“Hey, Shangis, why don’t you go in and eat!” Luffy walked out and looked at Shangis Dao, who was outside alone.

“I won’t join you, and I won’t leave this restaurant until I don’t get the approval of the smelly old man.” As if he was a little afraid that his beliefs were not firm, when Luffy asked him, he directly refused to go to sea with Luffy.

Luffy was slightly angry and said, “Are you sure you won’t join?” You are still so young, do you plan to stay in this place where birds don’t poop all your life! ”

“You don’t have to worry about this.” Shangis said with some discomfort: “But I will also go to sea sooner or later, and I will also go to the Great Seaway.” ”

“You’re going too?”

“It’s just not now.” Shangis said lightly, and suddenly asked excitedly: “By the way, have you heard of AllBlue?” ”

“AllBlue?” Luffy wondered, “It seems that there is something called the Azure Sea or the Sea of Miracles!” ”

“Yes, this is my dream, I want to find it, it is said that the sea area contains all the fish in the East Sea, West Sea, South China Sea, and North Sea, and it is the sea of miracles that our chefs dream of.” The more Shangis spoke, the more excited he became.

“Hahaha, is it? Then you should join me, we both have such ridiculous dreams, why not realize them together, and be on my ship are some very strong and very potential people, you join my pirate group will definitely not bury you, how about it! Luffy said a little seductively.

Unfortunately, Shangis didn’t eat this set at all, and still insisted: “I’m sorry, although I also want to join you, but if I don’t get the acknowledgement of the smelly old man, I mean I won’t leave this shop at all.” ”

Luffy was a little helpless now, “Okay! Then whatever you want, I’ll go first. ”

After entering the door, Usopp hurriedly asked, “How is it?” Luffy, did Shangis agree to join us? ”

“What’s the addition! Cut, brethren, hurry up and eat, finish eating and leave. Luffy sat down and said a little unpleasantly, after wasting so much time and still not making sense.

Solon said lightly: “It seems that he refused!” Che, it’s a waste of so much of our time, you shouldn’t have kept your hopes too high in the first place, and I think he’s still a fancy cook, except for cooking, he will only kick people, and it’s better not to join. Saying that, Solon looked at Shangis with some contempt.

“You guy, what do you say?” Shangis yelled.

“Touch” Suddenly the big man chef put down the soup spoon heavily and yelled: “Who made this soup!” ”

“It’s me, I made this soup, how is it! It’s delicious! This is my confident work! Shangis listened and immediately went over and said confidently.

The chef said unpleasantly: “What, can you drink this soup?” It’s just feeding pigs! ”

“What do you guy say! Can’t you eat human food? This soup is my proudness, if there is a problem, then there is a problem with your tongue. Shangis said angrily, originally he had made this soup for a long time today, since it was immediately denied by others.

Several cooks on the side also put down the soup spoon and said unpleasantly: “Bah, it’s too insulting to my tongue!” How can you drink this soup like mud! “That’s right, it’s disgusting!” “It’s just not something that people can drink.”

Solon said a little strangely: “What’s wrong with them over there!” Is there infighting? ”

“I think I want to drive Mr. Shangis away and force him to join us!” Locke said with a sip of wine.

Usopp sipped the juice and said, “This feeling is really unpleasant!” It feels like we’re picking up something someone else doesn’t want! ”

Luffy spat out the bones in his mouth and said, “Not necessarily!” Whether that guy from Shangis will leave is also a question! Forget it, don’t care. ”

The chefs said, “We can’t stand you anymore.” “That’s right, cooking is so unpalatable, and there are only fights and pickles at work, which is completely useless.” “Don’t think it’s great to stay in this store for a long time, we can’t tolerate you anymore.”

“You guys…” Shangis said angrily.

“Well, we are chefs at sea, and we must not waste a single drop of soup.” Red-footed Zhepu taught coldly, and when he finished the last mouthful of soup, he smashed the plate and said, “Hmph, how can this soup like rotten mud be served to guests!” You want my store to close, don’t you? ”

Usopp asked with some doubt, “Is that soup really hard to drink?” ”

Locke chuckled, “They’re just acting.” ”

Luffy said a little mockingly: “Don’t you know if you go to drink and see?” ”

“Why should I go! What if someone dies! Usopp yelled.

