Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 400 Why Are You Wearing Tom's Clothes (4000 words

There is no need for Zhang Da to worry about arranging a room for Weiwei. Perona has already chosen it for her. Weiwei and Karu hid in that room before, and now they just need to move their luggage in. It's right next door to Uncle Long, who now lives in Brooke's former room.

Perona, Wendy, and Xia Lulu enthusiastically helped her move her things and tidy up her room. Dilagoda helped her prepare clothes, shoes, and other daily necessities.

However, Shark Chili took the time to go and gave her a set of children's dental kits.

After thinking for a while, Shark Pepper ran back and dug out a set of peculiar toothbrush and gave it to Karoo, which made everyone wonder, does Super Duck have teeth?

Things are almost done. Perona sponsored some bear dolls, and Wendy also sent some decorations, so it looks decent.

"Where is Karoo going to sleep, your bed?" Perona asked curiously, she knew that Xia Lulu slept with Wendy on the bed. Although Tom has his own little nest, he sleeps with Zhang Daye most of the time. But with Karoo's body size, it feels strange to sleep on the bed.

"For Kalu, just spread a blanket on the floor." Weiwei gestured, "Just lay it next to my bed."

"Gah!" Karoo raised his wings in agreement.

Wendy said: "I feel a little pitiful, how about asking Tom to help make a nest? It will definitely be very comfortable."

"Is it possible?" Vivi only knew that Tom was good at building sandcastles, and hadn't seen him make anything else.

"Just ask him for a while. He will be very happy to catch a few fish and send him to him when he is free." Perona found a small box from the large package on the ground, "What is this?"

"I don't know either, let's open it and have a look." Weiwei opened the small box, and stacks of Baileys were neatly placed inside, "A lot of money!"

"It's tens of millions of Baileys, right?" Xia Lulu estimated and said, "Your father prepared a lot of pocket money for you."

"But you won't need that much, right?" Weiwei closed the box, "Why don't you leave it to Brother Tatsuya, and use it as accommodation and food expenses."

"Huh? Accommodation and dining expenses? Is there such a thing?" Perona was startled, feeling as if she had been eating for free. No, no, I am helping with work.


"Huh? There's no need for that, right?" Zhang Da also looked at the box of Baileys that Weiwei handed to him in a daze, "You and Kaluga don't eat as much as a cat, so what's the charge?"

"Who are you talking about eating more?" Xia Lulu clapped her hands in dissatisfaction, but her face was a little red. Although she was small, she ate a bit more than ordinary adults. After all, she had been exercising with Wendy all the time. The magic power has also increased a lot.

"I'm talking about Tom." Zhang Da didn't expose her either.

Tom looked back at him curiously.

"It's okay, let's catch your fish." Zhang Da also twisted Tom's head back, and then said to Weiwei, "Let's keep the money for you to spend yourself, our funds are not short to that extent."

Zhang Da also has a lot of gold and jewelry in his hand, and he has never sold them. In addition, he actually knows that there are many Baileys hidden in Tom's cat litter...

"Oh." Weiwei didn't continue to insist, anyway, it's the same when everyone needs money, "Can I ask Tom to help make a nest for Karoo?"

"Make a nest for Karoo?"

Weiwei nodded: "Well, because I want Karoo to live more comfortably."

"Of course you can... Hey, wait a minute, how about trying this?" Zhang Da also searched the inventory, and took out a small house with a red roof and white walls, and there was a sign on the door that said 'KILLER'.

[Spike's kennel: comfortable and firm, warm in winter and cool in summer, although it looks small, the space inside is very spacious, even enough for Spike to beat Tom violently inside. 】

"It's so beautiful and the size is right." Vivi said, "Karoo, what do you think?"

"Gah!" Karoo went in and tried it out, saying he liked it very much.

Tom looked back curiously, gasped in fright, and jumped out with a whoosh. The fishing rod and cat fur coat hung in the air for a while and slowly fell.

Zhang Da also caught the cat fur coat with one hand and the fishing rod with the other, and said helplessly, "If you like it, move it back. Don't let this thing appear in Tom's sight. I'll go get him."

"Is Tom okay?" Weiwei looked at the distance worriedly, remembering that the physical technique that flies out in the air is called Yuebu?

Zhang Da also said: "It's okay, I'll be chased by the shark for a while at most, it's not a big problem."

