Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 407 Spike? (4500 words)

"This person can hide." Zhang Da also stood on the roof of a house with some depression.

Tom put his hand above his eyes to make a long-distance gesture, and nodded in agreement when he heard Zhang Daye's words.

The two of them have been looking for Prises for a while, but with the knowledge Zhang Da has just mastered, it is really difficult to find someone who is good at hiding, especially in a town with many "voices".

Until now, the closest time to Purseis was because Tom hit Annie with a stick at the beginning, and Purseth shot Tom more than a dozen times as if venting, giving Zhang Da a chance to get close.

Prisse's marksmanship is very good, but unfortunately the opponent is too strong. Although every shot is aimed very accurately, Tom only needs to jump a few times in place to catch up with Zhang Daye safely.

Even in the mood to drink saliva to moisten the throat.

Then the body leaks water like a shower.

That's why Tom tried so hard to help find someone, it was such a shame to be beaten up like that.

Phew~ The sound of bullets piercing the air, Zhang Da also raised the frying pan to block it with a bang.

"The four-level head is really easy to use." Zhang Da also tried to catch the breath in that direction, and greeted, "Let's go Tom."

Tom understood, so he pursed his lips, took a few steps on the spot, and ran out quickly, from the roof down the wall, across the street, along the wall to the roof, and then again. Running over the roof and down the wall.

Zhang Da also thought that the straight line between two points was the shortest, so he jumped directly from the roofs of each house, but in the end he was one step behind Tom.

Maybe Tom's is the right way to go in a straight line.

Prisse moved again, Tom rummaged around unconvinced, opened other people's windows to take a look, lifted the lid of the trash can to take a look, and even turned over small stones the size of a palm on the side of the road. turn.

Zhang Da also resisted the urge to look at the small stone that Tom turned over, but Tom ran up to him and lifted him up to look at the bottom of his feet.

"..." As expected of you, Tom.

"Calm down, calm down..." Zhang Da also tried to adjust his breathing rhythm, recalling the main points of the domineering, "concentrate, everyone should have their own 'voice', this person should not be too strong To the extent that my knowledge is invalidated."

With Zhang Daye's high concentration, the surrounding environment became quiet for an instant, but at the same time it became noisy, and a large number of 'voices' within a radius of several hundred meters flooded into his mind. He could clearly feel the position and strength of each 'voice', and besides that, there seemed to be something else.

"That's the feeling..." After searching carefully, Zhang Da also noticed a 'voice' that was much stronger than ordinary people nearby. It must not be the sniper he was looking for. If so, he would have found him long ago. up.

There is also a 'voice' that is moving away from him quickly, and its intensity is weaker than that of ordinary people. This is obviously abnormal, it should be him!


"Wow woof woof!"


There was a rapid dog barking, and then Tom also uttered a frightened cat cry, and ran away. A huge bulldog ran after Tom.

Zhang Da was also a little dazed, for a moment he didn't even realize that it was Tom's cry. God is sorry, although there are two cats on board, he has almost never heard a normal cat meowing, and he has almost forgotten how a normal cat meows!

And the creature chasing Tom looked familiar, Zhang Da also took a closer look: "Damn, Spike?"

With gray skin, a strong body, sharp teeth, and a red collar, Zhang Da even thought that he had accidentally drawn Spike over! Even the mental head chasing after Tom is exactly the same as Spike!

It’s no wonder that Tom is scared like this. Spike is one of Tom’s natural enemies, and his force value is far higher than Tom’s. Although Tom can occasionally fight back successfully, but most of the time Tom dare not provoke him when he sees him. .

However, this bulldog is obviously not Spike, but the dog fruit capable person mentioned in the information Ye Yan inquired about. This guy probably hid here for some mission, and was accidentally discovered by Tom.

According to what Zhang Da also knew about Tom, there was a high probability that Tom accidentally stepped on his tail, or pinched his nose or something that angered him. Of course, more excessive provocations are not ruled out. Tom is very talented in making all kinds of animals angry.

As a result, this Spike-like Boodog chased after Tom, and Tom ran wildly in a panic, sometimes landing on all fours, sometimes running upright, and sometimes switching to a front-running state, in order to avoid Buu Doug's big mouth, his back feet were off the ground and retracted in front of him, and he ran away with his front legs.

A few seconds later, Tom had crashed through several houses, leaving large cat-shaped holes in various poses on them, and then Buddug crashed in, and the cat-shaped holes were covered by larger dog-shaped holes.

Therefore, the straight line between two points is the shortest, which is the correct solution.

