At this time, Luffy looked at Nicole Robin and asked, “Why are you here?” Shouldn’t you have left early? Why don’t you fold it back again! ”

Nicole Robin chuckled: “It’s nothing, there is something I forgot to take, I originally wanted to come back and get it, but I didn’t expect that the rain had been turned into a desert, so I had to give up.” ”

“Is that really the case? I thought you were there to see who me and Klockdar had the last laugh at the end! After all, that guy from Klockdar doesn’t know why, and he doesn’t seem to mean to treat you as a partner at all. Luffy said with some sarcasm, “yes, too! There is no partner like him. ”

“Klockdar and I just came together for the sake of interests, and naturally we are not his partners, I just joined forces with him.” Nicole Robin explained flatly.

Nicole Robin asked a little puzzled, “By the way, why did you want to help Miss Wednesday!” I remember when we first met, didn’t you all hate her? ”

“At that time, it was because I knew that she was a royal family, and I hated her because of her identity, but then I found that she was quite good, so I planned to help her.” Luffy said with some memories, and said with some sarcasm: “Obviously there is no strength and has always been stubborn, a naïve princess.” ”

“Is it? The identity of the royal family, do you hate the royal family? Nicole Robin asked.

“It was a child, it’s too long to say, let’s not say it!” Luffy said a little helplessly.

Nicole Robin chuckled and said, “Really? So can I ask you one thing? ”

“What a thing!” Luffy looked at Nicole Robin suspiciously.

“D, you have D in your name, why is that! What exactly does D mean? Nicole Robin looked at Luffy and asked with some seriousness.

“D?” Luffy whispered, what did he think he was going to ask? He said, “That’s D! It’s simple! My father, grandfather, and brother all have D in their names, is there any meaning in this? ”

“Is it? It seems that asking is also a blank question! Nicole Robin said with some disappointment.

“Che, what kind of attitude are you! What else does this mean! Luffy said with some discomfort.

“No, it’s nothing, you don’t have to worry too much.” Nicole Robin said lightly.

Luffy pouted a little unpleasantly, Nicole Robin had always had this bland attitude, it felt like hitting cotton, it didn’t mean anything at all.

Nicole Robin on the side looked at Luffy’s expression and said a little playfully: “Then I’ll change the question, you just said that your grandfather, father, and brother all have D, then it seems that your background is not weak!” Your family must be very famous! ”

Luffy was asked by this, and after thinking about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case, and asked, “How come you know about my family with just one D!” Even I don’t know, does D have any special meaning? ”

“I don’t know about this, but people who have D are extraordinary.” Nicole Robin waved her hand a little helplessly, looked at Luffy’s expression, and said, “It seems that I guessed it!” Your family really has a very good background! ”

Luffy smiled disdainfully, “What a background is not a background!” From the moment I became a pirate, those family backgrounds could not help me, and I am now just a pirate. ”

“Is it? But the more you say that, the more curious I am about your family, can you tell me a little about you!” Nicole Robin said playfully.

Luffy was a little upset, this woman didn’t care about her own family affairs! Nicole Robin chuckled, “Anyway, it will take a few hours to travel to Albana, this time is so boring, you can tell me about your family!” It can be regarded as the travel expenses of this time! ”

“I suddenly realized that since you are a little similar to Nami! What else to charge for travel. Luffy said with some complaints.

Nicole Robin laughed and kept staring at Luffy, who was really stared at a little impatiently, “Okay! Just tell you a little! My brother’s name is Portcar D. Ace, and you should have heard of him! ”

“Fire Fist Ace?” Nicole Robin was shocked to hear this, and continued to ask: “Sure enough, there is a big deal!” And what about your grandfather and your father! My brother is already a notorious sea pirate, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, then your grandfather and your father cannot be unknown! ”

Luffy said playfully, “Why do you want to know so much!” Then tell me about you first! That’s fair! ”

Nicole Robin listened to Luffy’s words, relaxed a little, and chuckled: “My family has been archaeology for generations, and I have been an archaeologist since I was a child. ”

“Archaeologist, then why are you a wanted criminal! Archaeology should not be illegal, right? Luffy asked with some doubt.

Nicole Robin said with some sarcasm: “Of course, studying something that is enough to threaten the world government, do you know the history article?” ”

“What is that!” Luffy wondered.

Nicole Robin chuckled, “I don’t know, because I’ve been looking for historical texts, because it seems to be something that can threaten the world!” So I became a wanted criminal with a bounty of 79 million Bailey at the age of eight, and I have been wanted for twenty years now. ”

“What, there are 79 million Baileys at the age of eight, ah! However, your strength should not match the bounty! Luffy said with some curiosity.

Nicole Robin chuckled, “Because I know ancient words, the world government has always wanted to destroy it, which is why he gave me such a high bounty.” ”

Luffy also understood why Nicole Robin was like this, and said lightly: “So it’s like this!” Hey, but you’re such a poor fellow! I have been hunted and killed since I was a child, so it seems that Ace and I are much luckier, since we have not been hunted down at all, and we have each run to be pirates, hey. ”

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