Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 404 Chapter 404 is Dangerous

bang bang bang...

The pirates of the Midnight Pirates were very straightforward, they didn't even say a word, they didn't report their names, and they fired directly. There were more than 40 cannons fired at the same time from nine pirate ships, four big, five small, and nine pirate ships. The sense of oppression is quite strong.

However, their accuracy was mediocre, and the first round of shooting may also have the meaning of calibration. Almost every shell has a large deviation. The only one that was lucky and had a hope of hitting was blocked by Rui Mengmeng's sword.

Arturia calmly held the steering wheel and steered the Amber towards the nearest pirate ship.

The principle of facing pirate ships is to ensure their own safety, and do not dismantle the ship if they can. After all, it is all money.

The first round of shelling did not work, the pirates were not discouraged, and quickly started the second round of shelling.

At the same time, five large ships and six small ships of the AM Pirates also rushed to the battlefield, and the two sides formed an encirclement circle after a brief shout. However, due to insufficient tacit understanding and lack of a unified command, they had to be responsible for half of each team instead of mixing them together.

The members of the AM Pirates habitually want to scold the Midnight Pirates twice for fun, but remembering that the two sides are now allies, they can only hold back abruptly, which is quite uncomfortable.

A wise man appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly took out a loudspeaker and cursed in the direction of the amber group, pouring out all kinds of unbearable obscenities, the more he cursed, the more excited he became.

Jackie Chan frowned and reached out to cover Perona's ears, Xia Lulu quickly covered Wendy's ears, Karoo looked left and right, and consciously covered Weiwei's ears with his wings.

Zhang Da also gritted his teeth, watching the pirates scolding each other can be regarded as fun, besides, Ye Yan had carefully considered the words used in the broadcast before.

Now these guys are directly scolding him. He just thinks that this group of people are cheap and easy to spoil children.

Zhang Da also took out a sword and stood facing the direction of the ship on the port side: "Mengmeng, you don't need to do this."

"Oh, good." Rui Mengmeng understood, drew out her sword and stood side by side with Zhang Da.

The two stood side by side, posing in a posture similar to that of Dong Libroki in the small garden, and there was an invisible momentum rising from the two of them.

"United Version Hegemony!" The two swung their swords together, twisting blue, gold, white, black, dark green, blue-white, red and other colors together into twisted beams of light that burst out, blasting the legendary ship. The pirate ship that uttered curses engulfed it.

The pirates on the ship were caught off guard, they only knew that they were carrying the shells and cursing at people, when suddenly a dazzling light illuminated their figures into stick figures.

Wherever the light went, the bow, railings, decks, masts...everything in front of my eyes cracked and disintegrated like a tiled roof in a typhoon.

Even if the pirates were lucky enough not to be killed on the spot in such an attack, they would have been severely injured, but what awaited them, the dying ones, was the explosion of the ammunition depot...

"It's so beautiful!" The little lolis couldn't see the terrified and hideous expressions in the light, and only sighed in admiration for this colorful and gorgeous move.

"Why are they colored?" Rui Mengmeng looked at her hands in confusion.

"It's probably my problem." Zhang Da also knew that Rui Mengmeng's power was either invisible or a white light. Only his power could make so many messy colors, and each of them corresponded to his companions. The color of the magic circle when they are summoned.

If this goes on like this, he won't need to buy fireworks during the New Year and holidays. He can wait for him to learn how to step up and go to the sky by himself, and he can have whatever color he wants.

Ye Yan and Zhang Da also thought of it together: "It's always a cool move of yours, I suggest you learn the moon steps quickly, and we can save the money to buy fireworks in the future."

Zhang Da also said: "Thank you for your suggestion, when the time comes, I will reserve a VIP seat directly below for you, and you will not be allowed to leave until you have watched the whole show, so that you can know whether you should watch the rising fireworks from below or from the side. "

Different from the gradually off-topic chat content on the Amber, after seeing this trick, many pirates suddenly became incoherent in their firing actions. Especially the rest of the AM Pirates, they were about to start swearing, they even found the loudspeaker, should they open their mouths or not?

Seeing a large pirate ship turn into wreckage in the dazzling light and ear-piercing explosion sound, the pirate flag on the top of the mast fell from the sky with flames until it burned out when it fell into the sea, the pirates were silent, as if I saw my end.

