“I know, let’s hurry up and chase! Mr5, Miss Valentine’s Day. Mr3 said loudly.

“Damn, you don’t want to go in pursuit.” Saying that, Bell immediately flew up, but as soon as it flew, a ball hit and immediately exploded next to Bell, blowing Bell’s already unhealthy injury again.

Mr2 looked at Merry Christmas Miss, who had already begun to dig a hole in the ground, and understood that it would not benefit anyone here, and said loudly: “If you want to fight, come with the slave family!” Otherwise, the slave family will go to kill Princess Weiwei, fat pig fat woman, just the two guys will be handed over to you, and the slave family will go after Princess Weiwei. ”

“Damn, you don’t want to run.” Shangis immediately chased after him and said, “Damn it! Akin, Bell, you should also hurry up and kill the enemy, I am afraid that only Joba will have some difficulty dealing with them. ”

“Well, I see.” Bell said with some solemnity, covering the wound that had just been cracked by the explosion.

Akin was a little worried: “Are you okay!” Mr. Bell. ”

“It’s okay, this little injury can’t die, you must solve them quickly, otherwise Princess Weiwei will be in danger.” Bell gritted his teeth.

At the same time, on the other side, Nami looked at the fact that there were still people chasing after her, and said anxiously: “What the hell are they doing!” Why are there still chasers! How can they all be like this! ”

“It seems that someone must stop them, otherwise there is no way.” Carmen said with some seriousness: “This time it’s up to me!” After getting the Slippery Fruit, I haven’t really fought once? Although I’m just a chef, hahaha. With that, Carmen jumped off the running duck without fear.

Nami was a little worried, “Carmen. ”

Qioba looked at the pursuers behind, although he was very afraid, but he was just got rid of Shangis, and as a girl, Carmen has to fight, how can he retire if he is a man! Saying that, Qiao Ba also immediately jumped down and said loudly: “Let’s go quickly!” I’ll leave it to me here. ”

“Okay, come on! Carmen, Choba. Usopp cheered.

“There are three people on their side, only Carmen and Choiba can only block two at most, you also hurry up and give it to me.” Saying that, Nami punched Usopp down.

At this time, Mr3 looked at Qioba and Carmen who were blocking in front of him and the others, and said, “Do you want to stop our footsteps again?” Then this time it’s up to me to get rid of you two, Mr3, Miss Valentine’s Day, don’t let them run. ”

Qioba immediately turned his body gigantic, hit Mr3, and said, “You guys don’t want to chase over, Carmen, Usopp, this guy is handed over to me to deal with, and the two of them will ask you.” ”

“Candle wall.” Qioba’s fist punched the candle wall without any reaction at all, Mr3 said with some pride: “Oh, don’t underestimate me, I’m a high-level agent of Baroque Walker, my candle fruit ability to make wax, but has steel-like hardness, if you underestimate my wax, then wait for bad luck!” ”

Miss Valentine’s Day was also immediately stopped by Carmen, who said loudly: “Usopp, that guy will be handed over to you, don’t let him escape.” ”

Usopp looked at Mr5 who rushed over, and assured with trembling feet: “Don’t worry!” Captain Usopp will never let him pass, you want to pass, but I have 80 million subordinates Captain Usopp. ”

“Who cares about you! Booger cannon. ”

With a ‘touch’, Usopp’s whole person was exploded, and his whole body lay on the ground in black.

Choiba yelled, “Usopp, are you all right!” Brace yourself a little! ”

Mr3 said disdainfully: “Oh, it seems that you also have waste on board!” Why would your captain want this waste to join! I’m a little curious! ”

“Usopp is not waste! You shut up. Saying that Qioba punched Mr3 violently, but was blocked by the candle wall, Mr3 sneered, and at the same time the candle in his hand was thrown at Qioba, Qioba knew her ability, and his body immediately shrunk to avoid the candle’s attack.

Mr3 said a little playfully: “Oh, it turned out to be an animal line!” Is this a tanuki fruit? ”

“I’m a reindeer! You bastard, I am a reindeer who ate everyone’s fruit, bastard. Choiba immediately yelled.

“Oh, so it is! It seems that the straw hat kid’s subordinates are all amazing guys, but with that waste, they are doomed to failure. Looking at Mr5, who had left, Mr3 said sarcastically.

Qioba was a little frightened, and wanted to go over to chase after the guy in front of him, but if he didn’t solve it, Carmen would be in danger, Mr3 sneered: “Boom, this is a matter of no way, no matter how you struggle, the result is the same, whether it is you, or the straw hat boy, no one can live, there is only one way to die.” ”

“Luffy, Luffy, he has already killed that guy from Klockdar, he will come soon, and he will clean you all up by then.” Choiba said loudly.

“Boom, huh? Then you may have to wonder, the straw hat kid is indeed very strong, but unfortunately, the boss has trapped him in the desert, and the rain you passed before was completely buried by the boss with a sandstorm, the straw hat kid will only die in the desert, of course, I’m afraid it has already died in the boss’s sandstorm. Mr3 said with a gloomy smile.

“You mean, Klockdar is alive.” Choiba said in disbelief.

“Of course, or who do you think is directing now!” Without the straw hat kid, you are simply vulnerable. Mr3 smiled even more, looking at Qioba’s expression he was very satisfied.

At this time, Usopp suddenly stood up and said loudly: “Choba, you listen to me, don’t be deceived by the enemy’s words, Luffy will not lose, he said that he would defeat Klockdar, we just have to believe him, he is a man who wants to become One Piece!” ”

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