“What is that!” Solon’s group, who had just escaped from the city, looked back and saw that a huge sandstorm suddenly appeared in the city that had just been fine.

“That’s Klockdar, damn it, since he didn’t hesitate to destroy the city, is this the so-called patron saint of Alabastan?” Vivi looked at the sandstorm and yelled.

Usopp cried out in fright, “Is this really something that can be done by manpower?” ”

Solon said with some solemnity: “Although I heard Ace say this before, if Klockdar really wants to destroy Alabastan, it is easy, I didn’t expect that the destructive power would be so strong. ”

“Is Luffy really all right? Deal with that Klockdar. Nami said with some concern.

Shangis gritted his teeth and said, “Now there is no one but him who can deal with Klockdar, only believe him, and he is our captain, from before to now, you see when he lost!” ”

“That’s right, we just have to trust him, now all we have to do is go to the capital Albana, if Vivi can tell the king army and the rebel army all about the beginning and end of the matter, maybe there is still a chance to stop the rebellion.” Solon gritted his teeth and said, now he can only believe so.

“Thirty rounds of flowers.” Suddenly, Nicole Robin chased after him from behind, and countless arms stretched out from the desert, pulling everyone’s feet.

All of a sudden, they all stumbled to the ground, and Solon Rock looked at Nicole Robin seriously: “Is it a chaser?” Damn it! ”

Nicole Robin looked at them with a bit of a joking look and said, “You can’t escape, go catch them!” “At this time, nearly a hundred million elders appeared behind, to put it bluntly, it is a group of miscellaneous soldiers, but now the most important thing is that there is no time to spend this group of miscellaneous soldiers, if you want to escape, you must kill this woman first, otherwise there is no way to run.”

Solon immediately took out the three knives, and the whole person rushed directly into the pile of people, saying, “Abominable! I forgot to find a few horses when I just ran away, but now it’s a bit difficult! ”

Shangis immediately said loudly: “You guys go first!” It’s up to us to block these guys. ”

Nami looked at the four Solon who blocked the enemy, and immediately said to Vivi: “Let’s go quickly!” Vivi, there is no time now, and you have to leave quickly. ”

Nicole Robin said with some distress: “Although I don’t want to hinder you if you want to go, after all, you are very strong, but the boss’s order is to catch Miss Wednesday, that is, Princess Vivi, so I can’t let you run away, three rounds of flowers.” ”

Vivi who had just turned around and fled was suddenly caught, the whole person fell to the ground, and the three hands directly grabbed her right foot, Vivi suddenly had a very bad feeling, Nami roared anxiously: “Vivi? ”

“Hmph, reverse.” The three hands that grabbed Vivi ‘s right foot and twisted it quickly, and the sole of Vivi ‘s right foot was twisted entirely.

“Aaaaah!” Vivi immediately howled and covered her swollen right foot.

“Vivi-chan?” After Shangis cleaned up the surrounding miscellaneous soldiers, he heard Vivie’s cry and immediately worried.

“Damn, was it put together? This woman. Solon said with murderous intent in his eyes.

Nicole Robin chuckled, “In that case, you won’t be able to go to Albana!” As things stand, that’s not possible. ”

Solon cleaned up the surrounding miscellaneous soldiers, killed a way and rushed directly towards Nicole Robin, shouting lowly: “Ghost slash.” ”

‘Ping’ Solon’s three knives slashed over, blocked by a golden hook, and everyone looked at the person in surprise, it was Klockdar.

Solon’s face was a little ugly, and the whole person stepped back, “Why are you here, Luffy?” ”

“Hmph, you said straw hat boy! People should be in that sandstorm now. Klockdar said playfully.

“What.” Nami was surprised.

“Difficult Luffy already, what did you do to Luffy.” Usopp yelled.

Klockdar looked like a pine and said, “Don’t worry! He is not dead yet, I guess he should have escaped from the sandstorm now, but I immediately eliminated all the breath, and now the rain has also destroyed half of the city, it can be said that it is beyond recognition, even the straw hat boy can’t follow him for the time being. ”

Solon said playfully and defiantly: “So that’s it! But it seems that you have also been beaten enough by my captain! Since this method has been figured out. Solon looked at the hurt on Klockdar’s face.

As soon as Klockdar heard this, his face immediately changed, and he said gloomyly: “I admit, the straw hat kid is indeed worthy of appreciation as a newcomer, I will kill him then, but before that I will kill you first, wait for the straw hat kid to come over, look at the corpse of the companion, hmph, the newcomer who has just debuted, but he will have the term partner in his heart, I don’t know what expression the straw hat kid will have on his face.” ”

Usopu Nami a little timid when she heard this, and immediately hid in fear, and the four of Solon Shangis also looked at Klockdar with a serious face, the other party is the Seven Wuhai, although everyone has learned the domineering of armed colors, but they have not studied for a long time, and they are simply vulnerable!

Locke said with some solemnity: “Everyone just need to hold on for a while, the captain should come over soon, Usopp, although the sky sends a signal, just to tell the captain where our bearings are.” ”

“Ah! yes, I see. Usopp immediately signaled to the sky.

In the desert, Klockdar is very confident, confident that even if he encounters the admiral of the navy headquarters, he will definitely not lose in the desert, let alone a newcomer? Let’s not talk about whether the straw hat kid has a way to rush over, even if he rushes over, will he still be his opponent in the desert?

Klockdar looked at the Straw Hat and his group with contempt, and threw an hourglass from his bag with disdain: “Give you a chance!” I’ll play with you for three minutes! ”

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