Zhang Da also followed after recovering, the sniper can look for it later, he can't just watch Tom being bullied by the dog, can he?

Buu Doug was very big, and the hole he knocked out allowed Zhang Da to pass through without hindrance, but as soon as he stepped into the first residential house, Zhang Da realized that something was wrong.

The family of three in the house was tied up with ropes and thrown in the corner of the bedroom. A man with a big knife was staring at the big hole that Tom and Buudog ran out of.

"Is that Lord Buudog? What is he chasing after, is it an enemy?" the man muttered to himself.

"You know that dog?"

"Of course, that's..." The man was startled, and turned around all of a sudden, "Who is it?"

Zhang Da also rushed up at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see clearly, put his forearm against the man's neck, and slammed his whole body against the wall, and fell to the ground with a big knife clanging: "So you are a member of the Midnight Pirates!" Now, if you don't go to war at this time, what are you going to do if you stay here?"

"Cough...cough..." The pirate held Zhang Daye's forearm with both hands, trying to break it apart but couldn't move it a little bit, "You...you are, Amber..."

Zhang Da also punched him in the stomach with his empty hand: "I'm asking you, what's your plan for staying here?"

"Cough... I said, I said!" The pirate confessed honestly, "Yes, it is the arrangement of the chief staff officer. He said that your style of work seems to be the kind of person who would care about the lives of civilians, so, so arrange us Fifty brothers are hiding in civilian homes, holding them hostage, in case the cadres lose their hands..."

"Great staff officer..." Zhang Da also punched the pirate into the wall, and turned around to help the family of three untie the rope, "Sorry for breaking your house, the knife is considered compensation for you, Find a place to hide, and you'll be fine soon."

The family of three seemed to be frightened, hugging each other and weeping and unable to speak.

Zhang Da didn't stay any longer, and left from another big hole, not forgetting to make the pirate harmless before leaving.

"Tsk, I forgot to ask him where the others are." Zhang Da was also a little worried, but just in time to see another pirate poking his head out of the hole that Tom and Doug the Muppet knocked out.

Zhang Da also showed a kind smile.


bang bang! Mary hid in the hiding place and fired two shots, but unfortunately she still couldn't hear the desired cry of pain.

"Damn iron monster!" Mary cursed angrily. Except for the surprise at the beginning, she never got a shot after that. The enemy's troubles were far beyond her imagination, "I don't know where Annie is What's the matter, that bastard Midnight can't play tricks?"

"Hit the water!" Shark Pepper's voice sounded, and a drop of water hit Mary's left shoulder.

Mary let out a cry of pain, and the musket in her left hand flew out. Without looking at her, she fired two shots behind her. Enduring the pain, she climbed up the wall and turned to the other side.

In terms of running speed in a straight line, Mary knew that she was far inferior to Shark Pepper, so she could only use the terrain to dodge and maneuver, hoping to cause a little trouble for that guy, but obviously she made a wrong calculation.

Although Shark Pepper looks cumbersome, he can jump into the cockpit of the giant shark. It is not difficult for him to jump seven or eight meters.

It was because she was unwilling to wantonly destroy the houses that Mary escaped for so long by taking advantage of various alleys.

But now that Mary is injured, it will be easier for Shark Pepper to catch up to her: "Awaken yourself, murloc karate, three thousand slaps!"

"Ah!" Mary screamed and was sent flying by the shark chili. She tried twice but couldn't get up.

Whoosh~ Tom's figure flashed in front of Shark Pepper, followed by a tall and fierce bulldog.

"Wow woof woof!"

"Tom?" Shark Pepper grabbed Buo Doug's dog by the tail.

"Wow?" Buudog ran forward hard, and after a while he realized that he had stopped in place.

He turned his head and saw that Shark Pepper was grabbing his tail, baring his teeth fiercely: "Grrrrr..."

Boom! Tom took a roll of newspaper and smacked Boo Dogg on the head. It didn't hurt much, but it was extremely insulting.

Boodog immediately forgot about Shark Pepper and barked at Tom, trying to bite him with all his strength.

Of course, Shark Pepper would not let go, he held on to the dog's tail tightly.

Tom gave Shark Pepper a big grin, and then the expression on his face grew more aggressive.

"Wow woof woof..."

As soon as Zhang Da also arrived at the scene, he saw Tom standing behind a line and flirting with a big dog. From time to time, he took out various objects and hit the big dog on the head so that he could bite it with his teeth. The big dog gnawed out the baseball bat and knocked it down with another blow.

Shark Pepper let go of the fainted Buu Doug, looking helpless and pampered.

