“Hey, why are you guys here!” As soon as Luffy and the others entered, Usopp immediately roared.

“We came to ask the owner of this villa if he had a ship, after all, we are pirates.” Solon replied lightly.

“Pirate ship?” The blonde girl on the second floor wondered.

“We don’t have a pirate ship here to provide pirates, and since you broke into other people’s homes without permission, you are really pirates!” What is your purpose in approaching our Miss Koya, pirates. At this time, a man wearing glasses came over.

“Krabatel?” Keya whispered.

“Are you?” Luffy was surprised, “I didn’t expect you to become a housekeeper since you changed your career!” No, there should be some kind of scheme for you! Chloe. ”

Upon hearing the name Chloe, Krabatel’s eyes were obviously startled, but he quickly covered it up and said: “Although I don’t know who you are, pirates are not welcome here, and also, Usopp-kun, please come out.” ”

Usopp gradually walked out, but his face was also surprised: “Luffy, what did you just call him, Chloe?” ”

“I remember that there seemed to be such a pirate in the East China Sea before, but it was executed by the Navy three years ago.” Nami asked with some curiosity.

“What’s going on! Luffy. Solon asked.

“Forget it, let’s not mention these, although I see that you have some doubts here, but the purpose of pirates is nothing more than money, and I am not much interested in this.” Luffy said lightly, “Locke, do you have any ships here!” I’m out to sea now, so I’m hoping for a pirate ship. ”

“Who the hell are you! The two of us probably don’t know each other! Also, my name is Krabattel, and I am the housekeeper here. Chloe lifted his eyes and said lightly.

“No, you are Locke, just now you used glasses in the palm of your hand! Don’t ordinary people use their fingers? The corners of Luffy’s mouth raised slightly, and he smiled confidently.

“So what!” Usopp didn’t understand Luffy’s words, although he didn’t understand them at first, but he didn’t care about such a trifle.

“The reason is actually very simple, because Chloe’s fingers have a sharp blade, no, not so much a blade, but a bobcat’s claw is more appropriate.” Luffy chuckled, “Can you tell me why you’re hiding here as a housekeeper?” ”

“I don’t know who you are, but you’re too much! Krabatel is not a pirate, and I will not allow you to say that about him. Koya upstairs retorted loudly, “Krabatel is not what Chloe you are talking about?” You, an outsider, don’t know Krabattel at all. ”

“I don’t know who he is!” Luffy was a little speechless to Koya, Luffy vaguely remembered the plot in the original book, but he didn’t expect that the dragon set at that time was Chloe, hey, it seems that the plot is really unreliable!


Luffy shaved out and suddenly appeared in front of Locke, since Locke did not reveal his identity, then he forced him to show that he was a pirate anyway, and no matter what plans Chloe had, it had nothing to do with him.

A few quick punches in a row, Locke was forced to only be able to defend, Luffy deliberately sold a flaw slightly, Locke grabbed the flaw with his body, and grabbed it with his claws.

Luffy leaned back and chuckled, “What did you do!” Locke, it seems that I have overestimated you a little! I didn’t expect you to be so quick and couldn’t bear it! ”

At this time, Locke’s hands had revealed his sharp and long claws, and the momentum of the pirate was completely released.

Except for Luffy, the rest of the people were already surprised, “This guy is really a pirate!” Solon reached out and grabbed his Wado text and whispered.

And a few guys in Usopp who played pirate games, when they saw Locke showing his minions, they all shivered and retreated to the back.

“Bharatlba.” Keya shouted in disbelief.

“All said, this guy is the pirate Locke, but the pirate who was offered a reward of 17 million, but Locke, can you tell me why you are here?” Luffy asked.

Locke lifted his eyes a little and asked, “I just saw your arm extended, in my memory, this should be the Devil Fruit!” And in my memory, the person who has this fruit should be the deputy captain of the Pirates of Spades three years ago, Pirate Luci! ”

“What pirate Luci! My name is Luffy, but that person was exactly me three years ago. Luffy watched everything about Locke come to light, and he looked a little successful.

