“Luffy, yes, yes, there’s the navy coming.” Usopp shouted.

“Noisy, isn’t it the Navy? Anyway, he didn’t come to trouble us. Luffy said with some discomfort.

Usopp grabbed Luffy and yelled, “Hey, hey, we’re pirates!” ”

“Now I don’t have a bounty, some are three years ago, don’t worry, I’m saying, how powerful a navy can be in the East China Sea!” Luffy said a little indifferently.

Akin looked at those navies and said lightly: “Captain, it seems that the target of those navies is not us!” Could it be the Aaron Pirates! ”

Locke smiled a little mysteriously: “Fishman Along, in the East China Sea can be said to be the strongest fighting pirates, because the combat effectiveness of fishmen in the water is very amazing, the navy of the East China Sea is afraid that they have no problem, many pirate groups in order to survive, will join forces with some navies, I think it is also the reason why the Along pirate group has survived here for so many years!” ”

“In other words, they are with Aaron.” Luffy said lightly.

At this time, Luffy was even more excited, and said with a smile: “Hahaha, isn’t this very good?” The more enemies, the better, and then I’ll use super strength to solve them, so that Nami doesn’t honestly enter my arms? ”

“That’s a great idea! But I’ll be ahead of you then, Luffy. Shangis also said excitedly.

“It’s a pity that your level and combat effectiveness are too low to complete.” Luffy struck.

Solon said with some complaints: “Hey, hey, aren’t you going to pull him into the gang?” How did it become embraced! ”

Luffy spat out the dog’s tail grass in his mouth and said, “Okay, the rest time is over, let’s go!” Now things should be developing, just follow the Navy, go over and take a good look! ”

The navy came to the village and asked a man named Ken to take Nami’s home, Luffy and the others naturally followed behind them, and Locke smiled with some disdain: “It seems that this is indeed the case!” Did the Navy and Aaron join forces? ”

Shangis said excitedly: “Okay! Then let’s go! Go and save the lovely Miss Nami from the thieves! Then Miss Nami instantly fell in love with my brave expression…”

Solon looked at the narcissistic and fantasizing Shangis on the side with some disgust, and said: “Hey, Luffy, I suggest that we find a cook again on the next island!” ”

On the other hand, Nami’s treasure was also discovered by the navy’s rat Daisa, although Nami also resisted, but it was useless, and Nami’s sister Nokitaka was also injured by Rat Daisa, taking Nokitaka to the town for treatment, yelling: “Abominable, Along, Along.” ”

“Miss Nami is back!” Shangis said idiotly.

“Idiot, seeing her current situation, it seems that she has been greatly hurt.” Solon said solemnly.

Usopp was surprised, “Ah! Is Nami hurt? But it seems that it was another person who was injured! ”

Luffy said unpleasantly, “Idiot! It’s the heart, now it’s up to me. ”

“Miss Nami.” Shangis ran over with a fancy look and said, “Miss Nami, you are finally back!” Are you okay! Want us to help? ”

Luffy yelled, “Bastard, obviously I should have passed, since you dare to steal my limelight.” ”

“Abominable, Aaron, Aaron.” Nami stood up abruptly and pushed Shangis away, “You get out of the way for me.” ”

“Nami?” Ah Jian looked at Chong Nami with some concern.

“Miss Nami?” Shangis shouted.

Solon frowned slightly and said, “It seems that he is angry!” Luffy, do you want to chase it? ”

“Hmph, it’s natural, I think Nami should go to Aaron to settle the score now!” It just so happens that Aaron will be cleaned up by me. Luffy also said with some seriousness.

Ah Jian and the village names on the side looked at this Luffy in surprise, and they cleaned up what Along said so easily, and asked, “What kind of people are you!” ”

Noki sat up and said, “Are you the partners Nami is talking about?” This time Nami went out to meet the pirates. ”

Luffy chuckled, “Nami and I met three years ago, by the way, Nami is my woman, so don’t worry!” Aaron, I’ll naturally help you kill it. ”

“Hey, when did Miss Nami become your woman again! You guy better be careful with me when he speaks. Shangis said unpleasantly.

The villagers on the side were surprised: “You guys want to help us bring down Along.” “It’s useless, Aaron that guy is too strong.”

Usopp immediately said, “You can take care of it, don’t worry!” But I have eight thousand subordinates, Captain Usopp, and it’s right to leave it to me. ”

“It turns out that this is the captain!” “Eight thousand subordinates? This way it is much more reliable. ”

“None of that matters.” Ah Jian immediately ran over and grabbed Luffy’s clothes and said, “You guy said that Nami is your woman, you won’t have given Nami already…”

“Ah! Don’t worry about this! I wouldn’t have done that before I got Nami’s heart, and besides, Nami has now gone to find Along, and if Nami wants to kill Aaron in a fit of anger, it will be trouble! Luffy said a little jokingly.

“Yes! In that case, Miss Nami will be in danger, so wait! Miss Nami, your valiant knight Shangis has come to your rescue. Shangis yelled, saying that he ran first.

Locke stepped over in an instant, grabbed Shangis by the collar and pulled him back, and Shangis fell unsteadily on the ground and yelled, “What are you doing!” Miss Nami is in danger now. ”

“That’s not okay! The captain has not yet given an order, but can’t he be in such a hurry! Locke stroked his glasses.

Luffy clasped his fists together and chuckled, “Okay, brethren, go and pick up our navigators now, and by the way, kill all those guys in Aaron’s gang!” ”

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