Ace watched the surrounding places constantly catch fire, because this is a garbage mountain, many things are prone to fire, making the originally small fire spread very quickly.

Luffy gasped slightly, because the fire was too big, causing the oxygen around him to be hot, and said with some difficulty: “Damn it! It’s miserable, Ace, we are surrounded by fire, and today there is still wind, and the fire spreads very quickly! ”

“I also know this, it seems that it is impossible to leave safely, Luffy, you follow me, I will open the way.”

“What are you kidding! You’ll die. Luffy said anxiously, although at the beginning, because of Ace’s indifferent personality, he was a little unhappy, but now after half a year of getting along, his opinion of Ace has long changed.

“No wonder you two imps didn’t come today, I didn’t expect to be here!” At this time, a disgusting voice came over.

“Brujam, why are you here!” Luffy wondered.

“Now that there is such a big fire here, let’s find a way to escape together!” Although Ace was not happy with the person of Brujam, he still suggested.

“Hmph, escape, such a big fire, can you forget where to escape!” Even above the sea, it was sprinkled with fire oil, and there was nowhere to escape. Brujam smirked.

“Fire oil, don’t you say?” When Ace heard this, he looked at Brujam angrily and said, “Bastard, it turns out that you put this fire!” ”

“Don’t say that, too, you have a share, do you remember what you moved yesterday?” Brujam reminded.

“I didn’t expect it to be fire oil!” Luffy thought about yesterday’s box and wondered, “Since you put the fire, then why are you still here, didn’t you take refuge?” ”

Listening to Luffy’s words, Brujam said angrily: “Refuge, damn it, it’s all that damn royal family, since they deceived us.” ”

“Hmph, that’s so deserved, now that you’re going to die here, you’re really stupid!” Ace was originally very unhappy, and immediately said sarcastically after hearing Brujam’s words, and his heart was much more comfortable.

“Hmph, indeed! But it doesn’t matter, by the way, little ghost, where is your treasure, hand it over. Brujam asked darkly.

Ace frowned, secretly cursed a madman, and said, “Now this kind of life and death situation, since you still think about treasure.” ”

“Che, Ace, what is there to say to this kind of person! Look at his dead face, even if we give you the treasure now, what can we do, do you have the life to use it? Luffy is very upset now, there was still a chance to escape, but now it is blocked by this group of pirates, the hope of escaping is getting slimmer and slimmer, looking at the infinite spreading fire, Luffy gritted his teeth and said: “Ace, I’ll deal with them in a while, you can find a way to escape.” ”

“What a joke! Luffy, how could I escape! Being underestimated by Luffy, Ace was immediately upset, and said, “Besides, I’m an older brother, how can I be protected by you!” Both of us, but we have to live together. ”

“Hmph, live, boy, you just said that I look dead, but in this case, do you think you have a chance to escape again?” Brujam said dismissively.

“Ah! Of course I will live, but I want to become a man of One Piece, how can I die in such a ghost place! Luffy said firmly.

“Hmph One Piece, boring, little ones, kill them both for me.” Brujam, who had completely fallen into madness, and a group of his men, who had no hope of survival, all rushed towards the two madly.

“Damn it! These guys are all crazy. Ace cursed in a low voice, and Luffy and the two quickly rushed into the crowd.

Luffy and Ace are back to back, and now these pirates have completely lost their lives, the pirates who are not weak in strength, the way to play without life, the two of them are completely unable to recruit.

“Damn it! These guys. Luffy’s arm quickly extended and knocked one of the pirates in the front.

At this time, Brujam, who was standing on the side, quickly rushed over, looked at Luffy with a knife, and saw a blood spray spraying out from Luffy.

“Luffy.” Looking at Brujam’s sneak attack, Ace roared, but in an instant, a flaw was also revealed, and several pirates behind quickly subdued Ace.


“You better care about yourself first!” Saying that, Brujam slashed down again.

Luffy’s body jumped backwards and gasped, “Damn it! ”

Brujam watched Luffy dodge his attacks continuously, a little playful: “You kid is still helpless!” It’s a pity! Today we are all going to die here, if you are given a few years, even Lao Tzu will not be your opponent, but it’s a pity. ”

Luffy looked at the opposite Burgjam, had to be frightened, worthy of being a pirate with a bounty of 10 million berry, he had exhausted his strength just by dodging, there was no room for counterattack, even if he was in his heyday, he was not his opponent, not to mention now, because of the fire, the oxygen around has become less and less, and the air is all hot, for Luffy who is a rubber fruit, it is a very unpleasant thing.

Although I don’t know how Luffy in the original book got through this difficulty, Luffy knows that as a crosser, if he hangs up before even the plot begins, isn’t it too embarrassing for our crosser’s face.

