Luffy couldn’t help but be vigilant, this time Klockdar also played real, the other party was a person who had challenged Whitebeard, although he failed, but his strength should not be weak!

Decided to preemptively and directly shave, for Luffy’s speed, Klockdar was also very surprised, the wind and sand on his body, his eyes became more solemn, and Luffy who kept flickering in the air, even Klockdar could only see an afterimage.

With a punch, Klockdar’s body was immediately beaten into sand, and he was surprised: “The speed is very fast, and the strength is also very strong, I haven’t met such a strong guy for a long time.” ”

After Klockdar’s whole body was sandified, the entire rain banquet was instantly sandified by Klockdar with sand, and the building began to collapse continuously, in the air, Luffy constantly used this moon step and shaving to dodge, Klockdar’s sand was too troublesome, and all around was blocked by the storm general, and he couldn’t find where the Klockdar people were.

Luffy clenched his teeth and secretly said: It seems that you have to use this trick! Seeing the domineering of the smell of openness.

Luffy’s eyes widened, and he roared lowly, “Stretch freely· JIE siege gun. ”

‘Touch’ “Ahhh! “One move directly hit Klockdar, and the surrounding wind and sand all disappeared because Klockdar was hit, and the surroundings suddenly became clearer.

“Ahem, stinky boy.” Klockdar has not finished speaking, as soon as he raised his head, Luffy jumped up and stepped on Klockdar, Klockdar dodged a little embarrassed, that is a domineering attack, just attacked by the domineering fist, there is still this trace of domineering on the body, even if it is elementalized, it will be attacked.

Luffy stepped on the air and trampled the surrounding water waves everywhere, Luffy said a little playfully: “Cut, the action is fast!” ”

Klockdar looked at the water behind Luffy with some chagrin, and secretly said: Oops! The terrain here is not good for me, if this kid finds my weakness, then it will be trouble, damn the world government, since I have lost such a big trouble, now at this critical moment, can there be any trouble!

“What’s wrong? Klockdar, since you don’t attack, then I’m welcome. Saying that, Luffy’s whole person jumped into the sky and roared lowly, “Arashi Foot Crescent.” ”

Klockdar didn’t have to dodge this move, and the attack of Arashi’s foot directly cut off Klockdar’s waist, and Klockdar’s arm turned into a knife, and he shouted lowly: “Heavy desert sword.” ”

This time, the speed and strength were much faster than the last one, and Luffy immediately dodged the moon step, and the entire city was directly split by Klockdar’s move.

Luffy looked at this attack with some horror, no wonder Ace said that nature is the most destructive, this kind of power, if there is no character who can compete with his strength, how many miscellaneous soldiers are also delivered, and a casual move can kill you in seconds.

“This is really powerful! If it is attacked, it will be miserable. Luffy said a little luckily, but then smiled, “But this kind of attack can’t really hit me.” ”

Klockdar ‘cut’ unhappily said: “This kid’s body is as flexible as a monkey, and the terrain here is not very favorable to me!” If you have the ability, come with you! Straw Hat Kid. Saying that, Klockdar’s whole person immediately deserted and fled out of the city.

Luffy also understood Klockdar’s purpose at once, and chuckled, “Want to run outside to occupy advantageous terrain?” It’s all sand outside! It’s a little bad for me!. “Although Luffy said so, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it, Klockdar’s gravel fruit can be elementalized, although the attack range is large and destructive, suitable for one enemy multi-person, and his own rubber fruit is good at one-on-one combat, and Luffy has nothing to fear about Klockdar, although the destructive power is strong, but don’t be hit, just the fight found out, Klockdar although the fruit ability is very strong, but the physical skills seem to be just ordinary words, Although they are stronger than Solon, they are not comparable to people like Luffy who specialize in the same physical skills.

However, Luffy didn’t plan to let Klockdar run away so simply, compared to Klockdar’s home turf in the desert, he wasn’t so idiotic to run to the desert to fight him.

He roared lowly, “Hugh wants to escape, Klockdar, stretch freely· JIE rubber guns are beaten indiscriminately. ”

Klockdar was startled, waved his arm and shouted: “Straw hat boy, sand wall.” ”

The ‘bang bang’ fist fell on the sand, the originally hard sand was also under the domineering attack, but gradually scattered, Klockdar gritted his teeth, and understood that Luffy would never easily let himself run into the desert, in that case, then turn into a desert together with the city!


“Aaaah! Damn it! There is this trick, damn stinky crocodile, do you think this trick can deal with me? Luffy’s eyes couldn’t open from the sand around him, and since the range of this sandstorm was still so large, it seemed that Klockdar planned to wipe out this kind of city as well!

Klockdar sneered, “Is it? Straw Hat Boy, but I don’t have time to play with you right now, although I know that I may not be able to kill you with your strength, but don’t bother me, Sharon Roll. An even more powerful saloon wind blew over, and Luffy’s whole person was directly submerged in this storm.

“Aaaaah! Bastard Klockdar, stop for me. Luffy wanted to think about Klockdar again and again, but unfortunately the power of the storm was too strong, since Luffy’s whole person was completely trapped in the storm, the surrounding sand blew into Luffy’s skin like a blade, cutting Luffy’s body with countless small wounds.

“Damn it! Klockdar. ”

Klockdar smiled playfully: “The victory and defeat between us will be divided in a moment!” Now I’m going to kill Vivi and your companions first, and although the chances of stopping the war are slim, I’m going to wipe it all out. “

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