Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 401 Sitting on a mountain and watching the tiger fight, but the tiger ran away (4000 words)

Zhang Da also flicked Perona on the forehead as punishment. Although she didn't use much strength, Perona still looked pitiful with teary eyes, and even pulled Wendy to ask her to help with treatment.

After a while, Perona asked, "When will we get to the next island?"

Shark Pepper said: "The day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, if there is no bad weather."

"Oh..." Perona took a big sip of the juice with a straw, her cheeks were bulging, and she hesitated for a while before saying, "Then can you give me a little more pocket money after going to the island?"

Zhang Da also asked, "Is there anything you want to buy?"

Perona said: "It's clothes, I can't wear a lot of clothes."

"Clothes? You... have gained weight?" Zhang Da also looked at her, "I told you to eat less sweets and exercise more, but I just didn't listen."

"You're getting fat!" Perona clapped her hands on the table and stood up, correcting her, "You've grown taller! I used to be about the same height as Wendy, but now I'm half a head taller than Wendy!"

"Huh?" She really didn't pay attention without mentioning Zhang Da, "Then Wendy..."

Wendy has already shrunk into the corner of the sofa, hugging her legs and burying her face in her knees, it's almost raining on top of her head.

Xia Lulu replied sympathetically for her: "Wendy doesn't grow taller at all."

"Ah, don't worry about it." Zhang Da quickly comforted him, "Isn't Wendy taller than Weiwei?"

Wendy looked up at Vivi, and then became even more lost.

"Why did you drag me into this? Brother Tatsuya is too much." Weiwei put her hands on her hips, "Besides, I'm not yet eight years old, and Sister Wendy is already twelve years old."

"..." Wendy cheered up a little bit with the sound of her sister, and cheered up, "I, I just grew a little slower, and I will grow taller!"

Everyone didn't have the heart to hit her again, and Zhang Da whispered to Perona: "Next time, I'll compare my height with Artoria."

Anyway, Arturia will not grow taller.

"I see." Perona nodded obediently.

Xia Lulu sighed and reminded: "Wendy's hearing is very good, please keep your voice down next time."

Zhang Da and Perona were also surprised, and sure enough, Wendy shrank back into the corner of the sofa.

ah this...

Arturia stared at Zhang Daye quietly: "It feels like Da Ye just thought of something impolite."

"Illusion." Zhang Da also pushed his juice in front of her.

"Oh, it's probably an illusion."

The little girl's loss didn't last long. When Wendy sensed that the weather was about to change drastically, she immediately got busy with everyone.

Wei Wei and Karu followed everyone on the boat in a daze. Although they didn't know what to do, they could learn it anyway. Just get busy first.

Two days passed in such a busy and leisurely way. Today, the curious Vivi acted as the lookout, and Karoo was ridden around on the deck by Tom, as if he was going to learn swimming from Tom.

Karoo doesn't even have webbed palms, so he is destined to be unable to swim like an ordinary duck, but Mr. Tom will definitely find a swimming style that suits him, such as butterfly stroke with wings or something.

The big frogs in the capital of seven waters can learn freestyle swimming, and it shouldn't be too much for Duck to learn butterfly stroke and backstroke with Tom.

"Pirate ship, it's a pirate ship! I saw a pirate ship!" Weiwei shouted excitedly, it was great to be able to spot the situation as a lookout for the first time!

However, she was too excited, and didn't know which direction the ship was, or what kind of pirate ship it was.

Everyone was attracted by the voice in the loudspeaker. While looking at the pointer at the bow, Shark Chili stopped his movement while punching. He looked around and asked, "Which direction is it?"

"Yes...it's ahead!" Weiwei put down the binoculars and said with gestures, "There is one at eleven o'clock and one at one o'clock, and it looks like they are about to fight."

Everyone was attracted by Weiwei's voice on the loudspeaker and came out to check the situation.

Zhang Da also asked: "Can you see the flag clearly?"

"Hey..." Weiwei raised the binoculars again, "One is that the bones of the skull flag have been replaced with scimitars and muskets, and the other is that the moon and many stars are painted on the side of the skull."

Everyone looked at Shark Pepper, wondering if he had any records there.

