Wei Wei looked at the people around her in surprise, covered her small mouth and whispered: “How come, why doesn’t everyone believe me.” ”

“Who would believe you! The reason why the rainland has been able to stay uninvaded by pirates is because of Lord Klockdar’s presence. “That’s right, without Lord Klockdar, Rain Land has also been rebelled.” “That’s right, you witch who framed Klockdar, Alabastan is like this because of you.”

Luffy and the others in the back were also a little surprised by this kind of thing, and Solon said solemnly: “I didn’t expect Klockdar’s status here to be so high.” ”

“Abominable fellow, no wonder he looks so fearless, it turns out that since this place is completely controlled by Klockdar, even the people have given up the king and chose to believe Klockdar.” Shangis gritted his teeth and looked at Klockdal.

“Luffy?” Nami on the side pulled Luffy and looked at Luffy with some begging.

Luffy didn’t speak, and walked up to Vivi with an expressionless face: “I told you everything, but I didn’t expect that since Klockdar is so powerful, since he can completely divide this area into his own kingdom, it is really powerful!” ”

“You guys, hurry up and leave!” “Since you dare to frame Lord Klockdar, what an abominable fellow.”

Luffy looked at the guys around him and said a little sadly: “Che, what a bunch of pitiful insects!” He was deceived and completely helped Klockdar count money, what an idiot. ”

Klockdar said lightly: “Straw hat boy, why did you come to this country!” I’m curious, as a pirate, since you would run here, it really makes me a little strange! ”

“Is this kind of thing knowingly asked?” Saying that, Luffy violently pulled out the ten hands behind his back and hit Klockdar with a stick.

The ‘touch’ ten hands collided with Klockdar’s golden hook, and immediately a wave of qi erupted around them, and the surrounding tables and chairs gambling games were all blown over at once, and the two retreated one after another.

“Lord Klockdar.” “Hurry up and escape! Don’t get affected. “Since you fought Lord Klockdar, this fellow.” “Yes! This face, he is Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates with a reward of 100 million Bailey. “Is it his crew in the back?” “Sure enough, since the princess of Alabastan has colluded with the pirates, Lord Klockdar, come on!”

“It seems that we have completely become the target of everyone!” Solon looked at the millions of elders around him with weapons.

Luffy shouted at Solon and the others, “You guys go first, go to Albana, and Klockdar will leave it to me to clean up.” ”

Klockdar made a slight look at Nicole Robin next to him, and Nicole Robin immediately chased after him.

Klockdar looked at the messy rain banquet that had been destroyed, without the slightest reluctance or distress in his eyes, and said unevenly: “I have heard of you for a long time, Straw Hat Boy, the world government has asked me to pay special attention to you, in fact, as long as you change the navigation slightly, we are completely well water does not violate the river water, it’s a pity.” ”

Luffy said disdainfully, “This sentence should be what I said, right!” Originally, I was not interested in the affairs of Alabastan at all, since you still want to kill me, and it is you who declared war on me, I am just facing the war, how can any pirate be provoked and run away with his tail between his legs! If I am afraid of your identity in the Seven Wuhai and don’t even dare to fight, then I won’t go to sea. ”

“That’s a good point, but a guy like you, there are many in the sea ahead, let me come here to teach you a lesson!” Straw Hat Kid. Saying that, a sandstorm appeared in Klockdar’s right hand, and he roared lowly: “Desert sword.” ”

Luffy looked at this attack, although the power was great, but the speed was slightly worse, and roared: “Enter the second gear.” In an instant, Luffy’s whole person disappeared in place.

Klockdar was slightly surprised: “So fast.” ”

“Stretchable· JIE rubber seal. ”

‘Touch’ Luffy kicked Klockdar’s chest, directly kicked Klockdar through, the place where the kick on his body turned into a piece of sand, Luffy looked at since it didn’t hurt him, a little surprised, Klockdar said lightly: “It’s really domineering!” It seems that the information given by the world government is true, which really surprised me! Since you are a newcomer, you know how to be domineering. ”

“Cut, since it’s completely useless.” Luffy said with some discomfort.

Klockdar said lightly: “You don’t really think that you can beat me if you know a little domineering!” In the second half of the Great Passage, there are many domineering people who understand it, and they think that they can defeat me with a little domineering, what a naïve guy. ”

Luffy looked at Klockdar, who was talking to himself, and said unpleasantly, “It’s really yours!” Just took my move and was so proud, just now at least say hello, if careless, be careful that your head falls off, Klockdar. With that, Luffy’s body quickly disappeared.

Klockdar was shocked this time: “It’s gone, no, it’s even faster than just now, here.” Saying that, the golden hook on Klockdar’s left hand quickly hit in the opposite direction.

‘Touch’ Luffy stomped Klockdar’s golden hook on the ground, releasing steam all over his body: “Look less at me, Klockdal.” Saying that, his right fist was directly hardened with an armed color, and he knocked Klockdar to the ground with one punch.

Luffy’s whole person retreated, watching Klockdahl, whose whole body was beaten and sandified, retreated to the back, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, Luffy chuckled and clenched his fists: “I told you a long time ago, tell you not to underestimate me, this is your end, Klockdar.” ”

“Lord Klockdar is injured.” “Deal with the sea thief who is 100 million Baileys, Lord Klockdal, come on!”

Klockdar wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Luffy with anger, and skimmed the people on the side with some coldness: “Bastard, it seems that I underestimated you too much, straw hat kid.” ”

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