(I don’t read this chapter, it’s not interesting, it’s just nonsense)

“Luffy, Saab, get ready to go, and you’re going to do a good job today.” Ace smiled.

That’s right, now Luffy, Ace, and Saab are also notorious in the city, although this is the case, but the three of them are basically just black and black, plus the three run fast every time, so the guards in the city are also very helpless to them.

“Luffy.” At this time, a gentle voice shouted.

“Ah! Sister Marcino, village chief, why are you here! Luffy was also a little excited, comparing and Marcino they had not seen each other for more than half a year.

“Of course, I came to see you, of course, my sister also brought you gifts.” Saying that, Marcino took the basket in her hand.

“By the way, there are also those two, Ace, Saab, you all come too!”

Ace and Saab came over with some reluctance, and Luffy said, “By the way, sister Marcino, how do you know Ace and Saab!” ”

“This one! I asked Dadan’s when I came. ”

“Ah! Dadan, sister Marcino, she’s a thief, you better not get too close to her. ”

“Oh, don’t worry! Miss Da Dan is very nice. ”

“Luffy, you just said bad things behind your back again, right?” Da Dan suddenly appeared from behind.

“Come on, Luffy, try this dress, it seems that you haven’t seen it for half a year, and you are much stronger again!” Luffy. Marcino looked at the small piece of abs on Luffy’s body.

“That’s, I’m going to be a One Piece man, of course it’s powerful.” Saying that, Luffy said a little arrogantly: “Even Ace and Saab are not my opponents. ”

“What do you mean by that! Didn’t you just win a few more games than I did? What is there to be proud of! Saab complained.

“Luffy, you make it clear to me, the two of us have always been tied, and you kid can only tie with me by relying on that boring rubber fruit, and if I eat the devil fruit, you must not be my opponent.” Ace listened to Luffy suddenly say that he was inferior to him, and immediately went on fire.

“Che, why don’t you say you’re three years older than me!” Luffy, who ignored Ace, said with contempt.

After giving the clothes to the three, Luffy said, “Thank you, Sister Marcino, although I really want to go to the windmill village to eat your cooking now, but now that Eszabo and I are independent, of course, I will definitely go down to see you when I have time.” ”

“Is it? So Luffy, you have to keep it up. By the way, wait a minute, Luffy. Saying that, Marcino said and took out a jade pendant: “Luffy, it must be dangerous for you to cultivate in this forest!” Sister has nothing to help you, but I hope this Yupei can bless you! With that, Marcino took care of herself to help Luffy put it on.

“Ah! Thank you, Sister Marcino, I will definitely keep it well. Luffy was slightly touched in his heart, after all, in the windmill village, Marcino was the best for herself.

“Cut, it’s really superstitious.” Eszabo looked at it and said disdainfully.

“Hehe, Ace, Saab, then the two are envious and jealous! It’s a pity! It’s not your share. Luffy said with a very sluggish expression.

“What an idiot! Who would envy and envy hate! When Luffy said this, he immediately said the true thoughts in the hearts of the two, and said angrily.

“Then, Sister Marcino, let’s go to training first.” With that, Luffy waved his hand at Marcino and left with Eszabo.

On the garbage mountain, the three of Eszaab Luffy looked for wood that could be tried out, and although the secret base of the three had been built some time ago, it still needed many things to maintain.

Saab picked up the wooden planks that could still be used on the ground and said to himself, “I really envy Luffy’s guy!” Since there is such a gentle and beautiful sister, although it is not a sister, but it is really enviable! ”

“Don’t you also have a gentle father? Little young master. At this time, a pirate came over and said with a dark smile: “Little young master, doesn’t your father miss you too?” Your father asked us to tell you what you brought back, little young master. ”

“It’s you, Brujam.” Saab looked at the person who came and was surprised, yes, this person is the captain of the Brujam Pirates, with a bounty of 10 million Berry, Saab looked at the person a little nervously, although he said that he and Luffy Saab joined forces to rob the money of their pirate group before, and also defeated his crew, but he will not go out personally for such a small matter!

Saab suddenly remembered what Brujam had just said, and said, “What did you just say, you said that my father asked you to take me back.” ”

“That’s right, little young master, his precious son ran away from home, as a father’s master, can he not worry? So send you down to bring the little young master back. Brujam laughed sinisterly.

