Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 402 Pirate Alliance (4000 words)

Gaya Island is an approximately U-shaped island with land on both sides and a bay in the middle.

But few people know that this place was actually a skeleton-shaped island four hundred years ago, but the face of the skeleton was brought to the sky by the soaring ocean current and became a part of the empty island. All that remains is the mouth and teeth.

The two ships of the AM Pirates and the Midnight Pirates finally separated, one sailed to the east coast, and the other sailed to the west coast, which were their respective territories.

At present, the biggest pirate groups on Gaya Island are the AM Pirates and the Midnight Pirates. The Midnight Pirates arrived on Gaya Island a few months ago. There have been many battles with the AM Pirates. Injury, also re-absorbed some newcomers.

In the end, the Midnight Pirates occupied the villages and forest areas on the eastern peninsula of Gaya Island, and the AM Pirates occupied the Magic Valley Town area on the western peninsula. The two pirates entered a short period of peace, but there was no big war, but small frictions. is constant. You beat my people the first day, and I robbed your goods the next day.

A battle like today involving 200 cadres is already considered a large-scale battle. If the amber tour group hadn't been frightened off midway, it might have turned into a big battle.

At this moment, Spade Wyle's ship was docked on the coast of the western peninsula of Gaya Island, with four large ships and five or seven small boats parked beside it.

The pirates who came to greet them saw that Wyer's ship was seriously damaged, and asked in surprise: "Master Wyer? Why is it so... Is the merchant ship's firepower very fierce this time?"

Spade Wyle was not in the mood to explain, and asked directly: "It's not that question, where is the eldest sister?"

"The two eldest sisters are in the tavern in the center of the town. You..."

"I don't have time to explain to you. Anyway, cheer me up. There may be a battle." Spade Wyle hurried to the bar.

"Fighting? Is it the midnight pirates again?" The unidentified pirates chased those insiders on the boat and asked.

"No, a more ruthless one came this time." All the insiders looked like they were facing an enemy, and they didn't even care about the corporate culture when talking about the incident.

When Spade Wyle rushed to the tavern, the inside was as messy as ever, and the pirates were clinking glasses, laughing, and drinking loudly.

Two women with good faces and proud figures were sitting on one side of the long table in the center of the tavern. Opposite them were two strong men with arms thicker than their legs. The four of them were... arm wrestling.

"Come on, Kiteai, Katebi!"

"Don't lose to Big Sister!"

"Idiot, how can anyone win the head of the eldest sister!"

The two eldest sisters are Bonnie Anne and Reed Mary. What they have in common is that they both wear men's shirts and trousers. A hat, with a pair of knives hanging from her waist, while Mary is wearing a dark headscarf, with a pair of guns pinned to her waist.

The two of them also look down on those "ordinary and cowardly people" near their respective hometowns, so they choose to go to sea to see. Originally, they were all dressed in more thorough men's clothing, Lepin's style, but they met each other miraculously after going to sea, so they gradually began to ignore this little thing.

With the double knives and guns in their hands, no one dared to underestimate them just because they were women. By the way, the corporate culture of the AM Pirates was brought up by the two of them.

‘Those who dare to resist deserve to be taken seriously by me with weapons, those who dare not resist are all cowards, of course they must be cursed severely. '

Annie said this at the beginning, but after the formation of the pirate group, things gradually became strange. The people below always seemed to be ignorant, scolding first and then talking...

At this time, both of them had relaxed looks on their faces. On the contrary, the two brawny brothers on the opposite side had sweat on their foreheads and trembling arms, but they still gritted their teeth and refused to give up.

Anne and Mary looked at each other, admiring such an unyielding person, and then ended the competition simply with their hands.

"Oh!!! Big sister's head is too strong!"

"Brother Abby is so poor!"

"Did you forget to eat in the morning?"

The pirates burst into cheers and teasing.

The two brothers slapped the table and said, "Fart, come here if you have the guts!"

Annie stood up and put her foot on the stool: "If you want to beat me with this strength, let's practice for another hundred years!"

Neither she nor Mary had the habit of calling themselves old ladies, they always talked about me.