Shark Pepper thought for a while, and said: "I don't know about the stars and the moon. The one with the machete and musket is probably the AM Pirates. There are two captains, and they are both women. One is Bonnie Annie and the other is Reed Mary. , The bounty is 66 million Baileys and 65 million Baileys, the machete and musket are the weapons they use respectively."

"Wei Wei said that they are about to fight, shall we try to persuade them?" Perona released the little ghost, and the way she said must be the kind of efficient and unopposed persuasion.

But Zhang Da also said: "Don't worry, it's rare to meet pirates fighting, how about some excitement?"

"It's a bounty of more than 100 million Baileys." Perona thought that after completing this ticket, she would have money to buy new clothes and a lot of delicious food.

"I can't run away anyway, let's slow down and see first." Zhang Da was also very interested, "Ye Yan, let's release Jin Erpeng and Chaochaoyu, one for high-altitude observation and one for underwater listening. give it to you."

Ye Yan said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, teleportation is not for this purpose, why don't you get a video phone bug?"

"Good suggestion, but it's not there yet, let's make do with it." Zhang Da also said, "I'll add more money."

"Leave it on me!" Ye Yan casually released Jin Erpeng and Chao Chaojiao, and then picked up the hammer to act as a microphone, "Welcome to Amber TV. I am the trainee host Xiaoyan. This time I will take you to the sea. The scene of the thief battle!"


"Isn't this Spade Wyer from the AM Pirates? It seems that this trip has gained a lot, how about asking me to inspect the goods for you?" A big man with a silly face stood on the bow and shouted.

"Eliphant? You Midnight Pirates are healed and your scars are healed, don't you forget the pain? Believe it or not, I roasted your little suckling pig!" Spade Weir was a strong man with a flamethrower on his back. He This is not the first time he has had a conflict with the Midnight Pirates, and he is not afraid at all. Besides, the captain on the opposite side is not there.

"My uncle is an elephant, not a pig! Remember it for me!" Ariphant shouted angrily.

Spade Wyle shouted: "Yes, yes, suckling pig, it's getting late, you should go home and ask your brother Alif for milk powder!"

The subordinates behind him let out bursts of laughter.

"I listened to my brother because he was smart!" Ariphant blushed, but the way he explained with a blushing face made the other party laugh even louder.

The relatively thin Alifu came out of the shadow behind Aliphant, and tried to raise his hand to pat his younger brother on the back: "He is deliberately provoking you, ignore it, and just let the little ones shoot."

"Yes, brother." Eliphant gritted his teeth, "I will never let you go today! Little ones, fire!"

"Ability users don't have an advantage in naval battles!" Spade Wyle waved his hand, "Fire!"

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of gunfire and shouts of killing sounded, and the two ships approached each other while bombarding each other.

Spade Wyle always took advantage of the gap between the gunfire to spit out all kinds of insulting words. The corporate culture of their pirate group is "to curse those who dare not resist with swear words, and to greet those who dare to resist with weapons."

Although the other party is now resisting, there is no delay in fighting while scolding. No matter whether this battle can be won or not, scolding can never be lost. It was a pity that Captain Anne was not present in Spade Wyle's heart, otherwise he would have praised him for his improvement in language art.

Under his swearing offensive, a relatively calm and intelligent character like Alifu couldn't help it, not to mention Aliphant, who was so angry that he directly turned into an elephant form, sucking a shell with his nose, Spray towards the opposite ship.

"Little suckling pig, don't take out your booger to make a face. Put it in your ass!" Spade Wyle calmly raised the flamethrower, and three blue flames sprayed out. Midoyuan detonated the shell in the air.

The bombardment battle didn't last long, and both sides had their own means of defense. By the time the two ships passed by, the pirates were already gearing up and rushed towards the opponent's ship with a loud shout—if some choose the battlefield, of course they will let go. Better to be on the opposing ship.

However, the plans of both sides are similar, and the fighting power is not the same, so more than two hundred pirates fought on the two ships respectively, with swords coming and going, and the sound of killing and screaming can be heard endlessly.

After being insulted for so long, Aliphant could no longer hold back, maintaining the posture of an elephant, knocked away the crowd blocking the way, and went straight to Spade Weir.

Spade Wyle raised the flamethrower without hesitation, and blue flames sprayed out.

Aliphant was also prepared, spraying a lot of water from his nose.

