and when they walked out of the town, they saw nine people, two cats, and a duck get off the boat.

Fazhi counted them carefully, and said in a low voice: "Sister, their information is not accurate, there is an extra little girl with blue hair and a duck here."

"That kind of thing..." Spade Weir wanted to say that it didn't matter, but thinking that there seemed to be no ordinary people in this team, "Be careful."

Annie's eyes flicked back and forth between Tom and Xia Lulu. The last words Katebi left were 'cat' and 'throw it away'. So is one of the two cats the culprit?

At last she fixed her eyes on Tom, who was the flag of the Amber tour group, and it must be no ordinary cat, so it should be him.

Tom was so tired just now that he didn't feel like walking now, so he habitually squatted on Zhang Daye's shoulder. When he found someone watching him, Tom was not afraid at all. He must have fought with his master and had nothing to do with him.

However, in the next second, Anne had pulled out two machetes and chopped them down on Tom's head.

"Are you so brave?" Zhang Da also raised his sword to block, and was surprised to find that the man in front of him was quite strong, and...

"You actually know domineering?" Zhang Da was also sure that his feeling was correct. Although it wasn't strong, the scimitar was indeed entwined with armed domineering. No wonder he was able to stand against the pirate group whose cadres were almost all capable people. .

"I don't know what you're talking about, but..." Annie pushed away with the strength of Zhang Daye's sword, and then rushed up again, "Go to hell!"

She has never heard of domineering, but only knows that she has mastered a special power in battle, and she doesn't control it very well, but as long as she can use it, it will be difficult for the opponent to resist.

Zhang Da also swiped the two knives aside with one sword, noticed Annie's follow-up action, and immediately used the razor to take a step ahead of her, stabbing her throat with a sword.

Puff! Zhang Da also stabbed something, but the touch didn't seem right.

I saw a group of green humanoid objects blocking Annie's body, with a sticky body wrapped around a long sword, as if trying to prevent Zhang Da from drawing his sword.

"Is this the jelly candy real ability?" Zhang Da also looked at the fudge-like fabric all over his body. This ability is a bit similar to Katakuri's pseudo-elementalization. But it's just a joke if she wants to stop Zhang Da from drawing his sword with this little strength.

But before Zhang Da could move, a golden hair appeared in front of him, and the long sword was cut off along with the jelly made from enamel.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Daye's hand was empty, and Artoria snatched his sword, and bit down on the soft candy on it: "Ahh..."

Annie, who was about to fight back, was stunned. What kind of superb opponent is this? Is it really okay to eat with his back to us?

Artoria frowned slightly. The fudge was a bit more unpalatable than expected, but it didn't matter. She threw the sword to Zhang Daye and said, "Da Ye, it feels good to leave this person to me. opponent."

"...Up to you." Zhang Da also automatically translated her words into "this is a delicious opponent", and silently mourned for this unlucky green-haired guy.

Annie, who had gone through two tricks with Zhang Da in a rage, calmed down at this moment. She also realized that reckless fighting might not be her opponent, and she was thinking quickly about what to do.

And the twenty or so pirates behind saw that the eldest sister was suffering a loss, and rushed forward as soon as their brains got hot.

But within three seconds, it flew back at a faster speed.

Shark Pepper withdrew his slap and looked at Spade Weir, who was carrying a flamethrower. There were only three players present who seemed capable of fighting, and those two had already been picked, and it would be too late if they didn't choose.

Without hesitation, Spade Wyle adjusted the flamethrower to maximum power and maximum range: "Endless fire!"

The flamethrower spat out a tongue of flame, and then spread into the shape of a huge morning glory, and the billowing heat wave hit the face.

"The roar of the dragon!" Wendy stood up, and the violent hurricane swept back the flames in mid-air. How could the impetus of a mere flamethrower compare to Wendy's breath.

Such a situation was unexpected for Spade Wyle. He had heard of Wendy's ability, but wasn't this power too much? Not to mention the flames now, even Spade Wyle was blown away, and at the same time was covered in his own flames, experiencing the feeling of being burned.

"Ah!!!" Spade Weir screamed and flew out. When he landed a few hundred meters away, the flames on his body had been extinguished, but he was also unconscious.

Shark Pepper's hand froze, a good opponent, if you say no, it will be gone?

Bang, bang! Two gunshots were fired, and Shark Pepper was shot in the head, making a crisp sound of iron striking.

"Oh! It hurts!" Shark Pepper fell to the ground, refused the support and protection of his companions, and stood up by himself, "Damn it, is it a sniper? Leave it to me!"

Shark Pepper didn't care about the transformation, and used his two short legs to take small steps, and ran out in the direction of the bullet at high speed, so fast that there was almost an afterimage.

"Isn't the head the fatal part, or is my gun too weak? Tsk, I knew that the first target should be the woman." Mary jumped off the roof after firing the shot, and quickly left her original position.

The sniper Prises who was farther away made a similar judgment. Shark Pepper, the robot murloc's weakness is hard to find, and its defense is hard to determine. It's better to target the 'ordinary person' Rui Mengmeng. .

He adjusted the muzzle of the gun to shoot, but changed the target temporarily.

"Big Sister's Head!" Fazhi cried out in despair. She saw that the scimitar on Big Sister's head was cut off by Zhang Daye, and she was about to deliver the final blow, but Fazhi couldn't get rid of Artoria even if she tried her best.

Zhang Daye's sword had already been swung out, but he paused at a critical moment, tilted his head back, and dodged a bullet.

As a result, Annie had a little more room to hide, and managed to save her life, but she still fell to the ground with serious injuries.

"There's another sniper? No, Shark Pepper is chasing the female captain with two guns." Zhang Da also realized that there was another sniper watching here.

He tried his best to show his domineering aura, and he could sense the 'voices' of many people in Magic Valley Town, but he couldn't determine who attacked him, and he didn't even know whether the person who just shot was within his range of perception, after all, No gunshots were heard, so the distance should not be too close.

"Tatsuya, that sniper is very suitable for you to practice your perception ability." Artoria reminded, "This person has strong concealment skills, and I didn't even notice his existence before shooting."

"Okay, then I'll go find him!" Zhang Da was also a little moved, it happened that he had just learned the knowledge and color, so it would be nice to have such a partner. Although the level gap may be a bit large, it is a challenge.

Before leaving, Zhang Da also looked at Annie who was struggling to get up, and decided to make a knife, but another bullet flew over, and Zhang Da also swung his sword to split it.

"Does this mean that I am not allowed to approach?" Zhang Da also observed the direction of the bullet, and ran over with his sword in hand. With so many people here, even a seriously wounded Anne could not turn the tide.

Seeing that Zhang Da was also leaving, Tom hurriedly followed.

When Annie made the first move, he subconsciously dodged backwards, fell off Zhang Daye's shoulders, and then held his chin as an audience.

The main reason is that there are too few enemies. Tom was knocked down by everyone before he had a chance to express himself, which made him very boring.

Passing near Annie, Tom took out a baseball bat and hit her on the head in retaliation.

Annie rolled her eyes and fainted to the ground.

Prises thought that the amber tour group was a moral group, and since someone accepted his challenge, they should not hurt the big sister for the time being, but he didn't expect this cat to do it!

But... what could he ask of a cat? No, still angry, Prises picked up the sniper rifle and fired at Tom crazily.

Tears were about to flow from watching all this, but she had no choice but to contribute piece after piece of fudge to Artoria.

If I remember correctly, the fudge I made is terrible, right? What do you want so much for? And he gave it to his companions with a smile on his face?

They don't like to eat at all!

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