“Where are we going next! Captain, although I don’t know much about sailing, this should not be the route to the Great Passage! I remember that to go to the Great Seaway, you have to pass through Rogue Town, right? Shangis looked at the route and said with some doubt.

“yes, you don’t know yet!” Usopp came over and said, “This is going to Nami’s hometown, and Nami’s hometown is occupied by a group of pirates, so we are going to help Nami defeat that group of pirates.” ”

“What? Since the lovely Miss Nami’s hometown has this kind of experience, I can’t forgive those hateful pirates. Shangis said angrily.

Nami walked over and stuck her waist in: “Listen, this time I plan to buy the village with 100 million Bailey, but I don’t want to start a war with Aaron and his gang, as long as I buy the village, it can be solved in a peaceful way.” ”

Solon, who was sitting on the side, pouted a little unpleasantly: “Cut, aren’t you afraid that we won’t be able to beat that group of pirates?” Captain, what are you going to do! ”

“Do you think a pirate will keep any credit to Nami? If both sides have equal strength, it is possible to keep some boring credit, and in the world of pirates, credit is a worthless thing. Luffy said a little helplessly.

“That’s it, too!” Solon muttered.

After landing on the island, Nami told desperately: “Listen, you guys, be honest in the village, if you see something, don’t make trouble, I will immediately buy the village from Aaron.” ”

Luffy said a little unpleasantly: “It is impossible for Aaron to keep any credit with you, it’s useless.” ”

“Aaron is a 20 million sea thief, he will definitely keep his credit.” Nami said a little unwillingly.

Shangis also persuaded: “Miss Nami, in fact, as long as we work together, we can also defeat Along, why do you have to waste 100 million Bailey to that kind of pirate!” ”

“This is a deal between myself and Aaron, and I will handle it myself.” Nami said firmly.

Luffy suddenly said, “By the way, Nami, how about we make a bet!” Because I don’t want to force you to join me!” ”


“If Aaron really agrees that you spend 100 million Bailey to return the village to you, I will give you the devil fruit pine I got, which can be regarded as abiding by our original agreement, of course, whether you want to sail with me or stay in the village is your choice, I definitely do not force you, of course, if you lose, Aaron does not agree to you to buy back the village, then I will help you kill Along, of course, I will still keep the agreement to give you the devil fruit, I want you to date me first as a fiancée, and then you have to think hard about whether to join me, how about it! Luffy said slowly.

“You guy, this is a bet of that door!” Nami and Shangis yelled, but after thinking about it, Nami’s eyes were a little cunning: “It’s no problem for me to be your girlfriend, but you have to pay 1 billion Bailey, otherwise don’t even think about it, otherwise I won’t stay in your broken pirate group?” ”

Luffy said with some complaints: “You guy, since the performance is too obvious!” Does staying in my pirate group make you so unhappy? And also a money junkie. ”

“That’s right, I hate pirates the most, although you are a little different from other pirates, but after all, you are just a pirate.” Nami looked at Luffy and said dissatisfied.

In fact, Nami also has a good impression of Luffy, but because she hates pirates.

“Such Miss Nami is really charming!” Shangis said idiotly.

“It’s really excessive! Since this is the case with his own captain. Luffy smiled bitterly and said, “However, unfortunately, you are destined to board my thief ship, and it is impossible for Aaron to return the village to you, so I won this bet.” ”

Usopp yelled, “Hey, Luffy, even if you win, you have a way to pay 1 billion Bailey!” ”

“That kind of thing will break a few more pirate groups when sailing in the future, and you can rob those nobles alive, and money is a good thing to get.” Luffy said confidently.

Nami looked at Luffy a little weakly, how confident this guy is at all times! He just wanted Luffy to retreat, “Forget it, don’t tell you, in short, don’t make trouble for me in the village, understand!” ”

Watching Nami leave, Solon watched Nami leave and asked, “You are really confident!” Luffy, but even if it’s just a joke, this woman’s appetite is too big! Since you want 1 billion Bailey, a crew member and captain will not be in good conditions, Luffy. ”

“Hahaha, what does this matter! When the time comes, after she gets on the ship, she will be my crew, and naturally she must listen to me, isn’t her money mine? Rest assured! Luffy said confidently.

Shangis said unpleasantly: “Since you put forward that kind of condition to the lovely Miss Nami, it is really unpleasant.” ”

“By the way, Luffy, what is the kind of power you said you used before, what is the thing called domineering! I’ve never heard of it! Solon asked with some doubt.

Locke said lightly: “This kind of power is said to be the power of the great channel powerhouses, it is said that domineering is a force that is more powerful than the devil fruit, I have always thought it is a rumor?” ”

Luffy said lightly: “Well, the domineering is indeed very strong, even in the first half of the great waterway, it is not easy to see, basically it appears in the second half of the great channel, that is, a kind of spiritual energy that the new world will have.” ”

“Spiritual energy?” Solon muttered.

“Ah, I studied with my grandfather, domineering is divided into three types, see and smell color, armed color and overlord color, of course, it’s useless to say more now, when Nami comes back, I’m teaching you this kind of strength, it can definitely greatly improve your strength.” Luffy said confidently.

Usopp said with some disbelief: “Is it really so powerful? ”

“It’s a bit mysterious! Spiritual energy? Shangis muttered.

Luffy smiled confidently, “Just look forward to it!” ”

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