“What do you guy say? Since you dare to insult the food I cooked? Shangjis roared, he was already in a bad mood, and directly hit a bowl of soup and said: “You just give me a drink, I want to see how you react after drinking this soup!” ”

“No, I didn’t mean that, Luffy, save me!” Usopp timidly called for help.

Luffy said with a slightly unpleasant lesson, “It’s so ugly! Usopp, you are the future partner of One Piece! Aren’t you going to be a brave sea warrior? Let’s not talk about how this soup tastes, even if it is really poison, don’t cry for help like this! It’s a shame! ”

“What did you say?” Shangis became even more angry when he heard this, and directly put the bowl in front of Usopp, yelling: “Hurry up and give me a drink.” ”

“Luffy…” Usopp whispered, plucking up the courage to say, “Alright! Uncle Ben will drink it for you, brave sea warriors want to drink this bowl of poisonous soup, you must remember Uncle Ben, the greatness of Captain Usopp. ”

“You guy, what is poisonous soup!” Shangis yelled.

“Forget it, I’ll help you drink it, look at you like that, such a delicious soup has been said by you to be poisonous soup.” Luffy took the bowl in Shangis’s hand and drank the soup in one gulp, “Look!” Nothing at all. ”

Shangis was a little excited: “So it tastes like this!” ”

“What a taste! Of course it is… Uh-huh! Suddenly, Luffy grabbed his neck with both hands and rolled on the ground in pain, and Namesolon and the others were anxious at once, “What a thing!” Is this soup poisonous? ”

“Aaaaah! Sure enough, it’s poisonous soup! Luffy, bastard guy, since you brought this soup to us. Usopp yelled.

At this moment, the chefs who were acting on the side were also anxious, and said, “That’s not right! How could such a delicious soup be poisoned! “Who poisoned this soup?” “Since you poisoned such a delicious soup, bastard!”

“Luffy, are you all right! Luffy? Nami yelled anxiously.

“Of course it’s okay.” Luffy suddenly sat up and laughed, “Hahaha, how can such a delicious soup be poisonous!” Your acting skills are so bad, I really can’t stand it, and my acting skills are not as realistic as well? ”

“Since you’re acting!” Nameusopp yelled.

Solon said unpleasantly: “Cut, what a bastard guy.” ”

Shangis looked at Luffy in surprise, just now he also heard that the chefs also said that the soup was delicious, and was surprised: “Acting, are you saying that they are acting?” ”

Solon said lightly: “I want to know it!” Didn’t they just say that this soup was delicious? Cut, cook, do you want to join us! ”

Akin also said: “Mr. Shangis, everyone recognizes your cooking skills. ”

“Yes! Do you want to come to my ship? Come and be my chef! Luffy invited again.

Shangjis did not speak, lit a cigarette, looked at Zhepu and said: “Hmph, it turns out that it was just acting!” I was almost deceived by you, since you want to drive me away for this purpose, then it is not interesting for me to stay in this store, I’m really sorry, let you also perform such a bad drama, you are right! Geezer. ”

“Hmph.” Red-footed Zepp said a little unpleasantly.

Shangis looked at Luffy and said, “Okay, I promise you, the chef on your ship, I will be the one!” ”

“Is it? Finally agreed! It’s not in vain that I’ve waited so long! Welcome to join! Shangis. Luffy chuckled.

Red-footed Jepp said: “This is the best, lest I sweep you out, think of a little eggplant like you, hurry up!” ”

“Exactly! You can spend the rest of your life in this broken shop! Not to be outdone, Shangis shot back.

“Well, the wine is full, and the cook has been found, then there is no need to stay, Shangis, brethren, ready to go, Shangis, hurry up and say goodbye, and leave.” Luffy was in a good mood now, stood up and ordered.

On the boat, Luffy watched Shangis walk out and asked lightly, “How is it so fast!” Don’t you plan to say goodbye to them? ”

“There’s no need for that.” Shangis said coldly, and his head would not leave.


At this time, Jepp came out and said with a somewhat loving smile: “Shangjis, be careful not to catch a cold when sailing.” ”

Just a very ordinary sentence, so that the feelings in Shangjis’s heart for many years all exploded, and said loudly: “Boss, thank you, for taking care of me for so many years.” ”

“Hmph, men shouldn’t leave silently, right?” Red-footed Jepp whispered with a tear in the corner of his eye.

Luffy chuckled, “Hmph, it’s still really not frank two!” Brethren, set sail. ”

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