Luffy and Ace stood opposite each other, and Ace showed a very sunny smile and said, “Luffy, when we were children, the two of us fought so many times, but unfortunately we never really divided the victory and defeat!” But you have to be careful, Luffy, I won’t show mercy this time, I’ll definitely beat you.” ”

“What a confidence! Ace, this sentence is what I am going to say, I will definitely win you, Ace. Luffy said with a smile on his lips.

Luffy made a fighting posture and clenched his fists slightly, Luffy wanted to wait for the opportunity, although he had not met for three years, but Luffy still knew Ace’s strength very well, when he was a child, he often ended up with Ace in a draw, although there were victories, but the victory and defeat were similar, and he had to deal with Ace carefully.

With a hard foot, Luffy’s whole person suddenly bounced over like a spring, punching Ace, Ace also knows Luffy’s rubber stunts very well, and he definitely can’t deal with Luffy in an ordinary way, otherwise it will be troublesome to be entangled by him.

But that was only before, now that Ace who had eaten the Devil Fruit, also understood that the weakness of Luffy’s rubber fruit was flames and slashes, and after a few encounters, flames began to appear on Ace’s body, and he roared lowly: “Yanjie Pillar of Fire.” ”

“Aaaaah! It’s so hot! Luffy immediately withdrew his arm, but Ace wouldn’t miss the opportunity, merging his index and middle fingers and shouting, “Musket.” ”

The muscles under Luffy’s feet bounced like springs, and steam immediately came out of his body, and he whispered, “Enter second gear.” ”

“Moon step.” After using the second gear, the speed was greatly improved, and he easily dodged Ace’s musket, bounced in the air and constantly stepped on the air, and roared lowly: “Arashi Foot Zhou Broken.” ”

A vacuum cut Ace in two, but soon Ace’s body was connected by flames, the elementalization of the natural fruit ability, Luffy frowned slightly: “It seems that you can’t attack the entity of the natural fruit without domineering, so how about this move!” Stretchable· JIE rubber beating. ”

“Yanjie.” Ace looked at Luffy’s attack, and immediately turned the surrounding into flames, and his body immediately turned into a fire elemental, Ace is no better than Smogg, whether it is the power of burning fruit or Ace’s physical skills, all of them are above Smogg, and a large flame below all followed Luffy and fought over.

Luffy understood that in this flame, Ace was right away, but unfortunately the flames were too big, and he didn’t know where Ace was early.

“I’m here, Luffy.” At this time, Ace jumped out from the top of the flame, his lower body was still connected to the fireball behind him, and a raging fire appeared on both arms, and he roared lowly: “Divine fire, I don’t know fire.” ”

“It’s just coming! JIE rocket artillery. Luffy looked at the flames on Ace’s arms, did not retreat and counterattacked, and his arms were directly hardened, facing Ace’s flames.

As soon as the flames of ‘Touch’ and Ace collided, a cloud of fireworks immediately exploded in the sky, and the two retreated one after another, and Luffy looked at his burning red arm in pain and said, “Aaaaa It’s so hot, what the hell is going on! I obviously used armed color domineering, how can I not stop your flames! ”

On the other hand, Ace on the other side did not have anything at all, and said in a tone of some lessons: “Although the domineering spirit of armed color can greatly improve defense and attack, it is not possible to block any attack, you are too careless, Luffy.” ”

Luffy clenched his fists in dissatisfaction and shouted, “Don’t be happy too early, Ace, it was just a warm-up, now I will definitely not lose to you.” ”

Ace said confidently: “When I was young, it was because I didn’t eat the Devil Fruit, and after I ate the Burning Fruit, I found out that the Devil Fruit was powerful, so I definitely won’t be tied with you, Luffy.” ”

“That’s just right! When I was a child, I was in second and third gear, domineering and six-style, so I will always tie with you, and now I will all these things, I will definitely not lose to you, Ace. Luffy is also very confident in his strength, in the past three years, his strength has improved a lot, although he has not gone to sea, but Luffy has always thought that he will never lose to Ace.

Solon and the others, who were watching from the side, said, “These two guys are really monsters!” ”

“Just now, at that speed, I can see an afterimage, I am really ashamed that Ace can still be better!” Solon said with some surprise, now more and more curious about the strength of the two, chuckling: “Ah! Anyway, let’s look good! The battle between the two brothers can also see how strong the strength of our captain is! ”

Wei Wei on the side was a little worried: “But if they waste their physical strength like this, it will be very dangerous to lose their physical strength in the desert at that time.” ”

“Don’t worry! The Captain and Fire Fist Ace are very powerful people and simply cannot be seen in the way of ordinary people. Locke stroked his glasses and said calmly: “I’m worried that if the strength of the two of them is equal, I’m afraid that if they fight for a day, they may not be able to divide the victory and defeat!” ”

“Really?” Qioba on the side was surprised.

“Are you saying that if you fight all the time and don’t even eat, you can fight for a day?” Usopp yelled in surprise.

Solon on the side said lightly: “What is impossible!” Even if you don’t eat for a month, you won’t definitely die, but the feeling of hunger is very unpleasant. ”

“This is true! I had that experience the most as a child. Shangis on the side did not confront Solon, and said very approvingly.

“What a bunch of monsters!” Usopp suddenly felt like crying, what is going on in this pirate group! “

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