The water and fire collided, and a burst of white steam rose up, and the water stored in the trunk of the elephant was naturally incomparable to the fuel tank on Spade Wyle's back.

Hearing Ariphant's scream, the elephant's trunk was scalded, and an elephant squatted on the deck, trying to hold up the injured trunk with its two front legs, even forgetting that it could transform back.

But before Spade Wyle could be happy, he felt a pain in the side of his waist, and a dagger slid across his side. Spade Wyle swept the flamethrower subconsciously, and the attacker rolled on the spot and returned to Aliphant.

Spade Wyle covered his wound and scolded, "Airif, you son of a bitch, do you just hide behind your stupid brother and sneak up?"

Alifu ignored him, and just patted Alifant's back lightly: "It hurts, right? It's okay, we will make him hurt even more."

"Brother, you're amazing!" Alifante praised in a low voice, then transformed into a human and animal form and stood upright. After being comforted by his brother, he felt that his nose didn't hurt so much.

The two brothers cooperated with each other to attack Spade Wyle. Ariphant was strong and strong, with thick skin and thick flesh, and confronted the opponent head-on. Arifu was thin and agile, and always came out of the blind spot that was difficult to notice. Stab each other.

It's not that no one came to help Spade Wyle, but every time a two-on-two situation was about to form, the people who came to support would be stabbed to the heart with a dagger by Allif. The tacit cooperation between the two brothers gave Spade Wyer a headache for a while.

The battle quickly entered a fierce stage. Dozens of people from both sides fell to the ground, but the wounded soldiers of the AM Pirates were not forgiving. As long as they were conscious, they were greeting the enemy and the enemy with various beautiful words. relatives.

The wounded soldiers of the Midnight Pirates wanted to fight back, but they searched their brains to come up with a few words, but they couldn't compare to the profound corporate culture of the other party, and finally got so angry that their blood pressure soared...and then they got hurt even more.

In the battle between the three cadres, the AM Pirates were at a slight disadvantage. Although Spade Wyle's injury was slightly lighter than that of Aliphant, he couldn't hold back the other party, who was an animal-type capable person, and also had a sinister and cunning brother.

He could only swear all kinds of ugly words while struggling to cope with the attacks of the two brothers.

"Amber tour group!" The sharp-eyed lookout of the AM Pirates accidentally noticed the distant ship, and he shouted, "Master Wyle! No good! There is a ship coming this way, it is Amber Tour group!"

On the other side, the watchman of the Midnight Pirates also ran over anxiously: "Master Ariphant, Lord Arifu! The amber tour group is the amber tour group that defeated Qiwukai! It is the 'running dog's running dog' !"

The battlefield that kept shouting and killing suddenly fell silent, and Spade Wyle and Airif looked at each other and silently stopped.

Only Aliphant didn't understand the situation, and the high-raised elephant trunk fell down hard.

Spade Wyle's eyes widened, and he hurriedly rolled to the side in embarrassment. Seeing that the elephant's trunk had pulled out a big hole on the deck, he cursed angrily, "Did you figure out the situation, you idiot!"

"Stop, brother. I'm sorry, Alifante couldn't stop for a while." He said sorry, but his eyes were full of regret.

"@#%*!" Spade Wyle noticed his eyes, cursed a curse, and then said, "Stop fighting, I have to go back and report to the captain as soon as possible, those guys are not easy to deal with. "

"Me too, but...forget it, there's no need to tell you." Airif wanted to say that those guys are our captain's prey, "Let's go, let's go back!"

"Made, you've finished your sentence!" Spade Weir angrily threw the broken flamethrower on the ground.

Ai Lifu waved his hand casually, but didn't speak.

Gritting his teeth and cursing a dozen or so words, Spade Weir ordered: "Little ones, return to the voyage immediately!"

The ships on both sides gave the same order, and even sailed in roughly the same direction.


"Run away, they ran away!" Perona anxiously lay on the bow and stretched out a hand, "My new clothes ran away..."

"What's the rush? Didn't they all say that the captain is not here, so they just followed them to their old lair." Zhang Da also looked at the two ships with a kind smile, "Is it the prey? The lackeys, the lackeys? They are looking for you !"

Excuse me, do you know which boss has written a good battle scene? Please recommend a few books, I will go to collect materials?

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