Weiwei nodded in conviction, that's right, even manatees can't beat Tom in kung fu, and he can't beat Tom in swimming, so it must be fine.

Zhang Da also put away his fishing rod and went to Tom with a cat fur coat. Out of curiosity, he put it on and tried it on: "It's not effective in keeping warm, but after wearing it, I feel that my swimming speed has become faster, and... I can't beat anyone, and I feel like I can't beat anyone."

In the astonished eyes of others, Zhang Da also wore a cat fur coat, swung his hands into propellers, drew a white line on the sea, and hurried to the place where Tom fell into the water.

A few seconds later, a person and a cat swam back and forth in a zigzag shape on the sea surface, followed by a shark. Its mouth full of fangs opened and closed. Every time it bit down, Zhang Daye and Tom could slam into each other. Jump forward a section.

After walking the shark back and forth several times, Zhang Da suddenly felt something was wrong, why should I be afraid of a shark? He slipped back the cat fur coat on his body to Tom, and felt that he was not afraid all at once.

"Let's go!" Zhang Da also met the shark and punched the side of its head.

The shark flew in the direction of the Amber, its teeth scattered in the sea.

Shark Pepper caught the flying shark and threw it on the deck, glanced at Yuzui and lamented that Zhang Da was also cruel, breaking his teeth, and then sent the shark to the kitchen. He didn't feel like he was hurting anything, after all, he was a robot, but he just looked like a shark.

Thanks to Tom, we can add another dish at noon. Although the quality of the shark's meat is not good, it can't help the excellent chef soup master.

As the smell came out from the kitchen, a newspaper delivery gull landed on the window of the observation deck. Uncle Long took out a coin and put it in the cash box, and took a newspaper.

Zhang Da also asked, "Is there any big news?"

Ye Yan joked: "Maybe the front page will be 'A certain tour group abducted the princess of a certain big country, the navy reminded the kings of all countries to be vigilant.'"

"This should be considered big news, right?" Jackie Chan threw down the newspaper, "You should read it for yourself."

Zhang Da also caught the newspaper and unfolded:

"Fierce battle! Wufeng captain Wang Zhi vs red-haired Shanks!"

"Shanks and Wang Zhi are fighting? Is this a fight for the position of the Four Emperors?"


New World, on the Red Forth, the musician Benk Pinch is reading the contents of the newspaper for his companions:

"World Economic News, Haiyuan calendar April 13, 1511 reported:

On the morning of April 10th, the new Sihuang Wufeng Pirates came into contact with the Red Hair Pirates. The reason is unknown, but a conflict broke out at noon, and the two sides fought for nearly three days and two nights!

After this battle, the Wufeng pirates suffered nearly a thousand casualties, and the red-haired pirates escaped in embarrassment!

However, there are only 9 members of the red-haired pirates and a pet monkey, and there are no casualties in this battle, so who should win and who lose in this battle?

The following are the details of the battle:  …

Judging from the above information, the Red Hair Pirates are indeed "the most balanced Iron Wall Pirates"! "

"Squeak!" A strong monkey was hanging on Benk Pinch's neck, pulling his cheek in dissatisfaction.

The others laughed together: "Hahaha, sure enough, Mengshida is treated as a pet!"

"Squeak!" Meng Shida protested, obviously he was also a regular member, and he was Ben Ke Punch's partner.

"Hey, Meng Shida, you touched my wound, it hurts!" Ben Ke Pinch complained.

After laughing for a while, Ben Beckman took a puff of cigarette: "Although the newspaper said that we had zero casualties, in fact, everyone was injured. This kind of 'old man' is not so easy to deal with."

"Anyway, even the newspapers said we won, so let's have a banquet!" Shanks always had a naive look in front of his own people, "Hey, banquet, banquet!"

The chef Laqi Lu kept stealing the meat: "I know, I know, the ingredients are barely enough, but the wine is running out, so I have to find a place to replenish it quickly."

"It's not because some idiot always wants to have a banquet!" The others complained about the captain mercilessly.

Although everyone is wearing dots, but fortunately there is no downsizing, and the red-haired pirates are still happy. However, in the eyes of some big pirates in the new world, their approach is like a husky mixed with wolves, no matter how you look at it, it is different from their style of painting.

The most troublesome thing is that the fighting power of this husky is a bit outrageous, and even Wang Zhi lost a lot of face when he confronted them. After such a news is sent out, no one will dare to underestimate them.