Chuckled: “Hmph, I, I will never die, before I become One Piece, I will definitely not die.” Saying that, the body rushed forward quickly, with both arms behind him, constantly extended.

He roared, “Stretch freely…”

“Hmph, are you still struggling?” Saying that, at the same time Brujam also picked up the knife and rushed forward at the same time.

“Rubber rocket launcher.”

I saw a blood flower shoot out from Luffy’s back again, inserting a steel knife into Luffy’s abdomen, and the owner of the knife, Brujam, was also shot out by Luffy’s rubber rocket launcher.

“Ahem, it hurts!” Luffy covered his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which ran down the fingers.

“Luffy, Luffy, are you okay!” Ace yelled.

“How is it possible, since the boss has been knocked down.” For a moment, it made those little pirates a little unbelievable.

Because of this, Ace suddenly broke free from the control of the pirates, and immediately walked to Luffy and asked anxiously: “Luffy, are you okay!” You hold on, I’ll get you out of here right away. ”

“Bastard little ghost, I can’t spare you.” Brujame, who had already flown away, immediately pushed away the fire chips around him, patted his body a little, and lit the flames.

“Abominable fellow, you bastard.” Ace looked at Brujam who came over.

“Captain, so you’re okay!” “Boss.”

“Oh, this guy is really powerful! That’s my most destructive move right now! Luffy looked at Brujam who came over and smiled bitterly.

Ace immediately took up his weapon to block the front, “Bastard, I won’t let you hurt Luffy.” Saying that, he picked up the iron bar and hit Brujam directly.

Brujam is now in a rage, grabbing Ace’s iron bar directly and punching Ace out.

“Ace, you guy.” Luffy looked at Brujam angrily.

Brujam wiped the blood from his mouth and said, “Little ghost, you know what? That punch from you just now hurts me! At that moment, I felt like I was going to break my internal organs, which is very good! Gremlin. With that, he kicked Luffy out.

“Luffy.” Ace just wanted to go over, but was pressed to the ground by several pirates behind.

Brujam smiled darkly, “You’re just looking over there!” Let your incompetent big brother see the scene of your own brother dying in front of your eyes! ”

Saying that, he stepped on Luffy’s body and quickly took out the big knife on Luffy’s abdomen, and blood sprayed out from Luffy’s body like a fountain.

“Aaaaa Luffy groaned in pain, the blood on his body drained faster, and he felt that his eyes gradually became darker.

“Luffy, damn it! Stop, stop me quickly. ”

“Hehe, you just show me over there! But it seems that this little ghost is in pain now! I’ll get to know him quickly and I’ll let you accompany him right away. With that, Brujam raised his sword high.

Luffy looked at this scene and secretly said: Damn it! It’s not clear in front of you, since you are going to die before the plot has begun? I am really the most failed crosser!

Luffy’s eyes grew darker and darker, vaguely looking at the falling knife.

“Stop me.” In an instant, Ace’s roar erupted with a strong momentum, and the pirates who had originally pressed him down also suffered this aura in an instant, and all fainted.

The big knife that was supposed to cut Luffy’s body also stopped immediately, and Brujam looked at his slightly trembling hand, and immediately held it tightly with the other retract, surprised: “What the hell is going on.” ”

“Get me out of Luffy.” Ace, who got rid of the group of pirates, quickly rushed over and hit Brujam with a stick.

Although because of the momentum that Ace broke out just now, Brujam was a little distracted, but after all, he was also considered to have experienced a hundred battles, and he suddenly returned to his senses and immediately raised his big knife to block it.

Forcing Brujam back slightly, looking at Luffy’s situation, he cursed secretly: Damn it! If you don’t hurry up and help Luffy stop the bleeding, Luffy will die.

“Ace.” Luffy looked at Ace and cried out weakly.

“Luffy, you hold on, I’ll take you to treatment right away, I won’t let you die.” Hearing Luffy’s voice, Ace immediately said excitedly.

“Oh, that stinky little ghost’s vitality is really tenacious! It’s not dead yet, but it’s fast, even if you leave it alone, you will lose too much blood and die after a while. Brujam heard Luffy’s voice, a little surprised, but it immediately turned sarcastic.

“Damn it!” Ace listened to the stick and hit it.

However, Brujam cut off Ace’s stick with a knife, pressed Ace to the ground with one palm, and said coldly: “Hmph, it seems that you plan to die before that little ghost, right!” Well, I’ll fulfill you right away. ”

“Ace, damn it, stop me.” Luffy’s head turned slightly and shouted weakly.

“Give me death!” Saying that, he stabbed down.

‘Ping’ saw a big axe cut on the knife and ejected the knife.

Luffy looked at the person who came and whispered, “Dadan?” Then he closed his eyes and fainted.

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