On the next voyage, Luffy went to rob the pirates’ treasures in order to help Nami scrape together 100 million berry, but luckily, he just met the Bucky Pirates, and now Luffy has just defeated Bucky, and Nami is busy cleaning up the treasures of the Bucky Pirates.

Remembering in the original book, Bucky seemed to be a trainee crew member on the same boat with Shanks when he was a child, but Shanks is now one of the four emperors of pirates, and Bucky is just a small 15 million pirates in the East China Sea, and he can’t help but despise him.

In the original work, Luffy fought with Bucky, although he was injured, but in the end he easily defeated Bucky, which shows how weak Bucky’s strength is.

Solon looked at Nami and took out a large bag of treasure, “It seems that your treasure should be enough in this case!” Plus your own, there should be 100 million berry! ”

“Okay, Nami, let’s go to your village! If Aaron doesn’t agree, just kill him. Luffy said confidently.

“No, wait a minute!” Nami immediately retorted: “Although it is enough for 100 million berry now, the construction in the village still needs money, so I want to steal some.” “After all, now Nami is surrounded by Luffy and Solon, the two big bodyguards, and they don’t have to think about being sneaky like before, and they can easily get all the treasures by directly letting the two destroy the pirate group.

“Hey, hey, you’re not mistaken! We are pirates, not thieves, if we want to build a village, we can go directly to defeat Aaron, where Aaron should have a lot of treasure, right! Solon said with some dissatisfaction.

“As I said, I will buy the village back for 100 million berry.” When she spoke, Nami was obviously not as confident as a few days ago, because she was now a little confused, and after seeing Luffy’s strength, Nami, who had not the slightest resistance to Aaron, saw a little hope.

“Okay, don’t talk about this first, I think that Aaron can’t abide by the agreement, forget it, it’s useless to talk too much, in short, when the time comes, I went to your village, but Aaron’s compliance or non-compliance, I have to knock him down, let you suffer for eight years, since you returned him 100 million berry, Nami don’t you love money the most?” Luffy asked slightly.

Listening to Luffy’s words, Nami’s face was slightly bitter.

Luffy was also a little helpless, eight years of persecution made Nami already think of Aaron as an invincible existence, and she couldn’t raise the heart to resist him at all, and said: “Okay, in short, next I want to prepare to find some like-minded partners with me, after all, the place to go at that time is a great route, let’s go!” ”

Catching, after several days of sailing, the trio finally reached the next island, which was not so much an island as a small village, which was completely small and pitiful, a small island with only one village.

As soon as he landed on the island, several small iron balls quickly knocked down the feet of the three people, and countless pirate flags were immediately raised in the surrounding woods, and a man with a long nose stood on a high place and roared: “Pirates, this village has been occupied by our pirate group, I advise you to leave quickly!” I am a sea thief with 8,000 men, Usopp, and people call me Captain Usopp. ”

A cold scene, for Usopp’s words, the three of them could not answer, the corners of Solon’s mouth raised slightly, his eyes released a little murderous aura, and said with a sinister smile: “Oh, 8,000 people?” This time the killing can kill to the point of pleasure. ”

Usopp was instantly frightened by the murderous aura released by Solon, and retreated with some fear: “Don’t mess around!” I have 8,000 subordinates, Captain Usopp, and if you dare to mess around, my subordinates will not let you go. ”

“What 8,000 subordinates! That’s a lie! Nami said disdainfully.

“Oops, outfit.” Listening to Nami expose her lie, Usopp immediately panicked: “Indeed, although I don’t have 8,000 subordinates, all of my subordinates are indeed elites. ”

“Only three people!”

Listening to his lies being exposed, Usopp began to panic, watching his men begin to flee, shouting: “Hey, you guys, don’t go!” ”

Luffy’s first look at Usopp was very disdainful, why would this guy become his partner! I’m afraid that this kind of person, only Luffy in the original book in the world will want it! If he didn’t know that Usopp’s sniping ability in the later period would definitely be good, after all, Luffy must be the future One Piece, then on Luffy’s ship, Usopp is poor, and he has some ability, and there is no sniper on his ship just now, and he will definitely not want him.

“Now what are you going to do! It seems that your subordinates have fled. Luffy chuckled.

“And I think I also know, how can there be pirates who use slingshots as weapons!” Your acting skills are also too bad! Nami picked up a marble.

