“Where is this going!” Luffy kept walking, and found that the scene around him was exactly the same, there was no reference at all, and the surrounding area was completely flattened by the sandstorm of Klockdar.

“Damn, I didn’t expect that since Klockdar turned all the surroundings into this, he really deserves to be a hero! Cruel enough. Luffy gritted his teeth and marveled.

At the same time, on the other side, Nicole Robin, who had already left a long time ago, did not know when she returned to the rainy land, and sighed a little: “What a terrible battle!” I didn’t expect that Klockdar had completely turned the rainy land into a desert. Nicole Robin stood on the desert, which was originally a prosperous city, just a few hours ago, did not expect that it has completely disappeared now, the rainland city has the most water, the most luxurious houses, can be said to be the richest city in Alabastan, the city of nearly 100,000 people, now all buried at her feet.

Originally, Nicole Robin wanted to ask Luffy something, but looking at the current situation, there was all desert around, and it was impossible to find Luffy, so she turned around and got in the car and left.

The wind in the desert was very loud at night, Luffy was a little tired of these winds, he had heard enough in the sandstorm, this time he was completely tricked by Klockdar, Luffy swore that the next time he encountered, he would definitely kill Klockdal in everything.

But now the most important thing is how to get to Albana! There is no permanent pointer on his body, and now there is no one around, and he can’t ask people, how to get over!

At this time, Luffy seemed to suddenly hear something, looking at what creatures were running in the distance, Luffy was excited all of a sudden, as long as there are still living creatures, then there is just a way to let it take me by myself, although Luffy does not understand the language of the beast, but the beast depends on how much can understand the words of people, has lived with the beast since childhood, and understands that as long as you beat it up, everything is much easier.

Mindful Luffy immediately ran over there, only to find out when he got closer, it turned out to be a lizard, and the seat on the lizard’s back was not sitting on Klockdar’s partner, Nicole Robin?

Luffy was excited when he saw her, and Nicole Robin, who was sitting on the seat, also noticed Luffy and whispered, “Monchi D Luffy, since you are still alive, stop!” As Nicole Robin’s words fell, the lizard immediately stopped running.

Luffy was a little strange, since Nicole Robin had stopped, was she going to fight herself? But he quickly discarded the idea, looked at Nicole Robin with some playfulness and said, “Hi Miss Sunday, no, I remember Klockdahl seems to call you Nicole Robin!” Is this your real name? ”

“Indeed! I didn’t expect you to be alive! Straw Hat Luffy, but it seems that you were beaten badly by the boss! Nicole Robin said playfully.

Luffy was already very upset, and when Nicole Robin was so provoked, his heart was even more angry, and he said coldly: “Do you think you can defeat me?” If you think you can, why don’t you do it! ”

Nicole Robin said nonchalantly: “No, I don’t think I can beat you, I’m going to Albana now, what about you?” Straw Hat Luffy. ”

“Of course I’m also going to Albana, it seems that the two of us are on the same road, how is it!” Beauty, let me give me a ride! Luffy said a little playfully, Luffy would not put Nicole Robin’s strength in his eyes! Although Luffy said so, the whole person jumped directly and unceremoniously to the crocodile’s body, and sat directly next to Nicole Robin, which was originally just a single seat, and Luffy suddenly became crowded as soon as he came up.

Nicole Robin said with some dissatisfaction: “You are very ungentlemanly like this!” Monchi D Luffy. ”

“I’m a pirate, not a gentleman, and if you’re looking for a gentleman, I have a guy on board who turns to serve beautiful women.” Luffy said lightly, and at the same time was a little anti-guest, and directly gave Nicole Robin the purple kettle and drank the water inside.

Nicole Robin was even more dissatisfied with Luffy’s actions, “It’s really unreasonable! Since this is for the lady, it seems that there is no so-called knightly way in your heart! ”

“Of course there is! If it’s your own people, but you’re now the enemy! I don’t want to die so early, well, don’t give me verbosity, hurry up and go to Albana, this time I have to kill Klockdar. Luffy said coldly.

Nicole Robin said lightly: “Let’s go!” Go to Albana. Saying that, the lizard was very obedient and accelerated to run.

Luffy didn’t speak, just sat on the position and slept, and Klockdar used the second and third gears, and then he was always engaged by sandstorms, now Luffy is really a little sleepy, since there are people driving, then he will recover a little physical strength, but the more so, smelling the scent of flowers emitted by the beauty next to him, Luffy’s body naturally got closer to Nicole Robin and asked: “In this desert, since you still have this fragrance on your body, it doesn’t seem to be the smell of perfume!” ”

Nicole Robin looked at such a bold Luffy, and also understood that this strength could not be a threat to deal with, and asked, “Are you still going to challenge the boss?” He is the Seven Warrior Sea. ”

Luffy opened his eyes and said with disdain: “Of course I know, but after the previous battle, I also roughly understand the strength of Klockdar, he is powerful is the ability of the Sand Fruit, and he himself is not particularly strong, with Klockdal’s strength I think my odds of winning are still quite high.” ”

“Is it? You are really confident! Straw Hat Luffy, but you’re so embarrassed! Nicole Robin asked playfully.

Luffy chuckled, “Although embarrassed, but Klockdar didn’t give me any substantial damage, and if Klockdar’s strength is really stronger than me, why don’t you just kill me in the desert!” ”

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