After going back, Luffy also brought a few deer back like Ace, more like a mountain thief like Dadan, only to use strength to speak, bring them some food back, and let them obediently shut up.

“Oh, Ace, it turns out that you have also returned!” Luffy greeted as he watched Ace return with the fish.

Ace glanced at Luffy slightly, did not speak, and entered the room without thinking.

Luffy was also surprised, and said, “Ace, can you tell me where you ran today?” ”

“None of your business.”

“It’s really indifferent enough, but forget it, today is because my stomach is too hungry, so I didn’t continue to chase you, tomorrow I will follow you to death, hehe, then I will know where you go.” Luffy said playfully.

“You dare to follow, I must make you look good when you come.” Listening to Luffy’s words, Ace said with a slight threat.

“Ace, you have been here for so long, you must know a lot of good places, right! I will definitely follow you, and the good things should be taken out and shared together! And didn’t grandpa also let the two of us get along well? Luffy said with some cunning in his eyes, Ace looked at Luffy’s expression and really wanted to punch him in the face.

“That’s what the smelly old man said, you should do whatever you want, why do you always have to follow me!” It’s rare that with your strength, you can’t survive in this forest! As long as you don’t run into those forest overlords and the like, there is nothing to be afraid of at all. Ace said a little unpleasantly, after all, he had to find a way to shake off this cowhide candy, otherwise tomorrow the guy really followed, and things would be troublesome.

“Well, this one, I don’t want it.”

“Why?” Ace roared a little unpleasantly.

“This one! There are many reasons for this! Although I can also cultivate by myself, but after all, I am boring training alone, it is better to be with Ace, and Ace knows this place very well, at least it is a good choice to follow it now! Luffy laughed.

Ace’s reason for deciding Luffy was really boring enough, and he wanted to ask for this cowhide candy as soon as possible, and said, “If you just want to have fun, then you can go to Dadan!” He used to be the king of the mountain here, and he knew more about this place than I did. ”

“No, I hate the mountain thief, and he looks so ugly, I will have nightmares at night when I see her.” Luffy said lightly.

“It’s really a piece of cowhide candy, I can’t shake it off!” It’s really troublesome to die for. Ace said with some dissatisfaction.

“Hehe, then when you say that, you agree that I follow you.”

“When did I agree.” Ace yelled a little broken.

“Hey, Ace, aren’t you also grandpa’s grandson? Then you should be my brother, right? Aren’t all older brothers supposed to protect younger brothers? This brother of yours is really incompetent. Luffy said, looking at Ace with a look of disdain.

“When did I become your brother again! Having said that, I’m not the grandson of the smelly old man, and I don’t want to recognize that grandfather. Ace said this, and his tone softened slightly.

Luffy was a little puzzled, so he was speechless: “Hey, forget it, it’s really not sensible at all, then I’ll be the older brother and you the younger brother.” ”

“Bastard, who wants to be your brother! You’re obviously younger than me, okay! After the roar, Ace asked in a low voice, “So, Luffy, do you really think I’m your brother?” ”

“Ah! This one! It was grandpa who said it. ”

“Stinky old man?” Ace said this, his eyes softened slightly.

“And ah! Ace, look, didn’t you say there were some forest overlords? It’s strong, right! So how about the two of us joining forces and defeating it together! Ace. Luffy said a little excitedly when he thought of the so-called forest overlord.

“Hey, forget it, okay! I’ll take you over tomorrow, our secret base. Ace said mysteriously.

The next day, Ace said lightly: “Come with me!” Luffy. ”

Luffy looked at Ace, feeling as if he had returned to the hot-blooded Ace of the original anime, at least not as cold as before, and replied, “Oh.” ”

After following Ace, he walked for more than half an hour, and after reaching his destination, Ace roared: “Saab, are you there?” ”

“Oh, Ace, here you are.” At this time, I saw a boy with blond hair and a hat appear on the tree.

“Well, who is he! Ace. Saab looked at Luffy and wondered.