Usopp immediately pulled out his slingshot and aimed it at Luffy, “Indeed! But I won’t let you into the village, although this is just a slingshot, but I advise you not to underestimate me, this is more powerful than a gun! ”

“Have you already pulled it out?” Luffy said in a deep voice, giving Usopp a strange sense of oppression.

Listening to Luffy’s voice, Usopp felt a shuddering feeling all over his body, and his voice trembled slightly: “You, what do you say!” ”

“I mean, the thing you have in your hand is not used to scare people, since you have already pulled it out, then in this way, you are already ready to awaken.” Luffy asked in a low voice.

“Enlightenment, what enlightenment do you say! Hey, there’s where people went. Usopp muttered, only to realize that the Luffy in front of him had long since disappeared.

“It’s the consciousness of gambling with your life!” As Usopp looked around, Luffy appeared behind Usopp with a slightly murderous expression.

In an instant, Usopp was directly frightened by Luffy and fell down in a panic.

“It seems that you don’t have such an enlightenment! This is also worthy of being called a pirate! You have to figure out that the one standing in front of you is a real pirate. Solon walked up to Usopp and drew his knife and laughed ‘evil’.

“Aaaaah!” Usopp was immediately frightened by Solon and retreated, and secretly said: Sure enough, these guys are real pirates, and the momentum is really different!

“Okay, okay, you two don’t play with him.” Nami said a little helplessly, originally it was just for fun, who knew that Luffy and Solon were so ‘evil’, since they played so much.

Listening to Nami’s words, Solon and Luffy couldn’t help but laugh and said, “No way, who called him so interesting!” Anyway, it’s too idle, just play by the way. ”

Usopp was confused by the three, and Luffy chuckled, “You should be Usopp!” I heard your Father Jesus mention you. ”

“Jesus Cloth? Do you know my father? Listening to the name, Usopp said with some excitement.

“Indeed! I knew him when I was a child, and you and your father really look alike! So I just came over and recognized you. Luffy said lightly.

“By the way, is my father okay now? Where is he now! Usopp asked with some excitement.

“This one! He was now on the Great Route, now on the ship of the red-haired Shanks, whom I had seen ten years ago. Luffy said with a little nostalgia.

“Red-haired Shanks, that’s a sea thief!”

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, can you take us to the village?” We wanted to go get something to eat and get a pirate ship by the way. Luffy looked at Usopp who had been there and sighed.

“Okay, then you guys come with me!”

After Usopp brought Luffy and the others to the restaurant, he left after a while, Luffy looked at a villa outside through the window and said, “It seems that there is also a rich family here!” ”

“What a beautiful villa!” Nami said with some envy.

“We’ll go to that villa in a moment, and ask them if they have any ships to sell us, we’ve all been sailing for so long, and we don’t even have our own pirate ships and flags, which is too bad!” Solon said with some dissatisfaction.

“It’s good to be calm, although we can go and grab other people’s pirate ships directly, but I don’t like it, at least if the pirate flag, I have already thought about it.” Luffy said as he ate the meat a little sticky.

“That’s you! Pirates, where did Captain Usopp go. At this time, the three imps who followed Usopp ran over.

“Who knows!” Luffy didn’t care, and threw the bones he had eaten to them, “Now return the captain to you, let’s go!” Gremlin. ”


“Did you give Captain Usopp?”

“Ah! Little ghosts, your captain, have been eaten by us. Solon said with a gloomy smile.

Nami looked at the three little ghosts who were frightened by Solon, a little helpless, Luffy and Solon were here to scare the children again, and said with some dissatisfaction: “You two don’t scare them, okay!” ”

“Hahaha, just kidding! Don’t take it seriously! Solon laughed.

“By the way, do you know who lives in that house?” Luffy had always been a little curious about the mansion.

“There! It was Miss Koya, by the way, at this time, Captain Usopp must have gone there. ”

Catching, Usopp’s three subordinates took Luffy and the three to the outside of this villa, and there were also guards guarding the door of the villa, Luffy said lightly: “Okay! Just go inside and take a look! By the way, ask them if they have pirate ships. ”

“Wait! Krabatel inside is the housekeeper here, he won’t let us in, he hates pirates the most. ”

“This has nothing to do with me, I just went to ask him if there is a pirate ship for us, let’s go!” Saying that, Luffy directly grabbed a few people and his body bounced in.

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