“It’s really strange, I thought you and Fire Fist Ace went to the Great Sea, although the Navy didn’t report you later, I thought you were dead, but I didn’t expect you to be in the East China Sea.” Locke said with a pair of advice: “But this has nothing to do with me, we are all pirates, all we want is money, don’t you want pirate ships?” I’ll give you one, but I hope you leave me alone. ”

“Che, who cares about you! But I still want to know what you want to do, you have been lurking here for so long, is there any action? Luffy said with slight doubt, it stands to reason that Locke, who is a think tank, can’t come to be a housekeeper for others for no reason.

“You guy, what is the purpose, since a pirate will run here.” Usopp asked as he hid over Luffy’s body and shivered.

At this time, several security guards in this house and Ding Meili, one of them, came over and wondered: “Who are you!” How could it come to our house! ”

“Be careful.” Usopp reminded loudly.

However, Usopp’s reminder was too late, Locke’s body was as fast as the wind, and he saw a black afterimage passed, and Meili and several security guards were already splattered with blood on the spot. “Hmph.” Chloe glared at Usopp slightly, and Usopp was immediately frightened and his whole body softened.

“Meili.” Keya covered her small mouth in disbelief, tears continued to flow out of her eyes, and asked tremblingly: “Why, why do you do this, Bharatbal, why do you do this.” ”

“It’s okay to tell you, anyway, the plan has been reached, and it was originally planned to be implemented tomorrow, but now it has to be slightly advanced.” Chloe held up his glasses slightly and said to Luffy, “Boy, I can give you a pirate ship, as well as food and water, but you must leave the island immediately.” ”

When Luffy heard this, he said playfully, “Then I want to hear your plan even more, otherwise I don’t want to leave like this.” ”

“Is it? Then please die here! Saying that the body quickly rushed over, grabbed Luffy with a claw, for Luffy, Chloe is not jealous, but Luffy was able to get a high reward of 30 million three years ago, and the strength must not be weak, so there was no mercy for a shot.

Luffy was disdainful of Locke’s actions, if it was three years ago, Locke’s strength still made Luffy a little jealous, but now, it seems that Locke’s strength has not changed much.

As soon as he shot out, he directly grabbed Locke’s cat’s paw and said disdainfully: “Is your strength only like this?” ”

What, Locke said secretly, watching his cat’s claw directly grabbed by Luffy, and looking at Luffy’s arm, I don’t know why it turned black, I want to withdraw my claw, but I don’t move at all.

“Your power comes from your cat’s claw, right?” Saying that, Luffy punched Locke in the chest with his other hand, and the powerful impact directly broke the cat’s claw, and Locke flew out directly as if he was hit by a car.

The rest of the people were also dumbfounded, and they didn’t see what was going on with Locke’s action just now, so they were directly knocked out by Luffy.

The only one here who saw the action was Solon alone, just Solon, although Locke’s attack just now could also block it, but I am afraid that there was no way to knock Locke away as easily as Luffy, and his heart was a little higher on Luffy’s strength again.

“It seems that after you became a housekeeper, you have been living a comfortable life, and your strength has not increased much!” Locke. Looking at Locke, who slowly got up, Luffy said lightly.

“Stinky boy.”

“Let’s not talk about this, Locke, compared to your plan, Locke, are you interested in coming to my pirate group!” Although Locke’s strength is not very good, but his mind is quite good, Luffy still tried to invite.

“Your pirate group?” Locke immediately retorted loudly: “Less laughter, how is this possible!” I came here to be a housekeeper just to avoid the pursuit and killing of the world government, but I didn’t want to be a pirate before I implemented this plan. ”

At this moment, Luffy was a little helpless and asked, “So what is your plan!” Can you say that? If you really want to retire, then I have to go to someone else. ”

“Hmph, okay! I’ll tell you! My plan started three years ago…” Then, Chloe told Luffy and the others all about his plan, Keya, who was not in good health, after listening to it, felt that the heaven and earth had completely changed, and the person he trusted the most, since he just wanted his property, his face suddenly turned pale.

“You bastard, since you dare to deceive Keya like this.” Usopp raised his slingshot and said angrily.

“How’s it going! Luffy-kun, as long as you promise not to interfere in my affairs, I can give you a third of Keya’s family property, so that you don’t have to be a pirate, although it is only one-third, but it is also a huge fortune, and you will not worry about eating and drinking in the next life. Locke seduced.

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