Saab looked at the pirates who surrounded him, and stepped back slightly in some shock, “Retractable, rubber bullet.” ”

At this time, Luffy and Ace quickly attacked from behind, knocked down several pirates, and appeared next to Saab: “Want to take Saab?” “Then ask if we agree or not!” Pirate. ”

“Ace, Luffy.” Saab said a little excitedly, “Ace, Luffy, this guy…”

“Ah! I know, it’s Brujam, damn it! Ace looked at the pirate on the opposite side, and his heart was not calm, although the three defeated his crew before, but Brujam was a pirate with a bounty of 10 million berry.

“Don’t worry at all, just like last time.” Luffy said confidently.

“Ah! That’s right, if the three of us join forces, these guys are not our opponents at all, and go together. Saying that, the three rushed up together.

Brujam took out a pistol and shot it, Ace’s foot was directly shot and immediately fell to the ground, smiling: “Your movements are quite flexible!” But that’s the end of it, boy, I know you’re a Devil Fruit powerhouse, and you don’t seem to be afraid of bullets, right! But if you dare to move, I’ll just kill the little ghost. Said pointing a pistol at the three.

Luffy glared angrily at Brujam and gritted his teeth, when several pirates came over and directly grabbed the three.

“Is everything done?” At this time, a middle-aged nobleman came over with a large group of troops defending the city, and this person Luffy knew, was the father of Saab.

“Really, are these two brats kidnapping my son?”

“Master, now we have brought the little young master back unharmed.” Brujam looked at the person who came and immediately said respectfully: “Don’t worry! Sir, I promise that I won’t let the two brats harass the little young master. ”

Listening to this, Saab said anxiously: “Wait, Dad, I ran away from home voluntarily, regardless of their business.” ”

Saab’s father covered his head a little helplessly and said, “Hey, really, since you instigated my son like this, Brujam, you can see for yourself!” ”

“Wait.” When Sabo heard this, how could he not understand the meaning of the words, and said, “Dad, you just let them two go!” I promise you that I will listen to you and go back with you. ”

“Saab, no, come back quickly.” “Saab, don’t you want true freedom? Now it’s different from what you said! ”

Saab listened to Ace’s Luffy’s words, smiled bitterly, and left with his father.

In the evening, after Ace and Luffy returned to their secret base, Luffy wondered, “Ace, why are you going to help those pirates as coolies!” ”

“It’s not a coolie, I’m just waiting for an opportunity.” Ace looked at the night sky and said with a firm look in his eyes.

“Chance? Now we can’t even win a 10 million pirate, how to save Saab! Luffy thought of this, a little lost.

“Okay, leave this alone, go to bed quickly!” Saying that, Ace directly covered his head with the quilt and lay down.

The next day, Luffy and Ace walked to the garbage mountain, which was supposed to go directly to Brujam, and help them carry some goods.

But Luffy remembered Brujam’s stinking face, and said very upset: “I don’t do it, so I don’t want to help that group of stinky pirates?” ”

“Luffy, what are you talking about! I’m upset too, but I can’t help it now! Only by approaching them will it be possible for us to save Saab. Ace explained patiently.

“Didn’t Saab say that? We want to live more than anyone else, so why should I help those hateful pirates! I’m going to save Saab on my own. Luffy said unpleasantly.

“Yes! I forgot that we wanted to be pirates for our own sake. Ace listened to Luffy’s words and said, “But I don’t know if that Sabo guy likes his current life, after all, he is a nobleman, although he himself said that he hates that home, but he hasn’t been home for so long, it’s okay…”

“Alright! Luffy, I’ll listen to you this time, but we still have to understand Saab’s intentions before we believe it, let’s find a way to sneak in tonight! Ace suggested.

At night, Luffy wondered, “Strange, what’s going on today!” How come those defenders are there! Damn it! Then we can’t go in. ”

Ace took two steps back and leaned against the wall and said a little helplessly: “No way, who told us to rob and make trouble in the city in the past!” If it goes now, they will definitely be caught, but I think they shouldn’t be there all the time! Wait a minute! ”

Suddenly, the next moment, many places around suddenly burst into flames, and Luffy wondered, “What’s going on.” ”

“Why is it suddenly on fire! And so many places are on fire at the same time. Suddenly, flames were lit in many places, and Ace noticed that something was wrong, as if someone had done it on purpose.

“Ace, something is wrong! You see, the flames seem to envelop a mountain of garbage. Luffy said with some surprise.

“Damn it! What the hell is going on! Luffy, today’s action is canceled first, let’s go back first! Ace noticed that something was wrong and immediately said to Luffy.

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