"Shark Pepper? Just here to help." Zhang Da also explained the situation, "I've dealt with twenty-seven companies, and we'll split up the rest."

Shark Pepper nodded: "Okay, these pirates are really..."


On the coast, Ai Lifu was arguing with Ye Yan. One wanted to let the Amber Group release them, at least he and his brother, and the other wanted to get more information out of Ai Lifu's mouth. , so as to rescue those innocent people, Ye Yan even wanted to blackmail Alifu with Aliphant's life instead.

Both brainy fellows cursed each other in their hearts for meanness, insidiousness and cunning.

"There are still ten minutes. If they don't make a decision, they will start killing people." Ai Lifu tried to be calm, "We are pirates, and killing and robbing are justified. At that time, people will only kill those who died tragically." It is on your heads that you killed them because you were greedy for our bounty! This is the human heart!"

"For the sake of tens of millions, Bailey was reviled by everyone, his reputation was ruined, and he was even wanted by the navy. Is it worth it?"

The little girls were a little shaken, especially Weiwei, who had the hardest time accepting it. She bit her lip: "Why?"

Jackie Chan frowned and asked, "Perona, can you use your ability to find them out and control them?"

Perona showed embarrassment: "Fifty people, if you want to be safe, you must release at least a hundred negative ghosts at the same time. It will be very difficult to control so many distractions at the same time, and it will take time to find people..."

"Don't let Princess Mononoke take action!" Ai Lifu said, "We have long known about Princess Mononoke's ability, as long as they see something that looks like a ghost, they will attack immediately!"

Perona said angrily: "Damn guy! See how I deal with you!"

Wendy and Xia Lulu held her back: "Stop irritating him, think of another way."

Ye Yan looked at him calmly: "Looking at your expression, don't you think you're sure of us?"

Ai Lifu's expression changed, does this person have any other means...not good: "I remember your ability is that you only need to knock the gong to..."

"Don't worry, the soul gong can indeed stop people, but the range is not large enough to control the entire town." Ye Yan patted him on the shoulder with a smile.

"Then why do you..."

"Why are you not in a hurry?" Ye Yan knew what he wanted to ask, and said nonchalantly, "Because it doesn't matter. After all, we are not related to the people in this town, so we can try our best to find a way, or help afterward. Revenge is the best of benevolence and righteousness, and you killed people, so what does it have to do with us."

"If you are worried that someone will curse us..." Ye Yan made a ferocious expression, "Just kill you and everyone in the town together, and you will be killed if there is no proof. I also said it myself, it is only natural for pirates to kill people."

Alifu showed an unbelievable expression: "Impossible, you are lying..."

"You don't think we attach much importance to these ordinary people, do you? You saw it in the battle just now. Almost everyone here has the ability to destroy a town at will. Let's put it this way, ordinary people are in front of us. In fact, it is no different from an ant, how much affection do you have for a creature that you can easily crush to death?"

Ye Yan spoke indifferently, and patted Ai Lifu's cheek with one hand: "Speaking bluntly, this is just a small island abandoned by the world government. It doesn't matter even if it is bombed and sunk. The reason I spent so much time talking with you is because you still don't know what to do after killing your mouth." There is a lot of troublesome aftermath work to be done, and the bounty of dead bounty criminals will be reduced by a few percent."

"To let you confess is to give you a chance to go to prison alive, but since you refuse to cooperate no matter what, I can only send you away now."

Ye Yan pinched Ai Lifu's throat with one hand, and slowly exerted force with his fingers. As the force increased, the expression on his face gradually became more joyful: "Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I watched a movie like this in order to earn more rewards. The loss of life..."

"Jie Jie Jie..." The banner demons lined up behind Ye Yan, blocking Ai Lifu's view of other people, and at the same time they gave a sinister smile in cooperation.

"I..." Alif's voice was hoarse, he was almost unable to make a sound, "I said..."

"Ahem, ahem...my brother has a pocket sewn into his cuff, and there's a flare in it. It's a signal that the plan was successful, as long as it's fired, they'll let those people go, and come here to meet us... "

Arifu is desperate, the newspapers are all lies, saying that the amber regiment is a friend of the navy, and upholds justice, bah, who upholds justice is so terrifying and perverted? He wants to sue Morgans for false advertising.

Banner Yao hurriedly found the signal flare from Ariphant and released it.

Ye Yan turned around and gestured yes, but found a few little lolita hiding behind Uncle Long, looking at him with fear.

Even the way Rui Mengmeng and Uncle Long looked at him was not quite right.

"Well... I can explain..."

In order to keep being in strange places, I wrote 500 more words, sorry for the lateness

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