Following her movements, Mary slammed two wine glasses on the table: "Drink quickly! Three glasses! Mix the three kinds of wine!"

A green-haired girl came over with a wine bottle and poured wine with a smile, and mixed one-third of each according to the elder sister's request.

Brother Abby picked up his wine glass with a bitter face, tons...

A person at the door greeted Spade Wyle, "Why are you in such a mess?"

"Scared?" Spade Wyle was taken aback, and even made a dodge to the side, "Don't always appear so suddenly, Prises."

With a hat and goggles on his head, half of his face was blocked by a scarf, and only his eyes were exposed, Prises stepped out of the shadows and said, "I'm sorry, but I should have said it many times. I'm a sniper and I'm used to Stand in an inconspicuous place."

"Yes, yes, it's my fault that I don't have a long memory." Except for the heads of the two eldest sisters, this is the person that Spade Wyre dared not provoke the most, worried that one day he would be bragging with a flamethrower on his back and suddenly be headshot "You are holding a sniper rifle while drinking, are you really not afraid of spilling the wine and getting wet?"

"Everyone is having too much fun, someone must be vigilant." Prises said and habitually retreated into the shadow of the door, but he forcibly held back and asked, "You haven't said how you It's so embarrassing."

"Oh, I had a fight with the Midnight Pirates, and it was all done by that insidious bastard, Airif. If it wasn't for the discovery of Amber in the middle of the fight..." Spade Wyle's face changed, "Be You were so scared that you almost forgot the important thing!"

Spade Wyle roughly separated the crowd, and stood in front of Anne and Mary who were looking for someone to start the next round: "Big sister! We can't go on so leisurely anymore, the amber tour group is coming to Gaya Island soon! The one who recently defeated The Amber Tour Group of His Majesty Shichibukai Crocodile!"

There was a sudden silence in the tavern, and many hands who wanted to say hello to Spade Weir froze in mid-air. The Shadow of the Famous Tree, after Morgans' fierce publicity, the deterrent power of the Amber Tour Group to the pirates has surpassed that of Shichibukai.

Even the tavern owner who was wiping the wine glasses at the front desk stopped. Of course, he has heard of the reputation of the Amber Tour Group. It is a group that can be called the pirate nemesis. It is said that no pirate has been able to escape from them.

Such a big man coming to Gaya Island is really not sure whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for this island that is completely occupied by pirates. The tavern owner knew in his heart that this island was abandoned by the world government, so it naturally became a paradise for pirates. Ironically, the economy of Magic Valley Town was only supported by the money spent by pirates.

Since the AM Pirates came here, although fights and murders often occur on the streets of Magic Valley Town, most of the time it is between pirates, and the civilians and businesses in the town are rarely harassed , and even produce, work and purchase normally!

In the words of Anne and Mary, although it is not pleasing to see these uneasy and rebellious wretches, if we kill them all, even if we have money, no one will receive them, so how can we have fun?

For such ridiculous reasons, the residents of Magic Valley Town were lucky to survive. Apart from being scolded occasionally and being beaten when they collide with pirates, their lives are not in danger, and they don't have to worry about money being robbed. The atmosphere in the whole town is very strange, even sick.

Under such circumstances, the pirate nemesis of the amber tour group came here suddenly, and the tavern owner was a little at a loss. Out of fear of the imminent changes in the stable life, he even hoped that the pirates would be safe.

The boss was taken aback by his own thoughts, pirates should be hated, right? Because even if they are safe in the town, they still want to rob everywhere. But... what does it matter to you to rob others? Isn't it good to live a stable life like this? At most, I was just being scolded, it didn't matter. What kind of tour group, why do you have to come to this kind of place!

"Heh... here comes a group of troublesome people." Annie gulped down a glass of wine, and a lot of wine trickled out from the corner of her mouth. She boldly wiped her mouth with her arm, and put the glass on the table with a bang. .

The crowd was woken up by the sound of wine glasses knocking on the table, and they began to discuss in a mess. Some talked about the tragedy of Crocodile, some talked about their deeds in the East China Sea, and some said that they offended Doflamingo and cut Hawkeye , and even played Jinping...