After a moment of silence, endless fear erupted from the bottom of my heart, and discussions gradually sounded on the pirate ship:

"Then... what is that?"

"What kind of monster are we fighting!"

"Is this the power of the Amber Tour Group?"

The members of the Midnight Pirates were thinking silently, killing one ship with one blow, leaving 20 ships on the scene, how many minutes can they last? Can they really get the reward promised by the captain?

The atmosphere of the AM Pirates was similar. Although they were mentally prepared to die when they came, seeing such power in person still made them extremely terrified.

Keiteai murmured: "No wonder the elder sister doesn't want us to come, but facing such an enemy, what's the difference between being on the sea and on the shore?"

Kateby asked, "Are you afraid, brother?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. We didn't intend to go back alive, but we can't die in vain." Kateai grabbed the railing with his big hand and squeezed it hard. He said, "Contact the eldest sister immediately and send the information back here, if possible. Please don't go head-to-head with her, maybe only Prises will have a chance to kill them."

"I see." Katebi found out the phone bug. After being taken care of by the elder sister for so long, it was finally time to repay them. Katebi felt that she was worth it.

"Cheer up, Lao Tzu!" Keiteai picked up the horn that he was going to use to scold people, and he pointed at the Amber that was approaching them and shouted, "See clearly, they are still trying to approach us ! It means that the trick just now cannot be used continuously!"

The pirates moved their seldom-used brains, and found that it seemed to be the case.

"Then, as long as we sink them before the next attack, we'll be fine!" Kiteai didn't know if this inference was correct, anyway, he wanted to raise his morale first, "So, now is not the time to be in a daze! Fire me, keep firing! Shoot all the shells!"

"Oh!!!" The pirates of the AM Pirate Group cheered up. They came with the determination to fight to the death. Even if they died, they must at least finish the shells, right?

The booming cannons sounded again, and Keiteai shouted to his allies again: "Smashers of the Midnight Pirates, you're scared to pee your pants! You don't even dare to fire at the enemy and act like pirates!" ? Go home and get some milk!"

"What did you say?" Although most of the members of the Midnight Pirates were attracted by the conditions under Midnite's license, they were still pirates anyway. They still had the ferocity in their bones, and they still had the courage to go all out.

After being so excited by Keiteai, many people started to attack again with red eyes.

Of course, there are also some people who just want to try their luck. They suspect that the captain sent them to die...

Some people looked at each other and confirmed their eyes, they were people who wanted to run away.

They picked up the knives and pretended to be desperate, but in fact they found an opportunity to stab the knives into the backs of those who really wanted to do their best.

On the Amber, facing the shells flying from all directions, everyone did not panic.

"Shooting water, shower!" Shark Pepper raised his palm, knocked out the water droplets in pieces, and detonated shells one after another in mid-air.

"Sky Dragon's Wing Strike!" Wendy used all kinds of wind magic to blow the cannonballs away in pieces.

"Empty sand wall!" Weiwei raised her hands and created a sand wall in mid-air, allowing the shells to hit it and explode, and then she shot to fill the hole that was blown out. The name of this trick was also mentioned by Zhang Da, and Weiwei liked it very much, it was much better than Crocodile's diamond swords.

"Mini ghost ghost bomb!" Perona casually released groups of little ghosts, easily detonating the shells in the air.

"Dragon Explosion!" Uncle Long used the power of the Dragon Talisman, stretching out his hand and pulling a large area.

Arturia concentrated on steering, Zhang Daye and Rui Mengmeng defended with swords, and Kaluya and Xia Lulu could only cheer for everyone by the side.

It's not that Ye Yan has no way to deal with the shells, it's just that the Chaos Beast is afraid of the water and dare not come out, other methods are inefficient, and the defense force on the ship is more than enough, so he simply observes the enemy's situation beside the little lolis just in case That's it - it's really dangerous to put the banner demon to block the gun.

"Huh, those two ships seem to want to run away?" Ye Yan really discovered the situation after his observation.

Wendy was right next to her, and she immediately said, "Xia Lulu, shall we go after her?"

Before Xia Lulu could respond, Ye Yan said first: "I'll go, Wendy, have you forgotten that you are seasick? If you are not careful, you will be in danger."

