Lu and his group walked in the desert for several days, and they were about to reach Yuba, Ace would go to Yuba to continue chasing Blackbeard, and Luffy was going to Alabastan’s capital, the rainy land.

However, just as the group was having lunch, Ace said, “Luffy, it’s about to arrive at Yuba, are you sure you don’t need me to help you?” ”

“As I said, I will handle my own affairs, I will defeat that guy from Klockdar, you don’t have to worry.” Luffy ate the meat in his hand, and as he said nothing, he suddenly found that the meat on his plate flew into the sky.

Usopp on the side asked suspiciously, “Luffy, can your meat run!” It seems that it doesn’t like to give you food, so give it to me! Saying that, Usopp grabbed and prepared to go over and grab it.

Luffy hit Usopp on the head with a popping chestnut, “Who said they were going to give it to you!” You can see clearly, this is a line, a mess, where did the thief come from! Since you dare to take food from the tiger’s mouth. With that, Luffy immediately chased in the direction where the meat was taken.

“Hey, Luffy, where are you running!” Nami shouted.

In the distance, a middle-aged man pointed a rocket launcher at Ace and said with a gloomy smile: “I finally found you!” Fire Fist Ace, your head will belong to me, this is my scorpion’s ultimate weapon, but I won’t kill you directly, first smash the rock you are sitting on to make a meeting gift! ”

In addition, the result of stealing Luffy’s meat was two imps, one of whom was a little older and took the meat and said excitedly: “Great, finally there is meat to eat, Butch, you eat it quickly!” ”

“It’s not a little guts! Since you dare to steal my flesh from my mouth, you two little devils. At this time, Luffy stood on the rock and smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth.

“Ah! Who you are, tell you! We will not give you back the meat. One of the little ghosts who was the elder brother blocked in front of his brother, said, took out a pistol from his bag and pointed it at Luffy, but at a glance, he knew that it was a dish, and his hands kept shaking: “Don’t move, if you dare to move, I will shoot immediately.” ”

Luffy listened to this, absolutely effective and funny, since this kind of scumbag with only five combat power dared to talk to himself like this, he laughed playfully: “Is it?” But I advise you that it’s better not to use that kind of thing against my good, and take out a pistol at the pirate, you little ghost, do you have the consciousness to block your life? ”

The younger brother on the side said in fear: “Brother, he seems to be very strong!” And will you fire a real pistol? Will there really be bullets coming out of it? ”

At this time, Nami and several people also walked over and said, “Luffy, what the hell are you doing when you suddenly run away!” Hey, kids. ”

“Did you just run after them? Luffy. Solon said flatly.

Usopp on the side noticed the pistol in the child’s hand, walked over tall, and taught: “How can a child play with such a dangerous thing?” Hurry up and put the gun down. ”

“Don’t come here, I’ll shoot if I dare to come.” The brother yelled at Usopp with his pistol, and at the same time he was very nervous in his heart, which suddenly frightened the originally cool Usopp into retreating behind Solon.

Nami waved her hand and said, “Don’t be nervous! We are not bad people. ”

Luffy jumped directly on the rock, looked at the two imps with a smile, and gradually walked over to the two, the older brother pointed the pistol at Luffy, and yelled with even more fear in his heart: “Don’t come, I’ll shoot if I come over.” ”

Luffy didn’t pay attention to him, for this kind of guy with only five combat power, Luffy will be afraid, just kidding!

“Don’t come here.” With a ‘touch’, the bullet was fired, and the eyes of the two imps immediately closed, and they slowly opened their eyes depending on whether they didn’t want to see the bloody scene.

Luffy opened his right hand holding the bullet and said playfully, “Since you really dare to shoot me, so you two are ready to block your lives.” ”

“Since he grabbed the bullet with his bare hands, he is really strong!” The two brothers sat down on the ground weakly at once, looking at Luffy with fear in their eyes.

Luffy smiled a little playfully and aimed the bullet in his hand at the two of them, Nami was a little anxious, but Ace behind grabbed Nami and said, “Don’t worry!” It’ll be fine. ”

Luffy flicked his thumb, shot the bullet directly, hit the rock behind the two, and chuckled: “It’s better not to play too much dangerous games, since you are a little ghost, you should obediently go home to brush your teeth and take a bath and sleep.” ”

“It’s amazing, I’ve never seen someone so powerful.” The younger brother was surprised.

At this time, my brother ran over and said to Luffy: “Wait a minute, I have something I want to ask you, I hope you can help us catch a man, and we will pay you a million after catching it.” ”

“A million.” Nami on the side said lightly.

The brother immediately said with some disappointment: “Although I can’t pay a million now, I will definitely pay you when I grow up, please help me find this person.” Saying that, he took out a photo from his bag and handed it to Luffy.

Luffy looked at the middle-aged uncle on the photo and said, “Who is this guy!” I don’t know at all. ”

The brother replied, “His name is Scorpion, he is a bounty hunter, and my brother and I chased him all the way from bad.” ”

“What a place is that! Completely unheard of. Luffy asked with some doubt.

Ace next to him said lightly: “It’s a very far and remote place, and it’s also very poor, I don’t think you will go to that kind of place if you travel, but I also happen to be chasing this person, I just heard that he defeated Blackbeard in Yuba, that’s why I came here.” ”

“So that’s it, but Ace, did this guy really beat Blackbeard?” Luffy asked suspiciously.

“Who knows! I won’t find out until I see me. Ace said lightly.

The two imps on the opposite side were surprised: “Are you Ace, Ace, Fire Fist Ace?” ”

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