While several people were talking, Solon said solemnly: “Look! It’s best not to blink, otherwise it’s easy to lose it. ”

At this time, a wave of fire around Ace covered the surrounding area of more than ten meters, on the other hand, Luffy’s side, except for Luffy’s steam, the momentum was far less powerful than Ace, but even so, Ace did not have the slightest contempt, he knew how strong Luffy’s thin body could burst out, and he was the one who was the older brother the most clear.

In an instant, Luffy disappeared in place, and Ace was shocked: “So fast.” ”

The next moment, Luffy appeared next to Ace, and a punch wrapped around Ace’s body hit Ace’s body, directly piercing Ace’s body.

Luffy understood that this was elementalization, but he was still a little surprised by this, and he didn’t expect Ace’s reaction to be dissatisfied! Low roar: “Stretch freely· JIE seal. ”

“Pillar of fire.” A flame rose up at Ace’s feet, stretching tens of meters high, Luffy looked at this move with some gritted teeth and said, “Cut, how is it a flame again!” What an annoyance! ”

“Hotaru, Fire Dharma.”

Countless green fire spots appeared around Luffy, and Luffy quickly jumped up and said with a smile: “It’s too underestimated me!” Ace, since it is a pillar of fire, then I will break it up together with the flame, three-speed bone balloon. ”

Luffy bit his finger and blew air inside, and his right hand immediately turned into a giant fist tens of meters long, and roared lowly: “Try this trick!” Armament color, hardened. ”

Ace in the flames looked at this move with some excitement and said, “Oh, the power of the third gear?” If it’s this trick, I shouldn’t be afraid of hurting you! Impotence. Saying that, Ace concentrated all the flames in the Yan Realm on his arms, and a strong pillar of fire attacked Luffy.

“Stretchable like a gun.”

As soon as Yang Yan and the elephant gun collided, Luffy felt your burning pain and shouted, “It’s so hot!” Damn it! Drink. ”

Originally, the power was still evenly matched, but after Luffy endured the pain, the power of the elephant gun continued to increase, directly breaking through Ace’s Yang Yan, scattering its flames, and directly attacking Ace.

Ace was a little surprised by this, ‘touched’, the fist fell on Ace’s body, blowing the surrounding sand waves everywhere, Ace’s body immediately elementalized and fled, some embarrassed rolled on the ground a few times before stopping, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: “It’s the domineering of armed color, since you can hit the elemental me, there is really yours!” Luffy. ”

“Hmph, they all said you told you not to underestimate me, Ace.” Luffy smiled confidently, retracting his arm, and found that his right arm was a little burnt.

Ace looked at Luffy’s arm and proposed, “I’ll forget it!” Luffy, although you know the domineering power of armed colors, the destructive power of burning fruits is too strong, your body will not be able to stand it if you fight down, and this is in the desert, we still have a lot of way to go, I see the victory or defeat this time or stay! ”

“This result is also good!” Luffy chuckled, although Ace’s strength is also very agreeable, I have to say that Ace, who ate the burning fruit, is very restrained that his body can turn into flames, and the destructive power is strong, his body is rubber, and his resistance to flames is very low.

Luffy touched the second gear, looked at Ace and said loudly: “But when I get to the new world, I want to have a good fight with you, no problem!” Ace. ”

Ace smiled confidently, “Okay! I’ll wait for you then. ”

Watching a battle end like this, the two are also brothers after all, although they are very committed to fighting, but now they have not forgotten that they still have things to do, Ace still has to go after Blackbeard, and Luffy is going to defeat Klockdar, the battle between the two brothers will not be too anxious now.

However, after such a fight, Luffy has proved even more how strong Ace’s strength is, and it seems that it is really not easy to defeat Ace!

Ace also had this idea, originally thought that he would go to sea a few years before Luffy, and also got the burnt fruit, and now his strength should be above Luffy, but he found that in the three years that he was away, Luffy’s training had not fallen at all, and even cultivated more diligently than before, which made him an older brother and satisfied.

At this time, Solon and the others looked at Luffy and Ace and said, “It seems that the two have stopped fighting!” What a great guy! ”

Nami looked at Luffy’s already burnt right hand with some heartache, “Luffy, your hand?” ”

Ace scratched his head a little embarrassed, “I’m sorry, brother and sister, I’m a little heavier, I’m sorry.” ”

“This has nothing to do with you, it just means that my own cultivation is not enough, moreover,” Luffy said as he slapped Ace on the back, and Ace immediately blushed a little from a choked cough.

Ace laughed, “You want to shoot me to death!” ”

“Hee-hee, Ace, you shouldn’t be strong if you’re okay, Qioba, just help Ace take a look!” I was just hit by my fist, and I suffered some internal injuries! Luffy said to Chopba.

“Okay, I see.” Saying that, Qioba immediately ran to Ace and checked.

Locke also bandaged Luffy’s arm, and with this Joba’s medicine, he suddenly felt that his arm was cold, and said to Ace: “How is it!” My ship doctor is not bad! Ace. ”

“Indeed! You’ve found a great partner, Luffy. Ace turned to Joba on the side and said, “My brother will trouble you in the future, Dr. Qioba.” ”

As soon as Qioba heard Ace’s praise, he immediately danced happily and laughed: “You bastard, even if you thank me and call me a doctor, I won’t be happy at all.” ”

Ace looked at Qioba’s cute look, was amused, and laughed: “Hahaha, Luffy, you really have a very interesting partner!” ”

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