"Ah..." Wendy showed an embarrassed expression, "I've been staying on the Amber, I almost forgot about it..."

After greeting everyone, Ye Yan released Jin Erpeng, and asked Jin Erpeng to lead him beyond the height that the shells could reach, and chase after the two fleeing pirate ships.

Tom was not idle either, he drew out two revolvers, and aimed at the shells, bang bang bang, indiscriminately.

Unscientifically, bullet holes appeared on the shells he hit, and the shells continued to fly forward for a while without realizing it, and then they seemed to suddenly realize that they had been shot, standing straight like a shot bird Falling down, Tom blew the smoke from the muzzle with satisfaction.

But at this time, a cannonball with three bullet holes fell on Tom's head, smashing him to the ground, but there was no intention of exploding at all.

Tom got up dissatisfied, looked at the cannonball with his hips on his hips, thought for a while, inserted his fingers into the three bullet holes, and assumed the posture of throwing a bowling ball.

Aiming with one eye closed, Tom spots someone on the phone, Tom takes a few steps back and begins a run-up, Tom throws the 'bowling ball', Tom's arms extend, Tom glances at the camera, then follows the 'bowling ball' Flew out together.


Katebi, who was on the phone with the eldest sister, seemed to hear such a voice. He turned his head and glanced, and a shell was flying towards his head.

"Cannonball?" Katebi shrank his head subconsciously, and the cannonball flew past his scalp, leaving a ditch on the top of his head.

When Katebi raised his head again, a cat smeared on his face, throwing him over. The shell bounced off Tom's arm and hit Kateby's head with a thud.

"What is this again!?" Kateby stood up dazedly, and with a little effort she tore Tom off his face.

So Katebi held Tom in his hand, and Tom held the cannonball in his hand. One person and one cat looked at each other awkwardly. Tom raised the hand that was not holding the cannonball, and waved hello with a smile.

"This is... the cat from the Amber Tour Group?"

"Cat, what cat?" Anne's inquiring voice came from the phone.

"Ah, big sister's head... huh? What's the smell?" Katebi smelled a strange smell of gunpowder, and he raised his head and sniffed carefully.

Tom in the palm of his hand did the same as him, and the two moved their eyes along the puff of smoke in the air, and finally moved to the cannonball in Tom's hand.

The cannonball finally seemed to remember that it was a cannonball, and it was about to explode.

"Drop it, drop it!" cried Kateby, not thinking for a moment that he could drop Tom.

Tom panicked and tried to pull out his finger, but couldn't.

In desperation, Katebi had to help. Tom stepped on the cannonball with both feet, and Kateby held the cannonball with both hands and pulled it back.

With a bang, Tom successfully pulled out his fingers, rolled backwards a few times, and hit the mast to stop.

Katebi also rolled back a few times holding the cannonball before stopping. He and Tom looked at each other, and at the same time wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and finally took it off.

But something seems wrong?

BOOM! ! !

The shell exploded, and a small mushroom cloud rose from the ship. The whole ship shook, but the deck was unharmed. Only Katebi, who was holding the cannonball, was dark all over, and her lips were swollen like sausages.

"Hi~" Katebi spewed out a puff of black smoke, and fell headfirst on the deck, "It turns out...it's here...something is wrong..."

The phone bug next to it was also blackened by the sudden explosion, and fell sideways before it could retract into its shell.

Tom spread his hands and shrugged, saying that he hadn't thought of that either.

"Bi!!!" Seeing his younger brother's miserable state, Kateai let out a heart-piercing cry, "Cheer up, Bi!"

No one responded to him, but Tom felt that he had done something wrong and tiptoed to leave.

"Did you do it? Sure enough, you are not an ordinary cat!" Kateai's eyes were red, and she picked up a big knife and slashed at Tom.

Tom gasped in horror, and ran away.

Keiteai chased after him, every cut was full of his hatred for Tom.


When Zhang Daye and the others dealt with a few pirate ships, when they boarded here, they saw pirates lying on the deck full of decks, Tom running for his life panting with his tongue out, and struggling to chase Tom step by step with a knife. Kate Ai.

"You... you stand for me... stop..."

Plop, Keiteai threw herself down exhausted, and the sword fell to the ground with a clatter.

Tom hugged Zhang Daye's thigh with an aggrieved expression on his face.

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