On the contrary, the king will face a lot of trouble if he comes down directly. As the newly promoted four emperors, he is beaten up by a small pirate group with only ten people including monkeys. It is inevitable that people will think he is easy to bully.

No one knew that the so-called "nearly a thousand casualties" in this war were actually small people, and the real high-level officials did not actually decide the winner.

Wang Zhi felt bitter. He felt that Morgans was targeting him, or that the World Government ordered him to do so.

Because in this way, those small-scale groups will see the possibility of defeating the Four Emperors and replace them, and then desperately target him, the "newly defeated" Four Emperors, and continue to consume the strength of his subordinates.

In addition, Wang Zhi knows that his old friends are not good, Newgate is better, Lingling and Kaido may come to do something.

"Your mouth! The world government is not a good thing!" Wang Zhi cursed, feeling like he was being stabbed in the back, "The red-haired brat is also a fool!"

At this point, Wang Zhi felt that he had to find the red hair and wipe them out completely, or reduce his sphere of influence, give up the title of Four Emperors, and at most lose face. He needs to think about it.


The things in the new world have nothing to do with Zhang Da for the time being. He was just a little surprised when he saw the news of Shanks, and then he threw down the newspaper to do his own training.

"The swinging fist of the right hand?" Zhang Da also leaned back suddenly wearing a blindfold, and a gust of wind blew past the tip of his nose, which meant that he guessed right.

"Sweep the legs?" Zhang Da also took advantage of the situation and did a backhand flip, dodging Ye Yan's attack again.

"The straight fist of the right hand..." Zhang Da also raised his left arm to block, "becoming a grappling hand..."

"Hey, stealing peaches is too much!" Zhang Da also said angrily, "Believe it or not, I will reward you with a deadly kick of scissors!"

Ye Yan said with a playful smile: "I will stop at the critical moment, just to test whether you really have mastered knowledge or are you too familiar with my attack methods."

About two months have passed since he received Zefa's instruction, and four months have passed since he was beaten up by Garp last time. Zhang Daye's day-to-day practice has finally yielded results, and his knowledge and domineering is considered a small achievement.

Now when sparring with other people, as long as you concentrate, even if you close your eyes, you can feel that someone whose face is not clear is making a move, and you can clearly feel the position of your companions on the ship.

But the biggest problem is that after opening the eyes, it may be difficult to concentrate because there are too many things to see. This requires a little getting used to.

Zhang Da also took off the blindfold: "Come again, I'm going to practice with my eyes open. You can release the banner demon and sneak a punch at me in the corner of my sight."

"Stop playing, I want to take a nap, you can find Uncle Long, or let the Banner Demon play with you." Ye Yan threw down the Huang Yao Banner and left.

Just kidding, the reason why he agreed to train with Zhang Daye was because he hadn't mastered knowledgeableness yet, Ye Yan could justifiably beat him up, and now that he has learned knowledgeableness and arrogance, why should he accompany him, waiting to be beaten? Ye Yan said not to do that stupid thing.

"Hey...?" Zhang Da had no choice but to pull Huang Yaofan to figure out who to ask to accompany him.

More than an hour later, Artoria's cheerful voice came from the loudspeaker: "It's time for afternoon tea!"

"Take a break." Zhang Da also looked at Ma Laowu and Huan Chaoyu, who were training partners, and asked, "Want to have a drink?"

"No, no, no, we want to go back to the Huangyao Banner to rest for a while." Just now, Zhang Daye had attacked Zhang Daye more than a dozen punches. Although Zhang Daye asked for it, the two banner demons were still in a panic.

"Okay." Zhang Da also put away the bright demon flag and left the training room.

Except for Rui Mengmeng who returned to the observation deck with a drink and a snack, everyone was already eating and drinking in the small bar.

Zhang Da also asked: "I've lived on the boat for two days, is Weiwei still used to it?"

Weiwei replied: "I'm used to it, Tom's cooking is super delicious! Except that I was so happy that I couldn't sleep on the first day, it's fine. I had a lot of fun exercising with Wendy and playing with Perona!"

Perona exclaimed: "Ah, Weiwei, you betrayed me!"

"Huh?" Weiwei was puzzled, "But I didn't say anything about you being lazy?"

"Huh? It seems to be." Perona thought for a while, "No! Didn't you say it?!"

"Ah, sorry!"

Occasionally, the girl Weiwei would be a little natural.

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