“Luffy, ignore this guy, this guy is simply not human.” Usopp gritted his teeth.

Listening to Usopp’s words, Nami also agreed, comparing his village to be occupied by pirates, saying: “Luffy, go straight up, with your strength, you should be able to defeat him, right!” ”

Solon looked indifferent when he arrived, compared to him he saw more of this kind of thing, although if he saw that the pirate wanted to kill, the sense of justice in his heart would also make him go up to help others, but now he is a pirate, I’m afraid it can’t be the same as together, the decision is still in the captain.

Luffy was slightly amused, playful: “A third of the property!” It sounds exciting, if it’s another pirate, but I’m not interested. ”

“What?” Locke was a little surprised, and said with a slight anger: “Then you must intervene.” ”

Luffy was slightly annoyed, “Indeed! Okay, I’ve answered your question, so it’s up to you, do you want to come to my ship! We are pirates, of course, we have to sail on the sea, if you really want to retreat, then go to the sea to fight and retreat, using a despicable means, I see can not leave it alone! ”

“You guy.” Locke gritted his teeth and said, his heart was not quite calculating, but no matter how he calculated, the final result was not a good result.

“You don’t talk and laugh, I have been preparing a plan for three years, and it must not be dismissed because of your appearance, let’s say!” What the hell do you want to stop? Although Locke didn’t know Luffy well, he thought that as long as he was an individual, there must be conditions to talk about, but he didn’t know if he could get it.

“Nothing! I just want you to be my crew, now that your plan has been leaked, I’m afraid it must be implemented as soon as possible, otherwise, sooner or later it will be discovered by the people in the village, once the people in the village find out, the navy may know that the real Captain Rock is still alive, you can’t retire with peace of mind, come to my ship! Luffy extended the invitation again.

“Hey, Luffy, you’re not mistaken! This guy has been lurking here for three whole years, and he also wants to seize the property of the Keya family, since you want to invite this kind of person to the boat!” Nami immediately retorted, she hated Locke, who was originally a pirate, and even more disgusted when she learned about his plan.

“That’s why I invited him to our ship!” Otherwise, he will kill Keya and encroach on this village, and if our pirate group comes, then there is no need for him to kill Keya. Luffy said in a way that he didn’t understand.

“Then you just have to knock him down, can’t you?” Watching Luffy pretend to be a fool to herself, Nami said unpleasantly.

“I’m wondering why you want to invite me on your ship, I’m no longer interested in sailing.” Locke held up his glasses and wondered.

Listening to Locke’s words, Luffy chuckled, “This, the reason is actually very simple!” Because your pirates in the East China Sea are mainly resourceful, I want you to be my counselor, and your strength is also quite good, or, I saw your spoon death three years ago, then if you can control it freely, then your strength is absolutely strong. ”

“Hmph, spoon death can’t be controlled freely at all.” Locke said a little bleakly: “The speed is so fast that even I don’t know it, I can’t see it, completely indiscriminate attacks, if you invite me to your ship, I’m afraid the rest of your companions will also be killed by my move.” ”

“Not really, although your speed is fast, it is not the fastest I have ever seen.” Luffy said lightly: “And my partners are also very strong, you can’t kill them.” ”

“Strong?” Saying that, Locke looked at Nami and Solon, for Solon’s strength, although Locke has been working as a butler now, he has also heard of the name of Solon the Pirate Hunter, but he knows nothing about Nami.

“Are you your navigator a little girl?” Locke wondered.

“Yes! But Nami is a genius navigator, and also has great potential, navigation is the most needed is navigator, and I also prepared a devil fruit for Nami, and the future development will definitely not be too low. Luffy said confidently.

“So it is, just like this, the strength of this pirate ship is not weak!” If you want me to join, you can do it, but I want to be the deputy captain. Locke immediately said, he was not very interested in sailing, but now he has a trace of interest, wanting to see Luffy’s potential power, because he is alone, even if he is jumping, he is only in this small place in the East China Sea, he has read Ace’s newspaper, and knows that Fire Fist Ace is now the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, so Locke wants to see if Luffy can make a name, and if he can make a name, it is not a loss to follow him.

“Deputy Captain?” Luffy chuckled, “Yes! But I’m afraid your strength is not enough!” Solon, how about you try it with him! ”

“Ugh!” Solon tilted his head slightly and wondered, “Yes, but I’m not interested in any deputy captain, the chief swordsman on the ship, I want to sit and see.” With that, Solon took out three knives and made a fighting stance.

“Pirate hunter Solon, I have long heard of your daimyo.” Locke also made a fighting stance and secretly said: Let me see! How many weights does this kid’s crew have, and is it really worth my follow.

Although Luffy didn’t know what Locke was thinking, even if he knew Luffy, he didn’t bother to care, and Solon’s goal was the first swordsman, and Luffy really didn’t think that Locke could beat Solon.

The next moment, the two began to fight continuously, although Locke’s claws in one hand were broken, although it somewhat reduced his combat effectiveness, but the victory was in speed.

The two of them moved so fast, I saw that the blades of both sides continued to make a ‘ping-ping’ sound, and sparks continued to splash, although the speed of the two in the eyes of everyone was fast, but Luffy looked at the eyes very flat.

If you look closely, you will find that Luffy’s eyes are a little sleepy, for the speed of the two, Luffy feels slow enough, and has been stalemated like this, it is really a little helpless, although in their eyes this is a very thrilling battle.

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