Nicole Robin listened to Luffy’s words, the more curious she became, and asked: “Listen to you say so, it seems that if your background is known, the navy and even the world government will not let you go, can you tell me?” ”

Luffy chuckled, put his face close to Nicole Robin and looked at Nicole Robin interestingly, and said playfully into her ear: “How, do you want to know?” ”

Nicole Robin blushed a little at the hot breath blown out by Luffy, but immediately covered it up, a little smiled at Luffy, and said with some chill: “Straw hat Luffy, you know what?” You’re sexual harassment. ”

“Hahaha, is it? Don’t look at me like that, I’ll be scared. Luffy said playfully.

Nicole Robin said a little helplessly: “Okay, don’t talk about this, can you tell me who your father and your grandfather are?” But I’ve told you everything about me, and you have to tell me too. ”

“Want to know?” Luffy looked innocent and said, “Hehe, I won’t tell you, go and guess for yourself!” Hahaha. ”

Nicole Robin now understood that she was completely tricked by Luffy, and her face was a little ugly: “This is not good, Captain Straw Hat, I have already told you my things, and in exchange you should also tell me about you, right!” ”

“Didn’t I already tell that? My brother is Ace, and I can’t tell you the rest. Luffy chuckled.

“That’s a little unfair, Captain Straw Hat, how can you say that you are also a sea thief, how can you backtrack?” Nicole Robin was a little irritated by Luffy.

Luffy chuckled, “Do you want to know what D means!” Maybe my father and my grandfather know, but you can’t see them, let alone you, even I can’t see them, so you still die! ”

“Yes?” Nicole Robin said lightly, and then she stopped talking.

At the same time, on the other side, the capital Albana, Vivi and Nami and others have also come, but a group of people are riding fast running ducks, and all of them are still covering their faces with cloaks, Locke looked at the west gate of Alabastan in front of him blocking a group of people, it seems that it should be a senior special agent them.

“Really? There are ambushes, it seems that we will not be allowed to simply enter. Solon said with some solemnity.

“Just kill them! The cadres will be left to us to deal with, Mr. Bell, you will take the slightest to stop the rebel army! Nami said directly.

“In short, at least in groups of two, separate and escape, lead all the cadres away, and fight elsewhere.” This Locke said loudly.

Solon said lightly: “It doesn’t matter, if you can defeat them all here, it will be the last, the place where I will fight is here, you guys hurry up and separate!” ”

At the same time, on the other side, Mr1 Daz Bonnis looked at the group of people all covered and said: “Our task is to solve Princess Vivi as the highest priority, but it seems that the Straw Hats will not let us get our wish!” ”

“Then kill them all, just so that they can taste the slave family’s shemale boxing technique.” Mr2 von Kray said excitedly.

At this time, Miss said with disdain with both fingers: “Mr3, Mr5, Miss Valentine’s Day, this is the last chance the boss gives you, if you fail, you should understand the consequences!” ”

“Yes, yes, of course we know.” Mr3 also understood his current position and immediately said respectfully.

“Cut, we naturally know this, the only powerful in their pirate group is their captain, but it has been solved by the boss!” Miss Valentine’s Day said a little unpleasantly, but remembering that he fought with Luffy and was killed without even understanding the life situation, he was really a little afraid.

At this time, Mr1 looked at the people who came over, and suddenly everyone separated, no, there were two more people who did not, but came straight to them.

Mr1 said lightly: “Do you want to line up two people to contain us?” Then these two must be the strongest! The two of them will be handed over to us, and you will continue to chase. ”

“Okay, let’s go up! Partner. Saying that, Miss rushed over with both fingers and Mr1 towards the two who came.

At this time, Usopp looked at Mr2 who came over and yelled: “Ah, it’s Mr2, the ability to imitate fruits.” ”

“Oh, is that the guy?” Shangis said playfully.

“Please, Shangis.” Choiba said loudly.

“No problem, but in exchange, now you as a manly man will protect Micro-chan, Miss Nami and Miss Carmen, got it?” Choba. Shangis said loudly.

At this time, Bell also said: “Princess Vivi will ask you, I will stop them all.” Saying that, Bell also immediately transformed into a bird form and jumped down from the back of the running duck.

“I’m going to keep them in the way here.” Saying that, Akin also rushed down quickly.

Shangis jumped over and kicked Mr2 and said coolly: “Traffic is prohibited here.” Akin and Bell were standing beside Shangis, and Bell said coldly: “I will never let you go after Princess Vivi, swear in the name of my strongest warrior in Alabastan.” ”

“Hahaha, the strongest warrior, what a fun! Even if you block us, it’s useless!” And you can’t stop us with your strength. Miss laughed Valentine’s Day. Saying that, his body immediately floated into the air, and chuckled: “Then I will be responsible for chasing after those guys, partner, let’s go!” ”

Bell immediately flew into the air and yelled, “You don’t want to go over.” ”

At this time, suddenly a ball hit and exploded in the air, and this storm sent Miss Valentine’s Day even further.

Miss’s Merry Christmas body transformed into a mole and said, “You don’t want to go to the most, Mr5, Mr3, what are you two still in a daze!” Hurry up and go! The three of them will be left to us. ”

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