Morgans spent a lot of effort in investigating the amber tour group, and even found out that Zhang Da was shipwrecked and drifted to the Chambord Islands nearly a year ago. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find anything earlier, and the information on other people was even less than that of Zhang Da. It felt like these people appeared out of thin air.

In this regard, the World Government and Morgans have the same feelings. They have nothing to do if they don’t work. They can only think that they are from some unknown islands. After all, the sea is so vast, and many islands are not yet under their control.

These things are beyond the knowledge of these ordinary pirates, they only know that the amber tour group is very strong, very strong. Even if they had 500 people, they might not be able to beat the eight people plus the two cats—no one knew about Weiwei and Karu yet.

"Enough!" Mary, the second eldest sister of AM Pirates, pulled out a musket and slapped it on the table, and the voice in the tavern gradually quieted down. Fight like a man!"

Annie grinned, pulled out a scimitar and stuck it on the table, "If you are afraid of death, get out of here. If you delay the battle, I will chop him up!"

The green-haired girl who just helped to pour the wine was the first to respond: "That's right, no matter what tour group he is, the eldest sister is the strongest!"

Spade Wyle showed a helpless expression, and he guessed it would be like this, but since the elder sister has made up his mind, he can only grit his teeth, and he raised his arms: "Yes, kill them!"

"Oh!!!" The shouts of the pirates almost made the whole house vibrate.

Annie raised her hand and pressed down, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and then shouted: "Pryces!"

She didn't know where Prises was hiding, but Anne knew that he would be there when everyone needed him.

Holding the sniper rifle, Prises stood up from the tavern owner, who had just shrunk in the corner of the front desk.

The tavern owner was startled, he didn't notice when there was a big living person at his feet, and threw the goblet in his hand out in fright.

Prisse caught the goblet, put it on the table lightly, and said, "I'm here."

Annie ordered: "Go and check the situation first, and find a suitable sniper position by the way. If you have a chance to kill one or two, don't wait for my order."

"Yes." Prises held the sniper rifle and flipped out from the nearest window.

"Wyle, Fazhi, tell everyone to prepare for battle!"

"Yes!" Spade Weir and the green-haired girl responded at the same time.

At this time, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and a group of uninvited guests poured in. The leader was a man with thick hair who looked like Wolverine, and a strange laugh came from this man: "Ka Ka Ka Ka, as expected of being able to get along with you!" Did I make up my mind so soon after fighting against a woman for so long?"

"Midnight!" Anne drew out the scimitar, and Mary picked up the two guns, and asked in unison, "What are you doing here?"

Not only Midnight, but even the four cadres under him are all here. In addition to the brothers Alifant and Alifu who fought against Spade Wyle before, there is also a man with an unusually ferocious face. A man, and a man who is more handsome than most women.

The pirates of the AM Pirate Group in the tavern took up their weapons one after another, and looked at the five people who broke in with unfriendly eyes.

Spade Wyle and the green-haired girl Fazhi who were about to go out also stopped in their tracks, blocking Anne and Mary.

Midnight stared at Fazhi and said: "Isn't this sister Fazhi? I haven't seen you for a few days. How about it? Join us, it will only waste your ability with them!"

"You're dreaming!" Fa Zhi raised his hand as if to activate his ability.

But Mary pulled Fa Zhi behind her to protect her: "If you came to provoke, then it's just right, you might as well clean it up today!"

"Kakaka... If you can get rid of us, you won't wait until today. Don't worry, we are not here to fight today." Midnight raised his hands to his chest to indicate that he was not malicious.

"Then what are you doing here? I'm so busy right now that I don't have time to talk to you!" Annie said bluntly, but she was thinking in her heart that she would have to prevent these guys from being stabbed in the back when they fight later.

Midnight finally put away his joking face and said seriously: "Then I'll just say it straight, let's form an alliance!"

Anne and Mary were stunned for a moment, and said in unison: "Are you kidding me!"

There are a little more original characters, try to write with characteristics, but I am still a little worried that everyone will not be able to tell who is who

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