“Oh he! His name is Luffy, and he looks like he’s going to join us in the future. Ace introduced.

“Luffy, it’s the one you said yesterday, the cowhide candy whose strength may not be weaker than yours.” Saab said with slight surprise.

“Oh, hello! Saab, my name is Luffy. ”

Saab got down from the tree and looked at Luffy carefully, “Ace, is this guy really that powerful?” ”

Ace said a little helplessly: “Ah! Indeed! And he is still a Devil Fruit ability, let him join! ”

Luffy wondered, “What the hell is going on!” Ace. ”

Ace said lightly: “In front of this, there is a garbage dump, outside the city, that area is all unemployable, that is to say, there is no jurisdiction, where did Saab and I meet 5 years ago.” ”

“Dump?” Luffy wondered.

“Although it is said to be a garbage dump, most of the people living in the city are nobles, so the garbage they throw out is also worth a lot, and Saab and I are constantly snatching money from the hands of some gangsters to plan for going to sea in the future.”

“Go to sea, Ace, Saab, then do you want to go to sea in the future and become a pirate?” Luffy asked with some excitement.

“Ah! Why, Luffy, do you want to be a pirate too! Then why don’t you come to my ship then! Ace invited directly.

“It’s treacherous! Ace, Luffy, let’s ship later! Saab also said immediately.

Luffy was a little helpless and said, “It turns out that you are also going to be a captain!” It’s a pity! I’m also going to be a captain, and I’m going to be One Piece, so I can’t join that kind of pirate group. ”

“What a joke! The one who became One Piece was me. Saab immediately argued.

“It turns out that you two plan to go to sea on your own! Well, I always thought you would come to my ship Saab? Ace said with some regret.

“Forget it! Is it still early? I have already made an appointment with Shanks, I will go to sea in 10 years, that is, when I am 17 years old, to find a group of partners who are not lost to him, get ONEPIECE, and become One Piece. Luffy said confidently.

Saab said, “Is it? But I also want to become One Piece, let’s compare and see when the time comes! Luffy. ”

“But the important thing now is that we should go rob some money today!” Otherwise, there will be no ships at sea in the future. Ace said.

In this way, Luffy and Sabois hunted and robbed every day, living a free life.

Half a year passed like this, and on this day, I encountered a very strange thing, “Hey, Saab, what’s going on, say it quickly.” ”

“What’s going on!” In the face of Ace’s question, Saab didn’t know how to answer, remembering that he had met his noble father in the city before.

“Sabo, who the hell is that man! He seems to know you. Luffy wondered.

“Actually, I am not a child in the garbage dump, the man just now is my father, and I am the child of a nobleman.” Saab still spoke up in the face of the two people’s pressing.


“And then?”

“And what then! I actually ran away from home, because even in that home, I had no real freedom. Saab then told Ace and Luffy about himself.

Luffy understood completely at this moment, and said, “Cut, so these so-called royal and noble guys are really annoying.” ”

“Want to be free? That’s why you want to be a pirate! Ace said with a look of understanding.

“That’s right, I want to be truly free, free than anyone else, so I want to become a pirate and sail freely on this sea.”

“Is it? But in the future, the three of us will create a pirate group, which means that we will definitely not be on the same boat, by the way, you guys wait for me. With that, Ace turned around, and when Ace returned, he already had an extra bottle of wine and three bowls in his hand.

Ace took out a bottle of wine at this time and chuckled: “In the future, the three of us will definitely not be able to be together, you know?” We just drank this glass of wine and thought the three of us were brothers. ”

“Brother? All right! Saab said with some excitement.

“Aren’t we always brothers? But let’s make this drink together! Luffy smiled.

“When we go to sea in the future, the three of us won’t be able to be together, but our friendship will be maintained by brothers!” No matter where we go in the future, our friendship will not change. Saying that, Ace raised his glass first, and Luffy and Saab followed suit.

Ace said excitedly: “From today onwards, the three of us will be brothers. ”

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